Bibliography Fields Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Fiscal Seminar Bibliography and Topics. Williams and Hansen, 1946-47

Alvin Hansen and John H. Williams’  Fiscal Policy Seminar at Harvard was a major parade ground for Keynesian policy ideas in the United States. This post provides a transcription of all 29 pages of bibliography provided for the seminar along with three pages of fiscal policy topics, presumably suggestions for student papers/presentations. An earlier post includes lists of speakers for the first eight years of the seminar.

Harvard’s Fiscal Seminar, speakers 1937-44


Seminar Enrollment

[Economics] 148a. (fall term) Professors J. H. Williams and Hansen. — (A seminar offered by the Graduate School of Public Administration.) Fiscal Policy.

Total 26: 9 Graduates, 17 Public Administration.

[Economics] 148b. (spring term) Professors J. H. Williams and Hansen. — (A seminar offered by the Graduate School of Public Administration.) Fiscal Policy.

Total 22: 7 Graduates, 1 Graduate Business, 14 Public Administration.

Source: Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1946-47, p. 71.




  1. The National Income and Its Composition:
    1. Books:

Barger, Harold — Outlay and Income in the United States, 1942.

Basic Facts on Employment and Production, U. S. Senate Committee on Banking and Currency, 19th Congress, First Session, (Committee Print No. 4).

Bowley, A. L. — Studies in the National Income, 1942.

Clark, C. — National Income and Outlay, 1938.

Fabricant, S. — Capital Consumption and Adjustment, 1938.

Friedrich, C. J. and Mason, E. S., editors — Public Policy, Volume II, Chapters VII, 1941.

Hicks, J. R. — The Social Framework, Oxford, 1942.

Hicks and Hart — The Social Framework of the American Economy, Oxford, 1945.

Kuznets, S. — National Income and Capital Formation, 1919-1935, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1937.

Kuznets, S. — National Income and its Composition, 1919-1938, 2 volumes, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1941.

Lindahl, Dahlgren, and Koch — National Income of Sweden, 1861-1930, 1937.

Livingston, S.M. — Markets After the War. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1943.

Martin, R. F. — National Income in the U.S., 1799-1938, National Industrial Conference Board, 1939.

Meade and Stone, National Income and Expenditure, (Oxford, 1944).

National Wealth and Income —Report by the Federal Trade Commission.

Readings in Income Distribution, Blakiston Co. (1945).

Seventh Report of Director of War Mobilization and Reconversion, July 1, 1946.

Studies in Income and Wealth, National Bureau of Economic Research, 3 volumes, 1937, 1938, and 1939.

    1. Articles:

Gilbert, M. — “Measuring National Income as Affected by the War”, Journal of American Statistical Association, June 1942.

Chawner, L. J. — “Capital Expenditure in Selected Manufacturing Industries”, Survey of Current Business, December 1941.

Kaldor, N. — “The 1941 White Paper on National Income and Expenditure”, Economic Journal, June-September 1942.

Kaldor, N., “The 1943 White Paper on National Income and Expenditure,” Economic Journal, June-September 1943.

Harris, S. E. — “The British White paper on War Finance and National Income and Expenditure”, Journal of Political Economy, February 1942.

Copeland, M.A. — “The Defense Effort and the National Income Response Pattern”, Journal of Political Economy, June 1942.

Survey of Current Business — Articles on National Income and Gross National Product, Various Issues, 1942-46.

Stone, Richard — “National Income in the United Kingdom and the United States of America”, Review of Economic Studies, Winter 1942-1943.

Stone, R. — “Two Studies in Income and Expenditure in the U.S.”, Economic Journal, April 1943.

Stone, Richard —“The National Income Output and Expenditure of U.S.A., 1929-1941”, Economic Journal, June-September 1942.

Painter, Mary S. — “Estimates of Gross National Product, 1919-1928”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, September 1945.

Kalecki, M. — “The White Paper on the National Income and Expenditure in the years 1938-43”, Oxford Institute of Statistics Bulletin, July 1, 1944, Volume 6, No. 9.

Dacey, W. M. — “The 1944 White Paper on National Income and Expenditure”, Economic Journal, June-September 1944.

Bangs, R. B. — “The Changing Relation of Consumer Income and Expenditure”, Survey of Current Business, April 1942.

Gilbert, M. and Bangs, R. B. — “Preliminary Estimates of Gross National Product, 1929-1941”, Survey of Current Business, May 1942.

Gilbert, M. — “War Expenditure and National Production”, Survey of Current Business, March 1942.

Gilbert, M. — “U. S. National Income Statistics”, Economic Journal, April 1943.

Gilbert and Jaszi — “The 1945 White Paper on National Income and Expenditure”, Economic Journal, December 1945.

Smith, T. and Merwin, C. — “Corporate Profits and National Income Estimates, Quarterly, 1938-42”, Survey of Current Business, June 1942.

Hance, W. D. — “Estimates of Annual Business Inventories, 1928-1941”, Survey of Current Business, September 1942.

British White Paper on War Finance, Cmd. 6520 (reprinted in Federal Reserve Bulletin, July 1944.)

Stern, E. H. — “Public Expenditure in the National Income”, Economica, May 1943.

Gilbert, Milton; Staehle, Hans; Woytinsky, W. S. — “National Product, War and Prewar: Some Comments on Professor Kuznets’s Study”, Review of Economic Statistics, August 1944.

Hagen, Everett E. — “Postwar Output in the United States at Full Employment”, Review of Economic Statistics, May 1945.

Hagen, E. E. and Kirkpatrick, N. B. — “The National Output at Full Employment in 1950”, American Economic Review, September 1944.

Hoffenberg, M. — “Estimates of National Output, Distributed Income, Consumer Spending, Saving and Capital Formation”, Review of Economic Statistics, May 1943.

“Consumer Incomes and Expenditures in Wartime”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, April 1944.

  1. Fiscal Policy, Income and Employment
    1. Books.

Arndt, H. W. — The Economic Lessons of the Nineteen Thirties, Oxford, 1944.

Beveridge, W. H. — Full Employment in A Free Society, 1945.

Burchardt and Others — The Economics of Full Employment: Six Studies in Applied Economics, Oxford University Institute of Statistics, 1944.

Burns, A. E. and Watson, D. S. — Government Spending and Economic Expansion, 1940.

Copland, D. B. — The Road to High Employment, Harvard University Press, 1945.

deChazeau, Hart and Others — Jobs and Markets, McGraw-Hill, 1946.

Financing American Prosperity, A symposium (Anderson, Clark, Ellis, Hansen, Slichter, Williams) Twentieth Century Fund, 1945.

Giblin, L. F. — The Problem of Maintaining Full Employment, Melbourne University, 1943.

Hansen, A. H. — Full Recovery or Stagnation, 1938.

Hansen, A. H. — Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles, 1941.

Hansen, A. H. — Economic Policy and Full Employment, 1946.

Harris, S. E. (editor) — Postwar Economic Problems, McGraw-Hill, 1943.

Harris, S. E. (editor) — Economic Reconstruction, McGraw-Hill, 1945.

Hayes, H. Gordon — Spending, Saving, and Employment, Knopf, 1945.

Keynes, J. M. — General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, Harcourt, 1936.

Lerner, A. P. — The Economics of Control, Macmillan, 1944.

Nathan, Otto — Mobilizing for Abundance, McGraw-Hill, 1944.

National Budgets for Full Employment, National Planning Association.

National Resources Planning Board — The Structure of the American Economy, Part II, Toward Full Use of Resources, 1940.

Pigou, A. C. — Lapses from Full Employment, Macmillan, 1945.

Pigou, A. C. — Employment and Equilibrium, Macmillan, 1941.

Polanyi, M. — Full Employment and Free Trade, Cambridge University Press, 1945.

Pierson, J. H. G. — Full Employment, 1941.

Robertson, D. H. — Essays in Monetary Theory, King, 1940.

Ruml, B. and Sonne, H. C. — Fiscal and Monetary Policy, National Planning Association, 1944.

Seven Harvard and Tufts Economists — An Economic Program for American Democracy, 1938.

Williams, John H. Postwar Monetary Plans, 2nd, 1945.

Wilson, T. — Fluctuations in Income and Employment, 1942.

Wright, D. McC. — Creation of Purchasing Power, 1942.

Committee on National Expenditure (May Committee) Cmd. 3920 (1931)

N.E.C. — Final Report of the Executive Secretary, Chapters 5, 7-13, 16.

Postwar Economic Studies, Nos. 1, 3, and 6, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, 1945-6.

    1. Articles:

Lerner, Simons, and Others — “Planning and Paying for Full Employment”, International Postwar Problems, October 1945 and January 1946.

Hardy, C. O. — “Fiscal Policy and National Income: Review”, American Economic Review, March 1942.

Slichter, S. H. — “The Conditions of Expansion”, American Economic Review, March 1942.

Clark, J. M. — “The Relation of Government to the Economy of the Future”, Journal of Political Economy, December 1941.

Temporary National Economic Committee — Review of the Monographs, pp. 573-601, American Economic Review, September 1941.

Gayer, A. D. — “Fiscal Policies”, American Economic Association Proceedings, 1938.

MacGibbon, D. A. — “Fiscal Policy and Business Cycles”, Canadian Journal of Economic and Political Science, February 1943.

Mitchell, W. C. — “Economic Resources in Economic Theory”, University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference, Studies in Economics and industrial Relations, 1941.

Clark, J. M. — “Investment in Relation to Business Activity and Employment”, University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference, Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations, 1941.

Kuznets, S. — “Capital Formation, 1879-1938”, University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference, Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations, 1941.

Slichter, S. H. — “The Development of National Labor Policy”, University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference, Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations, 1941.

Brown, J. D. — “Is Unemployment Inevitable?”, University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference, Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations, 1941.

Berridge, W. A. — “Is Unemployment Inevitable?”, University of Pennsylvania Bicentennial Conference, Studies in Economics and Industrial Relations, 1941.

Clark, J. M. — “An Appraisal of the Workability of Compensatory Devices”, American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1939.

Gayer, A. D. — “Fiscal Policies”, American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1938.

Myrdal, G. — “Fiscal Policy in the Business Cycle”, American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1939.

Seltzer, L. H. — “Direct vs. Fiscal and Institutional Factors”, American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1941.

Simons, H. C. — “Hansen on Fiscal Policy”, Journal of Political Economy, April 1942.

Williams, J. H. — “The Implications of Fiscal Policy for Monetary Policy and the Banking Systems”, American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1942.

Hansen, A. H. — “Income, Consumption, and National Defense”, Yale Review, Autumn, 1941.

Hardy, C. O. — “Fiscal Policy and National Income: Review”, American Economic Review, March 1942.

Somers, H. M. — “The Impact of Fiscal Policy on National Income”, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, August 1942.

Abbott, C. C. — “Administration of Fiscal Policy”, Harvard Business Review, Autumn, 1944.

Abrahamson, A. G. — “The Problem of Full Employment,” Harvard Business Review, Spring, 1944.

Anderson, Clay J. — “The Compensatory Theory of Public Works Expenditure”, The Journal of Political Economy, September 1945.

Beveridge, Sir W. — “The Government’s Employment Policy”, Economic Journal, June-September 1944.

Copeland, Morris A. — “How Achieve Full and Stable Employment”, American Economic Review, March 1944.

Garland, J. M. — “Some Aspects of Full Employment”, Economic Record, December 1944.

Goldenweiser, E. A. — “Postwar Problems and Policies”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, February 1945.

Pigou, A. C. — “The Classical Stationary State”, Economic Journal, December 1943.
(See also comment by M. Kalecki in Economic Journal, April 1944.)

Gragg, C. I. and Teele, S. F. — “The Proposed Full Employment Act”, Harvard Business Review, Spring 1945.

Hansen, A. H. — “Fiscal Policy: A Clarification”, American Economic Review, June 1945.

Hansen, A. H. — “Three Methods of Expansion Through Fiscal Policy”, American Economic Review, June 1945.

Hansen, Harris, Haberler, Slichter, McNair — “Five Views on the Murray Full Employment Bill”, Review of Economic Statistics, August 1945.

Harrod, R. F. — “Full Employment and Security of Livelihood”, Economic Journal, December 1943.

Herrick, L. — “Employment and Postwar Prosperity”, Yale Review, December 1944.

Hirsch, Julius —“Facts and Fantasies Concerning Full Employment”, American Economic Review, March 1944.

Klein, Lawrence R. — “The Cost of a Beveridge Plan in the United States”, Quarterly Journal, May 1944.

Langer, H. C., Jr. — “Maintaining Full Employment”, American Economic Review, December 1943.

McNair, Malcolm P. — “The Full Employment Problem”, Harvard Business Review, Autumn 1945.

Pierson, J. H. G. — “The Underwriting of Aggregate Consumer Spending as a Pillar of Full-Employment Policy”, American Economic Review, March 1944.

Smithies, Arthur — “Full Employment in a Free Society”, American Economic Review, June 1945.

Smullyan, E. B. — “Seventeen Postwar Plans — The Pabst Postwar Employment Awards”, American Economic Review, March 1945.

Wallich, H. C. — “Income-Generating Effects of a Balanced Budget”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1944.

Warburton, C. — “Normal Production, Income, and Employment, 1945-1965”, Southern Economic Journal, January 1945.

Welcker, J. W. — “The Federal Budget: A Challenge to Businessmen”, Harvard Business Review, Summer 1944.

Williams, John H. — “The Postwar Monetary Plans”, American Economic Review, March 1944.

Williams, R. S. — “Fiscal Policy and Propensity to Consume”, Economic Journal, December 1945.

Woytinsky, W.S. and Halasi, A. — “Prospects of Permanent Full Employment”, International Postwar Problems, September 1944.

Wright, D. McC. — “The Future of Keynesian Economics”, American Economic Review, June 1945.

Wright, D. McC. — “Hopes and Fears — The Shape of Things to Come”, Review of Economic Statistics, November 1944.

Yntema, Theodore O. — “Full Employment in a Private Enterprise System”, American Economic Review, March 1944.

“Employment Policy in Great Britain: The Government’s White Paper”, International Labor Review, August 1944.

Beattie, J. R. — “Some Aspects of the Problem of Full Employment”, Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, August 1944.

Joseph, J. F. W., “The British White Paper on Employment Policy”, American Economic Review, September 1944.

  1. Saving and Investment
    1. Books:

Angell, J. W. — Investment and Business Cycles, 1941.

Hansen, A. H. — N. F. C. Hearings, Part IX, 1939.

Long, C. D. — Building Cycles and the Theory of Investment, 1940.

Machinery and Allied Products Institute — Savings and American Progress, December 1937.

Machinery and Allied Products Institute — Savings and Investment in the American Enterprise System, July 1939.

Moulton, H. G. — The Formation of Capital, Brookings, 1935.

National Industrial Conference Board — Capital Formation and Its Elements, 1939.

Postwar Economic Studies, No. 5., Federal Reserve Board, 1946.

Private Capital Requirements, Postwar Economic Studies, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, 1945.

Williams, John H., Postwar Monetary Plans, 2nd, 1946.

N.E.C. Monograph No. 37, Saving, Investment and National Income.

    1. Articles:

Freeman and Barre — “Saving and Spending Pattern,” American Economic Review, June 1944.

Ezekiel, M. — “Saving, Consumption and Investment,” American Economic Review, March and June 1942.

Abramovitz, M. —“Savings and Investment: Profits vs. Prosperity,” American Economic Review, Supplement, June 1942.

Silberling, N. J. — “Some Aspects of Durable Consumer Goods Financing and Investment Fluctuations,” American Economic Review, September 1938.

Slichter, S. H. — “The Conditions of Expansion,” American Economic Review, March 1942.

Hoover, C. B. (Chairman) — “Durable Consumers Goods,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1938.

Weintraub, D. — “Effects of Current and Prospective Technological Developments Upon Capital Formation,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1939.

Deibler, F. S. (Chairman) — “The Effects of Industrial and Technological Developments Upon the Demand for Capital,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1939.

Crum, W. L. (Chairman) — “Income and Capital Formation,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1939.

Ruggles, C. — “Corporate Surpluses, Income and Employment,” American Economic Review, December 1939.

Dirks, F. C. — “Durable Goods Expenditures in 1941,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, April 1942.

Gilboy, E. W. — “The Propensity to Consume,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1938.

Gilboy, E. W. — “Changes in Consumption Expenditures and the Defense Program,” Review of Economic Statistics, November 1941.

Humphrey, D. D. — “The Relation of Surpluses to Income and Employment During Depression,” American Economic Review, June 1938.

Shackle, G. L. S. — “A Means of Promoting Investment,” Economic Journal, June-September 1941.

Simpson, K. — “Securities Markets and the Investment Process,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1938.

“Status and Role of Private Investment in the American Economy,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1941.

Tucker, R. S. — “Estimates of Savings of American Families,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1942.

Weintraub, D. — “Effects of Current and Prospective Technological Developments Upon Capital Formation,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1939.

Isard, W. A. — “A Neglected Cycle: The Transport-Building Cycle,” Review of Economic Statistics, November 1942.

Hicks, J. R. — “Maintaining Capital Intact: A Further Suggestion,” Economica, May 1942.

Wright, D. McC. — “The interpretation of the Kuznets-Fabricant Figures for ‘Net’ Capital Consumption,” Journal of Political Economy, June 1942.

Fulcher, G. S. — “Annual Saving and Underspending of Individuals 1926-37,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1941.

Gilbert, R. V. and Perlo, V. — “The Investment Factor Method of Forecasting Business Activity,” Econometrica, July-October 1942.

O’Leary, J. J. — “Malthus and Keynes,” Journal of Political Economy, December 1942.

Terborgh, G. — “Estimated Expenditures for Durable Goods, 1919-1938,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, September 1939.

Anderson, Montgomery, “A Formula for Total Savings,” Quarterly Journal, November 1943.

Jones, M. V. — “Secular and Cyclical Saving Propensities,” Journal of Business, University of Chicago, January 1944.

Leontief, W. W. — “Output, Employment, Consumption, and Investment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1944.

