Columbia Fields Harvard Suggested Reading

Harvard. Reading List in Public Finance. Bullock and Burbank, 1934.

In an earlier posting I posted the public finance reading list for the Ph.D. field exam in public finance prepared some time during the fall semester 1933-34 which was in a Harvard economics department folder along with reading lists for other fields (railroads, corporations, and banking). In this posting we find the identical reading list along with a cover letter from Professor Charles Bullock of Harvard to Prof. Haig, the public finance expert, at Columbia asking for comments. I have added Haig’s suggestions for deletions and additions in blue-boldface.


[Bullock to Haig, 15 January 1934]


January 15, 1934

Prof. R. M. Haig
Columbia University
New York City

My dear Haig:

Burbank and I have been conferring recently about the reading that ought to be done by our graduate students who offer public finance as their special field for the doctorate. After considering books and the results students apparently get from reading them, we have got up the enclosed list. If you would be interested in reading it and commented commenting upon it, I should be greatly indebted to you.

In particular I would be glad to have you note any books which you have found useful for your students but which we have omitted.

Some of the books we list, like Miss Comstock’s “Taxation in the Modern State”, are pretty light-weight affairs; but they have some information in them which students can’t readily get elsewhere; also, of course, some misinformation.

If there are any books listed here that you would strike out, I should be very glad if you would indicate deletions.

Another question is that of the division of the books into the three groups. The first group mostly is intended to give the general approach, though the last thing in it, the Colwyn Report, is put there because Burbank has found it extremely useful with his students. Mine have not found it so useful; and I would have preferred to put that title in Group II.

I would be glad to have your comments also on the amount of reading. I am inclined to think the requirement of all the books in Group I, six or eight books in Group II, and three or four books in Group III is excessive; but the first two titles in Group I are really read in class. Do you think the total amount of reading excessive?

For your convenience I am sending along two copies, so that you can jot down in lead pencil on one of them additions, deletions, criticisms, and any other comment, and then mail the damned thing back to me without even going to the trouble of dictating a letter. In the present state of the literature in public finance, I have found it very difficult to know what to do; and so has Burbank. Perhaps you may be sufficiently in the same frame of mind so that you will not find this polite request I make too much of an imposition!

Yours sincerely,


Charles J. Bullock




Readings in Public Finance for General and Special Examinations

Students preparing for the special examination in public finance should read all the references listed under I. In II the student should read a substantial portion of six or eight books, selecting topics which he considers of most interest and value to him. In III the student should read a substantial portion of three or four of the books listed, again following his own requirements or interests.


I. Required Reading

A. Smith Wealth of Nations, Book 5
J. S. Mill Principles of Political Economy, Book 5, ch. 1-8
C. F. Bastable Public Finance (3rd edition). Read pages: 1-149; 153-257; 261-421; 425-442; 443-464; 465-468; 469-494; 504-573; 611-711.
H. L. Lutz Public Finance
C. J. Bullock Selected Readings in Public Finance (3rd edition). Read pages: 1-51; 76-147; 156-268; 278-379; 445-490; 533-607; 755-902; 921-982
A. Wagner Finanzwissenschaft, Vol. II. Read all the coarse print; use judgment on the fine print.
P. Leroy-Beaulieu Traité des Finances, Vol. I (8th edition, 1912). Read pages: 1-10; 28-92; 92-133; 134-143; 172-249; 367-387; 394-437; 439-482; 483-517; 539-626; 626-703
[Haig note: Substitute Allix]
D. R. Dewey Financial History of the United States
The Colwyn Report Great Britain: Report of the Committee on National Debt and Taxation, 1927. Read pages: 73-244. (Cmd. 2800; Econ. 5389.27)

[Haig note: Add.—H. Dalton—Principles of Public Finance]



II. Reading Recommended

Mills and Starr Readings in Public Finance and Taxation. Read Pages: 41-150; 168-195; 205-264; 369-453; 482-607; 763-808
A. C. Pigou A Study in Public Finance
B. Moll Lehrbuch der Finanzwissenschaft (1930)
[Haig note: I was surprised by the low rating given Moll’s Lehrbuch by his German colleagues]
E. Allix


Traité élementaire de Science des Finances (6th edition, 1931). Read pages: 1-81; 151-204; 216-256; 285-312; 341-382; 437-573; 870-902; 910-958; 1011-1050;1091-1134.
L. Suret Théorie de l’Impôt progressif
[Haig note: Subsitute Seligman]
J. Stamp Fundamental Principles of Taxation
T. G. Shearman Natural Taxation
[Haig note: “?” (a question mark)]
H. L. Lutz State Tax Commissions
S. Leland The Classified Property Tax
A. L. Harding Double Taxation of Property and Income
E. Cannan History of Local Rates
A. F. Macdonald Federal Aid
J. W. Grice National and Local Finance
A. E. Buck Municipal Finance
The May Report Great Britain: Report of the Committee on National Expenditure, 1931 (Cmd. 3290; Econ. 5389.31)
National Tax Association Proceedings, 1933, Report of Committee on Model System of State and Local Taxation



