Cornell Courses Curriculum

Cornell. Economics Courses and Faculty, 1914-15

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In 1914 Frank H. Knight switched from graduate work in Philosophy to Economics at Cornell where he studied under (among others) Alvin S. Johnson and Allyn A. Young. His handwritten notes (on index cards) for his courses then can be found in his papers at the University of Chicago archives. These note-cards provide a fairly complete record of the economics training available provided at Cornell at that time. We will have occasion in future postings to refer to those notes, so that I thought it would be useful to post here (i) a transcription of the Cornell economics program as of 1914/1915 (embedded within “Political Science”) along with (ii) a list of the courses offered and (iii) nano-c.v.’s for the faculty.



[Cornell 1914-15]

Professors: W.F. WILLCOX, Economics and Statistics; A. S. JOHNSON, Economics and Distribution; A. A. YOUNG, Economics and Finance; S. P. ORTH, Economics and Politics; G. N. LAUMAN, Rural Economy; JOHN BAUER, Economics; J. R. TURNER, Economics; R. S. SABY, Political Science; R. G. BLAKEY, Economics; A. P. USHER, Economics.

Instructors: F. H. GILMAN, Economics; H. E. SMITH, Economics.


A graduate student in economics should have studied at least the equivalent of elementary courses in economics, economic history, politics, and social science. If he has not done this, he should take such elementary courses as early as possible; he will not ordinarily be allowed to present any of them as partial fulfillment of the requirement for a major or minor in any branch of political science. He should also have sufficient knowledge of French and German to be able to read necessary works in either language.

The work in political science in the President White School of History and Political Science falls into five divisions: economics, politics, statistics and social science, finance and distribution. These divisions aim to bring their work into close relationship with social, political, and business life. The members of the Faculty seek to keep in touch with the practical as well as the with purely scientific aspects of the problems treated, and have among their interests the preparation of students for positions in business and in public service. In statistics and social science, work is offered mainly in statistics, but to some degree also in the less definite field of social science. The statistical method has been found of especial service both in developing a scientific and judicial attitude and in bringing out many facts about social life not discoverable in any other way. After the introductory course in social science, an advanced course is open which deals with the dependent or semi-dependent classes and the care for them exercised by society, in part through governmental agencies and in part through private philanthropy.

In economics and distribution, a graduate course is offered in the theory of value and distribution, which is designed to familiarize the student with the main currents of contemporary economic thought. For undergraduates are offered courses covering the history of economics, the more general economic aspects of the labor problem, the history and theory of socialism, and the organization and methods of socialistic parties.

In economics and finance, a research course is offered to graduate students which is designed to afford training in the appropriate methods of investigation and to give familiarity with the fundamental sources of information. Other courses in this field open to graduates cover the more important economic aspects of both public and private finance.

This group uses two laboratories and several class rooms in proximity to each other and to the four division offices and one general office, an arrangement which has greatly facilitated intercourse between teachers and graduate students as well as among graduate students themselves. In the political science seminary room at the University Library and in the various offices and laboratories occupied by these departments, numerous publications in politics and in economics, such as market letters of leading brokers and technical business journals, are accessible to advanced students. The laboratories for classes in statistics and finance are supplied with standard and current books dealing with these subjects and with various mechanical devices for simple statistical processes and for securing a graphic and effective presentation of results. In the closely related subject of rural economy or agricultural economics, courses are offered dealing with the general economic and social problems of the open country arising from the growing complexity and intensity of agriculture and its relation with commerce, manufacturing, and transportation.

One teaching assistantship yielding $500 and tuition; three fellowships, two yielding $500 and one yielding $600; and two assistantships, each yielding $150 are filled each spring.


Source: Cornell University, Announcement of the Graduate School 1914-15, Official Publications of Cornell University Vol. V, No. 3 (January 15, 1914), pp. 34-36.


[Courses offered 1914-15]

51. Elementary Economics. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. One lecture and two recitations each week. Lectures, Barnes Auditorium, M, 9; repeated M, 11; Assistant Professor BAUER. Recitations T Th, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; W F, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Assistant Professors BLAKEY, and USHER, Dr. SMITH, and Mr. GILMAN.