Neisser, Hans— “Government Net Contribution and Foreign Balance As Offset to Savings,” Review of Economic Statistics, November 1944.

Wright, D. McC. — “Limits to the Use of Capital,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1944.

  1. Technology, Population, and Investment:
    1. Books:

Gourvitch, Survey of Economic Theory on Technological Change and Employment, W.P.A. National Research Project, Report No. G-6 (1940).

Hearings, Temporary National Economic Committee, Part IX, 1939.

Lederer, E. — Technical Progress and Unemployment, International Labour Office, 1938.

Machinery and Allied Products Institute — Ten Facts on Technology and Employment, February 1936.

Machinery and Allied Products Institute — More Facts on Technology and Employment, April 1936.

Moulton, H. G. et al. — Capital Expansion, Employment and Economic Stability, 1940.

Myrdal, G. — Population, a Problem for Democracy, 1940.

National Resources Committee — Technological Trends and National Policy, 1937.

National Resources Committee — The Problem of a Changing Population, 1938.

Reddaway, W. B. — The Economics of a Declining Population, 1939.

Terborgh, G. — The Bogey of Economic Maturity, Machinery and Allied Products Institute, 1945.

Weintraub, D. — Effects of Technological Developments Upon Capital Formation, National Research Project, Report g-4 (1939).

T.N.E.C. Hearings, Part 30, Technology and Concentration of Economic Power.

T.N.E.C. Monograph, No. 22, Technology in Our Economy.

    1. Articles:

Neisser, H. P. — “Permanent Technological Unemployment,” American Economic Review, March 1942.

Dulles, E. — “War and Investment Opportunities: An Historical Analysis,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, March 1942.

McLauchlin, G. E. and Watkins, R. J. — “The Problem of Industrial Growth in a Mature Economy,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1939.

DuBrul, S.M. (Chairman) — “Expansion and Contraction in the American Economy,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1939.

Fleming, J. M. — “Secular Unemployment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1939.

Hansen, A. H. — “Extensive Expansion and Population Growth,” Journal of Political Economy, August 1940.

Hawley, A. H. and Bogue, D. J. — “Recent Shifts in Population: 1930-40,” Review of Economic Statistics, August 1942.

Round Table on Population Problems, American Economic Association Proceedings, 1940, pp. 283-298.

Weintraub, D. (Director) — “Unemployment and Increasing Productivity,” National Research Project, W.P.A., 1937.

Weintraub, D. (Director) — “Summary of Findings to Date,” National Research Project, W.P.A., March 1938.

Weintraub, D. — “Effects of Current and Prospective Technological Developments Upon Capital Formation,” National Research Project, 1939.

Gill, C. — “Unemployment and Technological Change,” National Research Project, W.P.A., 1950.

Gourvitch, A. — “Survey of Economic Theory on Technological Change and Employment,” National Research Project, W.P.A., 1940.

Hopkins, J. A. — “Changing Technology and Employment in Agriculture,” National Research Project, W.P.A., 1941.

Fellner, W. — “The Technological Argument of the Stagnation Thesis,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1941.

Lonigan, E. — “The Effect of Modern Technological Conditions Upon the Employment of Labor,” American Economic Review, June 1939.

Staehle, H. — “Employment in Relation to Technical Progress,” Review of Economic Statistics, May 1940.

Hansen, A. H. — “Economic Progress and a Declining Population Growth,” American Economic Review, March 1939.

Keynes, J. M. — “Some Consequences of a Declining Population,” Eugenics Review, Volume XXX, No. 1, April 1937.

Spengler, J. J. — “Population Movements and Economic Equilibrium in the United States,” Journal of Political Economy, April 1940.

Sweezy, A. R. — “Population Growth and Investment Opportunity,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1940.

Hansen, A. H. — “Some Notes on Terborgh’s ‘The Bogey of Economic Maturity,’” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1946.

Wright, D. M. — “Terborgh vs. Hansen,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1946.

Samuelson, P. A. — “Dynamics, Statics, and the Stationary State,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1943.

King, W. I. — “Are We Suffering From Economic Maturity?” Journal of Political Economy, October 1939.

Jones, M. V. — “Secular Trends and Idle Resources,” Journal of Business, October 1944.

  1. The Role of Public Investment
    1. Books:

Bretherton, Burchardt, Rutherford — Public Investment and the Trade Cycle in Great Britain, 1941.

Duffus, R. L. — The Valley and Its People: A Portrait of TVA, 1945.

Gayer, A. D. — Public Works in Prosperity and Depression, 1935.

Hansen, A. H. and Perloff, H. S. — Regional Resource Development, National Planning Association, 1942.

Housing, Social Security and Public Works, Postwar Economic Studies, No. 6, Federal Reserve Board, 1946.

International Development Loans, National Planning Association, 1942.

Lilienthal, David — V.A. Democracy on the March, (Harpers, 1944).

National Resources Committee — Public Works Planning, Report of the Committee, 1937.

National Resources Planning Board — The Structure of the American Economy, Part II, Toward Full Use of Resources, 1940.

National Resources Planning Board — The Economic Effects of the Federal Public Works Expenditures, 1833-1938, November 1940.

National Resources Planning Board — National Resources Development Report for 1942, January 1942.

Staley, E. — World Economic Development, 1944.

    1. Articles:

Government Expansion in the Economic Sphere,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November 1939.

Lewis, B. W. — “Government Competition and Private Investment,” American Economic Review, June 1939.

Copeland, M.A. — “Public Investment in the United States,” American Economic Association, Proceedings, 1939.

Blakey, R. G. (Chairman) — “The Role of Public Investment and Consumer Capital Formation,” American Economic Association Proceedings, 1939.

“Economic Planning,” pp. 247-280, American Economic Association Proceedings, 1940.

Gibson, A. H. — “Will Banking Eventually Become Nationalized?” Bankers’ Magazine, March 1944.

Hansen, A. H. and Kindleberger, C. — “World Institutions for Stability and Expansion,” Foreign Affairs, January 1944.

Smithies, Arthur — “The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,” American Economic Review, December 1944.

Benedict, M. R. — “The Relation of Public to Private Lending Agencies (in Agriculture) and Recent Trends in Their Development,” Journal of Farm Economy, February 1945.

  1. Urban Redevelopment and Housing:
    1. Books:

Colean, Miles L. — American Housing, Problems and Prospects, 1944.

Greer, G. and Others — The Problem of Urban Redevelopment, Institute on Postwar Reconstruction, 1944.

Greer and Hansen — Urban Redevelopment and Housing, National Planning Association, 1942.

Housing, Social Security, and Public Works, Postwar Economic Studies, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, 1946.

Housing Costs, Bulletin No. 2, National Housing Agency, 1944.

Housing Needs, Bulletin No. 1, National Housing Agency, 1944.

Housing After World War I, Bullentin No. 4, National Housing Agency, 1945.

Hearings on S. 1592, Committee on Banking and Currency, U.S. Senate, 79th Congress, 1st

Land Assembly for Urban Redevelopment, Bulletin No. 3, National Housing Agency, 1945.

National Resources Committee — Housing Monographs, Nos. 1-3, 1939.

National Resources Planning Board — Housing, the Continuing Problem, June 1940.

Postwar Economic Studies, No. 6, Federal Reserve Board, 1946.

Simon, Sir Ernest, Re-building BritainA Twenty-year Plan (Victor Gollancz, 1945).

Uthwatt Report, Cmd. 6386 (1942).

The Problem of the Cities and Towns — Conference on Urbanism, Harvard University, 1942.

S. 1592, 70th Congress, 2nd Session — An Act to Establish a National Housing Policy.

T.N.E.C. Monograph No. 8, Toward More Housing.

    1. Articles:

Greer, Guy — “Housing,” Fortune, November 1944.

Greer, Guy — “A New Start for Cities,” Fortune, September 1944.

Husband, W. H. — “Interest Rates for Home Financing,” American Economic Review, June 1940.

French, D. M. — “The Contest for a National System of Home-Mortgage Finance,” American Political Science Review, February 1941.

“Call of Our Cities, Redevelopment and Postwar Housing,” Survey Graphic, April 1944.

Grebler, L. — “Housing Policy and the Building Cycle,” Review of Economic Statistics, May 1942.

Isard, W. and Isard C. — “The Transport-Building Cycle in Urban Development: Chicago,” Review of Economic Statistics, November 1943.

  1. Income Distribution, Consumption, and Saving:
    1. Books:

Bangs, R. B. — The Changing Relation of Consumer Income and Expenditure, April 1942.

Department of Agriculture — Consumer Purchases Studies, on Family Income and Expenditures, 1939-1941.

Family Spending and Saving in Wartime, Bulletin No. 822, U.S. Department of Labor, 1945.

Fisher, A. G. B., Economic Progress and Social Security (Macmillan, 1945).

Haberler, G. — Consumer Instalment Credit and Economic Fluctuations, 1942.

Leven, Moulton and Warburton — America’s Capacity to Consume, Brookings, 1934.

Leven, M. — The Income Structure of the U.S., 1938.

Moulton, H. G. — Income and Economic Progress, Brookings, 1935.

National Resources Committee — Consumer Expenditures in the U.S., 1933-36, 1939.

National Resources Planning Board — Family Expenditures in the U.S., Statistical Tables and Appendices, June 1941.

Nourse, E. G. — America’s Capacity to Produce.

T.N.E.C. Monograph No. 4, Concentration and Composition of Individual Incomes, 1918-1937.

    1. Articles:

Tucker, R. S. — “Estimates of Savings of American Families,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1942.

Green, A. R. — “Social Reconstruction by the Regulation of Incomes,” Economic Journal, April 1942.

Stauffacher, C. — “The Effect of Governmental Expenditures and Tax Withdrawals Upon Income Distribution, 1930-1939,” Public Policy, Volume II, 1941.

Tucker, R. S. — “The National Resources Committee’s Report on Distribution of Income,” Review of Economic Statistics, November 1940.

Gilboy, E. W. — “Income-Expenditure Relations,” Review of Economic Statistics, August 1940.

Pancoast, O., Jr. — “Malthus vs. Ricardo: The Effects of Distribution on Production,” Political Science Quarterly, March 1943.

Samuelson, P. A. — “Fiscal Policy and Income Determination,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1942.

Metzler, L. A. — “Effects of Income Distribution,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1943.

Pigou, A. C. — “Comparisons of Real Income,” Economica, May 1943.

Rhodes, E.C. — “The Distribution of incomes,” Economica, August 1942.

Smullyan, E. B. — “Net Investment, Consumption and Full Employment,” American Economic Review, December 1944.

Sweezy, A. R. — “Reply (to E. B. Smullyan),” American Economic Review, December 1944.

  1. Wages, Costs, and Prices:
    1. Books:

Abramovitz — Price Theory for a Changing Economy (Columbia U. Press, 1939).

Clark, J. M. — Demobilization of Wartime Economic Controls (McGraw-Hill, 1944).

de Chazeau, and others — Jobs and Markets (McGraw-Hill, 1944).

Financing American Prosperity, 20th Century Fund (1945).

Harris, S. E. — Inflation and the American Economy (McGraw-Hill, 1945).

Harris, S. E. — Price and Related Controls in the U.S. (McGraw-Hill, 1945).

Lange, O. — Price Flexibility and Employment, 1944.

National Bureau of Economic Research — Cost Behavior and Price Policy, 1943.

Oxford institute of Statistics, The Economics of Full Employment (Blackwell, 1944).

Pigou, A. C., Lapses from Full Employment (Macmillan, 1945).

Prices, Wages, and Employment, Postwar Economic Studies, no. 4, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, 1946.

T.N.E.C. Hearings, Part 5, Monopolistic Practices in Industries.

National Resources Planning Board, The Structure of the American Economy, Part II (1940).

    1. Articles:

Mund, V. A. — “Monopolistic Competition Theory and Public Price Policy,” American Economic Review, December 1942.

Bangs, R. B. — “Wage Reductions and Employment,” Journal of Political Economy, April 1942.

Ezekiel, M. — “Productivity, Wage Rates, and Employment,” American Economic Review, September 1940.

Sweezy, A. — “Wages and Investment,” Journal of Political Economy, February 1942.

Weintraub, S. — “Monopoly Equilibrium and Anticipated Demand,” Journal of Political Economy, June 1942.

Bergson, A. — “Price Flexibility and the Level of Income,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1943.

Keynes, J. M. — “Relative Movements of Real Wages and Output,” Economic Journal, March 1939.

  1. Taxation, Investment, and Consumption:
    1. Books:

Butters, J. K. and Lintner, J. — Effect of Federal Taxes on Growing Enterprises, Study No. 2, Polaroid Corporation, 1945.

Colm, G. and Lehmann, F. — Economic Consequences of Recent American Tax Policy, 1939.

Committee on National Debt and Taxation (Colwyn Committee) Cmd. 2800 (1927).

Curran, Kenneth J. — Excess Profits Taxation, 1943.

Groves, H. M. — Production, Jobs, and Taxes, McGraw-Hill, 1944.

Groves, H. M. — Postwar Taxation and Economic Progress, McGraw-Hill, 1946.

Hazelett, C. W. — Incentive Taxation, 1939.

Hicks, J. R. and U. K. — The Incidence of Social Rates in G. B., (Occasional Paper No. 8 of National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Cambridge U. Press, 1945).

Koch, Albert R. — The Financing of Large Corporations1929-39, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1943.

Machinery and Allied products Institute — Taxes and American Progress, March 1938.

Mering, O. — The Shifting and Incidence of Taxation, (Blakiston, 1942).

Newcomer, M. — A Tax Policy for Postwar America, Postwar Goals and Economic Reconstruction, Series 2, No. 6, 1943.

Tarasov, Helen, Who Does Pay the Taxes? Supplement IV, Social Research, (1942).

T.N.E.C. Monograph, No. 3, Who Pays the Taxes?

T.N.E.C. Monograph, No. 9, Taxation of Corporate Enterprise.

T.N.E.C. Monograph, No. 12, Profits and New Investment.

    1. Articles:

Benham, F. — “What is the Best Tax System?” Economica, May 1942.

Bradley, P. D. — “The Direct Effects of a Corporate Income Tax,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1942.

Gilbert, D. W. — “Taxation and Economic Stability,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1942.

Pettengill, R. B. — “Division of the Tax Burden Among Income Groups in the United States in 1936,” American Economic Review, March 1940.

Kuznets, S. — “National Income and Taxable Capacity,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, March 1942.

Colm, G. — “Full Employment Through Tax Policy? Social Research, November 1940.

Gilbert, D. W. — “Taxation and Economic Stability,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1942.

Paul, R. E. — “Redesigning Federal Taxation,” Harvard Business Review, Winter 1941.

Friedman, M. and Poole, K. E. — “The Spending Tax,” American Economics Review, March 1943.

Boulding, K. E. — “The Incidence of a Profits Tax,” American Economic Review, September, 1944.

Brown E. C. and Patterson, G. — “Accelerated Depreciation: A Neglected Chapter in War Taxation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1943.

Buehler, A. G. — “The Sales Tax,” Bulletin National Tax Association, February 1945.

Buehler, A. G. — “The Taxation of Business,” Bulletin National Tax Association, December 1944.

Burkhead, J. V. — “Property Tax as a Burden on Shelter,” Journal of Land and Public Utility Economics, August 1944.

Ciriacy-Wantrup, C. — “Taxation and the Conservation of Resources,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1944.

Domar, E. D. and Musgrave, R. A. — “Proportional Income Taxation and Risk-Taking,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1944.

Dowell, A. A. and Toben, G. E. — “Some Economic Effects of Graduated Income Tax Rates on Investors in Farm Capital,” Journal of Farm Economics, May 1944.

Dowsett, W. T. — “The Tax Lag Myth,” Economic Record, December 1944.

Ebersole, J. F. — “Banks Can Make More Postwar Jobs,” Harvard Business Review, Part I, Autumn 1943.

Goode, R. — “The Corporate Income Tax and the Price Level,” American Economic Review, March 1945.

Hubbard, J. C. — “Income Creation by Means of Income Taxation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1944.

Macy, C. W. — “The Corporation Net Income Tax and the Cost-Price Structure,” Bulletin of National Tax Association, May 1944.

Magill, R. — “Business, Investment and Taxation,” Trusts and Estates, October 1943.

May, G. O. — “Corporate Structures and Federal Income Taxation,” Harvard Business Review, Part I, Autumn 1943.

Wald, H. P. — “A Comparative Analysis of Three Variations of Retail Sales Taxes,” American Economic Review, June 1944.

Ballantine, A. A. — “The Corporation and the Income Tax,” Harvard Business Reivew, Spring 1944.

  1. The Public Debt and Debt Management
    1. Books:

Cadman, F. F. — National Income and Deficit Financing, 1939.

Colwyn Report, Committee on National Debt and Taxation, Cmd. 2800, (1927).

Ellis, P. W. — The World’s Biggest BusinessAmerican Public Spending, 1914-1944, 1944.

Fine, Sherwood — Public Spending and Postwar Economic Policy, 1944.

Moulton, H. G. — The New Philosophy of Public Debt, Brookings, 1943.

Phillips, C. F. and Garland, J. V. — Government Spending and Economic Recovery, 1938.

Public Finance and Full Employment, Postwar Economic Studies, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, 1946.

Seckler-Hudson, C. (Editor) — The Evolution of the Budgetary Concept in The Federal Government, 1944.

Villard, H. H. — Deficit Spending and the National Income, 1941.

Williams, J. H. — Post War Monetary Plans, (2nd 1945).
(See also titles in other sections)

    1. Articles:

Ratchford, B. U. — “The Burden of a Domestic Debt,” American Economic Review, September 1942.

Haley, B. F. — “The Federal Budget: Economic Consequences of Deficit Financing,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1941.

Hansen, A. H. and Greer, Guy — “The Federal Debt and the Future, Harpers, April 1942.

Higgins, B. and Musgrave, R. A. — “Deficit Finance —The Case Examined,” Public Policy, Volume II, 1941.

Smith, D. T. — “Is Deficit Spending Practical?” Harvard Business Review, Autumn 1939.

