Chicago Courses

Chicago. Imperfect Competition (Econ 307) Reading List. Lange, 1941

Today’s posting  comes from Norman M. Kaplan’s student notes from his graduate studies: a carbon copy of the reading list for Oskar Lange’s course at the University of Chicago given in the Autumn Quarter of 1941.

The Course description from the 1941-42 course announcements:

307. Imperfect Competition.—A study of price formation and production under various transitional forms between perfect competition and pure monopoly, such as monopolistic and monopsonistic competition, noncompeting groups, oligopoly and bilateral monopoly. The problem of equilibrium under such forms. Noncompeting groups and social structure. Application of the theory to the study of distribution of incomes, collective bargaining, excess capacity, price rigidity, and business cycles. Imperfect competition and economic policy. Prerequisite: Economics 301 or equivalent. Summer, 9:00; Autumn, 1:30; Lange.

Source: University of Chicago. Announcements of the College and the Divisions for the Sessions of 1941. Vol. XLI, No. 10 (April 25, 1941), p. 307.


Autumn, 1941


E. Chamberlin. The Theory of Monopolistic Competition

Joan Robinson. Economics of Imperfect Competition

Roy F. Harrod. “Doctrines of Imperfect Competition,” QJE (May 1934)

G. Stigler. “Notes on the Theory of Duopoly,” JPE (Sept. 1940)

A. C. Pigou. Economics of Stationary States. Chap. 14-19, 23, 40-44

R. Triffin. Monopolistic Competition and General Equilibrium Theory.

Testimony of Frank Fetter before TNEC. Hearings before TNEC, Part 5

N. Kalder. “The Equilibirum of the Firm” Econ. J. (1934)

__________. “Monopolistic Competition and Excess Capacity,” Economica (Feb 1935)

P. Sweezy. “Demand under Conditions of Oligopoly,” JPE (Aug 1939)

R. L. Hall and C. J. Hitch. Price Theory and Business Behavior. Oxford Economic Papers No. 2, May, 1939

M. W. Reder. “Inter-Temporal Relations of Demand and Supply within the Firm,” Canadian J. of Economics and Political Science (Feb 1941)

H. Smith. “Advertising Cost and Equilibrium,” RES (Oct 1934)

G. Tintner. “Note on the Problem of Bilateral Monopoly,” JPE (1939)

M. Bronfenbrenner. “The Economics of Collective Bargaining,” QJE (Aug. 1939

Turner. “Theory of Industrial Disputes,” RES (Feb 1934)

G. Tintner. “Note on the Problem of Bilateral Monopoly,” JPE (1939)

M. Bronfenbrenner. “The Economics of Collective Bargaining,” QJE (Aug. 1939)

Turner. “Theory of Industrial Disputes,” RES (Feb 1934)

A. P. Lerner. “The Concept of Monopoly and Measurement of Monopoly Power,” RES (Feb 1934)

____________. “From Vulgar Political Economy to Vulgar Marxism,” JPE (Aug 1939)

M. Kalecki. Studies in Theory of Economic Fluctuations. Chap. 1.



J. E. Meade. An Introduction to Economic Analysis and Policy, part II

E. A. G. Robinson. Structure of Competitive Industry.

F. Zeuthen. Problems of Monopoly and Economic Warfare, part 4.

F. Harrod. Price and Cost in Entrepreneur’s Policy. Oxford Economic Papers No. 2, May, 1939.

S. Nelson and W. G. Keim. Price Behavior and Business Policy. TNEC Mon. No. 1

Report of the Federal Trade Commission on Monopolistic Practices in Industry, Hearings before TNEC, part 5A

R. Triffin. “Monopoly in Particular and General Equilibrium Economics,” Econometrica (April 1941)

M. W. Reder. “Monopolistic Competition and the Stability Conditions,” RES (Feb 1941)

R. Shone. “Selling Costs,” RES (June 1935)

E. Hoover. “Spatial Price Discrimination,” RES (June 1937)

J. R. Hicks. “The Theory of Monopoly,” Econometrica, 1935

H. Hotelling. “Stability in Competition,” Econ. J., 1929

M. Bronfenbrenner. “Application of the Discontinuous Oligopoly Demand Curve,” JPE (June 1940)

R. H. Coase. “Some Notes on Monopoly Price,” RES (Oct. 1937)

Structure of the American Economy, chaps. 7, 8, 9

J. Robinson. “What is Perfect Competition?” QJE, 1934

E. Chamberlin. “Monopolistic or Imperfect Competition,” QJE, 1937

N. Kaldor. “Professor Chamberlin on Monopolistic and Imperfect Competition,” QJE, 1938

R. F. Kahn. “Some Notes on Ideal Output,” Econ. J, 1935


Source: Kaplan, Norman Maurice. Papers, Box 2, Folder 7, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library

Image Source: Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Yzgmunt Berling, Box 2. Lange is the civilian in the front left, soon to be General Yzgmunt Berling is the uniformed man on the right. The picture is from 1943.