An introduction to economics including a survey of business organization and corporation finance; principles of value, money, banking, and prices; international trade; free trade and protection; wages and labor conditions; the control of railroads and trusts; socialism; principles and problems of taxation. Section assignments made at the first lecture.

52. Elements of Economics. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Assistant Professor TURNER. Lectures M, 9, repeated T, 9, Goldwin Smith A. Recitations to be arranged.

A special course for seniors in mechanical engineering. Not open to students in other colleges. Production and distribution of wealth, emphasizing particularly the financial or practical view instead of the theoretical. Lectures, textbooks, readings, and class discussions.

 53a. American Government. First term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor SABY. M W, 10, Goldwin Smith 142. Recitation hour to be arranged.

A general introduction to the study of political science with special reference to American government and politics. Lectures, textbook, class discussions.

53b. Comparative Politics. Second term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor SABY. M W, 10, Goldwin Smith 142. Recitation hour to be arranged.

A study of the political institutions of the leading European countries with special reference to their relations to present political problems in the United States. Lectures, textbook, class discussions.

54a. Municipal Administration. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 53a. Assistant Professor SABY. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

A study of the functions and problems of city government; the administration of public health and safety; charities and corrections; public works and finance; commission form of government. Lectures, textbook, and reports.

54b. State Administration. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 53a. Professor ORTH. M W F, 12, Goldwin Smith 256.

A study of the government of the American State; its relation to local government; the powers and functions of administrative boards and commissions; judicial control.
Lectures, readings, and reports. Each student will be required to make a somewhat detailed study of some particular state.

55a. Elementary Social Science. First term, credit three hours. Course 51 should precede or be taken with this course. Professor WILLCOX. M W F, 9, Goldwin Smith 256.

An introductory course upon social science or sociology, its field and methods, with special reference to the human family as a social unit, to be studied by the comparative, the historical, and the statistical methods.

55b. Elementary Social Science. Second term, credit three hours. Course 51 should precede or be taken with this course. Professor WILLCOX. M W F, 9, Goldwin Smith 256.

A continuation of the preceding course but with especial reference to the dependent, defective, and delinquent classes. Open to all who have taken 55a and by special permission to others.

56a. Elements of Business Law. First term, credit two hours. Professor ORTH. T Th, 11, Goldwin Smith B. Lectures, textbook, quizzes.

A brief survey of that portion of private law which deals especially with contracts, negotiable instruments, agency, and sales.
Courses 56a and 56b are designed primarily to meet the needs of students who contemplate entering business and not the profession of law, and credit will not be given to law students for these courses.

56b. Government Control of Industry. Second term, credit two hours. Prerequisite course 56a. Professor ORTH. T Th, 11, Goldwin Smith B. Lectures, reports, quizzes.

A scrutiny of the policy of governmental control of industry from the legal and political point of view, emphasis being laid on the development of the police power and its application to the regulation of private enterprise.

57a. Lectures on Citizenship. Second term, credit two hours. M W, 12 Goldwin Smith B.

A lecture each Wednesday by a non-resident lecturer and each Monday by a member of the department. The course has been arranged by a committee of Alumni who are actively engaged in civic and social work and who are cooperating in this way with the department. It will follow the same general plan as last year, but the speakers and most of the subjects treated will be changed. Among the subjects presented in 1914-15 will be the Citizen and the Immigrant in America, the Citizen and his Neighborhood, the Citizen and Commercial Organizations, the Citizen and the City Plan.
The course will be under the general charge of Professor WILLCOX. Readings, reports, and essays will be required.

58. Accounting. Throughout the year, credit four hours first term, three hours second term. Courses 51 and 56a must precede or accompany this course. Assistant Professor BAUER. T Th S, 8, Goldwin Smith 264.

59. Financial History of the United States. Second term, credit two hours. Prerequisite course 51. Assistant Professor BLAKEY. T Th, 11, Goldwin Smith 269.