Williams, J. H. — “Federal Budget: Economic Consequences of Deficit Spending,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1941.

Williams, J. H. — “The Implications of Fiscal Policy for Monetary Policy and the Banking System,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, 1942.

Mitnitzky, M. — “Aspects of Government Borrowing,” American Economic Review, March 1943.

Roberts, R. O. — “Ricardo’s Theory of Public Debts,” Economica, August 1942.

Domar, E. D. — “The ‘Burden of the Debt’ and the National Income,” American Economic Review, December 1944.

Hansen, A. H. — “National Debt, Flexible Budget and Tax Cut,” Bulletin of National Tax Association, May 1944.

Poindexter, J. C. — “Fallacies of Interest-Free Deficit Financing,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1944.

Stettner, Walter F. — “Sir James Stewart on the Public Debt,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1945.

Warburton, Clark. — “The Monetary Theory of Deficit Spending,” Review of Economic Statistics, May 1945.

Wright, D. McC. — “Interest-Free Deficit Financing: A Reply,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1944.

Bell, E. V. — “Consequences of $300,000,000,000 Debt,” Savings Bank Journal, February 1945.

Lanston, A. G. — “Crucial Problems of the Federal Debt,” Harvard Business Review, Winter 1946.

Leland, S. E. — “The Government, the Banks, and the Debt,” Commercial and Financial Chronicle, January 17, 1946.

Slater, A. — “U.S. Debt Pattern,” (Public and Private Debt), Survey of Current Business, September 1945.

Shoup, Carl — “Postwar Federal Interest Charge,” Supplement of American Economic Review, Part 2, June 1944.

Simons, H. C. — “On Debt Policy,” Journal of Political Economy, December 1944.

Simons, H. C. — “Debt Policy and Fiscal Policy,” Rev. of Econ. Stat., May 1946.

Abbott, Charles C. — “Management of the Federal Debt,” Harvard Business Review, Autumn 1945.

Leland, Simeon E. — “Management of the Public Debt After the War,” American Economic Review Supplement, Part 2, June 1944.

Symposium on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Rev. of Econ. Stat., May 1946.

  1. Fiscal Policy and the War Economy:
    1. Books:

Crowther, G. — Ways and Means of War, 1940.

Crum, Fennelly, Seltzer — Fiscal Planning for Total War, 1942.

Durbin, E. F. M. — How to Pay for the War, 1941.

Harris, S. E. — Economics of American Defense.

Hart and Allen — Paying for Defense, 1941.

Hicks, J. R., Hicks, U. K., and Rostas, L. — The Taxation of War Wealth, 1941.

Keynes, J. M. — How to Pay for the War, Harcourt, 1940.

Parkinson, J. F. — Canadian War Economics, 1941.

Seidemann, H. P. — Curtailment of Non-Defense Expenditures, Brookings Institution Pamphlet No. 30, 1941.

Spiegel, H. W. — The Economics of Total War, 1942.

Stein and Backman (Editors) — War Economics, 1942.

Tax Institute Symposium — Financing the War, 1942.

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics — Study of Consumer Purchases, 1939-1941.

    1. Articles

“Billions for Defense,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, March 1941.

“Bank Credit and War Finance,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 1942.

Clark, J. M. — “Further Remarks on Defense Financing and Inflation,” Review of Economic Statistics, August 1941.

Crum, W. L. — “Paying for the War,” Academy of Political Science Proceedings, May 1942.

Douglas, M. — “Limitations of the Financial Factor in a War Economy,” Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, August 1942.

Eccles, M. S. — “How Shall We Pay for the War?”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, March 1942.

George, C. O. — “British Public Finance in Peace and War,” Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Part III, 1941.

Hansen, A. H. — “Monetary and Fiscal Controls in Wartime,” Yale Review, Winter 1940.

Hansen, A. H. — “Defense Financing and Inflation Potentialities,” Review of Economic Statistics, February 1941.

Hansen, A. H. — “Some Additional Comments on the Inflation Symposium,” Review of Economics Statistics, May 1941.

Hansen, A. H. and Others — “Some Economic Problems of War, Defense, and Postwar Reconstruction,” American Economic Review, February 1941.

Hansen, A. H. — “We Can Pay the War Bill,” The Atlantic, October 1942.

Hart, A. G. — “Flexible Taxes to Combat Inflation,” American Economic Review, March 1942.

Hart, A. G. — “What It Takes to Block Inflation,” Review of Economic Statistics, August 1942.

Feiler, A. — “‘Full Employment of Resources’ and War Economy,” (Note) Social Research, February 1942.

Mackintosh, W. A. — “Canadian War Financing,” Journal of Political Economy, August 1942.

Polak, J. J. — “Rationing of Purchasing Power to Restrict Consumption,” Economica, August 1941.

Roberts, G. and Others — “War Finance and Inflation,” Academy of Political Science Proceedings, May 1942.

Villard, H. H. — “The Effect of the War Upon Capital Markets,” American Economic Review Proceedings, March 1942.

Viner, J. — “Inflation: Menace or Bogey?” Yale Review, Summer 1942.

Blakey, R. G. and G. C. — “The Revenue Act of 1941,” American Economic Review, December 1941.

Weintraub, S. — “Compulsory Savings in Great Britain,” Harvard Business Review, Autumn 1941.

Hansen, A. H. — “Changes in Economic Structure Arising Out of the War and Their Implications for Public Policy,” Part III, Chapter IV, Public Policy, Volume III, Harvard University, 1942.

Fellner, W. — “War Finance and Inflation,” American Economic Review, June 1942.

Salant, W. A. — “The Inflationary Gap,” American Economic Review, June 1942.

Pigou, A. C. — “Types of War Inflation,” Economic Journal, December, 1941.

Nathan, O. and Fried, M. — “Consumer Spending, Inflation and the Wage Earner in the United States,” International Labour Review, February 1942.

Blakey, R. G. and C. C. — “Federal Revenue Legislation, 1943-44,” American Political Science Review, April 1944.

Ensley, G. W. — “Budget for the Nation,” Social Research, September 1943.

Haig, R. M. — “The Background of Our War Finance,” Political Science Quarterly, September 1943.

Harris, C. L. — “Revenue Implications of a Progressive-Rate Tax on Expenditure,” Review of Economic Statistics, August 1943.

Mosak, J. L. and Salant, W. S. — “Income, Money, and Prices in War-Time,” American Economic Review, December 1944.

Newcomer, M. — “Congressional Tax Policies in 1943,” American Economic Review, December 1944.

Seligman, H. L. — “Patterns of Wartime Borrowing in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, November 1944.

Allen, E. D. — “Treasury Tax Policies in 1943,” American Economic Review, December 1944.

Hansen, A. H. — “A General View of the Institutional Effects of the War,” American Economic Review Supplement, March 1942.

Musgrave, R. A. and Seligman, H. L. — “The Wartime Tax Effort in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada,” Federal Reserve Bulletin, January 1944.

  1. Fiscal Policy in the Post War:
    1. Books:

Clark, C. — The Conditions of Economic Progress, 1940.

Eccles and Others — Curbing Inflation Through Taxation, Symposium, Tax Institute, 1944.

Galloway, G. B. and Associates — Planning for America, 1941.

Galloway, G. B. — Postwar Planning in the U.S., 1942.

Hansen, A. H. — After the WarFull Employment, National Resources Planning Board, January 1942; Revised, February 1943.

National Planning Association, Pamphlet No. 15 — International Development Loans, September 1942.

Shoup, C. — Federal Finances in the Coming Decade, 1941.

Shoup, Carl; Friedman, Milton; and Mack, Ruth P. — Taxing to Prevent Inflation, 1943.

Financing American Prosperity; 20th Century Fund (1945).

    1. Articles:

Hansen, A. H. — “Wanted: Ten Million Jobs”, Atlantic Monthly, September 1943.

Hansen, Alvin H., and Guy Greer — “Toward Full Use of Our Resources”, Fortune, November 1942.

“From War to Work”, (Articles by Sir Arthur Greenwood, Marriner Eccles, B. Ruml, Sidney Hollman, Walther Nash, Alvin Hansen) Survey Graphic, May 1943.

Clark, J. M. — “Economic Adjustments After Wars: The Theoretical Issues”, American Economic Review Supplement, March 1942.

Blakey, R. G. — “State and Local Postwar Financial Policies”, Bulletin of National Tax Association, March 1944.

Burrell, O. K. — “The Pattern of Postwar Federal Taxes”, Oregon Business Review, December 31, 1944; January 31, 1945.

Butters, J. Keith — “An Appraisal of Postwar Tax Plans”, Harvard Business Review, Winter 1945.

Butters, J. Keith — “Tax Revisions for Reconversion Needs”, Harvard Business Review, Spring 1944.

Eccles, M. S. — “Statement on a Capital Gains Tax to Curb Rising Prices of Capital Values”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, March 1945.

Groves, Harold M. — “Revising the Postwar Federal Tax System”, American Economic Review Supplement, Part 2, June 1944.

Haygood, T. F. — “Federal Fiscal Measures and Agricultural Prosperity”, Agricultural Financial Review, November 1944.

Heer, C. — “Styles in Postwar Taxation”, (Review Article), Bulletin of National Tax Association, December 1944.

Houston, G. S. — “Postwar Taxes: Individuals vs. Corporate Tax Reduction”, Trusts and Estates, December 1944.

Howenstine, E. J., Jr. — “Methods of Federal Financing of Postwar Public Works”, Bulletin of National Tax Association, February 1945.

Lerner, A. P. — “Government Spending, Public Debt and Postwar Taxation”, International Postwar Problems, January 1945.

Lutz, H. L. — “A Postwar Tax Program”, Bulletin of National Tax Association, June 1944.

Musgrave, R. A. — “Three Plans for Postwar Taxation: A Comparison of the CED, Twin Cities and Ruml-Sonne Tax Proposals”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, December 1944.

Shoup, C. — “Three Plans for Postwar Taxation”, American Economic Review, December 1944.

Slichter, S. H. — “Present Savings and Postwar Markets”, Harvard Business Review, Part II, Autumn 1943.

Spero, H. and Leavitt, J. A. — “Inflation as a Postwar Problem”, Journal of Political Economy, August 1943.

Wolman, Leo — “Policies of Postwar Employment”, Political Science Quarterly, December 1943.

“Possibilities of Postwar Inflation and Suggested Tax Action”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, March 1944.

“Slowing Down of Credit Expansion”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 1944.

“War Finance and Banking”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, August 1944.

“The Wartime Expansion of Liquid Assets”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, October 1944.

Bell, D. W. — “Financing the War and the Postwar Readjustment”, Federal Reserve Bulletin, January 1944.

Hansen, A. H. and Kindleberger, C. P. — “The Economic Tasks of the Postwar World”, Foreign Affairs, April 1942.

Hansen, A. H. — “Changes in Economic Structure Arising Out of the War and Their Implications for Public Policy”, Public Policy, Volume III, 1942.

Slichter, S. H. — “Postwar Boom or Collapse”, Harvard Business Review, Autumn 1942.

Thorp, W. L. — “Postwar Depressions”, American Economic Review Proceedings, 1941.

Gustin, R. P. and Holme, S. A. — “An Approach to Postwar Planning”, Harvard Business Review, Summer 1942.

  1. Inter-governmental Relations:
    1. Books:

Federal, State, and Local Government Fiscal Relations, U.S. Treasury Department, 1943.

Hansen and Perloff — State and Local Finance in the National Economy, 1944.

Hicks, J. R. and U. K. — Standards of Local Expenditure, Macmillan, New York, 1943.

Silver, A. N. — The Reform of Local Government Finance, 1945.

    1. Articles:

Blakey, R. G. (Chairman) — “Coordination of Federal, State and Local Fiscal Systems”, American Economic Review Supplement, March 1942.

Blakey, R. G. — “State and Local Taxation of Federal Property”, Bulletin of National Tax Association, January 1945.

Graves, W. B. and Scholz, K. W. H. — “Meeting the Needs for State and Local Revenues in the Postwar Era”, American Political Science Review, October 1944.

Haig, R. M. — “Federal-State Financial Relations: A Conscientious Governor Studies a Senate Document,” Political Science Quarterly, June 1944.

Heer, C. — “State and Local Finance in the Postwar Plans of the South,” Southern Economic Journal, January 1945.

Hicks, J. R. and U. K. — “The Beveridge Plan and Local Government Finance”, Review of Economic Studies, Winter, 1943.

Kaiser, A. R. — “Coordination of Federal and Local Revenue Sources”, Bulletin of National Tax Association, November 1944.

Pond, C. B. — “Impact of the War on State Tax Systems”, Bulletin of National Tax Association, November 1943.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in economics, 1895-2003. Box 4, Folder “Economics 1946-47 (2 of 2)”.



  1. Fiscal policy as a business-cycle control measure contrasted with fiscal policy as a means for structural readjustment.
  2. The fiscal problems growing out of war and depression contrasted.
  3. Deficit spending and its limits.
  4. A high-consumption economy vs. a high-savings economy.
  5. The dual economy and its relation to stability and full employment; the role of the government corporation (T.V.A., R.F.C., etc.); the program of the British Labor Party.
  6. The relation between income, output, and employment in the short run and in the long run.
  7. The public debt as an instrument of fiscal policy.
  8. The economic background of war-time expansion in the United States compared with that in Great Britain.
  9. Increased production vs. reduced consumption as war-time anti-inflation measures.
  10. Consumption, investment, income, and national expenditure in war time.
  11. The relation and importance of the various war-time control schemes (direct controls, monetary controls, fiscal controls).
  12. The timing of the various control measures in the transition period.
  13. Federal non-armament expenditures during the war.
  14. The control of non-essential investments in war time.
  15. A sharply progressive income tax vs. consumption taxes as a means to reduce war-time consumption.
  16. The relation between taxation and borrowing at different stages in the war and transition periods.
  17. Fiscal policy and the control of inflation in the postwar.
  18. “Easy money” and the role of monetary control in the prevention of postwar inflation.
  19. The taxation of war wealth.
  20. The Keynes plan of deferred wage payments as a means to prevent war-time inflation.
  21. Accumulation of social security reserves as a means to prevent war-time inflation.
  22. Forecasting and the timing of fiscal control measures in the postwar.
  23. Fiscal policy as a measure against:
    1. a postwar inflation,
    2. a postwar slump.
  24. Public investments and relief expenditures in the postwar period.
  25. Fiscal policy and the redistribution of income.
  26. The shift from a “free market” to a planned economy.
  27. British discussions on postwar debt and the wisdom of a capital levy.
  28. British and American postwar debt problems contrasted.
  29. Establishment of a monetary and fiscal authority to administer a flexible fiscal policy.
  30. Effective fiscal policy as a means of securing international stability.
  31. Trends in intergovernmental fiscal relations since the first World War.
  32. The shift of functions toward the central government in Canada and the U.S. and fiscal implications of this development.
  33. Efforts toward limiting the property tax and substituting other tax sources.
  34. A reorganized system of federal, state, and local taxation.
  35. The relation between the spending unit and the revenue-raising unit as a test of financial efficiency.
  36. Administrative reorganization as a prerequisite for intergovernmental fiscal reorganization.
  37. State control of local finance.
  38. Methods of revenue sharing between federal, state, and local government.
  39. The relation between federal, state, and local debt.
  40. Federal fiscal policy and the redistribution of income among the various states.
  41. The impact of the war on the fiscal relations between federal, state, and local government.
  42. War prosperity and the financial situation of the local governmental units.
  43. Trends in federal-local fiscal relations in Australia, Canada, and Great Britain.
  44. The relation between the federal debt and liquid assets.
  45. The relation between the public debt and the money supply.
  46. The public debt and the commercial banks.
  47. The relation between public debt retirement and the maintenance of private savings.
  48. The monetization of the debt.
  49. Interest-free financing proposals.
  50. Debt retirement and the “100 per cent money” proposal.
  51. Recent trend among some economists to emphasize monetary rather than fiscal policy.
  52. The inter-relations between monetary and fiscal policy.
  53. The effect of increased taxation on new enterprise.
  54. The effect of increased taxation on investment.
  55. The effect of increased taxation on consumption.
  56. The effect of modern progressive tax structures (England, Canada, U.S.) on income distribution.
  57. Comparison of the effects of:
    1. capital gains tax,
    2. inheritance tax,
    3. income tax,
      …on enterprise and investment.
  58. Comparison of postwar federal tax plans.
  59. The proposal to tax idle money.
  60. The proposal to underwrite private consumer expenditures.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Alvin Harvey Hansen. Lecture Notes and Other Course Material. Box 1 [might be box 3], Folder “Econs. 148”.

Image Source: Hansen (left), Williams (right). Harvard Class Album, 1942.




Berkeley Chicago Columbia Economists Fields Oxford Socialism

Chicago. Nutter ranks Soviet economy experts in reply to Friedman, 1962


From the January 1962 exchange of letters between Milton Friedman and G. Warren Nutter transcribed below, we learn that the University of Chicago was interested in potentially hiring some academic expert on the Soviet economy. Friedman asked Nutter to rank three possible candidates of interest. Nutter did just that and threw in a fourth name.

Long before turning to the history of economics as my major research interest, I entered academic economics in the field of comparative economic systems. One of the candidates mentioned in the correspondence, Francis Seton, wrote a signed [!] positive referee report for my 1986 article in the Journal of Comparative Economics, “On Marxian value, exploitation, and the transformation problem: A geometric approach“, that I honestly regard as one of my pedagogical high-water marks. Another one of the 1962 candidates, Gregory Grossman, was one of the distinguished outside referees to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for helping me clear the tenure hurdle at the University of Houston. It is a real pleasure to be able to add his Berkeley memorial and picture to this post.


Gregory Grossman (1921-2014)
IN MEMORIAM by Gerard Roland

Gregory Grossman, born in July 1921 in Kyiv, Ukraine, passed away on August 14, 2014. Grossman was one of the world’s most highly reputed scholars of the Soviet economic system. He was considered a towering figure in the study of the Soviet economy. His scholarly work shaped the thinking of generations of scholars in the US and throughout the world.

