Bibliography Chicago Courses

Chicago. Mathematical Economics. Henry Schultz’s Reading List, 1935



For an earlier posting I transcribed a core list of references for the course on mathematical economics, Economics 402, taught by Henry Schultz at the University of Chicago during the Spring quarter, 1932. That list was found in the papers of Albert G. Hart in the Columbia University archives. A virtually identical core list of references was found in George Stigler’s papers at the University of Chicago archives in a folder labeled “1935 Univ. of Chicago Class notes”. Only a few handwritten additions differ between the two copies.

The “Stigler edition” of the Economics 402 list of references probably comes from the 1935 autumn quarter. There are two reasons to think this besides simply trusting the accuracy of the folder’s label. Stigler’s preliminary examinations for the doctorate must have been taken in May 1935 according to a mimeographed copy of the examination schedules located in this same folder. Mathematical economics was considered a specialized field at the time and was unlikely to have been the subject of the preliminary examination in theory;  further, one of the handwritten additions was a reference to an August 1935 paper by Henry Schultz. 

The value-added of today’s transcription of the “Stigler edition” compared to the earlier “Hart edition is that I have gone to great lengths to provide links to the overwhelming majority of items below. The links to are free only to those with access to a research library’s e-resource, but a surprising amount of the stuff is out there and downloadable for free. The posting with the “Hart edition” also includes Schultz’s reference lists for Cost Theory and the Theory of Monopolistic Competition that were not found in the Stigler papers.

I suspect that Stigler only audited Economics 402 because we find only about five pages of his own notes for the course in that folder. In comparison for Schultz’s other course, Theory and Measurement of Demand (Economics 405), one finds about forty pages of notes.

There is one problem with one row in the table of references that I have highlighted in boldface blue. The dates given for the Journal of the American Statistical Association are not associated with papers written by Henry L. Moore nor do any of the papers in the issues noted appear to have papers of particular interest for mathematical economics expect perhaps that by Karl G. Karsten: The Theory of Quadrature in Economics. JASA March, 1924 [Link to]. Henry L. Moore’s list of publications only shows a single March 1922 publication in JASA, but many papers in QJE.



Course Announcements, 1935-36, 1932-33 

  1. Mathematical Economics.— Prerequisite: Economics 301 [Price and Distribution Theory], a reading knowledge of French, and consent of the instructor. Registration for a course or a double course. Autumn, SCHULTZ.

Source: University of Chicago. Announcements, The College and the Divisions for the Sessions of 1935-36, p. 297


  1. Mathematical Economics.—A study of economic theory from the point of view of assumptions, range of problems, methods and tools, and validity and utility of results under present conditions. Consideration is given to the problem of “circular reasoning” in price theory, to the advantages and limitations of the mathematical approach, and to the possibility of developing a “statistical complement” to pure theory. Special attention is paid to the problem of price determination and to the mathematical theory of production. Readings will be assigned on special topics in the works of Cournot, Jevons, Walras, Pareto, Marshall, Moore, and others; and the class meetings will be devoted chiefly to discussion. Opportunity for investigation of particular problems is offered the student. Prerequisite: Economics 301 [Price and Distribution Theory], a reading knowledge of French, and consent of the instructor. Registration may be made for one or more courses each quarter. Summer, Autumn, SCHULTZ.

Source: University of Chicago. Announcements, Arts, Literature and Science, vol. XXXII, February 25, 1932, no. 12 (for the sessions of 1932-33), p. 355.



[Autumn Quarter 1935]