A study of public and quasi-public finance from colonial times to the present. Special attention will be paid to money, currency, banking, tariffs, taxes, expenditures, panics, and war financiering.

60. The American Party System. First term, credit two hours. Prerequisite 53a. Professor ORTH. T Th, 12, Goldwin Smith 256.

A study of the evolution of the American political party; its relations to the machinery of government; election laws; the development of state control over the machinery of party. Lectures, readings, and reports.

[61. Jurisprudence. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite 53a, excepting for law students, to whom the course is open. Professor ORTH. Lectures, textbook, and reports.

A study of the classification and development of the principles of law, dwelling especially upon the growth of English and American legal institutions.
This course alternates with 78b.] Not given in 1914-15.

62. Business Management. Repeated in second term, credit one hour. Prerequisite courses 51 and 58; or 58 may be taken at the same time. Professor KIMBALL. T Th, 12, Sibley 4.

Seniors and graduates; others by permission. See S, 20, Sibley College.

63. Corporations and Trusts. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor YOUNG. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 256.

Deals primarily with the business corporation, with special reference to its economic significance and effects and to the problems of its legal control, concluding with a discussion of industrial combinations.

64. Money and Banking. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Prerequisite course 51. Professor YOUNG. T Th S, 10, Goldwin Smith 142.

A discussion of the more important phases of the theory of money and credit is followed by a consideration of selected practical problems, including the revision of the American banking system. Practical work is required in the analysis of the controlling conditions of the money market, of organized speculations in securities, and of foreign exchange.

65a. The Industrial Revolution in England, 1700 to 1850. First term credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, previously or concurrently, or work in European history. Assistant Professor USHER. M W F, 12, Goldwin Smith 264.

The topography and resources of England, the Industrial Revolution, commercial expansion in the 18th century, the history of the Bank of England, the rise of London as a world metropolis.

65b. Social and Economic Problems of the 19th Century in England. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51, previously or concurrently. Assistant Professor USHER. M W F, 12, Goldwin Smith 264.

The course can be followed most profitably by students who have taken course 65a, but it may be elected independently. The history of English agriculture, 1700 to 1907; the poor laws, 1834 and 1909; the coming of free trade, 1776 to 1846; railroads and rate-making; Germany and the industrial supremacy of England.

66a. The Labor Problem. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor JOHNSON. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

This course will present a systematic view of the progress and present condition of the working class in the United States and in other industrial countries; sketch the history and analyze the aims and methods of labor organizations; study the evolution of institutions designed to improve the condition of the working class; and compare the labor legislation of the United States with that of European countries.

66b. Socialism. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor JOHNSON. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 264.

Due attention will be given in this course to the various forms of socialistic theory. Its main object, however, is to describe the evolution of the socialist movement and the organization of socialistic parties, to measure the present strength of the movement, and to examine in the concrete its methods and aims.

67. Problems in Market Distribution. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 245. Assistant Professor TURNER.

First term: lectures, discussions and assigned readings on the origin, growth and change of middlemen and other intermediaries between the producer and the consumer.
Second term: merchandising, selling, and advertising.

68. Railway Transportation. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor YOUNG. T Th S, 11, Goldwin Smith 256.

The present American railway system, railway finance, theory of rates, methods of public control in Europe, Australia, and America. Some attention is given to the related problem of the control of public service companies.

70. Public Finance. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Prerequisite course 51. Assistant Professor BLAKEY. T Th, 12, Goldwin Smith 264.

A study of the principles of government revenue, expenditure and debt, with particular reference to problems of American taxation.

71. Investments. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Prerequisite course 51; course 58 should precede or may accompany this course. Dr. SMITH. T Th, 9, Goldwin Smith 245.

[73. Insurance. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite courses 51 and 58; or 58 may be taken at the same time. Assistant Professor BAUER.] Not given in 1914-15.

76a. Elementary Statistics. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256. Laboratory, W, 2-4, Goldwin Smith 259.