In early 1923 his family fled post-Russian Revolution chaos and famine and took a month-long journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Harbin, Manchuria. After completing high school in 1937 in Tientsin, China, he boarded a Japanese ocean liner en route to attend UC Berkeley where he completed his B.S. and M.A., respectively in 1941 and 1943. During World War II, Grossman served as artillery observer with the 731st Field Artillery Battalion during the Battle of the Bulge and completed his war duty in Czechoslovakia. He received a PhD in economics from Harvard University in 1953. He was a faculty member of the Department of Economics at Berkeley from 1953 until his retirement in 1992.

Grossman was the author of several books and many highly influential articles. He made key contributions to the understanding of the Soviet economic system. In a classic article, “Notes for a Theory of the Command Economy” (Soviet Studies, 1963), he coined the concept of the “command economy” to characterize the central planning system, where production and investment were guided by the commands of the communist party elite and where managers at all levels of the planning system strove to implement the commands embodied in the plan targets. In such a system, prices and money play no active role and serve only as accounting units. In such a system, autonomy of agents must be curbed to favor the implementation of plan commands. As his former student, Pennsylvania State University professor Barry Ickes, has noted: “His formulation of the command economy hypothesis provided the framework used by scholars of several generations.”

In an equally famous article “The ‘Second Economy of the USSR” (Problems of Communism, 1977), he also coined the complementary concept of the “second economy.” Because of the imbalances and shortages inherent in a necessarily imperfect planning system, decentralized forms of market exchange, though illegal, were necessary to correct the allocative mistakes of the command system. Grossman worked with professor Vladimir Treml of Duke University and others to conduct more than a decade of research on all aspects of this second economy, gathering massive amounts of evidence based on interviews with emigres from the Soviet Union. He had garnered detailed evidence on the extent of the second economy and on prices of goods and services in various locations of the USSR.

Grossman’s analysis of the Soviet economic system proved extraordinarily prescient. Over time, as the economic system became more complex, the second economy tended to expand and corrode the command system, which eventually collapsed while managers of state-owned enterprises appropriated the assets they controlled in a process of spontaneous privatization. This was the starting point of the transition to the market economy that was studied by the next generation of scholars.

Grossman was awarded in 1991 a lifetime achievement award from the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. Citing Grossman’s works on the “command economy” and the “second economy,” the award also noted his earlier, path-breaking book, Soviet Statistics of Physical Output of Industrial Commodities (1960), saying that the book “provided the profession with basic rules for working with distorted Soviet economic statistics and avoiding the many pitfalls of that enterprise.”

A colleague at Berkeley, Benjamin Ward, said there was a period in the Cold War of maybe 20 years in which Grossman “was the most knowledgeable person in the world about the Soviet economy.”

Grossman was an appreciated teacher. For decades, he taught the main undergraduate course on the Soviet economic system. He also supervised throughout his career a great number of graduate students who later became themselves well-known scholars of Eastern European economies.

Grossman was a polymath who had a deep understanding of the political, ideological, social and cultural underpinnings of economic life in the Soviet Union. As a result, he was widely sought out by his peers for comments on their scholarship. He was also known to be a consummate gentleman. He remained calm and composed in all circumstances and was known for his great sense of humor and generosity.

Family members said that, while he traveled widely, he had a particular love for Berkeley and the Bay Area’s lifestyle, culture, beautiful vistas and good weather.

In 1952 he married Cynthia Green and they had two children, Joel Grossman of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Amy Di Costanzo of Berkeley, California. In 1972, he married Joan Delaney, a UC Berkeley professor of Slavic Studies who stayed by his side until his death. He is survived by her; by his two children, six grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

Source: Senate of the University of California, Berkeley.


Francis Seton (Guardian obituary)

Francis Seton
An economist of ideal prices
By Maurice Scott

He was born Franz Szedo in Vienna, in the wake of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire after the first world war. He was an only child; his parents had been born in Hungary, and were then citizens of Austria and had converted from Judaism to Christianity. His father ran a paper processing business in central Vienna, and Francis was educated there until 1938, when the Nazis were moving to annex Austria.

His interests lay in music and foreign languages, the latter taking him on visits to France and Britain. His parents, concerned at the Nazi threat, thought he should complete his studies abroad, and Francis contacted Balliol College, Oxford, when visiting England in 1937.

In March 1938, Germany invaded Austria. His father managed to arrange for Francis to go at once to London. Soon after, his parents also left Austria and Francis lost touch with them, fearing that they could be dead. But this story has a happy ending. In 1946 he learned that they had survived in Hungary.

From 1938 Francis read politics, philosophy and economics at Balliol, but by summer 1940 paranoia was widespread and he was classified as an enemy alien, albeit in category C, for those considered to pose the least danger. He was shipped to Canada in dreadful conditions.

By 1941 he was given the choice of freedom in Canada or return to Britain. As he wanted to fight the Nazis, he volunteered for His Majesty’s forces. Being still classed an enemy alien, he was allowed to join only the dogsbody Pioneer Corps. He met other aliens, including Arthur Koestler, Robert Maxwell and, most notably, a Russian soldier, who fired his interest in the language and the country.

By 1942, Francis was able to transfer to the Somerset Light Infantry, on detachment to Bicester. There, in spare moments he studied for an Oxford degree in Russian language and literature, helped by a refugee from the Bolshevik revolution who was at St Hugh’s, and this led, in 1946, to first class honours. In 1942, having been rejected on medical grounds as a glider pilot, his flair for languages led to a transfer to the Intelligence Corps.

In 1948, back at Balliol, Francis finally graduated with a first in PPE and became a British subject, having changed his name earlier. He was awarded a state studentship, to study the Soviet economy, the subject of his doctoral thesis. In 1950, he was elected to a Nuffield College research fellowship, followed by an official fellowship in 1953. He moved on from his interest in the Soviet Union to other countries in the developing world, and travelled widely. Eventually he became senior fellow, and took the lead in the election of two of Nuffield’s wardens.

Francis was immensely talented. His English literary style was a delight. He was multilingual, poetic, musical, and could play the piano with brilliance. For all this, and above all for his humour and friendship, he will be remembered.

He is survived by his wife, three children and nine grandchildren.

Francis Seton (Franz Szedo), economist, born January 29 1920; died January 7 2002.

Source:  The Guardian, March 21, 2002.



Alexander Erlich was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1912. In 1918, shortly after the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution, his family immigrated to Poland where his father, Henryk, became a leader of the Jewish Labor Fund. After the execution of his father in 1941, Erlich and his family fled to the United States. Influenced by his father’s work and the political atmosphere of his youth, Erlich began his study of economics at Friedrich-Wilhelm University in Berlin and the Free Polish University in Warsaw. He completed these studies after moving to the US, earning his PhD from the New School for Social Research in New York City in 1953. His doctoral dissertation, The Soviet Industrialization Controversy, was the basis for his best known work, The Soviet Industrial Debate, 1924-1928, published in 1960. His lifelong devotion to the study of Soviet economic conditions and policies found Erlich a home at Columbia University. Beginning as a visiting lecturer in 1955, he received a tenured position as professor in 1959. He retired in 1981 only to return as a part-time lecturer and professor at Columbia University and Barnard College in 1982. Erlich died of a heart attack in January 1985 at the age of 72.

Source: Columbia University Archival Collections. Alexander Erlich papers, 1953-1985.


Obituary of Eugène Zaleski (1918-2001)

Slavic Review 61, no. 3 (Fall 2002), 681-682.


Arcadius Kahan (1920-1982)

After his arrival in the United States he earned a Masters in 1954 and Ph.D. in 1958 in Economics from Rutgers University.

He joined the Economics faculty at the University of Chicago in 1955. As a member of the Economics Department at the University of Chicago, Kahan straddled a fine line between the principles which he brought from his socialist youth and the neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the Department. He won the confidence of Milton Friedman with his work on the economic effects of the persecution of Jews in 19th century Russia. Kahan concluded that this had a significant impact on Russia’s economic backwardness, particularly as compared with western Europe. He argued that this was an example of dysfunctional governmental interference in the economy, which drew on the methodology of the neoliberals in the Chicago school.

Source: Arcadius Kahan, Wikipedia.


Carbon Copy of Letter
from Friedman to Nutter

January 16, 1962

Professor G. Warren Nutter
Department of Economics
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia

Dear Warren:

There is again some talk around here of getting a Russian expert and various names have come up in the discussion. Three names that seem to stand out are Seton, Grossman, and Alex Ehrlich [sic]. I wonder if I could impose on you to send me a brief and frank note on these three people in terms of their scientific capacities in general as well as their special competence in the Russian field.

As you may know, what is involved here is part of a broader program than one that the Department alone is involved in. I have no special responsibility for this and am just writing as a member of the Department.

I do not know what has happened with respect to Kahan. I know that the College here has proposed making him a permanent tenure offer. The Department while expressing concurrence in this has not been willing to make this a joint appointment. I know neither whether the appointment has been approved by central administration nor whether Kahan has accepted it. Needless to say, this is all highly confidential.

Trust things are looking up for the Center. Best regard and wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Milton Friedman


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Nutter’s Reply to Friedman

University of Virginia
James Wilson Department of Economics
University Station
Charlottesville, Virginia

January 24, 1962

Professor Milton Friedman
Department of Economics
University of Chicago
Chicago 37, Illinois

Dear Milton:

I am glad to give my opinion on Seton, Grossman, and Erlich if it can be of help in the current deliberations of your department. I can indicate at the start that I consider Grossman to be the best of the three alternatives for reasons that will emerge from my comments.

I know Seton from his work, from listening to papers he read in England, and from various personal contacts with him. Seton writes with a lucid and interesting style as so many scholars trained in England do, but as is so often also the case the content does not measure up to the form. Most of his work, both analytical and empirical, seems to me to be quite superficial. As far as I know, he has not yet done a single piece of really serious research on an important problem. His one effort in the field of measuring industrial production has, in my opinion, received far mor attention than it deserves, aside from being wrong and misleading. In brief, I believe Seton still has to prove himself an original scholar of depth.

This cannot be said of Alex Erlich, whose work I know firsthand from his participation in the early stages in the N.B.E.R. project. Erlich has done some very creditable research, resulting in one book (his doctoral dissertation) and joint authorship of several other research papers of varying length. His major weakness on the empirical side is that he is somewhat slow and lazy, requiring continuous prodding to get work done. It is for this reason that most of his work has been done under somebody’s supervision. He has considerable difficulty in expressing himself orally, speaking very slowly and haltingly, but this does not carry over at all into his written work, which is generally clear and precise. Finally, he is weak and poorly trained on the theoretical side.

Grossman is clearly the most able economist in this group, and in addition he expresses himself extremely well. If anything, like Seton, he writes too well, being tempted to substitute pen and paper for thorough research. The only solid piece of research that he has done so far is the book that he wrote for us in the N.B.E.R. project. At the same time, he must be recognized as an able technician, thoroughly versed in economic theory and capable of making important contributions in the field of Soviet studies. The only problem to date is that he has not fully lived up to promise.

I should say that all three men are highly knowledgeable as far as detailed workings of the Soviet system are concerned, Erlich and Grossman probably more so than Seton. They are all three very agreeable and cooperative persons and would fit in well with any group of first-rate economists.

There is one person, less well known that the three you are considering but in my opinion very able, whom you should consider for this position. He is Eugene Zaleski, a Pole by birth but now a French citizen. While not an outstanding theoretical economist, he is the soundest person I know among Soviet specialists in interpretations of the working of the Soviet system. He is currently working on a long-range project on the Soviet planning mechanism and the relation between plan and outcome, the first volume of his work being scheduled to appear shortly. Unfortunately, he has been caught up in the French research apparatus with all the inevitable handicaps on successful individual research. Given the right opportunity, I feel that Zaleski could develop into an outstanding scholar in the field of Soviet studies. Among other things, he has a very quick and receptive mind, and he is a pleasure to work with.

I hope these brief comments will be of some use to you. To repeat, I think Grossman would be the best bet of the three persons you mentioned.

As to the Center, things are definitely looking up. We have already received since the conference $25,000 in essentially unrestricted grants, and the Lilly Endowment was most cordial and receptive to my pleadings and probably will contribute something.

[signed] Warren
G. Warren Nutter



Source: The Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman, Box 31, Folder 16 “Nutter, G. Warren.”

Image Source:  Gregory Grossman, Authority on Soviet Economy, Gregory Grossman, Passes Away, UC Berkeley News. August 25, 2014.

Economic History Exam Questions Fields Harvard

Harvard. History, Government, and Economics Division Exams, 1919



While during the fall of 1918 both Harvard and M.I.T. found themselves caught in the influenza epidemic, it is interesting to note that not a single question in the undergraduate divisional examinations for History, Government, and Economics was dedicated to that significant current event.

This post adds to the slowly growing Harvard divisional exams collection here at Economics in the Rear-view Mirror.


Previous Division A.B. Exams from Harvard

Division Exams 1916

Division Exams, January 1917

Division Exams, April 1918

Division Exams 1931

Special Exam for Money and Government Finance, 1939

Special Exam Economic History Since 1750, 1939

Special Exam for Economic Theory, 1939

Special Exam for Labor and Social Reform, 1939



Beginning with the Class of 1917, students concentrating in the Division of History, Government, and Economics will, at the close of their college course and as a prerequisite to the degree of A.B. and S.B., be required to pass an examination upon the field of their concentration. This examination ·will cover the general attainments of each candidate in the field covered by this Division and also his attainments in a specific field of study. The examination will consist of three parts:—

(a) A general examination, designed to ascertain the comprehensive attainment of the candidate in the subjects of this Division. The paper will be the same for all students, but there will be a large number of alternative questions to allow for differences in preparation.

(b) A special examination, which will test the student’s grasp of his chosen specific field (see list of fields below). The candidate will be expected to show a thorough understanding of the subject of this field; knowledge of the content of courses only will not suffice. The examination will be upon a subject, not upon a group of courses.

(c) An oral examination, supplementary to either or both of the written examinations, but ordinarily bearing primarily upon the candidate’s specific field. The specific field should ordinarily be chosen from the following list, which indicates also the courses bearing most directly upon each field. In special cases other fields or combinations of fields may be accepted by the Division. This field should be selected by the end of the Sophomore year.

Specific field of concentration:


  1. Ancient History
  2. Mediaeval History
  3. Modern History to 1789
  4. Modern History since 1789
  5. American History
  6. History of England
  7. History of France
  8. History of Germany
  9. History of Eastern Europe
  10. History of Spain and Latin America
  11. Economic History
  12. Constitutional and Legal History
  13. History of Religions


  1. Modern Government—American
  2. Modern Government—European
  3. Municipal Government
  4. Political Theory
  5. Constitutional Law
  6. International Law and Diplomacy


  1. Economic Theory and its Application
  2. Economic History
  3. Economics and Sociology

Applied Economics

  1. Money and Banking
  2. Corporate Organization, including Railroads
  3. Public Finance
  4. Labor Problems
  5. Economics of Agriculture

Source: Division of History, Government, and Economics, 1917-18. Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. XIV, No. 25 (May 18, 1917), pp. 78-81.


[May 9, 1919]


The treatment of one of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-third of the examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on one question only.

  1. Compare the methods of guaranteeing private rights against the government in England, France, and the United States.
  2. How far is it true that agriculture is the most stable source of a country’s material prosperity?
  3. Show the effect of changes in the systems of land holding upon political life.
  4. What should be the foreign policies of a socialist state?
  5. Contrast Roman and English systems of legislation.
  6. Were American colonial institutions indigenous or exotic?
  7. Compare the administrations of Washington, Adams, and Jefferson with those of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.
  8. To what extent do events since 1800 bear out the following proposition:
    “As the Creator is a being, not only of infinite power and wisdom but also of infinite goodness, he has been pleased so to contrive the constitution and frame of humanity that we should want no other prompter to enquire after…but only our self-love, that universal principle of action. For He has…inseparably interwoven the laws of external justice with the happiness of each individual.”
  9. Comment on the following quotation from de Tocqueville:
    “America is the country of the whole world where the Christian religion has conserved the most real power over the souls of men.”
  10. What are the arguments for and against a general agreement that “all states shall grant equal treatment to all aliens within their borders.”

Part II

Answers to questions 11 and 12 are required and will be regarded as equivalent to one-third of the examination, and should therefore occupy one-half hour each.

  1. Estimate the situation on August 4, 1914; on May 7, 1915; on April 6, 1917, and on November 11, 1918 with reference to:
    (1) Political power.
    (2) Military power.
    (3) Economic conditions.
    (4) National ideals.
  2. Give an outline and critical report upon some one standard work (not the course textbook) the whole of which you have studied as collateral reading with reference to this General Examination.

Part III

Three questions only from the following groups, A, B, and C are to be answered, of which two must be from one group and the third from either of the remaining groups.


  1. Give a brief account of the career of Alexander the Great. Why has it been so attractive to modern German scholars?
  2. Describe the relations of Innocent III to the sovereigns of his time.
  3. In his recent debate with President Lowell, Senator Lodge said, “I believe there are some thirty (leagues of nations) in the pages of history.” Mention, with approximate dates, as many of these thirty as you can, and give a full account of one of them.
  4. Discuss the rivalry of Russia and Austria in the Balkan peninsula since 1815.
  5. Wherein lies Lincoln’s right to a place in world history?


  1. What factors were most important in the earlier development of the modern city?
  2. What have been the interrelations of international balances of trade and national foreign policies?
  3. To what extent and for what reasons are monetary inflation and the financing of war inseparably connected?
  4. Trace the evolution of one of the following:
    (a) The eight-hour working day.
    (b) Syndicalism.
    (c) Vocational education.
    (d) Protectionism on the continent of Europe.
  5. To what extent and under what conditions does national well-being rest upon political control of essential raw materials?


