Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Reading List for the Russian Economy. Gerschenkron, 1948.


The economic historian Alexander Gerschenkron was an associate professor when he taught the graduate seminar on the Russian [sic, “Soviet” should have been in the title] Economy in the Fall semester of 1948-49 at Harvard. The reading list has two parts:  the first for the Soviet Economy, the second for socialist economics.

Leontief taught the course the previous year.


Enrollment in Economics 212b

[Economics] 212b. (Seminar) The Russian Economy (F). Associate Professor Gerschenkron.

Total 3:  3 Graduates

Source:  Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and Reports of Departments for 1948-49, p. 77.


Economics 212 B                 Fall term 1948/1949

Alexander Gerschenkron, Instructor

  1. Selected References on Soviet Economy

Arnold, A. Z.: Banks, Credit and Money in Soviet Russia. New York 1937.

Baykov, A. M. The Development of the Soviet Economic System. Cambridge (New York, Macmillan) 1946.

Baykov, A. M.: Soviet Foreign Trade. Princeton 1946.

Bergson, A.: The Structure of Soviet Wages, Cambridge 1944.

Bergson, A.: “The Fourth Five Year Plan.” Political Science Quarterly. June 1947.

Bienstock, G., S. M. Schwartz, and A. Yugow: Management in Russian Industry and Agriculture. New York 1944.

Brutzkus: Economic Planning in Soviet Russia. London 1935.

(Central Administration of Social and Economic Statistics): Socialist Construction in the USSR. Statistical Abstract. Moscow 1936.

(Central Administration of Social and Economic Statistics): Socialist Construction in the USSR (1933-38). Moscow 1939.

Chamberlin, W. H.: The Soviet Planned Economic Order. Boston, 1931.

Clark, C.: A Critique of Russian Statistics. London 1939.

Condoide, M. V.: Russian-American Trade. Columbus, Ohio, 1946.

Cressey, C. G.: The Basis of Soviet Strength. New York 1945.

Dobb, M.: Soviet Economic Development since 1917. London 1948.

Dobb, M.: Soviet Economy and the War. New York 1943.

Dobb, M.: Soviet Planning and Labor in War and Peace. New York 1943.

Freeman, J.: The Soviet Worker. New York 1932.

Gordon, Manya: Workers before and after Lenin. New York 1941.

From the First to the Second Five Year Plan. A Symposium. Moscow 1933.

Gerschenkron, A.: Economic Relations with the USSR. (The Committee on International Economic Policy in cooperation with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.) New York 1945.

Gregory, J. S., and D. W. Shave: The USSR. New York 1944.

Grinko, G. F.: The Five Year Plan of the Soviet Union. A Political Interpretation. New York 1930.

Hoover, C. B.: The Economic Life of Soviet Russia. New York 1931.

Hubbard, L. E.: Soviet Trade and Distribution. London 1938.

Hubbard, L. E.: The Economics of Soviet Agriculture. London 1939.

Hubbard, L. E.: Soviet Labor and Industry. London 1942.

Lorimer, F.: The Population of the Soviet Union. Geneva 1946.

Mandel, W.: A guide to the Soviet Union. New York 1946.

Maynard, J.: The Russian Peasant. London 1942.

Miller, M. S.: The Economic Development of Russia (1905-14). London 1926.

The Land of Socialism To-day and To-morrow. Reports and Speeches at the 18th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. (Moscow, 1939)

Nodel, W.: Supply and Trade in the USSR. London 1934.

Notestein, F. W., and others: The Future Population of Europe and the Soviet Union. League of Nations. Geneva, 1944.

Ossinsky, V., and others: Socialist Planned Economy in the Soviet Union. New York 1932.

Prokopovicz, S. N.: Quarterly Bulletin of Soviet Russian Economics. (All volumes).

Reddaway, W. B.: The Russian Financial System. London 1935.

Schwartz, H.: Russia’s Postwar Economy. Syracuse 1947.