An introduction to census statistics with especial reference to the federal census of 1910, and to registration statistics with especial reference to those of New York State and its cities. The course gives an introduction to the methods and results of statistics in these, its best developed branches.

76b. Economic Statistics. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51. Professor WILLCOX. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 256. Laboratory, W, 2-4, Goldwin Smith 259.

A continuation of course 76a, dealing mainly with the agricultural and industrial statistics of the United States. Mature students that have not already had course 76a or its equivalent may be admitted by special permission. The course is an introduction to statistics in its application to more difficult fields, such as production, wages, prices, and index numbers.

78a. International Law and Diplomacy. First term, credit three hours. President SCHURMAN and Assistant Professor SABY. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 256. Lectures, textbook, and reports. Open to juniors and seniors in Arts and Sciences, to students in Law, and to approved upperclassmen in other colleges.

While this course aims to present a systematic view of the rights and obligations of nations in times of peace and war, it particularly emphasizes our contemporary international problems and the participation of the United States in the development of international law.

78b. Constitutional Government. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 53a. Professor ORTH. M W F, 11, Goldwin Smith 256. Lectures, textbook, and reports.

A study of the development of the American constitutional system.

[79a. History of Political Thought. First term, credit two hours. Assistant Professor SABY.

A study in the development of political thought from the Greeks to modern times in its relation to the history and development of political institutions. Lectures, textbook, and assigned readings.] Not given in 1914-15.

79b. Modern Political Thought. Second term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor SABY. T Th S, 10, Goldwin Smith 256.

A general survey of the more important modern political movements. Ideas and ideals underlying the present political unrest. The different political ideas that have at different times striven for supremacy in American political life. Lectures, textbook, and assigned readings.

[80. The History of Protection and of Free Trade in Europe since 1660. First term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51; or open by special permission to those who have had courses in European history. Assistant Professor USHER.] Not given in 1914-15.

[81. The History of Price Making and the Growth of Produce Exchanges. Second term, credit three hours. Prerequisite course 51; open by special permission to those who have had courses in European history. Assistant Professor USHER.] Not given in 1914-15.

82. Public Utilities: Problems of Accounting, Valuation and Control. Second term, credit three hours. Assistant Professor BAUER. F, 2.30, Goldwin Smith 269.

This course will center about the accounting problems connected with the regulation of public service corporations, considering especially, with critical analysis, the systems of uniform accounting prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and the New York and other state Public Service Commissions, and the principles of valuation adopted for rate making purposes. Open to graduates and by permission to especially qualified seniors.


87. The History of Economic Theory. Throughout the year, credit three hours a term. Professor JOHNSON. T Th S, 9, Goldwin Smith 264.

The main currents of economic theory from the mercantilistic writers to the present day. Chief emphasis will be laid upon the development of the individualistic economic doctrines in 18th century France and England; the conditions, economic and social, upon which they were based; the consolidation of the doctrines in classical economics, and the modifications they have undergone.

88. Value and Distribution. Throughout the year credit, two hours a term. Professor JOHNSON. Th, 2.30, Political Science Seminary Room.

A study of the chief problems of current economic theory. The works of the chief contemporary authorities will be critically studied with a view to disclosing the basis of existing divergences in point of view.
It is desirable that students registering for this course should have a reading knowledge of German and French.

90. Research in Statistics. Throughout the year, credit to be arranged. Professor WILLCOX.

92. Research in Finance. Throughout the year, credit two or three hours a term. Professor YOUNG. T, 2.30, Political Science Seminary.

Individual or cooperative investigations of selected problems in money, banking, and corporation finance, in connection with lectures upon the bibliography of the sources and upon the use of the statistical method in such investigations.

93. Research in Accounting. Throughout the year, credit two to three hours a term. Prerequisite course 58. Assistant Professor BAUER. Hours to be arranged.

For especially qualified students interested in particular accounting problems.

94. Research in Politics. Throughout the year, credit one to three hours a term. Professor ORTH. Hours and room to be arranged.

A research course for advanced students in public law and political science.