  1. Does history show that law stifles originality and individuality? Use illustrations freely.
  2. Explain the ideas or movements, giving approximate dates, with which five of the following were associated:
    1. Fremont,
    2. Garibaldi,
    3. Kotzebue,
    4. Metternich,
    5. Moltke,
    6. Parnell,
    7. Raphael,
    8. Renan,
    9. Sully,
    10. Thiers.
  3. Distinguish the following terms: (a) federation, (b) confederation, (c) alliance, (d) league of nations, (e) federal state, (f) international union, (g) society of nations, (h) world state.
  4. Discuss the historical, political, and economic aspects of “freedom of the seas.”
  5. “Neighboring nations are naturally enemies to each other unless their common weakness forces them to league in a confederative republic.” Can this be supported by the history of the eighteenth century?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions in all, taking at least one from each of the three sections into which the paper is divided.


  1. The years 1796-97 have been characterized as the most critical in the history of the British navy. What was the nature of the crisis? Account for the subsequent naval successes.
  2. Compare the attitudes of England and of the United States towards the movement for the independence of Latin America.
  3. Give a brief history of the Papacy from 1848 to 1870, with special reference to political affairs.
  4. Account for the revival of the Austrian Empire after the shocks it received in 1848-49.
  5. Give a brief account of the relations of China and Japan from 1890 to 1910.


  1. What are the origins and principal features of the present constitution of the French Republic?
  2. Outline the principal changes that have taken place in England’s outlying possessions since 1815 and in her relations to them.
  3. Give a brief account of the international questions which have arisen in connection with Venezuela in the past twenty-five years.
  4. What have been the principal issues between Madrid and the northeastern part of Spain during the past one hundred years?
  5. What do you understand by nationalism? Is it true that the proposed league of nations will safeguard it?


  1. Give a brief history of the Church in France from 1789 to 1815.
  2. What measures have been taken in England during the past one hundred years for the amelioration of the conditions of the working classes?
  3. What is Bolshevism? What is its probably future? Does the past history of Russia account for its presence there today?
  4. What are the principal natural resources of Latin America, and where are they located? In what natural resources is Latin America preeminently lacking?
  5. Do you think that clauses relative to labor and labor conditions ought to have a place in the peace treaty at present under discussion at Paris? Give your reasons for your answer.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions in all, taking at least one from each of the three sections into which the paper is divided.


  1. How were the English Colonies in North America affected by the course of events in Europe between 1650 and 1670?
  2. Compare the methods by which the United States acquired Texas with those by which she acquired Oregon.
  3. Describe the various projects for the annexation of Cuba by the United States, and give the reasons for their failure.
  4. Give a brief account of the military operations of 1864. What do you consider to be the turning point of that campaign?
  5. What are the principal international questions which have arisen in connection with Venezuela in the past twenty-five years?


  1. Compare the political organization of colonial Virginia with that of colonial New England, and explain the reasons for the differences.
  2. Is the Union older than the States?
  3. What were the effects of the administration and character of Andrew Jackson on the national government?
  4. Criticize the policy by which Reconstruction was carried out.
  5. Comment on, discuss or explain, as the case may require, eight of the following: Tordesillas Line, Mason and Dixon’s line, Greenback, Fundamental Constitutions, Barnburners, Drago Doctrine, Forty acres and a mule, Kitchen Cabinet, Bear Flag, Writs of Assistance.


  1. Give a short account of the Society of Jesus in the New World.
  2. “The development of transportation in the years following the treaty of Ghent is the most significant factor in American life between the inauguration of Washington and the firing on Fort Sumter.” Is this statement true? Explain at length.
  3. What arguments for the continuance of slavery could have been advanced by a conscientious slave holder in 1860?
  4. Describe the origin of Mormonism, and the importance of the Mormons in the western movement of population.
  5. Mention, with approximate dates, the names and principal works of four American poets, of three American painters, of three American inventors, of four American historians.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Trace the course of the rate of interest in modern times. What probably will be the course of the rate during the next few years? Why?
  2. Give a brief history of the trade balance of the United States since 1850. Account for the changes noted.
  3. What factors have contributed most to changes in the distribution of wealth in the United States since 1870?
  4. What contribution has statistical method to make to historical research? Offer illustrative suggestions.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. Outline the history of the merchant marine of the United States.
  2. What was the Chartist movement? To what extent were its fundamental causes economic? To what degree was it associated with the trade union movement? the movement for the repeal of the Corn Laws?
  3. What part was played by the Zollverein, in the different stages of its development, in the struggle for the balance of power in the Germanic Confederation?
  4. Compare the economic life and organization of colonial Virginia with that of the New England colonies, and account for the differences.
  5. Trace the history of the public debt of the United States.
  6. What have been the most important developments in American agriculture since 1850?
  7. Sketch the development of the railway net of the United States.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Discuss critically the “free silver” agitation of the nineties.
  2. In what particulars and for what reasons has labor legislation been backward in the United States?
  3. Describe the traditional German policy toward industrial combination. Analyze the more important consequences of the policy.
  4. In what respects is the present railway situation in the United States like, in what respects unlike, that prevailing before the War?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions. Take at least one question from each group.


  1. Discuss the distinction between “fair” and “unfair” competition.
  2. Analyze the probable economic after-effects of the War.
  3. What is the social justification of speculation?
  4. Discuss the following statement: “Products that are made for wages less than living and by hours longer than health endurance are anti-social and immoral products and express a ruinous social cost, no matter what the selling price may be. Such products are the result of parasitic industry and are filled with social poison. All industry of this nature is a leech upon the economic and race life and should be outlawed as we outlaw adulterations and fought as we fight pestilence.”


  1. Give a critical account of marriage and divorce statistics in the United States.
  2. Compare birth registration in the United States and Great Britain.
  3. What are the principal difficulties in the collection and subsequent use of statistics of crime?
  4. Discuss critically the decline of the birth rate during recent times.


  1. What is social progress? Indicate the importance of racial factors in social progress.
  2. Discuss “freedom of speech” as the right of every individual in a democratic society.
  3. Contrast the different bases of morality.
  4. Discuss the origin and effect of “fashion” on social and economic life.
  5. In a few words indicate the most important contributions to sociology by three of the following: (a) Comte, (b) Darwin, (c) Spencer, (d) Galton, (e) Kidd, (f) Ward, (g) Tarde, (h) Giddings.
  6. What are the most serious evils of modern social life? Why are these “most serious”?


  1. What are the principal causes of interruptions of family income? How are such interruptions to be prevented, or their evil consequences reduced to a minimum?
  2. What are the essentials of a satisfactory system of poor relief?
  3. What are the principal problems of rural community life in the United States?
  4. What is Bolshevism? What is its probable future?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. What are “fair wages”? Consider the question with reference to (a) the effects of unrestricted competition; (b) the influence of collective bargaining; (c) the problems of compulsory arbitration; (d) the ideals of socialism.
  2. Discuss the following analogy: “Like machinery, the immigrants have relieved native laborers of heavy and disagreeable toil and have elevated them to an aristocracy of labor.”
  3. What are the principal difficulties in the statistical analysis of the course of real wages?
  4. What are the chief sources of industrial accident statistics in the United States?


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Contrast the development of social insurance in England, Germany, and the United States before the War. How do you account for the differences?
  2. Sketch the history of one of the following: (a) Knights of Labor; (b) American Federation of Labor; (c) British Labor Party; (d) German Social Democrats.
  3. Give an account of one of the following strikes: (a) Homestead; (b) Pullman; (c) Patterson; (d) Lawrence (1912); (e) French railway employees (1910); (f) British coal miners (1912).
  4. Compare the positions and policies of labor in the United States, England, and France during the War


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. Describe and criticize the organization and work of the United States Department of Labor.
  2. What are the present relations between the labor and socialist movements?
  3. Analyze critically the results of compulsory arbitration in Australia.
  4. What are the functions of the employment manager?
  5. Classify and characterize the different types of labor union.
  6. Discuss the nature and uses of sabotage.
  7. Discuss critically the present attempt to internationalize labor policies.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Discuss “conscription of income” as a measure of war finance.
  2. What is the case for and against a tax on capital in England at the present time?
  3. To what extent and by what methods are statistics regarding the distribution of income and wealth in the United States to be derived from the present Federal income tax returns?
  4. Describe critically the form of budget employed by some important city, American or foreign.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Trace the evolution of the taxation of land in England.
  2. What has been the history of the fee system of compensating public officials?
  3. Give a brief history of the state income tax in the United States.
  4. Compare British war finance during the past five years with the policies of the Napoleonic period.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. What is meant by “classification of property for purposes of taxation”? What are the reasons for such classification? What obstacles have stood in its way in American states?
  2. What have been the effects of the Congressional committee system upon national finance in the United States?
  3. State the case for and against the increment tax. What is the best mode of levying increment taxes?
  4. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the protective customs duty and the bounty as a means of encouraging home industry.
  5. Discuss the chief problems of inheritance taxation.
  6. What is the science of public finance? What is its relation to (a) economic theory? (b) political science? (c) administrative law?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Discuss the following statement: “When you find a business in staples attaining size, you may be sure that in some broad economic way it makes for increased efficiency and gives a very fundamental service to consumers. In no other way could it continue to exist.”
  2. What theoretical problems are involved in government regulation of corporate security issues?
  3. Enumerate and explain the more important statistical units employed in analyses of railroad operations.
  4. What is the present practice of American railroads in regard to depreciation of equipment under the Interstate Commerce Commission regulations?


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Give an account of the organization and subsequent career of one of the large American industrial combinations.
  2. Compare the history of water transportation in the United States, England, and Germany.
  3. Trace the evolution of English policy toward industrial combination.
  4. Outline the history of the railroads of France.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. Discuss critically the financial results of government operation of the railroads in the United States since January 1, 1918.
  2. In what particulars, if at all, should the Sherman Anti-Trust Law be amended?
  3. Describe and criticize the Federal Income Tax insofar as it applies to corporations.
  4. Discuss the organization and work of the Federal Trade Commission.
  5. Should concerns doing an interstate business be compelled to incorporate under the Federal government? Why, or why not?
  6. Upon what different bases may railway systems be appraised? In what ways, if at all, is railway valuation related to railway rate regulation?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Of what concretely do uninvested, of what do invested, savings consist? Can they accumulate to an indefinitely large amount? Can saving be carried to excess?
  2. Indicate the means by which the amount of monetary inflation is to be measured.
  3. Describe the principal books of a large city commercial bank.
  4. Draft an income or profit and loss statement suitable for a commercial bank.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Trace the evolution of modern coinage practices.
  2. What kinds of money circulated in the United States in 1800? 1840? 1860? 1870? 1880? 1895? Explain any changes noted.
  3. Outline the history of the Bank of France.
  4. Give a brief account of the office of Comptroller of the Currency.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. “The pivotal thing in sound banking is the character of the bank’s assets.” Is this statement correct? What kind of assets, if any, are of particular importance?
  2. Describe critically the use of gold during the War.
  3. Explain briefly the functions of the following officers and departments in a large bank: (a) note teller; (b) collection department; (c) credit department; (d) cashier; (e) loan department.
  4. Wherein, if at all, might the monetary system of the United States be substantially improved?
  5. Discuss the banking problems involved in the flotation of an immense government war loan.
  6. What is to be said for and against the separation of commercial and investment banking? How extensively are the two combined today in (a) the United States, (b) England, (c) France?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. “In every body politic there is a maximum strength which it cannot exceed and which it only loses by increasing in size. Every extension of the social tie means its relaxation; and generally speaking, a small state is stronger in proportion that a great one.” Has this opinion been accepted by any political philosophers? Does history support it?
  2. How has political theory been influenced at different periods by the prevailing economic doctrines?
  3. Who were the authors of the following: (a) Oceana, (b) The Prince, (c) A Fragment on Government, (d) Democracy in America, (e) The Republic, (f) The Wealth of Nations. In what order should these be recommended to a student of government? Justify this order.
  4. Name and give with brief criticism the ideas of the leading political theorist of (1) France, (2) Germany, (3) America.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Discuss “He who serves the state should rank above all others.”
  2. Could Plato’s ideas of a republic be applied in the twentieth century?
  3. State in outline your own theory of the state and show how this would apply to the United States.
  4. How far has the war of 1914-19 a justification in political theory?


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. “Law is regarded as a truth to be discovered not as a command to be imposed.” Discuss critically giving conclusions with reasons.
  2. Contrast the political ideas of (1) Hobbes, (2) Rousseau, (3) Kant.
  3. Has progress in Europe been more rapid since than before the thirteenth century.” What is progress?
  4. “Who is wise and prudent, cannot or ought not to keep his parole, when the keeping of it is to his prejudice and the causes for which he promised removed.” Discuss the theory based on and give the source of this quotation.
  5. Give a brief outline of two of the following and name the authors: (a) City of the Sun, (b) The Federalist, (c) On Liberty, (d) Philosophical Theory of the State, (e) Principles of Political Obligation, (f) Patriarcha, (g) Two Treatises of Government, (h) Politics.
  6. What has been the relation of Common Law to national development?
  7. Compare the following methods of study of political theories: (a) Metaphysical, (b) Analytical, (c) Historical, (d) Comparative.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Discuss the significance of joint cost in the calculation of the cost of production of agricultural staples.
  2. To what extent have American farming methods been characteristically wasteful?
  3. Describe a model system of accounts for a large dairy farm.
  4. Give an account of the organization and work of the International Institute of Agriculture.


Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Describe the part played by the American farmer in the (a) Granger movement; (b) Populist Party; (c) Free Silver campaign of 1896; (d) Non-Partisan League.
  2. Outline the history of wheat-growing on the North American continent.
  3. Describe in detail the methods of agriculture in England during the Middle Ages.
  4. Trace the development of the manufacture of farm implements.


Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. Analyze the problem of farm labor.
  2. Discuss critically the work of the United States Food Administration during the War.
  3. Describe the present organization of the meat-packing industry in the United States.
  4. To what extent and in what particulars is agricultural credit different from mercantile credit?
  5. What are the opportunities for cooperation in agriculture?
  6. Discuss the principal problems of rural community life in the United States.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions. Take at least one question from each group.


  1. What is meant by “statistical method”? What is the scientific importance of the method? What are its limitations?
  2. What is the logical distinction, if there be any, between a weighted and a simple arithmetic mean? What are the reasons for and against weighting? Under what circumstances may weighing safely be omitted?
  3. Discuss the standard deviation of a series with reference to (a) its meaning; (b) its computation; (c) its merits and defects as compared with other measures of dispersion; (d) its use in graphic analysis and presentation.
  4. Criticise the following statement: In the case of historical variables, “no coefficient equals the graphic method for demonstrating whether correlation does or does not exist.”
  5. Describe the methods of obtaining an approximation to the value of r without actually computing the coefficient.


  1. What are the more important steps in preparing for the actual field count of a population census?
  2. Describe the successive steps of machine tabulation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such tabulation?
  3. Explain the nature of, and indicate the best form for, each of the following varieties of statistical table:
    (a) historical,
    (b) cumulative frequency,
    (c) contingency,
    (d) correlation.
  4. Draft a set of rules for the graphic presentation of historical series.
  5. In a few words indicate the contributions to statistics of three of the following: (a) Petty; (b) Achenwall; (c) Süssmilch; (d) Quételet; (e) Pearson; (f) F. A. Walker; (g) A. Bertillon; (h) Levasseur; (i) Edgeworth.


  1. Trace the development of the United States Census.
  2. Compare the present status of birth registration in the United States and Great Britain.
  3. Discuss the different statistical devices now in use for the forecasting of general business conditions.
  4. Enumerate and criticize the chief sources of wage statistics in the United States.
  5. Give a brief account of the organization and work of the International Institute of Agriculture.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions. Answer at least one question in each group.


  1. Compare the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.
  2. Give brief sketches of five of the following: (a) T. H. Benton, (b) Louis Cass, (c) Cyrus Field, (d) John Jay, (e) William L. Marcy, (f) S. F. B. Morse, (g) Richard Rush, (h) M. P. Trist, (i) William Walker, (j) Eli Whitney.
  3. Discuss the following statement attributed to President Jackson: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” Show the application of this quotation.
  4. Explain four of the following: (a) “Era of good feeling,” (b) “The Battle of the Maps,” (c) “The Great Expounder of the Constitution,” (d) “Fifty-four, forty or fight,” (e) “Millions for defence but not one cent for tribute,” (f) “They ask of me a town, I give them an empire.”
  5. “The Northern Hive would excite the same ideals and sensations in more southern parts of America which it formerly did in the more southern parts of Europe. Nor does it appear to be a rash conjecture that its young swarms might often be tempted to gather honey in the more blooming fields and milder air of their luxurious and more delicate neighbors.” (From the Federalist discussing a proposal that the American colonies divide themselves into three or four nations.) To what events in European history does the above quotation allude? Is the conjecture sound? Why?
  6. What constitutional questions have arisen in the United States in regard to the acquisition of territory and how have these been decided?


  1. Give the reasons for and against the appointment of the following to negotiate a treaty: (a) the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, (b) the Commanding General of the Army, (c) the Secretary of the Navy, (d) the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, (e) the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
  2. Discuss “Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction.”
  3. What extraordinary powers may be exercised by the President and by Congress in time of war?
  4. What lines should be drawn in limiting the powers of municipalities?
  5. “The Fourteenth Amendment does not enact Mr. Herbert Spencer’s Social Statics.” Explain.
  6. Name five important acts of Congress for the regulation of business. To what extent have these attained their object?


  1. What readjustment of governmental functions should be made in the United States?
  2. Have recent state constitutions containing detailed provisions proven more satisfactory than the older constitutions?
  3. “A war declared by Congress can never be presumed to be waged for the purpose of conquest or the acquisition of territory, nor does the law declaring the war imply an authority in the President to enlarge the limits of the United States by subjugating the enemy country.” Discuss with reference to international law and the constitutional law of the United States.
  4. What are the defects in the method of taxation in the United States, and what are the proposed remedies?
  5. Would it be advantageous for the United States to substitute for the system of geographical representation, a greater degree of class representation?
  6. What conclusions can be drawn from the recent experience of the United States in operating public utilities?



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions, of which at least three must be from Group B, and one from each of the other Groups.