Stalin, I. V.: Problems of Leninism. Moscow 1940 or New York 1942.

(State Planning Commission of the U.S.S.R.): The Soviet Union Looks Ahead. The Five Year Plan for Economic Construction. New York 1929.

(State Planning Commission of the U.S.S.R.): Summary of the Fulfillment of the First Five Year Plan. Report of the State Planning Commission. Moscow 1933.

(State Planning Commission of the U.S.S.R.): The Second Five Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy of the U.S.S.R. (1933-37). Moscow 1936.

Turin, S. P.: The U.S.S.R. An Economic and Social Survey. London 1944.

Timoshenko, V. P.: Agricultural Russia and the Wheat Problem. Stanford 1932.

Varga, E.: Two Systems: Socialist Economy and Capitalist Economy. New York 1939.

Voznessensky, N.: The Growing Prosperity of the Soviet Union. (Pamphlet). New York 1941.

Yugow, A.: Russia’s Economic Front for War and Peace. New York 1942.


  1. Selected References on Socialist Economics

Bergson, A., The Structure of Soviet Wages, Cambridge 1944, Ch. II

Bergson, A. “Socialist Economics” in: H.S. Ellis, ed. A Survey of Contemporary Economics, Philadelphia, 1948.

Bober, M.M., “Marx and Economic Calculation”, American Economic Review, June 1946.

Bergson, A. “Russian Defense Expenditures”, Foreign Affairs, January, 1948.

Baran, P.A.: Currency Reform in the U.S.S.R. Harvard Business Review, March 1948.

Bettelheim, Charles: La planification Soviétique. (Paris 1945)

Bogolepov, M.I.: The Soviet Financial System. (pamphlet) London 1945.

Birmingham Bureau of Research on Russian Economic Conditions.

Memorandum No. 4, February 1932. (“The Balance of Payments and the Foreign Debt of the U.S.S.R.”)
Memorandum No. 7, (“Foreign Trade, Monetary Conditions, Indices of Wholesale Prices, State Budget”)

Dickinson, H.D., Economics of Socialism, Oxford 1939.

Dobb, M.H., “Economic Theory and the Problem of a Socialist Economy”, Economic Journal, December 1933.

Dobb, M.H., Political Economy and Capitalism, London 1937, Ch. VIII.

Dobb, M. H., Soviet Economic Development since 1917. (Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd) London, 1948.

Durbin, E.F.M., “Economic Calculus in a Planned Economy”, Economic Journal, December 1936.

Haensel, Paul, “The Public Finance of the U.S.S.R.” The Tax Magazine, September, October, November, December, 1938. Reprinted and published as a pamphlet, Evanston, Illinois, 1938.

Hayek, F.A., ed., Collectivist Economic Planning. London, 1935.

Hayek, F.A., “Socialist Calculation: The Competitive Solution”, Economica, May 1940.

Hayek, F.A., “The Use of Knowledge in Society”, American Economic Review, September 1945.

Hubbard, L.E., Soviet Money and Finance.

Journal of Farm Economics, May 1948. (N. Jasny, “The Plight of the Collective Farms”)

Journal of Farm Economics (May 1945) (N. Jasny, “Labor Productivity in Agriculture in USSR and USA”)

Journal of Political Economy, August, 1947. (N. Jasny, “Intricacies of Russian National Income Indexes”)

Journal of Economic History, 1947, Supplement. (A. Gerschenkron, “The Rate of industrial Growth in Russia since 1885)

Lange, O., On the Economic Theory of Socialism, Minneapolis, 1938.

Lange, O., Working Principles of the Soviet Economy. (Pamphlet, Reprinted from USSR Economy and the War, Speeches delivered at the First Public Conference of the Russian Economic Institute, New York, 1942)

Lenin, V.I., State and Revolution.

Lerner, A.P., “Economic Theory and Socialist Economy”, Review of Economic Studies, October 1934.