95. Seminary in Political Science and Public Law. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Professor ORTH. W, 2.30, Political Science Seminary.

An advanced course for the study of some special topic to be announced. Open to especially qualified students by permission of the professor in charge.

99. General Seminary. Throughout the year, credit two hours a term. Conducted by members of the department. M, 2.30-4.30, Goldwin Smith 269.

For research in the field of political sciences. Open only to graduate students.


Source: Official Publications of Cornell University, Vol. V, No. 10: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1915-15, pp. 29-34.


[Cornell Faculty offering courses in Political Science 1914-15]


Bauer, John, A. B., Yale, 1906; Ph.D.,1908; Leave of Absence, 1914-15.

Instructor, 1908; Assistant Professor of Economics, 1910.

Blakey, Roy Gillespie, A.B., Drake, 1905; A.M., Colorado, 1910; Ph.D., Columbia, 1912.

Assistant Professor of Economics, 1912.

English, Donald, B.S., University of California; M.B.A., Harvard, 1914.

Acting Assistant Professor of Economics, 1914.

Gilman, Frederick Hubert, A.B., Wesleyan, 1909; A.M., Cornell, 1910.

Instructor of Economics.

Johnson, Alvin Saunders, A.B., Nebraska; A.M., 1898; Ph.D., Columbia, 1902.

Professor of Economics, 1912.

Kimball, Dexter Simpson, A.B., Leland Stanford, 1896; M.E., Leland Stanford.

Assistant Professor, 1898-1901; Acting Director of Sibley College, second term, 1911-12; Professor of Machine Design and Construction, 1904.

Lauman, George Nieman, B.S.A., Cornell, 1897.

Assistant in Horticulture, 1897; Instructor, 1899; Instructor in Rural Economy, 1903; Assistant Professor, 1905; Professor of Rural Economy, 1909.

Orth, Samuel Peter, A.B., Oberlin, 1896; Ph.D., Columbia, 1902.

Acting Professor, 1912, Professor of Political Science, 1913.

Saby, Rasmus S., A.B. Minnesota, 1907; A.M. 1907; Ph.D., Pennsylvania, 1910.

Assistant, 1909; Instructor in Economics. 1910, Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1912.

Schurman, Jacob Gould, A.B., University of London, 1877; A.M., 1878; D.Sc., University of Edinburgh, 1878; LL.D., Columbia, 1892; Yale, 1901; Edinburgh, 1902; Williams, 1908; Dartmouth, 1909; Harvard, 1909.

Professor of Philosophy, 1886. President of the University, 1892.

Smith, Harry Edwin, A.B., De Pauw, 1906; A.M., 1906; Ph.D., Cornell, 1912.

Instructor of Economics.

Turner, John Roscoe, M.S., Ohio Northern, 1903; Ph.D., Princeton, 1913.

Assistant, 1908; Instructor, 1909; Lecturer, 1911, Assistant Professor of Economics, 1913.

Usher, Abbott Payson, A.B., Harvard, 1904; A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Ph.D., 1910.

Instructor, 1910. Assistant Professor of Economics, 1914.

Willcox, Walter Francis, A.B., Amherst, 1884; LL.B., A.M., Amherst, 1888; LL.D., Amherst, 1906; Ph.D., Columbia, 1907.

Instructor in Logic, 1891; Assistant Professor of Social Science and Statistics and Political Economy, 1892; Assistant Professor of Social Science and Statistics, 1893; Associate Professor, 1894; Professor, 1898; Professor of Political Economy and Statistics, 1901; Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. 1901-07; Professor of Economics and Statistics, 1910.

Young, Allyn Abbott, Ph.B., Hiram College, 1894; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 1902.

Professor of Economics and Finance, 1913.


Sources: Official Publications of Cornell University, Vol. V, No. 10: Announcement of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1914-15, pp. 29-34. Supplementary information from The Cornellian, The Year Book of Cornell University. Vol. XLVII.

Image Source: Goldwin Smith Hall, illustration between pages 36 and 37. Guide to the Campus: Cornell University (1920).