III. Other Reading

G. F. Shirras Science of Public Finance
[Haig note: Elim. in view of incl. of Bastable]
E. R. A. Seligman Progressive Taxation
——————— Essays in Taxation
——————— Income Tax (chapters on Great Britain, Germany, France, U.S.A.)
——————— Shifting and Incidence of Taxation
H. A. Silverman Taxation, Its Incidence and Effects
A. Comstock Taxation in the Modern State
J. P. Jensen Property Taxation in the United States
W. G. Schultz Taxation of Inheritances
R. G. Blakey Taxation in Minnesota
[Haig note: Eliminate]
R. M. Haig The Taxation of Excess Profits in Great Britain
National Industrial Conference Board General Sales or Turnover Taxation
National Industrial Conference Board Sales Tax
A. G. Buehler General Sales Taxes
[Haig note: Substitute C. Shoup: Sales Tax in France]
R. Magill, editor Lectures on Taxation
R. Stourm The Budget
W. F. Willoughby The National Budget System
H. S. Adams
[Haig note: “C” (i.e. not S.)]
Public Debts
M. L. Walker Municipal Expenditure
Britain’s Industrial Future, pp. 426-447.
H.U. Library, Econ 6069.28.5
Joseph Sykes British Public Expenditures, 1921-1931
Report of New York Commission for Revision of the Tax Laws, 1932, Part III.

[Haig note:  Add.

W. F. Willoughby. The Financial Condition and Operations of the National Government.
H. C. Adams, Science of Finance.
H. Higgs. The Financial System of the UK.
Taxation of Foreign and National Enterprises. Fiscal Commission, League of Nations.]


Source:   Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections. R. M. Haig Collection, Box 15, “Lecture Notes”; Folder, “Reading—Suggestions—Econ.101”.

Image Source:  Harvard Album 1932.

Courses Economists Harvard

Harvard. Mathematical Economics Rescheduled. Petitions, E. B. Wilson, 1935

One of the iron statistical laws of scheduling classes is that the probability of finding a Pareto improvement to a scheduling conflict ex post semester-start rapidly tends to zero with the size of the class that needs to be rescheduled. Here is a case of one such rare Pareto-improvement.

For the second semester of the academic year 1934-35 at Harvard E. B. Wilson’s Mathematical Economics rescheduled to eliminate the conflict with Fritz Machlup’s Money and Banking course.

What happens to make this particular case interesting in the history of economics is the list of distinguished (ex post) names among the undersigned of three foreign visitors to Harvard, namely Oskar Lange, Nicholas Georgescu, and Gerhard Tintner along with the graduate student Wolfgang Stolper and the undergraduate Sidney S. Alexander.

Six of the undersigned went on to receive Harvard Ph.D.’s in economics, they were:

  • Sidney Stuart Alexander.D. 1946. Financial structure of American corporations since 1900. (note: Harvard S.B. 1936, so undergraduate)
  • James Pierce Cavin, 1938 Ph.D. The sugar quota system of the United States, 1933-1937.
  • Wolfgang Stolper, 1938 Ph.D. British monetary policy and the housing boom, 1931-1935
  • Albert Leonard Meyers, 1936 Ph.D. Future trading on organized commodity exchanges
  • Chih-Yu Lo, 1937 Ph.D. A statistical study of prices and markets for electricity
  • Wilfred Malenbaum, Ph.D. 1941. Equilibrating tendencies in the world wheat market.


[Memo: Econ. Chair to Dean, Carbon copy]

February 7, 1935

Dear Dean Murdock,

Because of the conflict of Economics 13b (Mathematical Economics) and Economics 50 (Principles of Money and Banking), which are scheduled for 3:00 on Tuesday and Thursday, Professor Wilson has requested that the hour for Economics 13b be changed to 2:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. I understand from Miss Higgs that rooms are available at this hour. The students registered in the course agree to this change.

I shall appreciate it if the change can be arranged before the next meeting of the class on Tuesday.

Sincerely yours,

H. H. Burbank


Dean Kenneth B. Murdock
20 University Hall



[Memo: Dept. Secretary to E. B. Wilson, Carbon copy]

February 5, 1935

Dear Professor Wilson,

Dr. Machlup tells me that because of the conflict of Economics 13b and 50 you are willing to change the hour of meeting Economics 13b to 2:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. Until I am sure that the students who are taking the course for credit are agreeable, I cannot notify Dean Murdock of this change.

The simplest way to do this, I think, is for you to ask the class at its meeting on Thursday. There will be no trouble, I am sure, about securing a room at that hour. If you will let me know the outcome as soon as possible, I will make the necessary arrangements at the office.

Sincerely yours,



Professor E. B. Wilson
55 Shattuck Street
Boston, Massachusetts


[Petition signed by students/auditors in Econ 13b]

[Penciled in upper right:Econ 13b]

[typed] We should like to attend both, unfortunately conflicting, courses: Economics 13b (Mathematical Economics) and Economics 50 (Money and Banking). It would be much appreciated if a change in schedule could be arranged.