Lerner, A.P., “Statics and Dynamics in Socialist Economics”, Economic Journal, June 1937.

Lerner, A.P., The Economics of Control, New York, 1946.

Marx, Karl, Critique of the Gotha Programme (International Publishers Edition, New York 1938.)

Mossé, Robert, L’Économie Collectiviste. (Paris 1939)

National Bureau of Economic Research, Cost Behavior and Price Determination. (Appendix B by P. Baran “Cost Accounting and Price Determination”)

National Bureau of Economic Research. Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Studies in Income and Wealth (New York, 1946).
(Studenski, Paul, “Methods of Estimating National Income in Soviet Russia”)

Pasvolsky, L. and H.G. Moulton, Russian Debts and Russian Reconstruction. (New York, 1924)

Pigou, A.C., Socialism vs. Capitalism. London, 1937.

Political Economy in the Soviet Union (Pamphlet), International Publishers, New York 1944; or “Teaching of Economics in the Soviet Union”, American Economic Review. September 1944 (These are both translations of the same article from the Soviet journal Pod Znamenem Marxizma). See also the comments on this article by R. Dunayevskaya, P. Baran, O. Lange, C. Landauer in American Economic Review, June 1944, September 1944, December 1944, March 1945, September 1945.

Review of Economic Statistics, November 1947. (Appraisals of Russian Economic Statistics)

Schumpeter, J.A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, New York 1947.

Sokol’nikov, G.Y. and Associates, Soviet Policy in Public Finance, 1917-1928. (Stanford, 1931)

School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London,

Monograph No. 3, November 1934, “Money and Prices and Gold in the Soviet Union.”
Monograph Nos. 4-5, February 1935. “Banking and Credit in the Soviet Union”.

Schwartz, H. “On the Use of Soviet Statistics” Journal of the American Statistical Association. September, 1947.

Schwartz, H. “Prices in the Soviet Economy”. American Economic Review, December, 1946.

Social Research, December 1946. (Wyler, Julius, “The National Income of Soviet Russia”)

S.N. Prokopovicz, Der Vierte Fünfjahrplan der Sowjetunion 1945-1950. Zurich – Vienna, 1948.

S.N. Prokopovicz, Russlands Volkswirtschaft unter den Sowjets. (Zurich – New York, 1944)

Sweezy, A. R., “The Economist’s Place under Socialism”, in Explorations in Economics: Essays in Honor of F.W. Taussig, New York 1936.

Sweezy, P.M., The Theory of Capitalist Development. New York, 1942.

Trotsky, The Permanent Revolution, New York 1931.

Voznesenski, N.A., Soviet War Economy. Public Affairs Press, (Washington, D.C., 1948)

The American Slavic and East-European Review – April 1948. (A. Gerschenkron, A Note on Russian Industry in 1947)

American Economic Review, March, 1946. (Sumberg, T.A., “The Soviet Union War Budgets”.)

Gerschenkron, A. Rate of industrial growth in Russia.

Gerschenkron, A. Note on Russian industry in 1947.

La Conjoncture, June 15, 1948.

Chossudowsky, E.M. De-rationing in the U.S.S.R. (Rev. of Econ. Studies, Nov. 1941)

Chossudowsky, E.M. Rationing in the U.S.S.R. (Review of Economic Studies, June 1941.

Voznesenski Report on the 4th five year plan. Information bulletin of the U.S.S.R. March 15, 1946.

Moscow news. March 23, 1947 and March 27, 1947.

Dictionary of socio-economi statistics, 1944 (P.D. Prof. Gerschenkron).

Source: Harvard University Archives (HUC 8522.2.1) Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. Box 4, Folder “Economics, 1948-49 (2 of 2)”.

Image Source:  Harvard Album, 1952.

2 replies on “Harvard. Reading List for the Russian Economy. Gerschenkron, 1948.”

I believe Gerschenkron’s course was a continuation of Leontief’s course on the same subject. Can you provide information also on Leontief’s course?

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