Mathematical Economics
Henry Schultz
University of Chicago

Amoroso, Luigi Lezioni di Economia Matematica
Le Equazioni Differenziali della Dinamica Economica—in Giornale degli Economisti, February, 1929. [Link to]
La Curva Statica di Offerta—Giornale degli Economisti, January, 1930. [Link to]  [English translation: Link to]
Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science July, 1892 (Paper by Walras) [Link to]
Auspitz, Rudolf
Lieben, Richard
Recherches sur la théorie du prix [Volume IVolume II]
Bentham, Jeremy Principles of Morals and Legislation [Volume IVolume II]
Bertolasi, Ellen Quittner Die Stellung der Lausanner Schule in der Grenznutzenlehre—in Arch. f. Sozialw. u. Sozialpol., 64. Band, Heft 1, August, 1930, pp. 16-44.
Black, J. D. [Introduction to] Production Economics [New York, 1926]
Bonar, James Philosophy and Political Economy
Bousquet, G. H. Essai sur l’évolution de la Pensée économique [1927]
Précis de sociologie d’àpres Vilfredo Pareto [Paris, 1925]
Vilfredo Pareto: Sa vie et son oeuvre
Boven, Pierre Les applications mathématiques à l’économie politique [Lausanne, 1912].
Bowley, A. L. Mathematical Groundwork of Economics
Bridgman, P. W. The Logic of Modern Physics
Cassel, Gustav Theory of Social Economy
Fundamental Thoughts on Economics
Cournot, A. A. The Mathematical Theory of Wealth
Théorie des richesses
Cunynghame, H. Geometrical Political Economy
Del Vecchio, Gustavo La Dinamica Economica Di H. L. Moore—in Giornale degli Economisti, Anno XLV, Giugno, 1930, VIII, No. 6, pp. 545-554. [link to]
Dicey Law and Opinion in England
Edgeworth, F. Y. Mathematical Psychics
Papers relating to Political Economy [Volume  IVolume IIVolume III.]
Evans, G. C. Mathematical Introduction to Economics
Fisher, Irving Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices,—in Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences (9-10) pp. 1-125.
[Ricci, Umberto] Elasticità dei bisogni, della domanda e dell’offerta. Giornale degli Economisti Aug. & Oct., 1924.

Link to Part I in; link to Part II in

Halévy, Élie La formation du radicalism philosophique
[Vol. I. La Jeunesse de Bentham, 1901; Vol. II. L’Évolution de la Doctrine Utilitaire de 1789 a 1815, 1901; Vol. III. Le Radialisme Philosophique, 1904.]
Hobson, E. W. The Domain of Natural Science
Jevons, W. S. Theory of Political Economy [Third edition]
Journal of the American Statistical Association Dec. 1923; March & Dec. 1924; Dec. 1926
(Papers by H. L. Moore)
Journal of Political Economy
Oct. & Dec. 1925; April 1927
Schultz, Henry. The Statistical Law of Demand as Illustrated by the Demand for Sugar, Part I. J.P.E. (Oct., 1925), pp. 481-504. [Link to]

Schultz, Henry. The Statistical Law of Demand as Illustrated by the Demand for Sugar, Part II. J.P.E. (Dec., 1925, pp. 577-631. [Link to]
Appendix I: Comments on Professor Lehfeldt’s Method of Deriving the Elasticity of Demand for Wheat [Link to].
Appendix II: Tables [Link to].

Ezekiel, Mordecai. A Statistical Examination of Factors Related to Lamb Prices. J.P.E. (Apr., 1927), pp. 233-260. [Link to]

Marshall, Alfred Principles of Economics [Eight edition]
Industry and Trade
Money, Credit and Commerce
Moore, Henry L. Laws of Wages
Economic Cycles
Forecasting the Yield & the Price of Cotton
Generating Economic Cycles
Synthetic Economics
Moret, Jacques L’emploi des mathématiques en économie politique
Nichol, A. J. Partial Monopoly and Price Leadership (Privately published)

[cf. “A Re-appraisal of Cournot’s Theory of Duopoly Price”, Journal of Political Economy (Feb. 1934), pp. 80-105. Link to]