[signed] Oskar Lange
[signed] Nicholas Georgescu
[signed] Gerhard Tintner

[added in handwriting] We also, though not taking Ec. 50, would be willing to change hours.

[signed] S. S. Alexander

Source: Harvard University Archives. Department of Economics. Correspondence & Papers 1902-1950 (UAV.349.10). Box 23, Folder “Course Offerings 1932-37-40”.


[Petition signed by students/auditors in Econ 50]

[Penciled in upper right:Econ 50]

[typed] We should like to attend both, unfortunately conflicting, courses: Economics 13b (Mathematical Economics) and Economics 50 (Money and Banking). It would be much appreciated if a change in schedule could be arranged.

[signed] W. Stolper
[signed] J. P. Cavin
[signed] A. L. Meyers
[signed] C. Y. Lo
[signed] T. Y. Wu [?]
[signed] S. Bolts [?]
[signed] P. Chanten [?]
[signed] W. Malenbaum

Source: Harvard University Archives. Department of Economics. Correspondence & Papers 1902-1950 (UAV.349.10). Box 23, Folder “Course Offerings 1932-37-40”.


[Economics 13b: Course enrollment]

[Economics] 13b 2hf. Professor E. B. Wilson.—Mathematical Economics.

2 Graduates, 1 Junior. Total 3


[Economics] 50. Professors Williams and Dr. Machlup-Wolf.—Principles of Money and Banking.

16 Graduates., 10 Seniors, 1 Junior, 8 Radcliffe. Total 35.


Source: Annual Report of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College 1934-35, pp. 81-2.


Exam Questions Harvard

Harvard. Final Examination Questions. Economics Courses, 1912-13



For the academic years 1912-13 through 1915-16 there are complete (or at least nearly complete) sets of examinations for many departments, including economics available at In this posting we have final examinations for all economics courses but three for the 1912-13 academic year. Since courses are only identified in these collections by number, I have provided the course titles, instructors’ names and course registration figures available in the annual Harvard Presidential Report for that academic year.

The three courses for which no final examination questions (perhaps the grade was not even determined by examination) were:

Economics 13. Statistics. Theory, method, and practice. Professor Ripley. (6 Graduates, 1 Senior, 3 Radcliffe: Total 10)

Economics 24. Topics in the Economic History of the Nineteenth Century. Professor Gay. (4 Graduates, 1 Senior: Total 5)

Economics 33 1hf. Tariff Problems in the United States. Professor Taussig. (5 Graduates, 3 Seniors: Total 8)


Economics 1. Principles of Economics
Economics 2a lhf. European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century
Economics 2b 2hf. Economic and Financial History of the United States
Economics 3. Money, Banking, and Commercial Crises
Economics 4a 1hf. Economics of Transportation
Economics 4b 2hf. Economics of Corporations
Economics 5. Public Finance, including the Theory and Methods of Taxation
Economics 6a lhf. Trade-Unionism and Allied Problems
Economics 6b 2hf. The Labor Movement in Europe
Economics 7. Theories of Distribution and Distributive Justice
Economics 8. Principles of Sociology
Economics 9. Principles of Accounting.
Economics 11. Economic Theory
Economics 12 lhf. Scope and Methods of Economic Investigation
Economics 14. History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848
Economics 16. The History of Modern Socialism
Economics 23. Economic History of Europe to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century
Economics 31. Public Finance
Economics 32 2hf. Economics of Agriculture, with special reference to American conditions



Economics 1. Principles of Economics.

Professor Taussig and Dr. E. E. Day, assisted by Messrs. Heilman, Jones, Burbank, Crosgrave, and Eldred.
1 Graduate, 21 Seniors, 93 Juniors, 307 Sophomores, 21 Freshmen, 38 Other. Total 481.


[p. 38-39]


  1. To what extent and in what manner do the following contribute to the formation of capital: (a) a government loan; (b) the stock exchange; (c) commercial banks; (d) the corporate form of business organization?
  1. Explain “margin of cultivation.” Distinguish between the intensive margin of cultivation and the extensive margin of cultivation. What is the relation between (a) the margin of cultivation in agriculture and the price of a bushel of wheat; (b) the margin in gold mining and the value of an ounce of gold?
  1. Assume that a monopoly produces a commodity under conditions of constant cost. What determines the extent to which the monopoly price will be above the price which competition, if existent, would establish? Illustrate by diagram.
  1. The rentals from a New York office building amount to $50,000 a year. The building is worth $200,000. To provide for insurance, depreciation and such fixed items, $10,000 is expended annually. The current rate of interest upon investments of equal security is 5%. What is the value of the land?
  1. What is “dumping “? What induces it? To what extent is it dependent upon (a) monopoly conditions; (b) tariff barriers?
  1. Explain briefly why (a) the rates of wages are generally higher in the United States than in Germany; (b) higher for plumbers than for unskilled laborers; (c) for domestic servants than for women employed in shops and factories. Suppose a socialist community apportioning wages on the basis of equality of sacrifice: would these differences persist?
  1. How are the wages and the number employed within a particular industry affected, immediately and ultimately, by the invention of labor-saving devices in that industry?
  1. Explain: (a) railroad rebates; (b) over-capitalization; (c) public service industries; (d) “reasonable restraint of trade”; (e) stoppage at the source.




