Economics Programs Faculty Regulations Harvard

Harvard. Economics degree requirements, A.B./A.M./Ph.D., 1921-1922

In addition to Harvard’s requirements for the A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in economics as of the academic year 1921-22, this post includes the A.B. degree requirements for concentrators in economics. Furthermore information regarding the overlap with a concentration in “social ethics” and the Ph.D. requirements for “business economics” has been included.

Degree Requirements for 1897-98.
Degree Requirements for 1911-12.
Degree Requirements for 1934-35.
Degree Requirements from 1947.
Degree Requirements from 1958.
Degree Regulations from 1968.


Degree Requirements
in 1921-22



The Division of History, Government, and Economics comprises three departments: History; Government; and Economics. The Division has charge of the administration of the degree of A.B. in History, in Government, and in Economics, and of the degree of Ph.D. in History, in Political Science, and in Economics. The recommendation of candidates for assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships is in the hands of the respective Departments; and each Department has charge of all matters relating specially to its own instruction.


The degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are conferred usually after four years of residence, although a student who enters college without serious deficiency may complete the requirements for the degree in three years or three years and a half. At least one year of residence is required. Students of other colleges are admitted to advanced standing in Harvard College, without examination, on presenting testimonials of scholarship and character, and satisfactory evidence of work well performed in the institutions previously attended.


The requirement for concentration in a department or field of distinction demands in this Division four courses in one department, either History, Government, or Economics, and two additional courses selected from those offered by the Division. A student concentrating in Economics may select as the two additional courses related courses in Social Ethics. No one may count toward his six courses more than two of the introductory courses, History 1, Government 1, and Economics A. The election of these six courses should be made with a view to the requirements for the final examination described below, and the advice of the student’s Tutor should be sought in selecting these and any further courses in the Division


Students concentrating in the Division of History, Government, and Economics will, at the close of their college course and as a prerequisite to the degree of A.B. or S.B., be required to pass an examination upon the field of their concentration. This examination will cover the general attainments of each candidate in the field covered by this Division and also his attainments in a specific field of study. Candidates for the Division Examination at mid years must signify their intention of taking it on or before December 15; candidates for the examination at Commencement, on or before April 1. The examination will consist of three parts:

(a) A general written examination, which will be given in two parts: one designed to ascertain the comprehensive attainment of the candidate in the subjects of this Division; the other covering the work of the Department in which the student is concentrating. There will be a large number of alternative questions to allow for differences in preparation.

(b) A special written examination, which will test the student’s grasp of his chosen specific field (see list of fields below). The candidate will be expected to show a thorough understanding of the subject of this field; knowledge of the content of courses only will not suffice. The examination will be upon a subject, not upon a group of courses.

(c) An oral examination, supplementary to either or both of the written examinations, but usually bearing primarily upon the candidate’s specific field.

The specific field should ordinarily be chosen from the following list, which indicates also the courses bearing most directly upon each field. In special cases other fields or combinations of fields may be accepted by the Division. This field should be selected by the end of the Sophomore year. [Course announcement 1921-22]


Specific field of concentration Courses ordinarily to be elected for concentration Alternative courses for candidates for the degree with distinction Suggested courses in other Departments to be elected for the purpose of concentration or to be taken as free electives
1. Economic Theory Economics A, 7a, 7b, 10, and the equivalent of 1½ full courses from the following: 1a, 1b, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, 9a, 9b Economics 11, 12, 14, 15 Philosophy 25a
2. Economic History Economics A, 1b, 2a, 2b, 10 and the equivalent of 1 full course from the following: 3, 4a, 4b, 6a, 9b Economics 23, 24, 33 History 17a, 17b, 32a, 32b, 57
3. Sociology Economics A, 1b, 6a, 7a, 7b, 8, 10 Social Ethics 4, Anthropology 1, 12, Philosophy 25a
Applied Economics
4. Money and Banking Economics A, 1a, 1b, 2b, 3, 10, and either 4a or 4b Economics 37, 38
5. Corporate Organization Economics A, 1a, 1b, 2b, 4a, 4b, 10, and either 2a or 6a Economics 36a, 36b
6. Transportation Economics A, 1a, 1b, 2b, 4a or 4b, 10, and either 2a or 6a Economics 36a, 36b
7. Public Finance Economics A, 1a, 1b, 2b, 5, 10, and either 2a or 9b Economics 31, 36a, 36b Government 9a, 9b, 17a, 17b
8. Labor Problems Economics A, 1b, 2a, 2b, 6a, 7b, 10, and either 7a or 9a Economics 34 Social Ethics 4,6
9. Economics of Agriculture Economics A, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 9a, 10, and either 4a or 9b Economics 32
10. International Trade and Tariff Policy Economics A, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 9a, 9b, 10 Economics 33, 39