Pantaleoni, M. Pure Economics
Pareto, Vilfredo Manuel d’économie politique
Cours d’économie politique [Volume 1, Volume 2]
Anwendung der Mathematik auf National Ökonomie, —in Encycl. Mathematisch, Wissenschaft, I G 2, pp. 1094-1170
Économie mathématique, —in Encyclopédie des sciences mathématique, Tome I, vol. 4 (Fascicule 4, pp. 590-640)
The New Theories of Economics, —in Journ. Polit.Econ., Sept. 1897 [Link to]
Traité de sociologie générale [Volume IVolume II]
Pearson, Karl Grammar of Science
Pietri-Tonelli, Alfonso Traité d’économie rationelle
[H. Gamier translation from 3rd Italian edition. Paris, 1927]
Pigou, Alfred [sic, Arthur] Economics of Welfare
[4th edition, 1920.  ]
Planck, Max A Survey of Physics
Poincaré, Henri Foundations of Science
Political Science Quarterly
(Paper by Mitchell)
Vol. XXXIII, June, 1918, No. 2, pp. 164-5 [Part II of “Bentham’s Felicific Calculus”. Link to]
Quarterly Journal of Economics
Jan. 1898; Aug. 1925; Nov. 1926; March[sic] 1927
Irving Fisher. “Cournot and Mathematical Economics (Jan., 1898), pp. 119-138. [Link to]. And “Appendix: Notes on Cournot’s Mathematics”, pp. 238-244. [Link to]

Holbrook Working “The Statistical Determination of Demand Curves” (August, 1925), pp. 503-543. [Link to]

Henry Ludwell Moore. “A Theory of Economic Oscillations” (Nov., 1926), pp. 1-29. [Link to]

E. J. Working. “What Do Statistical ‘Demand Curves’ Show?” (Feb., 1927, pp. 212-235. [Link to]

Revue d’histoire des doctrines économique et sociales 1910 (Article by Antonelli on Léon Walras) [Link to]
Revue d’histoire économique et sociale
(1924), pp. 225-43
G. H. Bousquet. “Vilfredo Pareto — Le Développement et la Signification Historique de son Œuvre”, Vol. 12, No. 2.  [Link to]
Revue de metaphysique et de morale (13) 1905 (Section on Cournot) [pp. 291-543]
Ricci, Umberto Die statistischen Gesetze des Gleichgewichtes nach Henry Schultz—in Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, January, 1931
Schultz, Henry [Handwritten addition] Interrelation of Demand, Income and Price J.P.E. Aug. 1935 [Link to]

Statistical Laws of Demand and Supply […with Special Application to Sugar. University of Chicago Press, 1938]

Marginal Productivity and the General Pricing Process, —Journ. Polit. Econ., Oct. 1929.  [Link to]
Der Sinn der statistischen Nachfragekurven
[Vol 10 of Frankfurter Gesellschaft für Konjunkturforschung, 1939[Handwritten addition] Interrelations of Demand J.P. E. Aug. 1933 [Link to]
Vinci, Felice “Sui Fondamenti della Dinamica Economica”, Rivista Italiana di Statistica, Anno II, No. 3, Luglio-Settembre, 1930—VIII, pp. 222-268
Walras, Léon Économie politique appliquée
Économie sociale
Éléments d’économie politique
Wicksteed, Philip The Alphabet of Economic Science
Common Sense of Political Economy
Stephen, Leslie The [English] Utilitarians
[Vol. I. Jeremy Bentham; Vol. II. James MillVol. III. John Stuart Mill (1900). ]
Zawadzki, Wl. Les mathématiques appliquées à l’économie politique
Zeuthen, F. L. Problems of Monopoly and Economic Welfare


Specific References to Pareto by Schultz

A ten-page handout prepared by Schultz for Economics 402 “General Laws of Individual Demand and Supply (after Pareto)” includes much more specific references to Pareto’s works, the first of which is a new item.

Vilfredo Pareto

  • Giornale degli Economisti, 1892, pp. 119-157, 1893, pp. 279-321.

[Considerazioni Sui Principii Fondamentali Dell’Economia Politica Pura

jstor link to May 1892, Volume 4, pp. 389-420;
jstor link to June 1892, Volume 4, pp. 485-512; link to August 1892, Volume 5, pp. 119-157; link to January 1893, Volume 6, pp. 1-37; link to October 1893, Volume 7, pp. 279-321.

English translation: Considerations on the Fundamental Principles of Pure Political Economy (edited by Roberto Marchionatti and Fiorenzo Mornati), London: Routledge, 2007.


Source: University of Chicago Archives. Papers of George Stigler. Addenda, Box 33. Folder “1935 University of Chicago Class Notes”.

Image Source: Henry Schultz (detail from group picture of the Cowles Commission’s 4th Annual Research Conference on Economics and Statistics at Colorado Springs, July 20, 1938)