Exam Questions Harvard

Harvard. Monroe’s Final Exams for Intermediate Economic Theory, 1948


I try not to be judgmental as curator of the artifacts that I post, but I do have to say, even allowing for the fact that Arthur Eli Monroe was about to retire from Harvard, the examination questions he wrote down for his intermediate economic theory course offer very little to think about and much to regurgitate. The course outline and reading assignments have already been transcribed for Economics in the Rear-View Mirror.  

Not all artifacts here have been created equal.



Final Examination
Economic Theory and Policy
Arthur Eli Monroe



Discuss FOUR topics.

  1. Individual demand curves.
  2. The cost curve of the firm.
  3. The supply curve of an industry.
  4. Oligopoly
  5. Adjustment to changes in demand.
  6. Selling cost.
  7. Freedom of entry.
  8. Some topic covered by the Reading Period assignment.

Final. January, 1948.


Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Final Examinations, 1853-2001 (HUC 7000.28, Box 15 of 284). Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Papers Printed for Final Examinations: History, History of Religions, … , Economics, … , Military Science, Naval Science, January, 1948.



Final Examination
Economic Theory and Policy
Arthur Eli Monroe



Discuss FOUR topics.

  1. Versions of the marginal productivity theory.
  2. Keynes on the rate of interest.
  3. Böhm-Bawerk.
  4. Capital and the rate of wages.
  5. Rent.
  6. Monopoly and wages.
  7. The “going rate” of interest.
  8. Hicks on inventions.
  9. Profit.
  10. Gardiner C. Means.
  11. Sée on industrial capitalism.
  12. Investment and the level of employment.

Final. May, 1948.


Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Final Examinations, 1853-2001 (HUC 7000.28, Box 15 of 284). Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Papers Printed for Final Examinations: History, History of Religions, … , Economics, … , Military Science, Naval Science, May, 1948.

Image Source: Arthur Eli Monroe in Harvard Album, 1942.