The general final examination has been established, not in order to place an additional burden upon candidates for the A.B., but for the purpose of securing better correlation of the student’s work, encouraging better methods of study, and furnishing a more adequate test of real power and attainment. To this end students concentrating in the Division will from the beginning of their Sophomore year have the guidance and assistance of special Tutors. The work of these Tutors will be to guide students in their respective fields of study, to assist them in coördinating the knowledge derived from different courses, and to stimulate in them the reading habit. Students will meet the Tutors in small groups and for individual conferences at intervals depending upon the nature of the student’s work, the rate of his progress, and the number of courses which he may be taking in this Division in any particular year. The work of Tutors will be entirely independent of the conduct of courses, and the Tutors as such will have no control over the work or the grades of any student in any college course. Their guidance and assistance will naturally be of indirect benefit to the student in his work in individual courses, but their main function will be to help the student and guide him in the kind of reading and study which will be most useful toward his general progress in this Division. The attitude of the Tutor will be that of a friend rather than of a taskmaster, and students may consult him freely and informally concerning any phase of their work.


An undergraduate concentrating in Social Ethics must take four courses in the Department of Social Ethics and two either in the Department of Philosophy and Psychology or in the Department of Economics, the entire programme to be approved by a member of the Department of Social Ethics. A written examination covering the general field of concentration will be required at the end of the Senior year.


Students concentrating in Social Ethics will, from the beginning of their Sophomore year, receive the guidance and supervision of a Tutor. The Tutors will aid the students in correlating the work of their courses, and will direct them in special reading bearing upon the work of the Department and upon the students’ special fields of interest. The Tutors will seek especially to aid students in developing habits of profitable reading, in independent thinking, in scholarly method, and in the coördination and application of their knowledge. Students will meet their Tutors individually and in small groups from time to time, the constitution of the group and the frequency of meetings depending upon the nature of the students’ work and their rate of progress. The tutorial instruction is considered a regular part of the work of any student concentrating in the Department, and is reported upon from time to time to the Chairman of the Department. Every effort is made to establish personal and friendly relations between Tutors and students, and to this end the Tutors will always be glad to be consulted informally upon any matter in which they may be of assistance to the students.



In the opinion of the Faculty every undergraduate of superior ability should look to a considerable amount of advanced work in some subject or related subjects as a natural part of his undergraduate career; but it is not to be imagined that the Faculty intends to call for anything like original research on the part of undergraduates, or for the passing of examinations similar to those required for the higher degrees. The Degree with Distinction, it is believed, is so planned as to be within the reach of every student of good ability.

General Regulations. — The candidate for the degree of A.B. with Distinction in History, Government, and Economics shall make application, not later than November 1 of the year in which he expects to receive the degree, to the Division of History, Government, and Economics; he shall, at the same time, record his name and purpose at the office of the Dean of Harvard College. Students intending to become candidates are urged to put themselves, as early as the beginning of their Sophomore year, under the guidance of the Division.

The requirements for the degree cum laude and magna cum laude are the same. The grade of distinction depends on the excellence of the student’s work, as determined by the Division. If his work be judged unworthy of distinction, but worthy of a degree, the Division may recommend him for a degree without distinction.