  1. What did three of the following contribute to the development of International Law: (a) Bentham, (b) Bluntschli, (c) Hobbes, (d) Machiaevelli, (e) Pufendorf, (f) Suarez, (g) Wolff?
  2. Compare the Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes with the League of nations Covenant.
  3. Compare the state of international law at the following periods: 100, 800, 1414, 1914.
  4. Does the rule of Jus Sanguinis or Jus Soli most widely prevail? Which doctrine should prevail? Why?
  5. “Sea Power is essentially a defensive weapon.”
    “To be master of the sea is an epitome of monarchy.”
    Are these statements accurate? Are they compatible?


  1. A, the United States sheriff is pursuing X, a horse-thief, near the Mexican border. Just before X reaches the border Mr. A lassos him, but X has sufficient impetus to get across the border. There he falls down and Mr. A drags him back. Mexico demands the return of X.
  2. After neutral state X has issued regulations forbidding all foreign submarines in its ports, a submarine of the navy of neutral state Y enters in stress of weather. A cruiser of X opens fire and the submarine is damaged. State Y demands reparation and a salute of her flag.
  3. A, B, and C living in states X, Y, and Z respectively are in partnership, the business of the firm being the shipping of raw products from X and Y to Z where they are manufactured. War breaks out between X and Y. A cruiser of X captures a vessel flying the flag of X loaded with cotton shipped by the firm to Mr. C. They are placed before the prize court.
  4. Is it ever justifiable under international law to employ armed forces on the territory of a friendly state? If so, under what circumstances?
  5. States X and Y being at war, an armed merchant vessel of X enters a port of neutral state N and takes on a cargo of guns and ammunition. It captures a merchant vessel of Y on the high seas and brings it in to port where it is condemned. State Y demands the value of the vessel from state N.
  6. What exemptions from territorial jurisdiction and exceptions to the theory of territorial jurisdiction are recognized by international law?


  1. Explain (a) sovereignty, (b) independence, and (c) equality of states. Should these conceptions be maintained?
  2. “The theory that the treaty (guaranteeing the rights of sovereignty and property of Colombia in the Isthmus of Panama) obliged the government of the United States to protect the government of Colombia against domestic insurrection or its consequences, is in its nature inadmissible.” Is this good law?
  3. In what respects does the right of the United States over the Panama Canal Zone differ from its right over Porto-Rico?
  4. To what extent are the following doctrines recognized in international law: (a) most favored nation treatment, (b) the open door, (c) the Monroe Doctrine, (d) intervention, (e) freedom of immigration.



[May 15, 1919]

Answer six questions of which three questions must be from one group, two must be from another group and one must be from the remaining group.


  1. Explain the rules governing the legal liability of a municipal corporation for the torts of its employees.
  2. Give reason why the city manager plan is suitable or is not suitable for cities with over 200,000 population.
  3. What are the essentials of a satisfactory street railway franchise?
  4. What are the relative merits of the sinking-fund and serial bond methods of municipal borrowing?
  5. Describe the framework of government in any one of the following cities: (1) Des Moines, (2) Dayton, (3) San Francisco, (4) Washington, (5) Philadelphia.
  6. Granting a condition similar to that of a former industrial city in a devastated war area in Europe, what methods of reconstruction should be adopted?


  1. Give a sketch of municipal government in the United States before 1850.
  2. Explain the system of administration of municipal corporations in Colonial America.
  3. Give an idea of conditions in English municipalities before 1835. What is the source of information for this period?
  4. When New York had a population of 60,000 the city expenditure was about $100,000. When Ann Arbor had a population of 15,000 the city expenditure was about $150,000. Why?
  5. Explain three methods of election of municipal officials and show why one is best.
  6. Under what conditions was the present system of city administration in France established? What are its merits?


  1. Should American cities adopt a segregated budget system, and what should be its main divisions?
  2. Can civil service principles be applied in all city departments, and with what advantages and disadvantages?
  3. Should the city of Boston own the docks, and railroad terminals?
  4. What principles of valuation for tax purposes should be applied to land or to buildings in municipalities?
  5. How far would the Prussian system of municipal government as it existed in 1914 be suitable for American cities?
  6. (a) Should there be a limit on campaign expenses for municipal office? What should this limit be? (b) Has there been a relatively greater misuse of municipal than of other public funds? Why?


Source: Harvard University Archives. Divisional and general examinations, 1915-1975.  Box 6. Bound volume [from the private library of Arthur H. Cole]: Divisional Examinations, 1916-1927. Division of History, Government and Economics for the Degree of A.B. Division Examinations, 1918-19.

Image Source:  Sever Hall, Harvard University, ca. 1904. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

Economic History Exam Questions Fields Harvard Sociology

Harvard. History/Government/Economics Division A.B. Examinations, 1917-18


Not all possible specific examination fields were selected in 1918. In particular it is worth noting that Economic Theory and Application and Agricultural Economics were apparently not chosen for examination.


Previous Division A.B. Exams from Harvard

Division Exams 1916

Division Exams, January 1917

Division Exams 1931

Specific Exam for Money and Government Finance, 1939

Specific Exam Economic History Since 1750, 1939

Specific Exam for Economic Theory, 1939

Specific Exam for Labor and Social Reform, 1939



Beginning with the Class of 1917, students concentrating in the Division of History, Government, and Economics will, at the close of their college course and as a prerequisite to the degree of A.B. and S.B., be required to pass an examination upon the field of their concentration. This examination ·will cover the general attainments of each candidate in the field covered by this Division and also his attainments in a specific field of study. The examination will consist of three parts:—

(a) A general examination, designed to ascertain the comprehensive attainment of the candidate in the subjects of this Division. The paper will be the same for all students, but there will be a large number of alternative questions to allow for differences in preparation.

(b) A special examination, which will test the student’s grasp of his chosen specific field (see list of fields below). The candidate will be expected to show a thorough understanding of the subject of this field; knowledge of the content of courses only will not suffice. The examination will be upon a subject, not upon a group of courses.

(c) An oral examination, supplementary to either or both of the written examinations, but ordinarily bearing primarily upon the candidate’s specific field. The specific field should ordinarily be chosen from the following list, which indicates also the courses bearing most directly upon each field. In special cases other fields or combinations of fields may be accepted by the Division. This field should be selected by the end of the Sophomore year.

Specific field of concentration:


  1. Ancient History
  2. Mediaeval History
  3. Modern History to 1789
  4. Modern History since 1789
  5. American History
  6. History of England
  7. History of France
  8. History of Germany
  9. History of Eastern Europe
  10. History of Spain and Latin America
  11. Economic History
  12. Constitutional and Legal History
  13. History of Religions


  1. Modern Government—American
  2. Modern Government—European
  3. Municipal Government
  4. Political Theory
  5. Constitutional Law
  6. International Law and Diplomacy


  1. Economic Theory and its Application
  2. Economic History
  3. Economics and Sociology

Applied Economics

  1. Money and Banking
  2. Corporate Organization, including Railroads
  3. Public Finance
  4. Labor Problems
  5. Economics of Agriculture

Source: Division of History, Government, and Economics, 1917-18. Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. XIV, No. 25 (May 18, 1917), pp. 78-81.


April 23, 1918


The treatment of one of the following questions will be regarded as equivalent to one-third of the examination and should therefore occupy one hour. Write on one question only.

  1. Write on three of the following: (a) Cavour, (b) Clay, (c) Cortez, (d) Diaz, (e) Fox, (f) Grotius, (g) Humboldt, (h) Marcus Aurelius, (i) Marshall, (j) Oxenstiern, (k) Turgot, (l) Wyclif.
  2. Does history show that Socialism and Democracy are compatible?
  3. What is meant by (a) “disarmament,” (b) “making the world safe for democracy,” (c) “freedom of the seas”?
  4. What were the effects of mechanical improvements upon national development between 1800 and 1850?
  5. What have been the implications and consequences of Puritanism?
  6. What have been the political and social by-products of the search for gold?
  7. Compare the nature and purposes of conservation in war and in peace.
  8. Trace the development of health service in its national and international aspects. On what grounds should it be supported?
  9. In how far may the rivalry between ancient Rome and Carthage be likened to that of Germany and England at the present day?


The treatment of one part of the following question will be regarded as equivalent to one-sixth of the examination and should therefore occupy one half-hour.

  1. (a) Mark on the map the territories which compose the British Empire today, and state very briefly in your blue book how and when they were acquired.
    or (b) Indicate clearly upon the map the location of any two of the following five groups:

    1. The chief wheat raising districts of North America in 1850, 1870, 1890, 1910.
    2. The primary sources of the world’s supply of copper, iron, wool, cotton, gold.
    3. The Federal Reserve districts and the location of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks.
    4. The extent of the railway net of the United States in 1850, 1870, and 1890; and the railroad groups as fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
    5. The places or regions with which the following are to be primarily associated: (a) the Homestead strike; (b) the Black Death; (c) the Chartist movement; (d) the Bisbee deportations; (e) the Mooney case; (f) the Populist party.

or (c) Show the progress of Democracy by indicating by consecutive numbers upon the map of the world the chronological order of its spread. Explain why the progress has been as indicated.


Four questions only from the following groups, A, B, and C, are to be answered, of which two and not more than two questions must be from one group. The remaining questions must be taken, one from each of the other groups, or both from one of the other groups.


  1. Trace the history of the relations of the United States to England and France during the presidencies of Washington and of John Adams.
  2. Discuss the following: “The striking and peculiar characteristic of American society is that it is not so much a democracy as a huge commercial company for the discovery, cultivation, and capitalization of its enormous territory.”
  3. Why did the Greeks defeat the Persians, and the Romans the Greeks?
  4. What issues were at stake in the struggle between the mediaeval Emperors and Popes?
  5. Give a brief account of the enfranchisement of the lower classes of the rural population in the principal countries of Western Europe.
  6. What do you understand by the phrase “The enlightened despotism of the eighteenth century”? What names do you connect with it?


  1. Give a brief history of the public domain of the Federal Government.
  2. Describe the tariff controversy in Germany before the War. Has the War thrown any light upon any of the arguments employed?
  3. Write a brief analysis of the economic policies of the Federalists.
  4. Discuss: “The nineteenth century was the golden age of the capitalist.”
  5. Sketch the economic and political background of two of the following: (a) the defeat in 1911 of reciprocity with Canada; (b) the creation of the Zollverein; (c) the refusal of a renewal of charter to the First Bank of the United States; (d) the passage of the Clay Compromise Tariff; (e) the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act.
  6. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of “direct” and legislative action in effecting economic reforms.


  1. What political and economic theories have been particularly tested by events since July 1914, and with what results?
  2. Is there any reason why a presidential form of government should be preferable in the United States and a parliamentary or cabinet form in Great Britain?
  3. Give a brief sketch of three of the following, with name of author and date: (1) De Monarchia; (2) On Liberty; (3) The Republic; (4) Looking Backward; (5) De Civitate Dei; (6) Oceana; (7) The City of the Sun; (8) De Jure Belli ac Pacis; (9) Leviathan; (10) Vindiciae contra Tyrannos; (11) The Wealth of Nations.
  4. Compare the public services of two of the following: (a) Louis Blanc; (b) Burke; (c) Cobden; (d) Hamilton; (e) Jackson; (f) Metternich.
  5. Show in what respect and for what reasons any state has become a colonial power.
  6. What should be the method of obtaining peace at the end of the present war according to the principles or theories of one of the following: (a) Aristotle; (b) Cicero; (c) Franklin; (d) Gustavus Adolphus; (e) Lincoln; (f) Machiavelli; (h) Thomas Aquinas.


Modern European History
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions in all, taking at least one from each of the three groups into which the paper is divided.


  1. What were the causes of the making and rupture of the Peace of Amiens? Is a similar temporary peace conceivable in the present war?
  2. What were the chief characteristics of the fifteen years immediately succeeding the Peace of Vienna? Can it be fairly argued that the fifteen years following the close of the present war will resemble them?
  3. Note the chief stages in the actual formation of a United Italy. How far did Napoleon III deliberately foster the growth of Italian unity?
  4. Compare the course of events during the three weeks previous to the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 with those of the month of July 1914. What do you believe to have been the real object of German diplomacy in each case?
  5. Trace the careers of any two of the following: Blaine, Déak, Gambetta, Mazzini, Palmerston, Pinckney, Sherman, Stein.


  1. Who were the most prominent leaders in the States General of 1789, and what were their platforms and policies?
  2. Estimate the attitudes of the chief European powers and of the United States towards the question of Latin American independence.
  3. Give a brief account of the principal events in the history of England’s dealings with Ireland since the time of the French Revolution.
  4. What light is thrown by the history of the revolutionary movements of 1848 upon the relations of the fundamental principles of liberalism and nationality?
  5. What political principles worked at issue in the Carlist Wars?


  1. Trace the conflict between Napoleon and Pius VII.
  2. Estimate the influence of the universities upon the development of Germany since the period of the French Revolution.
  3. What light is thrown by the history of England and of the United States on the (a) possibility, (b) desirability of taking the tariff out of politics.
  4. Compare the nature, extent, and causes of social stratification in England, Germany, in the United States.
  5. In how far does the past history of Russia furnish an explanation of her condition today?


American History
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions in all, taking at least one from each of the three groups into which the paper is divided.


  1. Characterize the following colonies at the dates given: Rhode Island, 1640; Delaware, 1650; Louisiana, 1801; Florida, 1815.
  2. What connection may be traced between the French and Indian War and the American Revolution?
  3. Contrast the careers of Bolivar and San Martin.
  4. Describe the military and naval struggles for the control of the Mississippi during the Civil War.
  5. Give a brief account of the relations of Germany and United States from 1860 to 1914.


  1. Compare the policies of England, France, and Spain relative to the treatment of the American Indians.
  2. What precedents have there been for a federation of states of Latin America? What are the prospects of such a federation today?
  3. Have the South a constitutional right to secede? How is the answer to this question to be determined?
  4. Does the Monroe doctrine applied to Asiatic as well as to European powers today? Give reasons for your answer.
  5. Comment on, discuss, or explain, as the case may require, four of the following: Dred Scott Decision, Ku-Klux Klan, Gerrymandering, New England Confederation, Tordesillas Line.


  1. “American independence was won in the dockyards of Ferrol and Toulon, and not on the battlefields of America.” Explain.
  2. Does the history of the United States show that is (a) desirable or (b) possible to take the tariff out of politics?
  3. Discuss the statement, “The West is preeminently a region of ideals.”
  4. Describe the platforms of the presidential candidates in the election of 1896.
  5. Are the initiative and referendum in accord with the American theory of representative government?


Economic History
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Employing historical illustrations, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the principal forms of agricultural land tenure.
  2. Describe and account for the major movements of the price level during the nineteenth century.
  3. Discuss the future of our meat supply.
  4. Draft a set of rules for the graphic presentation of historical series.

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. Briefly compare the Industrial Revolution in England and Continental Europe.
  2. What was the effect of the Napoleonic Wars upon American economic development?
  3. Outline the history of the American Silver Dollar.
  4. Write a brief history of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
  5. Trace the course of the relations between organized labor and the railways of the United States.
  6. Sketch the history of one of the following industries in United States (a) tin-plate; (b) fur-seal; (c) beet-sugar; (d) ship-building.
  7. Give a brief account of the economic relations of the United States and South America.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. In what particulars and for what reasons has labor legislation been backward in the United States?
  2. In what respects, if at all, is the present railway situation in the United States a natural development from conditions prevailing before the War?
  3. What conclusions are to be drawn from Germany’s experience with social insurance?
  4. What have been the chief problems of British government finance during the past generation? Wherein will the problems after the War different?


Economics and Sociology
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. “The economic forces have no tendency whatever to direct my effort to the most widely important end or the supply of the most urgent individual need.” Discuss.
  2. “Free competition between labor and capital will result in just wages to labor.” Do you agree? What are “just wages”?
  3. Compare past and present theories of the justification of interest.
  4. Analyze the concept of “productivity” in economics.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. What statistical studies have been made of standards of living in the United States? What conclusions may be drawn from these studies?
  2. What are the chief causes of infant mortality? What are the most effective preventatives of infant deaths?
  3. Outline the history of poor relief in England. What light does English experience throw up on the relative advantages of “outdoor” and “indoor” relief?
  4. Give a critical account of recent developments in prison reform.

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. In a few words indicate the most important contributions to sociology by three of the following: (a) Comte; (b) Darwin; (c) Galton; Space (d) Giddings; (e) Kidd; (f) Nietzsche; (g) Spencer; (h) Tarde; (i) Ward.
  2. What is social progress?
  3. Contrast North and Latin American views on the subject of race intermixture.
  4. What influence has the institution of private property upon prevailing tastes and social ideals?
  5. “A nation need not be bound by the scruples that most restrain an individual.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  6. What are the principal forms of conflict? Upon what grounds are some forms to be preferred to others?
  7. “A strong revival of the more devout forms of religion has followed every great war.” Discuss


Labor Problems
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. “Free competition between labor and capital will result in just wages to labor.” Do you agree? What are “Just wages”?
  2. Who ultimately bears the burden of a system of industrial insurance?
  3. What are the principal difficulties encountered in the collection of wage statistics?
  4. What are the chief sources of unemployment statistics in the United States?

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Outline the evolution of the English agricultural laborer.
  2. Trace the history of minimum-wage legislation.
  3. Compare the experiences of the laboring classes in England and Germany during the last quarter of the nineteenth century.
  4. Write a brief history of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. Discuss “non-competing groups” with reference to (a) sorts of work done; (b) age maximum earnings; (c) approximate scale of earnings in dollars per annum; (d) age of marriage; (e) birth-rates; (f) possibility of transition from group to group.
  2. What are the functions of the employment manager?
  3. What are the characteristics, evils and best treatment of the sweating system?
  4. Discuss the use of the injunction in labor disputes.
  5. Explain and criticize the work of the British labor exchanges. Are there similar organizations in the United States?
  6. Give a critical analysis of the Adamson Law.
  7. Describe the present influence of organized labor in English political and economic life.