Economics 2a lhf. European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century.
Professor Gay, assisted by Dr. M. T. Copeland.
16 Graduates, 14 Seniors, 44 Juniors, 17 Sophomores, 3 Freshmen, 5 Other. Total 99.


[p. 39-40]


  1. “The effect of Peel’s measures of 1842-1845 was to demonstrate how much the trade and industry of the country might be encouraged by the readjustment of fiscal burdens.” Explain.
    Is a similar readjustment needed in England at the present time? Why or why not?
  1. (a) How was the capital for the construction of railroads prior to 1870 obtained in the different European countries? Why?
    (b) Why was the railroad policy of Prussia modified after 1870? With what results?
  1. Compare the organization of the wool manufacturing industries in England, Germany, and France at the present time, explaining to what the differences are due. How far are these differences typical?
  1. Compare the English and Belgian methods of relieving the recent agricultural depression.
  1. In which industries have Kartells been formed in Germany? Why? Compare with the movement for combination in England.
  1. Explain the statement in regard to English agriculture that “after the middle of the eighteenth century the two revolutions, the industrial and the agricultural, which are indeed only manifestations of the same scientific and commercial spirit, go hand in hand and supplement one another.” Does this statement apply also to Germany? Why or why not?
  1. Discuss briefly —

(a) English ” Friendly Societies.”
(b) Pitt’s Sinking Fund.
(c) Zollverein.
(d) French shipping subsidies.
(e) Charter and line traffic.




Economics 2b 2hf. Economic and Financial History of the United States.
Professor Gay, assisted by Dr. M. T. Copeland.
18 Graduates, 22 Seniors, 50 Juniors, 27 Sophomores, 1 Freshman, 6 Other. Total 124.



[p. 40-1]


  1. “The most important feature of life in a newly settled community is its commercial connection with the rest of the world.” Why? How is this illustrated (a) by the history of the American colonies and (b) by the history of the West?
  1. What were the causes for the decline of the American merchant marine? What attempts have been made to assist its recovery? With what results?
  1. Compare in its main features the economic history of the decade 1830-40 with that of the decade 1880-90.
  1. Compare the conditions which stimulated industrial combinations in the ’90’s with those which resulted in railroad combinations in the ’70’s.
  1. Within the last twelve months the New England Cotton Yarn Company, the U. S. Finishing Company, and the International Cotton Mills Corporation have each undergone reorganization. What was the earlier history of these companies and how far did that history foreshadow the necessity for such reorganizations?
  1. If you were to establish a mill for manufacturing silk goods at the present time, how would the conditions which you would meet in that industry differ from those which confronted a silk manufacturer forty or forty-five years ago? Why have these changes taken place? How far are they typical of the general industrial development of the United States during this period?
  1. (a) Comment on the following statement, which was made in a speech in Congress in 1846. “It is a protective tariff which gives to American industry the only effectual guaranty that it will not be brought down to a level with the degraded labor of Europe. It furnishes the only security that our standard of wages is not to be measured by the cost of production in those countries where the life of the laborer is but an incessant struggle for bread.”
    (b) Judging from the history of the years 1893-1900, as well as from present conditions, is the present year more or less opportune than 1909 for a downward revision of the tariff? Why?




Economics 3. Money, Banking, and Commercial Crises.
Dr. E. E. Day, assisted by Messrs. Ise and F. E. Richter.
3 Graduates, 31 Seniors, 67 Juniors, 16 Sophomores, 1 Freshman, 1 Other. Total 119.


[p. 41-42]


  1. What factors favored the monetary rehabilitation of silver in the United States during the 70’s? Which of these factors are still operative? Explain the disappearance of the others.
  1. What banking abuses were most common in the United States early in the nineteenth century? When and how, if at all, have these since been eliminated?
  1. What is the relation between the Bank of England rate and the London market rate of discount when (a) funds are abundant; (b) funds are relatively scarce? In what ways does varying the Bank rate accomplish the protection of the English banking reserves?
  1. What is meant by a free gold market? Are the following such: London; Paris; Berlin; New York? In each case, why or why not?
  1. How will the rate of sterling exchange in New York be affected by: (a) a crop failure in the United States; (b) hoarding of specie in Europe; (c) a slump on the New York Stock Exchange; (d) a banking panic in this country?
  1. “The call-loan market . . . furnishes to the banks of the country under the present organization of banking, their only means of mobilizing their reserves, of liquifying their assets, and of securing flexibility in their lending power.” Explain and criticize. How, if at all, should this feature of our system be changed?
  1. In the equation of exchange given by Professor Fisher, what is the relation of M, M’, V, and T (a) during a period of rising prices; (b) during a period of settled prices?
  1. Describe the crisis of 1873 with reference to: (a) its general antecedents; (b) its more important causes in the United States; (c) its final outbreak in this country; (d) the territorial extent of the reaction; (e) the severity and duration of the subsequent depression.