Special Regulations. — Not later than November 1 of his final year of preparation, the candidate must present, for approval by the Division, a plan of study, which shall comprise at least seven courses, selected from those offered by the Division, and not including more than two from the three introductory courses, History 1, Government 1, and Economics A. This plan of study may, however, with the approval of the Division, include related courses offered by other Departments of the University, and also, by special vote of the Division, suitable work done outside of regular courses.

If four or more of the seven courses are courses in History, the candidate, if successful, will be recommended for the Degree with Distinction in History; if four or more of them are courses in Economics, he will be recommended for the Degree with Distinction in Economics; if four or more of them are courses in Government, he will be recommended for the Degree with Distinction in Government.

Besides this minimum requirement, the candidate may indicate in his plan of study any additional work done in History, Government, Economics, or in related subjects. The character and range of this work will be taken into account in determining the recommendation for the Degree with Distinction. The winning of a University prize in any of the subjects represented in the Division, such as a Bowdoin, Toppan, or Sumner prize, may, at the Division’s discretion, be accepted as evidence towards establishing a candidate’s qualification for the Degree with Distinction.

Not later than May 1 of his Senior year, the candidate will present to the Chairman of the Division a thesis; and he will be required to pass an examination on his general field, or on such portion of the field as the Division may determine. Successful candidates at this examination will be excused from the final examinations in their Senior year in the courses offered for the Degree with Distinction; and unsuccessful candidates at the examination may be recommended by the Division for the ordinary degree without taking the final examinations in such courses.

In the award of the Dillaway Fellowship preference will be given to the most successful candidate for the Degree with Distinction in History; and the Philip Washburn Prize is offered for the best thesis, of sufficient merit, on an historical subject presented by a successful candidate for the Degree with Distinction in History.


Candidates for Distinction must elect eight courses in the Departments of Philosophy and Psychology, Social Ethics, and Economics, of which four must be in the Department of Social Ethics and two in each of the others, and must pass an oral examination in addition to the written.



The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has established a degree with distinction based upon programmes combining studies in the Classics with the studies of the Division of History, Government, and Economics. Three different programmes are offered with the following requirements in each: –

[Classics and History; Classics and Government; Classics and Economics]


Classics and Economics

  1. Eight courses five in the Department of the Classics (both Greek and Latin) and three in the Department of Economics.
  2. A thesis connecting Ancient and Modern Economic Theory or History.
  3. A general examination, either written or oral, on Greek and Roman Literature, History and Economics, and on the subject matter of certain works which will be determined by a joint committee of the Department of the Classics and the Department of Economics.


The ordinary requirement for the degree of Master of Arts for a graduate of an approved college consists of one year of residence and study devoted to advanced work approved by the Administrative Board of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as affording suitable preparation for the degree, and completed with distinction. Graduates of colleges whose requirements for admission and grad uation are considerably below those of Harvard College, or of colleges whose standing is not well known to the Administrative Board, and graduates of any college who have not sufficient prep aration for advanced work in their particular subject of study, are ordinarily required to devote at least two years to their study for this degree. In special cases this period may be shortened to one year or one year and a half for students whose work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences shows unusual excellence.

The programme of study for the degree of Master of Arts must form a consistent plan of work pursued with some definite aim, whether it lies wholly in a single department or field of study or in more than one; this work may be done either in, or in con nection with, the regular courses of instruction, or independently of them. Programmes should be submitted early in the academic year, and no programme will ordinarily be approved that is received after January 15 of the academic year in which the degree is to be taken. All applications should be addressed to the Secretary of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

All candidates must possess an elementary knowledge of two modern foreign languages, ordinarily French and German.