Public Finance
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Under what conditions is a tax on rented buildings borne by (a) the tenant, (b) the owner, (c) neither?
  2. What accounting problems are involved in budgets for our state governments?
  3. Describe the scope, and estimate the importance, of the work of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research.
  4. What are the chief sources of taxation statistics in the United States?

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Sketch the history of the United States Post Office.
  2. Outline the history of state income taxes in the United States.
  3. Give a brief account of the use of fiscal monopolies by European governments.
  4. Compare the development of English and German increment taxes.

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. If you were devising a balanced system of taxation for this country, what taxes would you assign to (a) the federal government, (b) the state governments, (c) the local governments? Give your reasons.
  2. To what extent would national prohibition necessitate changes in existing arrangements for government revenue? What changes would appear to be most desirable?
  3. What special problems are involved in the taxation of forest lands?
  4. Critically compare the taxation of “excess profits” by England, France, and the United States.
  5. “The practice of exempting government bonds from taxation is a pernicious American custom.” Discuss.
  6. What is the case for and against the “service-at-cost” plan of public utility regulation?
  7. From the point of view of public finance, what are the advantages and disadvantages of centralization of administrative powers?


Corporate Organization, including Railroads
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. What are the social gains and losses of speculation on the stock exchanges?
  2. Discuss comparatively the public regulation of railway accounts in England, France, and the United States.
  3. The following data have been given for the freight service of a group of American railroads during December the past two years:
1916 1917
Tons per loaded car mile 26.5 29.2
Miles per car day 25.4 21.3
Per cent loaded car miles 69.8 70.9

How did the freight car performance of December, 1917, compare with that of December, 1916? What proportion of the changes is to be assigned to each factor?

  1. What difficulties are involved in a satisfactory definition of the following objects of statistical inquiry (a) manufacturers; (b) establishment; (c) capital; (d) employee; (e) wages?

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Give an account of an important corporate reorganization.
  2. Describe the evolution of the German kartell.
  3. Outline a history of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
  4. Briefly characterize the business careers of two of the following: (a) Andrew Carnegie; (b) E. H. Harriman; (c) James J. Hill; (d) Robert Owen; (e) Werner Siemens; (f) James Watt.

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. What problems are involved in public regulation of security issues?
  2. Discuss the opening price association with reference to (a) its nature; (b) the reasons for its appearance; (c) its legal status; (d) its probable future.
  3. Discuss the consequences of the dissolution of the Standard Oil Company.
  4. Describe this criticize the Federal corporation tax.
  5. Analyze critically the present railroad situation in the United States.
  6. Consider the case for and against the “service-at-cost” plan for regulating local transit systems.
  7. What light is German experience throw up on the advantages and disadvantages of the government ownership of railways?


Money and Banking
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. What is the relation of (a) investment banking, (b) commercial banking, to capitalistic production?
  2. Draft an income or profit and loss statement suitable for a large commercial bank.
  3. Discuss the equation of exchange with respect to (a) its formulation; (b) the possibility of its statistical verification; (c) its bearing upon the theory of prices.
  4. Describe a business barometer for banks with reference to (a) the purposes it may serve; (b) the method of construction; (c) the best available statistical method.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. At what times, and in what forms, has the “money question” been a political issue in the United States? Why is it no longer an issue?
  2. What factors contributed to the adoption by Germany of the single gold standard?
  3. Contrast, in outline, the history of banking in Canada and the United States.
  4. Give an account of the panic of 1890.

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. “The maintenance of a monetary standard is a banking and not a government function.” Discuss.
  2. What was the trade dollar? What monetary principles were illustrated by experience with this coin?
  3. “The idle hoard of silver dollars at Washington is a serious defect in our monetary system.” Discuss. What obstacles stand in the way of any change in this feature of the system?
  4. Give a critical analysis of the working of the Federal Reserve System.
  5. Compare the conduct of banking in England and Germany since the beginning of the War.
  6. Discuss the financial problems involved in the floatation of an immense government war loan.
  7. Briefly describe and explain the foreign exchanges since July, 1914, in two of the following countries: (a) England; (b) Germany; (c) Italy; (d) Russia; (e) Switzerland; (f) United States.


American Government
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions of which three questions must be from one group, two must be from another group, and one must be from the remaining group.


  1. What constitutional principles of the United States have exercised the most potent influence in the development of Latin America?
  2. Has the strain upon the Government of the United States since 1914 shown the need of amendment of the Constitution?
  3. “The great and radical vice in the construction of the existing Confederation (the United States of America, 1781) is in the principle of Legislation for States or Governments, in their corporate or collective capacities, and as contradistinguished from the Individuals of which they consist.” Discuss this statement with reference to its general validity and its applicability to problems of international reconstruction.
  4. Give three examples of “political questions.” What is the attitude of the courts toward such questions which have been brought before the courts?
  5. Compare the theories of the American constitutional system held by two of the following: Calhoun, Webster, Marshall, the Supreme Court in 1868.
  6. What has been the character of recent constitution making and has it brought about the desired results?


  1. Are the initiative and referendum in accord with the American theory of representative government?
  2. “Foreign politics demand scarcely any of those qualities which a democracy possesses; and they require, on the contrary, the perfect use of almost all those faculties in which it is deficient.” Discuss the above.
  3. Why has the United States acquired non-contiguous territory and what has been the effect of this acquisition upon subsequent national policy?
  4. Show the effects of the ideals of two Americans upon the development of the United States.
  5. Should the Government in a democratic country be prohibited by the Constitution from concluding treaties which would require it to go to war in certain contingencies?
  6. What is the responsible government? To what extent does it exist in Germany, the United States, France?


  1. What organ has the authority to interpret and to alter the Constitution in the following countries: the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France?
  2. Describe three methods by which state constitutions in the United States have been amended. In case a state constitution contains no provision for its own amendment and a majority of the citizens desire a change, what should be done?
  3. How far should the Government of the United States engage in manufacturing in time of war?
  4. What is the best method of selecting judges? Discuss with illustrations from the practice of the United States.
  5. How should the relations among the states of the American hemisphere be made more satisfactory?
  6. Congress (1) appropriates $500,000 for a national laboratory of chemical research, (2) passes a law regulating the hours of railway employees, (3) provides for the punishment of crimes committed on United States vessels at sea. What, if any, constitutional authority is there for these acts?


International Law
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Discuss and illustrate the statement of Grotius: “To pretend to have a right to injure another, merely out of a possibility that he injure us, is repugnant to all the justice in the world.”
  2. Explain the origin and development of exterritoriality.
  3. Is there anything in the literature and experience of ancient Greece of practical value for the statement who will take part in settling the present world crisis? Why?
  4. Write upon three of the following: (a) Bynkershoek, (b) Gentilis, (c) Pufendorf, (d) Selden, (e) Vattel, (f) Wicquefort.
  5. What periods are significant for the development of international relations, and explain the most important factors in each period.

Take from this group at least one and not more than two.

  1. Would it be possible to treat the foreign policies declared by Washington, Monroe, Polk, and Wilson as the development of permanent principles?
  2. In a protest to Sweden of August 30, 1916, the British government said: “The decree of the 14th July, 1916, reserving the route arranged through the mine-field established in the Kogrund passage to Swedish merchant vessels only, does not seem to be compatible with the provisions of Article 9 of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of the 18th March, 1826, which secure to British merchant vessels in Swedish waters the treatment accorded to the most favored nation, in this case Italy, whose merchant vessels are permitted, in virtue of Article 3 of the Treaty of the 14th June, 1862, to participate in navigation of the coasts and to trade between Swedish ports on the same footing as Swedish vessels.”
    What defense for Sweden?
  3. To what extent and why should the integrity of small states be maintained?
  4. Granting that all Hague Conventions are in force, would a case such as that of the Alabama be similarly decided at the present time?
  5. What is the importance of the blockade as a method of warfare?

Take from this group at least two and not more than four.

  1. How far does territorial propinquity justify one state in assuming authority over another? Illustrate by examples.
  2. “If a belligerent cannot retaliate against an enemy without injuring the lives of neutrals, as well as their property, humanity, as well as justice and a due regard for the dignity of neutral powers should dictate that the practice be discontinued.” Should this statement be qualified?
  3. Give a sketch of the questions involving international law arising from the relations of the United States and Mexico, 1912 to 1916.
  4. A was born in New York City of German parentage in 1875. He visited Germany in 1885 and returned in 1886. In 1897, on board an English steamer bound from New York to Russia, he entered the port of Hamburg but did not leave the steamer. The German police came on board and declined to allow the steamer to leave port until Mr. A should surrender, claiming Mr. A had evaded military service.
    Mr. A appeals to the ambassador of the United States. The master of the British vessel appeals to the British ambassador.
  5. What regulations should be made for the conduct of submarine warfare?
  6. States X and Y are at war. Neutral state M issues neutrality regulations forbidding all belligerent armed merchant vessels from entering its ports.
    When the war has progressed for two years.

    1. State X, being unable to import munitions of war, since its commerce has been driven from the seas, protests to state M that observance of neutrality requires that M forbid all export of munitions of war to belligerents.
    2. State Y, finding it expedient to arm its merchant vessels for defense against unwarded attacks by enemy submarines, protests that armed merchant vessels should not be excluded from the ports of M.
      What answer should M make to these protests?
  7. The case of the Three Friends.
  8. The treaty of 1871 between the United States and Italy guarantees to the citizens of either nation in the territory of the other “the most constant protection and security for their persons and property.” Property of Italian citizens is destroyed in a riot in New Orleans due to negligence on the part of the local policy authorities. What remedies may the sufferers pursue?


Municipal Government
April 26, 1918

Answer six questions of which three questions must be from one group, two must be from another group, and one must be from the remaining group.


  1. How far have American cities adopted the budget plan and has it proven satisfactory?
  2. Describe the general characteristics of the cities of the twelfth centuries.
  3. Compare city government in France and Prussia as to (a) organization, (b) autonomy, (c) administrative efficiency, (d) popular control.
  4. Compare the principles underlying the different systems of municipal suffrage.
  5. Explain the following terms (a) borough, (b) prefect, (c) rates, (d) syndikus, (e) Local Government Board, (f) Bürgermeister.
  6. In what countries and to what extent may city officers be appointed or selected from non-residents?


  1. Where, how far, and with what success has the principle of the owner’s personal liability for fires been tried?
  2. To what extent should the following be controlled by the city: (a) education, (b) poor relief, (c) liquor licenses?
  3. Should a municipality own or control the railway terminals within its limits?
  4. (a) What is the most satisfactory system of municipal taxation and why?
    (b) Should a city levy an income tax?
  5. Should the system of initiative and referendum prevail in cities under commission form of government?
  6. Should the police force in cities of over 100,000 population be under the control of the city, state, or national government?


  1. Discuss the following propositions:
    1. To establish a municipal piggery for disposing of the city garbage.
    2. To establish a free ferry between parts of a municipality on opposite sides of a bay.
  2. Illustrate by reference to municipalities the methods of control and regulation of lighting.
  3. How and why should sanitation and health regulations differ in rural and urban communities?
  4. What has been the attitude of the courts in regard to protection of the claims of private individuals under municipal zoning ordinances?
  5. What are the most satisfactory building regulations, and in what cities are they in effect?
  6. What is the case for and against the “service-at-cost” plan for public utilities?


Source: Harvard University Archives. Divisional and general examinations, 1915-1975.  Box 6. Bound volume [from the private library of Arthur H. Cole]: Divisional Examinations, 1916-1927. Division of History, Government and Economics for the Degree of A.B. Division Examinations, 1917-18.

Image Source: Widener Library, 1915. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, D.C. Digital ID:  cph 3c14486



Chicago Economics Programs Economists Fields

Chicago. Schedule of the preliminary economics exams for the Ph.D. and A.M., Summer 1951


The following schedule for preliminary examinations in economics at the University of Chicago from the summer quarter of 1951 comes from Milton Friedman’s papers at the Hoover Institution Archives. We see that he was on the two economic theory examination committees along with Lloyd Metzler and Frank Knight. Besides providing the names of the faculty members serving on the nine committees, the schedule also provides the names of the sixty students registered for the examinations during that quarter.




Summer Quarter, 1951

The schedule below shows the examinations requested for the current quarter. Will the chairman of each committee please be responsible for turning in the complete examination at least one week before the date on which it is to be given?



Examination Committee

Students Registered

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

Agricultural Economics

D.G. Johnson, chr.
C. Hildreth
T.W. Schultz
Dunsing, Marilyn (A.M.)
Fox, Kirk (Ph.D)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)

Tues., July 31
Law Court

Economic Theory I

L. Metzler, chr.
M. Friedman
F. Knight
Baskind, Irwin (Ph.D.) in abs.
Bassett, Marjorie (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Blumberg, Lionel (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chen, Ho-Mei (Ph.D.)
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Dunsing, Marilyn (A.M.)
Emmer, Robert (Ph.D.)
Fox, Kirk (Ph.D.)
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Gustus, Warren (Ph.D.)
Heizer, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Herlihy, Murray (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Krawczyk, Richard (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Lerner, Eugene (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. Liang (Ph.D.)
Lininger, Charles (Ph.D.)
Lurie, Melvin (Ph.D.)
McGuire, Charles (Ph.D.)
Malhotra, Man Mohan (Ph.D.)
Malone, John (Ph.D.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morrison, George (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Sonley, Lorne (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)
Terrell, James (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)
Traeger, Gordon (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Viscasillas, Felipe (Ph.D.)
Waldorf, William (Ph.D.)
Weir, Thomas (Ph.D.)
Weiss, Roger (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Zelder, Raymond (Ph.D.)

Tues., Aug. 7
Law Court

Economic Theory II

L. Metzler, chr.
M. Friedman
F. Knight
Chen, Ho-Mei (Ph.D.)
Herlihy, Murray (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)
Weir, Thomas (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 9
Law Court

Government Finance

P. Thomson, chr.
J. Marschak
D.G. Johnson
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Haskell, Max (Ph.D.) in abs
Henry, Edward L. (Ph.D.)
Horwitz, Bertrand (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Lininger, Charles (Ph.D.)
Selden, Richard (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 9
Law Court

Industrial Relations

F. Harbison, chr.
E. Hamilton
H.G. Lewis
Barghout, Saad (Ph.D.)
Bechtolt, Richard (Ph.D.)
Hoch, Irving (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. (Ph.D.)
Mullady, Philomena (Ph.D.)
Ness, David (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

International Economics

L. Metzler, chr.
B. Hoselitz
A. Rees
Alberts, William (Ph.D.)
Anderson, Edwin (Ph.D.) in abs
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Frank, Andrew (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Glick, Milton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Gustus, Warren (Ph.D.)
Lukomski, Jesse (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morey, Donald J. (Ph.D.-A.M.)

Tues., Aug. 7
Law Court

Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy

L. Mints, chr.
E. Hamilton
J. Marschak
Alberts, William (Ph.D.)
Bauer, Milton (Ph.D.)
Blumberg, Lionel (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chen, Sze-te (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Chien, Chih Chien (Ph.D.)
Cleaver, George (Ph.D.)
Conomikes, George (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Davis, George (Ph.D.) in abs
Emmer, Robert (Ph.D.)
Heizer, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Horwitz, Bertrand (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Hughes, Rufus (Ph.D.)
Krawczyk, Richard (Ph.D.-A.M.) in abs
Lerner, Eugene (Ph.D.)
Liang, Wei K. (Ph.D.)
Lukomski, Jesse (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Meckling, William (Ph.D.)
Mitcham, Clinton (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Morey, Donald (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Ogawa, George (Ph.D.)
Smulekoff, Suzanne (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Sonley, Lorne (Ph.D.)
Taylor, Maurice (Ph.D.)
Terrell, James (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Traeger, Gordon (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Zelder, Raymond (Ph.D.)
Zingarelli, Carla (Ph.D.-A.M.)
Rayack, Elton  (Ph.D.) in abs

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court


T. Koopmans, chr.
C. Hildreth
H.G. Lewis
Cagan, Phillip (Ph.D.)
Hogan, Lloyd (Ph.D.)
Katzman, Irwin (Ph.D.)
Malhotra, Man Hohan (Ph.D.)
Waldorf, William (Ph.D.)

Thurs., Aug. 2
Law Court

Economic History

E. Hamilton Mullady, Philomena (Ph.D.)
Toscano, Peter (Ph.D.)

Source: Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman. Box 76, Folder “University of Chicago ‘Economic Theory’”.

Exam Questions Fields M.I.T.

M.I.T. General exams for international economics, 1959


It seems safe to assume that Charles Kindleberger was the principal author of these general exams for the field of international economics (i.e. international trade and finance) since the exams come from his papers at the M.I.T. archive. I don’t know whether he had been the sole author. Maybe Samuelson contributed an international trade question or two, but that is much more speculative than Kindleberger’s likely authorship.

The general exams in international economics for 1950-51 have been transcribed and posted earlier.


February 16, 1959

Part I

Write an essay on any two or three of the following topics.

  1. The gains from trade.
  2. The effect of foreign trade on the distribution of income.
  3. Structural disequilibrium in the balance of payments.
  4. What determines the commodities and services a country will export and import?
  5. Elasticity conditions in international trade.

Part II

Answer any two or three of the following questions.

  1. A distinguished economist has stated that an underdeveloped country which is not developing balance of payments trouble, is not trying very hard to develop. Explain this view and discuss it critically.
  2. The New York Times recently had an article explaining that the present favorable position of the British and other West European balances of payments was really a bad sign because it was accompanied by a reduction in the volume of world trade. In particular, the improvement in the British balance of payments was due to a sharp improvement in the terms of trade which could not help worsen the situation after a few months.
    What have favorable or unfavorable terms of trade to do with the matter?
  3. What is the purpose of two of the following. How well have they filled, or are they filling, that purpose?
    1. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
    2. The International Monetary Fund.
    3. The Colombo Plan.
    4. The Marshall Plan.
    5. The European Payments Union.
  4. The following is a real quotation from a distinguished economist: “Under a system of free trade there would be conflicts in interests neither among different nations nor among corresponding classes of different nations.”
    Discuss critically.
  5. “If all countries pursued full employment policies and at the same time avoided inflationary pressures, the balance of payments would present no problem.” Discuss theoretically.
  6. “There is no reason why a country could not pursue any domestic policy it liked provided it did not care about exchange stability.”
    “A country could have any fixed exchange rate it chose provided it pursued the correct domestic policy.”
    Discuss these quotations critically.
  7. Write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of aiding underdeveloped countries through private capital movements, governmental loans and gifts on a bilateral basis or through multilateral aid.
  8. “It is frequently stated that aid should be given ‘with no strings attached.’ And this is a meaningless statement, because you can’t just send an anonymous check and say: do what you want.”
    What is meant by such a statement? What conditions could be attached to aid to make it effective?
  9. Write an essay on the instruments of commercial policy and discuss the effectiveness of each.