Economics 4a 1hf. Economics of Transportation.
Professor Ripley, assisted by Mr. Crosgrave.
6 Graduates, 2 G.B., 36 Seniors, 85 Juniors, 24 Sophomores, 3 Other. Total 156.


[p. 42-3]


  1. Compare the lease with stock ownership as a means of combination, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  1. Show how recent interpretation of the Federal law may conceivably affect the status of railway traffic agreements.
  1. State very briefly the point raised in the following cases: —

(a) Portland Gateway.
(b) Illinois Central car supply.
(c) Alabama Midland (Troy).
(d) Orange Routing.

  1. Have any of the above points been since corrected by legislation; if so in what manner?
  1. Give reasons for the following differences in net capitalization per mile of line:

Union Pacific $65,000         Reading $170,000
Pennsylvania    86,000        Erie            170,000

  1. What particular circumstance materially affects the success of Government ownership and operation:

(a) In Germany?
(b) In Italy?
(c) In Switzerland?

  1. What is the present attitude of the Federal courts toward the proper basis to be used in the determination of reasonable rates?
  1. How effective practically has been the ” Commodity Clause” of the law of 1906?
  1. To whom properly belongs the surplus earnings of a railroad over and above a rate of return requisite to provide an adequate supply of new capital for future development? State your own view, but set forth your reasons fully.





Economics 4b 2hf. Economics of Corporations.
Professor Ripley, assisted by Mr. Crosgrave.
6 Graduates, 20 Seniors, 86 Juniors, 15 Sophomores, 3 Other. Total 130.



[p. 43-4]


  1. Why was the dissolution of the “Tobacco Trust” more difficult than that of the Standard Oil Company? Explain fully.
  1. Indicate certain differences in the eye of the law between monopolization and restraint of trade.
  1. Herewith are two balance sheets of companies A and B respectively. Comment upon them, contrasting one with the other. Which apparently denotes the greater financial stability?
Co. A
Assets Liabilities
Plant $3,500,000 Preferred Stock $5,000,000
Merchandise 1,800,000 Common Stock 15,000,000
Bills Receivable 700,000 Accounts Payable 600,000
Cash 1,400,000
Good-will and Patents 13,200,000
$20,600,000 $20,600,000

Co. B

Assets Liabilities
Factories $15,000,000 Capital Stock $65,000,000
Securities owned 18,000,000 Debentures 15,000,000
Merchandise 20,000,000 Surplus 3,000,001
Accounts Receivable 30,000,000
Franchises and Good-will 1
$83,000,001 $83,000,001


  1. Name, with briefest possible description in each case, and in order of seriousness, at least five distinct forms of unfair competition in trade.
  1. Do all the foregoing forms of unfair competition affect thgeneral public as well as direct competitors? Does this factor apparently influence the attitude of the courts?
  1. What was the essence of the U. S. Steel Bond Conversion plan? What became of it?
  1. Contrast administrative and judicial forms of controlling monopoly, pointing out the merits of each.
  1. Outline the plan of reorganization of the National Cordage Company. Was it typical of industrial reorganizations in general?
  1. What are the three leading objections to the so-called “holding company “?
  1. Outline what most appeals to you as a feasible plan for dealing with the existing trust problem. State concisely in definite propositions covering all points at issue.




Economics 5. Public Finance, including the Theory and Methods of Taxation.
Professor Bullock.
6 Seniors, 14 Juniors, 4 Sophomores, 1 Other. Total 25.


[p. 44]


  1. Explain and discuss critically the methods employed in the taxation of land in Germany, France, Great Britain, Australia, and the United States.
  1. Compare the general property tax with the general income tax, considering both the theory and the practical operation of these taxes.
  1. Compare the French, Prussian, and British systems of direct taxation.
  1. Compare the British system of indirect taxation with those of France and the United States.
  1. Discuss the taxation of mortgages in the United States.
  1. What changes in the taxation of personal property have recently occurred in the United States?
  1. Compare the British, Prussian, and Italian income taxes. .
  1. Outline what you consider a satisfactory theory of the just apportionment of public charges.




Economics 6a lhf. Trade-Unionism and Allied Problems.
Professor Ripley, assisted by Mr. Crosgrave.
3 Graduates, 44 Seniors, 19 Juniors, 4 Sophomores, 2 Other. Total 72.


[p. 45]


Answer the first five briefly

  1. What is sabotage?
  1. What is the ” extended ” closed shop?
  1. What is the principal practical difficulty in the “general strike”?
  1. Is it met by the adoption of any positive policy in France by the “syndicates”?
  1. In the syndicalist programme what is to be the unit in the reorganized state?
  1. Contrast collective bargaining under sanction of the law with its adoption by private arrangement; (a) from the point of view of advantage to the employer; (b) from that of the workman.
  1. What are the four main features of the New Zealand legislation. (Each in a sentence.)
  1. What is the principal demonstrated weakness in the above legislation?
  1. What are three disabilities of the individual workmen in negotiating a wage contract?
  1. Wages for women in domestic service and in manufactures seem out of line with one another. What main difference helps to explain this?
  1. What is the present condition of affairs respecting the closed shop in the United States? Outline the course of events for two decades.
  1. How does the law of conspiracy enter into the decision by courts in labor disputes? How has Great Britain settled it?