For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy not less than two years devoted to advanced studies, approved as affording suitable preparation for the degree, are required of graduates of colleges of good standing. This degree is not usually taken in less than three years after the attainment of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Harvard College, or an equivalent. A graduate of another college may ascertain by writing to the Secretary of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences whether any special conditions will be imposed upon him. In order to be admitted to the degree the candidate must show a general training in the whole field of study, firm grasp of his special subject within the field, and independent research in some portion of that subject. He must present a thesis, showing original treatment or investigation, and must pass such examination or examinations as may be required by the Division. The degree is given on the ground of thorough study and high attainments. Appropriate studies carried on in the graduate school of another university may be recognized as a part of the candidate’s preparation for the degree. The minimum period of residence at Harvard University is one year.

The University confers the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History; in Political Science; in Economics; and in Business Economics. Candidates for the degree under any of these heads are subject to supervision and examination by the Division of History, Government, and Economics. In order to indicate the grounds on which it is prepared to recommend candidates for the degree, the Division has adopted the following statements and suggestions.

All communications relative to the doctorate should be sent to Professor Charles H. Haskins, Chairman of the Division Committee on Graduate Degrees, 23 University Hall, Cambridge.


Every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is required, at an early stage in his preparation, to submit to the Division, through the Chairman of its Committee on Graduate Degrees, evidence of the extent and quality of his general studies. A command of good English, spoken and written, the ability to make free use of French and German books, and a fair acquaintance with general history are expected in all cases. On the evidence presented, the Division will decide, provisionally, as to the sufficiency of the candidate’s general training. No set examinations will be held at this stage, but before he is admitted to the general examination each candidate must present a certificate from a designated member of the Division stating that he is able to make free use of French and German books. Such a certificate may be given on the basis either of a special test or of the candidate’s use of these languages in connection with the regular courses of instruction. Candidates may be required to make up deficiencies by pursuing specified College courses, or in such other way as the Division may designate. The provisional acceptance of a candidate, as regards this portion of his preparation, does not preclude the Division from rejecting him later, if, in the examination on specific subjects, it shall appear that his general education is insufficient.

Candidates must pass two examinations: the first general, the second (after the acceptance of the thesis) on a special field, defined in each case by vote of the Division.


The first examination will be held not later than the beginning of the last year of study for the degree, and candidates are recommended to present themselves for this examination in the course of the preceding academic year. The object of this test is to ascertain the applicant’s attainments within a considerable range of subjects in the field of History, Political Science, or Economics. He will ordinarily be examined in six subjects in all, chosen from the groups defined below under the respective departments of study, but the ground of his special field will not be covered in the general examination. Candidates are not required, however, to follow the details of these plans. They may present, for the consideration of the Division, reasonable substitutes for any of the topics named, and may offer appropriate combinations of parts of the separate subjects. They are advised, in all cases, to submit their plans of study for approval at an early date, as the Division reserves the right to disapprove any plan which seems to it unsatisfactory, even though the plan meet the formal requirements of distribution in the various groups. In judging of the candidate’s fitness for the degree, regard will be had to the general grasp and maturity shown, as well as to the range and accuracy of his attainments in the specific subjects of examination.


The thesis must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Division Committee on Graduate Degrees on or before April 1 of the year in which the degree is sought. It must be accepted as satisfactory before the candidate can be admitted to the final examination. It must show an original treatment of the subject, or give evidence of independent research, and must also be in good literary form and suitable for publication.*

*A list of the theses which have been accepted for the Ph.D. in the Division of History, Government, and Economics will be found in the list of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science who have received their degree in course from Harvard University, 1873-1916, published by the University in 1916.

Every thesis must be accompanied by a brief summary, not exceeding 1200 words in length, which shall indicate as clearly as possible the methods, material, and results. Each summary must be approved by the Division Committee as adequate and as in suitable form for publication. These summaries will be printed by the University in an annual volume.