*  * *  *  * *  *  *  *

General Examination in International Economics
May 20, 1959

Answer any five questions

  1. Discuss the relevance of the factor-price equalization theorem to the observed facts of international trade.
  2. It has been said that the theory of international trade is peculiarly static and that this vitiates its applicability to the problems of growing economies. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.
  3. Analyze the relevance of international trade (and tariffs) to wages and employment in as many contexts as are significant.
  4. What differences exist between internal trade in a single country, economic integration between sovereign countries, and international trade between unintegrated countries? Is there more content to economic integration than customs union?
  5. Discuss the relative roles of income and price in international adjustment, not in theoretical models, but as they have operated in the real world as observed by historians, by econometricians, or by casual empiricists. What generalizations, if any, can be drawn from this experience regarding the efficacy of exchange depreciation in producing adjustment?
  6. Argue for or against central bank intervention in the forward exchange market.
  7. What can the economist say about foreign aid?
  8. Compare and contrast the impact of foreign trade and lending on economic stability in a developed country and in an export economy? What monetary and commercial policy devices are available to the latter to promote stability?
  9. Write brief didactic essays setting forth the “correct view” (conventional wisdom) of international trade economists on two of the following subjects:
    1. the long-run terms of trade facing underdeveloped countries;
    2. the persistent surplus in the German balance of payments;
    3. the regional vs the universal approach to commercial policy and intergovernmental lending;
    4. commodity price stabilization;
    5. multiple exchange rates: blessing, menace, crutch for the feeble?
  10. Argue the case for modifying the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, or its procedures under the present articles, or for leaving both Articles and Procedures alone.


Source: M.I.T. Libraries. Institute Archives and Special Collections. Papers of Charles Kindleberger, 1934-99. Box 22, Folder “Examinations. International Economics, 1959-75”.

Image Source: M.I.T. Yearbook Technique, 1950.

Chicago Exam Questions Fields History of Economics

Chicago. History of Economic Thought, Ph.D. preliminary exam. Summer, 1989


The previous post provided the transcribed questions for the 1974 version of the Chicago prelim exam for the history of economic thought. Here we have the questions for a fifteen year younger exam Presumably both these sibling exams were authored by George Stigler in whose archived papers they can be found.


History of Economic Thought Prelim Exam
Summer 1989

Answer Question 1 or Question 2, not both:

  1. Sam Hollander argues that David Ricardo’s Principles is really a neoclassical analysis (such as Marshall’s), although written in a different style and laying different amounts of emphasis upon various parts of the theory (for example, more emphasis on cost, less on demand).
    1. If this is true of Ricardo, why not also of Adam Smith? How do these two differ?
    2. What is neoclassical (Marshallian) or not neoclassical about Ricardo’s treatment of wages on average, or of wages in individual occupations?
  2. In his recent review of Samuel Hollander’s study of J. S. Mill, Pedro Schwartz argued that Hollander failed to see that J.S. Mill had a very different view of the scope of economics than Smith or Ricardo. Mill “treated (economics) as a limited science whose rationale is irreconcilable to the guiding principles of ethics and politics.”

From your knowledge of Mill’s Principles, defend Schwartz or Hollander.

Answer all of the remaining questions:

  1. Do people know what is good for them? Show how Smith and J.S. Mill draw their conclusions on this question.
  2. Arguments have often persisted for long periods over what an economist really meant. Ricardo is a favorite example, but there is hardly an economist of note who has escaped this sort of dispute. Compare the roles of…
    1. …a careful analysis of what the economist meant (relying on his writings, letters, etc.)…
    2. …a careful analysis of what his contemporaries and immediate successors thought he meant…

…in resolving such disputes. Which is the more important basis of judgment, and why? Apply both techniques to Malthus’ use of the arithmetic and geometric ratios.

  1. “Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command…the study of his own advantage naturally, or rather necessarily leads him to prefer that employment which is most advantageous to the society.
    First, every individual endeavors to employ his capital as near home as he can, and consequently as much as he can in the support of domestic industry.
    Thus, upon equal or nearly equal profits, every wholesale merchant naturally prefers the home trade to the foreign trade. …In the home trade his capital is never so long out of his sight as it frequently is in the foreign trade…yet for the sake of having some part of his capital always under his own view and command, he willingly submits to this extraordinary charge (double charge of loading and unloading as well as to the payment of some duties and customs).”

In this passage, famous for arguing free trade, Smith seems to make a case (a) for preferring domestic industry to foreign trade, and (b) to define the advantage of “society” as that of one’s own nation. Is Smith not an advocate of free trade?

  1. Read all the way through this question before beginning your answers.
    1. In explaining the advance of knowledge in a science, one must choose between:
      1. The Kuhnsian view of revolutions, which says that wholly new paradigms (incommensurable with earlier paradigms) work major revolutions such as that of Marginal Utility, and
      2. All science is basically cumulative (which Kuhn believes is true only of “normal” science within a paradigm).
        Appraise these alternatives.
    2. Again, in explaining progress in a science one must choose between:
      1. A “great man” theory, in which a genius (he’s one by definition) makes a fundamental contribution and lesser scholars fill in the details, and
      2. The science has a main direction that is the product of the whole community of scholars. If a theory needs to be invented or discovered, one or more scholars will do so (Robert Merton).
        Again, appraise these alternatives.
    3. In both parts above, try to illustrate your argument by an episode in economics—preferably from this century. Thus, the theory of the firm, statistical study of economic functions, oligopoly theory, Keynes’ General Theory, monetarism, etc., are examples.


Source: University of Chicago Archives. George Stigler Papers, Addenda. Box 33 (2005-16), Folder “Misc. Course Materials. History of Economic Th[ought].”

Image Source: Posted by Glory M. Liu on her personal research webpage (next to the abstract for her article “Rethinking the Chicago Smith Problem: Adam Smith and the Chicago School, 1929-1980” published in Modern Intellectual History.

Chicago Exam Questions Fields History of Economics

Chicago. History of Economic Thought Ph.D Field Exam. Summer, 1974


The following examination consisting of six questions (answer five) comes from George Stigler’s papers at the University of Chicago Archives. It is safe to assume that Stigler penned these questions. 

The questions from the 1989 prelim on the History of Economic Thought are found in the following post.


History of Economic Thought
Summer, 1974



— Your code number and not your name
— Name of examination
— Date of examination

Write only on one side of each page.

Write the following information on each following page of your examination paper:

— Top left: code number
— Top right: number of page

When you fold your paper at the end of the exam, write your code number on the back of the last page, and indicate total number of pages.

Results of the examination will be sent to you by letter.


Write on five of the following questions.

  1. John Stuart Mill is undergoing a rehabilitation of reputation after long being viewed as a pallid synthesizer of classical doctrines. Is this improved reputation deserved?
  2. Precisely how is the product-after-deduction-of-rent divided between labor and capital in the Ricardian system? Is the short run division different from the long run division? Is the system in equilibrium?
  3. Jevons is the founder of quantitative economics. What is the basis for this claim? Why did this type of work appear as late (or early?) as the 1860’s?
  4. Smith rated some forms of investment as socially preferable to others. What was his ranking of agriculture, manufactures and trade? Was his analysis valid?
  5. John A. Hobson, N. Lennin [sic], and others have authored theories of imperialism, which, in spite of various differences, have in common the proposition that modern expansionist wars and diplomatic entanglements are a consequence of the economic structure and dynamics of capitalism. Against this point of view, it has been argued that aggressive expansionism is much older than modern capitalism, and that economic interests have been used as a pawn of the political ambitions of statesmen. What kind of evidence would you regard as valid to evaluate the appropriateness of either type of theory on the relationships between economic change and war.
  6. Malthus’ gloomy prediction that the standard of living could not rise above a subsistence level proved wrong with respect to the Western world. List as many reasons as you can to account for this. Also, state as precisely as possible how Western population trends of the past two centuries can be related to (a) the law of diminishing returns and (b) shifts in production-possibility frontiers.


Source:  University of Chicago Archives. George Stigler Papers, Addenda. Box 33 (2005-16), Folder: “Exams & Prelim Questions.”

Image Source:  George Stigler page at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business website.

Cal Tech Columbia Fields M.I.T. Michigan Princeton Stanford

Columbia. Memo advocating the establishment of an Industrial Relations Section. Wolman, 1944



The following brief memo written by Leo Wolman was commissioned in 1943 by an informal committee to provide a case for establishing an Industrial Relations Institute at Columbia. Besides identifying the existing centers of industrial relations research and teaching in the U.S. and Canada, Wolman also points to the key role played by “C. J. Hicks, the dean of American industrial relations men, adviser to the Rockefellers on policies and problems in this field and, until his retirement some 15 years ago, the director of labor relations for the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey.”


Leo Wolman, Biographical Note

1890, Feb. 24. Born, Baltimore, Md.
1914. Ph.D. in political economy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
1916. Published The Boycott in American Trade Unions. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press
1918. Appointed head of section on production statistics, War Industries Board
1919. Attached to American peace mission, Paris, France
1919-1928. Member, faculty, New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y.
1920-1931. Director of research, Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union
1920-1934. Editor, Journal of American Statistics Association
circa 1925. Became freelance researcher for the National Bureau of Economic Research, formally joining the staff in 1931 and later becoming director-at-large for research. NBER publications by Leo Wolman.
1931-1958. Professor of economics, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.
1933. Appointed to staff of National Recovery Administration
1936. Published Ebb and Flow in American Trade Unionism. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research
1961, Oct. 2. Died, New York, N.Y.

Source: Library of Congress. Leo Wolman Papers. Biographical Note.



October 23, 1944

Dean George B. Pegram,
201 Low Memorial Library.

Dear Dean Pegram:

I enclose a copy of a statement prepared by Professor Wolman on “Industrial Relations Sections or Departments in American Universities”. This was prepared in compliance with the recommendation made by the informal committee that met last year to consider the possibility of our setting up an Industrial Relations Institute at Columbia. I have had some two dozen copies of this statement mimeographed. These will be available for distribution if you plan to call another meeting to explore this matter further.

Faithfully yours,


Industrial Relations Sections or Departments

During the past 15 years, a number of American universities, and one Canadian, have organized sections or departments of industrial relations. The earliest of these was the Industrial Relations Section of Princeton University. Since 1930, similar sections have been established at the University of Michigan, Stanford, California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Queens University, Canada. These sections are integral parts of the graduate departments of the several institutions. The moving spirit in initiating and finding financial resources for the sections, already established, was C. J. Hicks, the dean of American industrial relations men, adviser to the Rockefellers on policies and problems in this field and, until his retirement some 15 years ago, the director of labor relations for the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey.

The purposes of this departure were several—to keep members of the faculty and students abreast of the very rapid developments in this important area of private and public policy, to make available to employers, managers, labor, and public officials comparative data as to practices, rules, procedures and policies, to enable students desiring to specialize in labor, labor relations and related subjects to observe and study the practical workings of industrial relations, to push forward the boundaries of knowledge through research, and to establish a closer relation between the scientific activities of universities and the problems of industry, labor, government, and the public. In carrying out these purposes, the various sections have built up libraries of current materials, have published studies dealing with current developments, such as the reemployment of veterans, or of historical importance, such as labor banking in the United States, have trained graduate students, and have held conferences, annual as a rule, for persons working in labor relations.

Depending on their location, age, and industrial environment, the sections now in operation have emphasized different practices. California Technology, operating in a region where large-scale industry is relatively new and personnel men are scarce, has devoted much of its time and resources to bringing to bear the knowledge and experience of other parts of the country on the problems and needs of Southern California. The Massachusetts Institute, operating in an area concerned with unemployment and industrial contraction, has concentrated on research in wages, labor mobility, unemployment, and the like. But all of the sections study, teach, and write about the large issues of private and public policy.

The funds for these enterprises come largely from business, usually in the form of annual contributions pledged for periods of 3 or 5 years. Occasionally a specific piece of research is financed by one of the Foundations but this source of funds has not been counted on for current expenses. Contributions by labor unions have been only a small fraction of total income, though they generally participate in the conferences, and make use of available materials.

There can be little question that the establishment of an industrial relations section at Columbia (associated with the faculties of Political Science and Business) would confer many benefits upon the University. It would make available to students in this field facilities, publications, and contacts with labor and industry which they now lack. It would open up for graduate students new opportunities for employment. It would make available to the university facilities and funds for research. It would create for interested numbers of the faculty, working in the related areas of labor economics, theory, public law, sociology, and labor law, the occasions for using the materials, experience, and problems of industry, labor, and government, not now available to them. It would enable the University to enlarge the range of its public service by serving some of the needs of the enormous and variegated industry, located in this city and the surrounding industrial area of New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York State.

The funds for such an undertaking are probably available in industry. At any rate the other universities had no difficulty raising money. What is needed at Columbia is endorsement of the idea by the faculty, administration, and trustees and the appointment of a small committee instructed to make the plans, raise the funds and find the man capable of directing a section of industrial relations at Columbia.

Leo Wolman

Source: Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections. Columbiana. Department of Economics Collection. Faculty. Box 2, Folder “Department of Economics—Faculty. Beginning Jan. 1, 1944”.

Image Source: Detail from a faculty group picture (early 1930’s). Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections. Columbiana. Department of Economics Collection. Box 9, Folder “Photos”.

Fields M.I.T. Syllabus

M.I.T. International Economics Syllabus for General Exam. Bhagwati and Dornbusch, 1977



In 1976 there was a graduate-student-faculty discussion concerning a reform of procedures for the general examinations at MIT’s department of economics. I have only been able to locate the field syllabus for international economics of the three fields mentioned in my classmate’s report:

“As a compromise intended to make everyone feel better without rocking the boat, a syllabus will be made up in each of three fields. The syllabus is intended to give some guidance as to what topics might show up on a general. The three fields chosen for the experiment are econometrics, industrial organization, and international trade.”

Source:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute Archives. MIT Department of Economics Records (AC 394). Box 2; Folder “Gen Exams”. Dick Startz, “Final Report on Generals’ Reform”, November 21, 1976.


January 1977
Bhagwati & Dornbusch


This syllabus is designed to provide some guidance in regard to the field requirements in international economics. It is not exhaustive but does indicate the broad areas in which the students will be required to be knowledgeable.

The syllabus is divided into the traditional areas of international monetary theory and policy, on the one hand, and the pure theory of trade, on the other. However, most public policy issues, with which the students will be expected to be familiar, require a skillful adaptation of both strands of analysis (as should be obvious from the writings of the best trade economists on policy matters such as the effect of the oil price increases). Thus, the students will be expected to integrate the two sets of insights as appropriate, in addressing themselves to policy questions. In this regard, the students will also be expected to have reasonable familiarity with the central issues of current concern, e.g. SDRs, GATT rules, the New International Economic Order problems, etc. Acquaintance with earlier historical writings, chiefly in the 1930s, should also prove to be rewarding since it emphasizes the integration of policy and theory. Here, the writings of economists such as Haberler, Ohlin, Iversen and Hawtrey are particularly recommended.


International Macroeconomic Issues:

  1. National Income Accounting in the Open Economy. Balance of Payments Accounting. Reform of Balance of Payments Accounting in the US.
  2. Keynesian Macroeconomics in the Open Economy and the Current Account: The foreign trade multiplier, multipliers with repercussions. The transfer problem and income adjustment.
  3. Keynesian macroeconomics under capital mobility: Monetary and fiscal policy. The policy mix. Financing versus adjustment.
  4. Price and output adjustment in a Keynesian framework.
  5. Exchange rates and the current account: Elasticity, absorption and monetary approaches.
  6. Internal and external balance: The role of home goods.
  7. Flexible exchange rates: The income adjustment process. The terms of trade and saving.
  8. Flexible rates and capital mobility: Asset market theories of exchange rate determination. The role of expectations. The transmission of disturbances.
  9. Purchasing power parity.
  10. Portfolio balance theories of macroeconomics in the open economy: Capital flows and the structure of the balance of payments.
  11. The social cost of foreign exchange.
  12. Stabilization policy, the budget and trade policy.

International Financial Issues

  1. International monetary standards and international reserves.
  2. The Euro-dollar market.
  3. Interest arbitrage and forward markets.
  4. Intermediation, the pattern of world payments and lending, and the balance of payments.
  5. International Investment.


  1. General equilibrium analysis of the traditional value-theoretical model of trade theory, involving two primary, non-traded factors producing two traded commodities; theories of comparative advantage: Ricardo and Heckscher-Ohlin; empirical verification; new directions in explaining comparative advantage.
  2. Tariff analysis: effects of tariffs on internal and external terms of trade; equivalence of tariffs and quotas; transfer problem; growth and trade.
  3. Trade and welfare; trade vs. autarky; optimality of free trade; restricted trade vs. autarky; distortions and ranking of policy interventions; measurement of gains and losses from alternative policies; theory of non-economic objectives; preferential tariff reductions and customs union theory.
  4. Extension of the positive and welfare analysis of alternative models: (1) models involving use of imported factors of production; (2) models with non-traded goods; (3) models with putty-clay characteristics.
  5. Comparative advantage and uncertainty; analysis of illicit trade in general equilibrium; project analysis and trade theory.


Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Institute Archives. MIT Department of Economics Records (AC 394). Box 2; Folder “Gen Exams”.

Image Source:  Jagdish Bhagwati (left), Rudiger Dornbusch (right). MIT Museum legacy website.