Bibliography Courses Harvard

Harvard. Hansen and Williams’ course bibliographies. Fiscal and monetary policy, International Monetary Policy, 1950-56

In checking a reference using Google, I serendipitously stumbled upon the following pages at FRASER:

Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve System Collection>Bibliographies: Harvard University Reading Lists (1950-1955), Entry 168, Box 10, Folder 5.

A pdf file can be downloaded for the following two reading lists:

Economics 248. Fiscal Policy Seminar (1955/56) of Alvin H. Hansen and John Henry Williams: 60 pages.
Economics 248b. Fiscal Policy Seminar (Spring, 1950): 54 pages

Cf. The earlier post in Economics in the Rear-view Mirror on the Harvard Fiscal Policy Seminar, that lists the speakers from 1937-1944.


The very next page in the series: FRASER, Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve System Collection>Bibliographies: Harvard University Reading Lists (1950-1955), Entry 168, Box 10, Folder 6.

A pdf file can be downloaded for the following five reading lists:

Economics 241. Principles of Money and Banking. (Spring, 1956). Williams: 16 pages.
Economics 241[?]. Principles of Money and Banking (Fall, 1954). Hansen: 5 pages.
Economics 242. International Monetary Organization and Policy (Fall, 1955). Williams: 62 pages.
Economics 242. International Monetary Organization and Policy (Fall, 1953). Williams, 60 pages.
Economics 242. International Monetary Organization and Policy (Fall, 1954). Williams, Supplemental Reading Suggestions to Fall, 1953 reading list, 22 pages.