Chicago Courses

Chicago. Price Theory. Econ 300 A&B. Friedman Readings ca 1947



When compared to the list of Milton Friedman’s reading assignments for Economics 300 A&B for 1948, we note that the following handwritten list of readings taken from the student notes of Norman M. Kaplan who attended both 300A and 300B during the Winter Quarter 1947 do not include the 1947 items found in the 1948 list:

Pigou, A. C., “Economic Progress in a Stable Environment,” Economica, 1947, pp. 180-90.

*Dennison, S. R., “The Problem of Bigness,” Cambridge Journal, Nov. 1947.

This leads me to conclude that we indeed have the assigned Winter Quarter readings for Friedman’s second iteration of Economics 300A and his first iteration of Economics 300B. There is much more in Kaplan’s student notes, but this is enough for one posting.


[undated, handwritten copy by Norman M. Kaplan]

Friedman’s readings 300 A&B


F. H. Knight, “Social Econ. Organization”; “The Price System & the Econ. Process” (in The Economic Organization, pp. 1-37)



Bk III, ch. 2, 3, 4,5
Bk V, ch. 1,2,3,4,5,12, Appendix H
Bk IV, ch. 1, 2, 3
Bk V, ch 6
Bk VI, ch. 1-5           (ch. 1,2 done)


H. Schultz, Meaning of Statistical Demand Curves, pp. 1-10
E.J. Working, “What do Statistical ‘Demand Curves’ Show?


Knight, Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit, ch 3
Hicks, J. R., Value and Capital, Part I (pp 11-37)
W. A. Wallis & M. Friedman, “Empirical Derivation of Indifference Functions” (in Lange, Studies in Math. Econ. & Econometrics, U of C Press)


A. L. Myers, Elements of Modern Economics, ch 5, 7, 8, 9
J. Robinson, Econ. of Imperfect Competition, ch 2 (in 209 notes)
J. M. Clark, Econ. of Overhead Costs, ch 9
J. Viner, “Cost Curves and Supply Curves
E. Chamberlin, Theory of Monopolistic Competition, ch 3, secs. 1, 4, 5, 6; ch 5
R. F. Harrod, “Doctrines of Imperfect Competition”, QJE, May 1934, esp. sec. 1, pp. 442-61


J. B. Clark, Distr. of Wealth, Preface, ch 1, 7, 8, 11, 12 (in 209 notes), 13, 23


J. S. Mill, Prin of Pol Econ, Book II, ch 14
Hicks, Theory of Wages, ch 1-6 (in 209 notes)
Smith, Wealth of Nations, Bk I, ch 10


Friedman and Kuznets, Income from Independent Professional Practice,

Preface, pp. v to x,
ch 3, sec 3, pp. 81-95,
ch 4, sect 2, pp. 118-137,
app to ch. 4, sec 1 & 3, pp 142-151, 155-61


F.H. Knight, “Interest” in Ethics of Competition
Keynes, GT [General Theory], ch 11-14


Cassell, Fundamental Thoughts in Econ, ch. 1, 2,3
[____], The Theory of Social Economy, ch 4


Hicks, “Keynes & the Classics”, Econometrica, Apr 1937, pp. 147-159
Modigliani, “Liquidity Preference & the Theory of Interest & Money,” Econometrica, Jan 1944, esp. Part I, sec. 1 through 9, sec 11 through 17, part II, sec 21
Pigou, “Classical Stationary State,” Econ Journal, Dec 1943, pp. 343-51


Source: Kaplan, Norman Maurice. Papers, Box 1, Folder 8, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Image Source: The Mont Pelerin Society webpage “About MPS”.