The second examination will be on a single limited subject agreed upon in advance. It is intended that each candidate should have, as far as possible, freedom of choice in selecting his subject, but it is expected that he will submit, for approval, an outline of work to be presented in satisfaction of this requirement. It is desirable that this outline should be submitted a year in advance of the examination. Ordinarily the ground covered by the special examination will not be greater in extent than one of the subjects offered by the candidate at his general examination, and may be identical with one of these subjects. Or the candidate may limit his more special preparation to an approved portion of this field, which will regularly include the period or topic within which the thesis lies. At the final examination, the candidate will be expected to show such a mastery of his special field, and such an acquaintance with the literature, general and special, bearing on it, as would qualify him to give instruction to mature students.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *



Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics must meet the general requirements stated [above]. They should also be well grounded in the main outlines of European and American history, and should have had a general view of the nature and growth of political institutions and constitutional law.


This examination will include six subjects, chosen from the following list. Of the six subjects, Group A must be offered and one subject from Group C. The others will ordinarily be chosen from Group B. In all cases at least one of the subjects chosen must be historical in character, either economic history under Group B or one of the historical fields under Group C.

Group A

  1. Economic Theory and its History, with special reference to the Development of Economic Thought since 1776.

Group B

  1. Economic History before 1750.
  2. Economic History since 1750.
  3. Statistical Method and its Application.
  4. Money, Banking, and Crises.
  5. Transportation
  6. Economics of Corporations.
  7. Public Finance.
  8. International Trade and Tariff Policy.
  9. Economics of Agriculture.
  10. Labor Problems.
  11. Socialism and Social Reform.
  12. Sociology

Group C

  1. Any of the historical fields (Nos. 1 to 16) defined under the requirements for the Ph.D. in History.
  2. Comparative Modern Government.
  3. American Government and Constitutional Law.
  4. Municipal Government.
  5. Jurisprudence (selected topics).
  6. Philosophy (selected topics).
  7. Anthropology
  8. History of Political Theory.
  9. International Law.

In the case of a candidate whose special subject is in the Department of Social Ethics, the six subjects for examination will be chosen from the two following groups. The candidate will be examined in all four of the subjects in Group E, and is expected to be proficient in the history of one of them. He will select two subjects from Group F.

Group E

  1. Ethical Theory.
  2. Economic Theory.
  3. Poor Relief.
  4. Social Reforms.

Group F

  1. Sociology
  2. Statistics
  3. Economic History.
  4. The Labor Question.
  5. Criminology and Penology.
  6. Problems of Municipal Government.
  7. Anthropology



Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Business Economics must meet the general requirements stated [above, pp. 102-204]. They should also be well grounded in the outlines of European and American history. In the course of their preparation they should have had fundamental training in Accounting, Marketing (or Commercial Organization), and the Law of Contracts. Courses in these subjects required for the degree of Master in Business Administration should be taken ordinarily during the first year of graduate study.


This examination will include six fields chosen from the following list. The subject of Economic Theory is required in all cases, but not more than two subjects may ordinarily be taken from Group A. Preparation for the subjects in Group B should aim, as far as practicable, to combine the more general training in Economics with the technical training in Business courses.

Combinations of examination subjects other than those here stated may be offered. In all cases the programme of study must be approved by the Division. Candidates are urged to seek early in their residence the advice of the Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration and of the Chairman of the Department of Economics.

Group A

  1. Economic Theory.
  2. Economic History since 1750.
  3. Public Finance and Taxation.
  4. Economics of Agriculture.

Group B

  1. Accounting.
  2. Marketing.
  3. Foreign Trade.
  4. Industrial Management and Labor Problems.
  5. Money and Banking.
  6. Corporate Organization and Finance.
  7. Transportation.
  8. Insurance.
  9. Statistical Method and its Application.

The field for the special examination should be chosen in accordance with the requirements stated [above “III. Special Examination”], except that ordinarily the subject should be one of those in group B.

Source: Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. XVIII, No. 20 (April 21, 1921) Division of History, Government, and Economics, 1921-22.

Image Source:  Harvard Square 1915 from Brookline Public Library’s Photograph Collection at Digital Commonwealth (Non-Commercial, Creative Commons license).