Economics 6b 2hf. The Labor Movement in Europe.
Asst. Professor Rappard.
5 Graduates, 12 Seniors, 9 Juniors, 1 Sophomore, 3 Other. Total 30.


[p. 45-6]


Arrange answers in order of questions. Students who wrote theses will omit the first three questions.

  1. Enumerate five of the effects which Engels says the Industrial Revolution had on the manufacturing population of England. What were Engel’s chief sources of information?
  1. How does Sombart distinguish between (a) Rational Socialism (Utopian Socialism and Anarchism) and (b) Historical Socialism?
  1. What effect, according to Marx, does machinery have

(a) Upon real wages?
(b) Upon nominal wages?
(c) Upon “relative surplus-value”?
(d) Upon “absolute surplus-value”?

  1. Why is it customary to mention the English enclosure movement in dealing with the history of labor in Europe in the 19th century?
  1. What were the historical relations between the doctrines of Godwin, Malthus and Darwin?
  1. What was Chartism? Saint-Simonism? Which was more radical? More socialistic? Give reasons.
  1. Write a biography of Marx (300 to 500 words).
  1. Compare the views of Marx and Vaudervelde on ” Capitalist Concentration.”
  1. Give chapter headings of a thesis on “The Socialist Movement in Germany, 1860-1890” in six or more chapters.
  1. Distinguish between (a) Socialism (b) Anarchism (c) Syndicalism.
  1. “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs … To every laborer the entire product of his labor … At first sight, these two formulas are absolutely contradictory. We believe, however, that it is possible and necessary to reconcile them and to complete each by the other.” — Vaudewelde.
    How does the author do this? What practical suggestions does he make for arranging distribution in the socialist state?
  1. What difficulties does Skelton think a socialist state would encounter

(a) In administering the government?
(b) In determining what commodities should be produced?
(c) In distributing wealth?




Economics 7. Theories of Distribution and Distributive Justice.
Professor Carver.
3 Graduates, 7 Seniors, 13 Juniors, 1 Sophomore, 1 Other. Total 25.


[p. 47]


  1. Explain and illustrate the principle of marginal utility and its relation to the value of consumers’ goods.
  1. Explain and illustrate the law of variable proportions and its relation to the value of the factors of production.
  1. Discuss the various criteria of justice in the distribution of wealth.
  1. Explain and illustrate exactly what you understand by self-interest.
  1. How would the single tax probably affect the demand for labor? Would its effect probably be stronger on unskilled than on skilled labor? On skilled labor than on business talent?
  1. How do mechanical inventions affect the demand for capital and for different grades of labor?
  1. Describe one communistic society, giving some account of its origin, the causes of its success if it succeeded and of its failure if it failed.
  1. Outline a program for raising the wages of all the lower grades of labor.




Economics 8. Principles of Sociology.
Professor Carver.
10 Graduates, 41 Seniors, 74 Juniors, 18 Sophomores, 4 Other. Total 147.


[p. 47-8]


  1. What, in your opinion, is the ultimate test of progress? Give your reasons.
  1. Compare the views of Buckle and Peschel as to the influence of geographical surroundings on religion.
  1. What is the relation between the institution of the family and the institution of property?
  1. What place has the genius in social progress? Give your own opinion and state the views on this question of authors whom you have read.
  1. Outline the leading forms of waste labor and of waste land, giving briefly the reasons why each form of waste exists at the present time.
  1. Compare the views of Mill and Ross as to the limits of social control.
  1. What, according to Ross, is the relation of resentment to social order?
  1. What are the reasons for the existence of the ballot? How far would these reasons justify the extension of the ballot?




Economics 9. Principles of Accounting.
Asst. Professor Cole, assisted by Mr. Eliot Jones.
7 Graduates, 8 Graduates of Applied Sciences, 62 Graduates of Business School, 147 Seniors, 50 Juniors, 2 Sophomores. Total 276.


[p. 48-50]


Save one hour for the last question. It will count as one-third of the paper.

  1. Show by journal entries what should be debited and what credited for the following transactions:

(a) Granting a discount to a customer, for early payment of a bill, so that, though the amount of the bill was $100, he pays but $95.
(b) Paying a lawyer $50 for trying to collect a bill that proves uncollectible, and writing off the debt ($250) as bad.
(c) Collecting $75 as full payment, including interest to the amount of $17, for a debt previously written off as bad.
(d) Giving a friend whose credit at banks is not very good, because he is a new-comer in town, and for whom, therefore, you do not wish to endorse notes, your own note for $1000, with the understanding that he will discount it at a bank, and taking in exchange your friend’s note (for the same amount and time) which you intend to keep until maturity.
(e) Discounting at a bank your friend’s note mentioned in (d), because you find his credit has improved in the public mind and you need the money. [Discount $7.]
(f) Returning to the manufacturers, as unsatisfactory, goods billed at $500 and bought to be sold at $650.
(g) Delivering goods from the store as part payment of clerks’ wages, and allowing 5% discount to clerks. [Retail price $50, clerks’ price $47.50.]
(h) Issuing a stock dividend of $50,000.
(i) Selling a new $2,000,000 issue of stock for $2,100,000. [Corporation’s books.]

