Economists Harvard Syllabus Undergraduate

Harvard. Sweezy and Stolper’s Outline for a “good Text”. 1940



Three handwritten pages of notes taken by Wolfgang Stolper sometime late in 1940 from what appears to have been a brain-storming session with his buddy Paul Sweezy were important enough to Stolper to have been saved by him in a folder filled with economics honors exams and course syllabi from his early years at Swarthmore.

Anyone who has taught an introductory economics course has probably drawn up a rough outline of one’s own ideal course. Stolper actually attached a handwritten title page that was stapled to the three pages “Outline for a good Ec A course or good Text”. I think there is a note of irony in this description, but maybe not, there really was not an abundance of good modern texts of economics at the time. Paul Samuelson’s own text Economics was only published in 1948.

The significance of the outline is to have a glimpse at what other young Harvard economists around Samuelson were thinking at that critical juncture in modern economics.

Note.  I have highlighted my conjectures for the very few illegibilities/ambiguities in the text.



Outline for a good Ec A course or good Text.
by Paul M. Sweezy and W. F. Stolper
about Nov. or Dec. 1940

  1. Nat[tional] Income
    1. explanation of what it is
    2. how received
    3. how spent
      poverty even of U.S.
    4. difference betw[een] inc[ome] prod[uced] & paid out.
  2. Conditions of Equil[ibrium]
    1. Full employment
    2. Savings & investment
      period analysis
  3. Secular Trends in investment
    1. Industr[ial] Revol[ution] today
    2. Kondratieff waves
    3. cycle
  4. Capital Formation
    Rel[ation] betw[een] investment & Nat[ional] income
    Hoarding & dishoarding
    Variation in effective Dem[and]
    Credit creation
    Fed[eral] Reserve System
    “Say’s Law”
  5. Full employment & Fiscal Policy
    thorough awareness of (8a)
  6. Assuming Full Employment
    how should factors of prod[uction] be allocated most effectively
    perf[ect] compet[ition] & rel[ative] optimum
    MP conditions
  7. Modifications of compet[ition]
  8. Corpor[ations] & unions, how effect terms of the foregoing analysis
    1. level of ec[onomic] activity
    2. the effectiveness of ec[onomic] activity
  9. The interrelationship of markets
    Interrel[ationship] betw[een] nat[ional] inc[ome] & for[eign] trade
    allocation of resources betw[een] agr[iculture] & ind[ustry]
    bal[ance] of payments, & rel[ationship] of monetary systems for trade multipliers
    cap[ital] movementsState activity designed to modify & improve working of the system

    1. Fiscal Policy & distrib[ution] of income
    2. Publ[ic] utilities, R[ail]R[oad] rates
    3. antitrust & monop[oly] regul[ation] Gov[ernment] Corp[orations,] TVA etc.
  10. [Welfare economics]
    Criteria for overall planning

    1. to increase level of activity
    2. to increase welfare
      1. meanings of welfare
      2. Taxation problems:
        shifting of taxes
        stimulating taxes
  11. Alternat[ive] Ec[onomic] Systems—Overall Planning
    State Cap[italism]—Socialism—Fascism



Source: Duke University, Rubenstein Library. Papers of Wolfgang F. Stolper, 1892-2001, Box 22, Folder 1.

Image Sources: Paul Sweezy (left) from Harvard Class Album 1942; Wolfgang F. Stolper (right) from  John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (Fellow, 1947).