  1. A bond table gives the value of $10,000 of bonds for January 1 as $10,366.27, and for July 1 as $10,323.60. On the latter day you collect $250 interest. What entry shall you make for the interest?
    Assuming that the valuation of the bonds was determined on a 4% basis, how could you prove the correctness of the July 1 valuation if you knew that the valuation for January 1 was correct?
  1. Define and discuss the purpose of the following: —

(a) a machine rate,
(b) a life-insurance reserve,
(c) a national-bank redemption fund,
(d) a stores ledger,
(e) a machine ledger,
(f) a controlling account.

  1. Would expense burden enter into a plan of cost accounting for (a) a department store, (b) a hospital, (c) a college, (d) a gas company? Explain briefly how, or why not, in each case.

Remember in solving problems that time and confusion are often saved by the use of journal entries as guides in determining which accounts are affected.

  1. The balance sheet a year ago was as follows: —
Plant $125,000 Capital Stock $140,000
Accounts Receivable 33,000 Bills Payable 10,000
Merchandise 19,000 Accounts Payable 24,000
Cash 5,000 Surplus 8,000
$182,000 $182,000

An abbreviated tentative income sheet for the year just closing gave the following figures: —

Wages $85,000 Other Expenses $71,000
Materials 54,000 Gross Income 240,000

No items relating to the care of property were included in the “other expenses,” and they are now to be provided for. Such items are found on the debit side of the trial balance as follows:—

Depreciation $5,000 Replacement $4,000
Repairs 8,000 Additions 12,000

Supposing the only changes in the balance sheet are those caused by the items shown above (profit or loss and care of property) and that cash absorbs the net effect of changes not otherwise indicated, show the income sheet and the balance sheet for the new year.

  1. Prepare such a tabular statement or statements as an accountant should give to his employers or clients for a business yielding the following figures on three trial balances (of ledger balances) taken at the times indicated.
Trial balance at the opening of business, Jan. 1, 1912 Trial balance, Dec. 31, 1912, before the books are closed Trial balance at the opening of business, Jan. 1, 1913
Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.
Capital Stock $200,000 $200,000 $200,000
Bills Payable 30,000 40,000 40,000
Accounts Payable 35,000 37,500 37,500
Surplus 7,000 7,000 9,000
Dividends declared 10,000 10,000
Real Estate and Plant $135,000 $137,500 $137,000
Accounts Receivable 88,200 80,200 80,200
Goods in process 17,000 17,000 20,000
Finished Goods 25,000 25,000 23,000
Raw Materials Inventory 15,000 15,000 35,000
Raw Materials 57,000
Wages 7,000 52,000 2,000
Taxes 200 2,300 200
Insurance 1,000 2,200 1,000
General Expenses 7,500
Sales 113,200
Cash 8,000 2,000 2,000
$289,200 $289,200 $397,700 $397,700 $298,700 $298,700

If you give more than one statement, prepare one at a time, and leave the reconciliation between statements until all are complete.




Economics 11. Economic Theory.
Professor Taussig.
20 Graduates, 1 Graduate at Business School, 4 Seniors, 5 Juniors, 1 Other. Total 31.


[p. 50-3]


[Arrange your answers strictly in the order of the questions]

  1. Explain the connection between

(a) the rent of mines;
(b) Carey’s doctrine that the total rent received by land-owners is less than interest on the total investment for improving land;
(c) the earnings of barristers or opera-singers;
(d) the earnings of ” successful ” business men.

  1. “Men are not equal. . . . Those capable of organizing and leading industrial enterprise are in a minority, and are indeed few; hence they can put a price on their services which would be impossible if there were many. Their services are not worth more on this account, but they can get more for them. Because the community needs their services, and cannot perhaps get along without them, they can, if they like, put ” famine prices ” on the commodity (organizing and directing talent) which they have to sell; while, on the other hand, those who have only labor or physical skill, though they are just as necessary, are many, and hence can about as readily be taken advantage of as the others can take advantage.” What have you to say? Can the ” famine prices ” be justified?
  1. (a) “There are, in fact, few no-rent men in actual employment; and the reason for this is clear, since work involves a sacrifice, and it does not pay to incur the sacrifice unless the earnings be a positive quantity. In those times and places in which child labor has been employed, with little regard for the welfare of the victims, labor that was not at the no-rent point, but very near it, has been pressed into service. But, where the sacrifice entailed by labor is, in some way, neutralized by a benefit that work confers, labor which creates literally nothing may sometimes be employed. Lunatics or prisoners may be kept at work, in order that they may secure fresh air and exercise, even though the amount of capital that they use, if it were withdrawn from their hands and turned into marginal capital, would produce as much as it does when it is used by them. In such a case the product imputable to their labor is nil.
    The existence of any no-rent labor enables us to make the rent formula general and to apply it to every concrete agent of production.”
    (b) “The productivity of any capital, whether human or external, will differ with the capital. Men differ in quality, i. e., in productive power, as truly as lands or other instruments differ. Some men have a high degree of earning power and some have not.
    Some men can work twice as fast as others. Some men can do higher grades of work than others. The result is that we find men classified as common manual laborers, skilled manual laborers, common mental workers, superintending workers, and enterprisers.
    Just as we can measure the rent of any land by the difference in productivity between that and the low-rent, or no-rent, land, in exactly the same way we can measure the difference in productivity between men. There is no grade of workmen called the “no-wages men,” but there would be such a grade if it were customary for their employer to pay for their cost of support (as the employer of land pays for its cost), so that only the excess above this cost were to be called wages.”

Compare the two trains of reasoning; give your opinion; and state by what authors the passages were written.

  1. “If the proprietor of superior land were to say, ‘I will take no rent for it,’ this would not make wheat cheaper. The supply would not be changed; for the same quantity would be raised, the marginal amount raised on the no-rent land would be needed and would be bought at the former price, and all other parts of the supply would command the same rate. … It is a striking fact — but one hitherto much neglected — that similar conclusions apply to the product of every other agent ” [capital and labor]. Do similar conclusions apply? Who do you think is the author of this passage?
  1. What three grounds explain, according to Böhm-Bawerk, the preference for present goods over future? Which of them does he conclude to be the most important? State Fisher’s criticism; and give your own opinion on the controverted question.
  1. “In the present condition of industry, most sales are made by men who are producers and merchants by profession. . . .For them, the subjective use value of their own wares is, for the most part, very nearly nil. … In sales by them the limiting effect which, according to our theoretical formula, would be exerted by the valuation of the last seller, practically does not come into play.” — Böhm-Bawerk.
    What is the ” theoretical formula “? and what is the importance of the qualification here stated?
  1. In what sense are the terms “demand” and “increase of demand ” used in the following passages:

(a) “The democratization of society and the aping of the ways of the well-to-do by the lower classes have greatly increased the demand for silk fabrics.”
(b) “The lower price of sugar after 1890, when sugar was admitted free of duty, at once caused an increase of demand.”
(c) “The cheapening of a commodity may mean an increase of demand such that the total sum spent on it will be as great as before, even greater than before.”

  1. Explain the essentials of Veblen’s theory of crises, and state wherein you think it most tenable, wherein least so.




Economics 12 lhf. Scope and Methods of Economic Investigation.
Professor Carver.
2 Graduates, 1 Radcliffe. Total 3.


[p. 53]


  1. Explain verbally, and show by means of an outline, the relation between private and public economics and the main subdivisions of each.
  2. Into what main departments would you subdivide the subject of economics if you were going to write a general text book for college classes. Give your reasons.
  1. What are the characteristic methods of reasoning, methods of collecting information, and methods of exposition in economics? Mention examples, or give illustrations of each. What are the special advantages of each? To what class of problems is each especially adapted?
  1. Comment upon the following: —

“The economist may thus be considered at the outset of his researches as already in possession of those ultimate principles governing the phenomena which form the subject of his study, the discovery of which in the case of physical investigation constitutes for the inquirer his most arduous task; but, on the other hand, he is excluded from the use of experiment.” (Cairnes, pp. 89-90.)

  1. What, according to Warner, are the characteristic methods of determining the causes of poverty? What are the merits and defects of each method? Give illustrations.
  1. Comment upon the statement that “political economy depends more upon reasoning than on observation.” Is this the same as saying that the greatest present need is for sound reasoners rather than for close observers? Would either statement apply to all possible conditions and to all classes of problems?
  1. Discuss Clark’s reasons for describing capital as a sum of money.




Economics 14. History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848.
Professor Bullock.
7 Graduates. Total 7.


[p. 54]


  1. What significant analyses of economic structure and functions were made by the mercantilists?
  1. Discuss the development of economic opinions as reflected in the writings of Hales, Bodin, Montchrétien, Mun, Petty, Boisguilbert, Cantillon, Vanderlint, and Hume.
  1. Explain the structure and purpose of the “Wealth of Nations,” and give a brief analysis of the doctrines of the first two books.
  1. Discuss the treatment of the subject of population by Aristotle, the Schoolmen, Cantillon, Smith, and Malthus.
  1. At what points did the economic theories of Ricardo differ from those of Adam Smith?




Economics 16. The History of Modern Socialism.
Asst. Professor Rappard.
4 Graduates Total 4.


[p. 54-5]


  1. Fill out the blanks in the following table according to the Marxian phraseology and theory.
Con-stant capital Vari-able capital Rate of surplus value Capital con-sumed Indi-vidual rate of profit Value of commo-dities pro-duced Cost price of commodities prod-uced Average rate of profit Price of com-modities Deviation of price from value
90 10 50% 20
80 20 50% 10
70 30 50%
  1. “The theory of value which Marx presents is a variation of the familiar labor-value doctrine.” Discuss.
  1. State the Marxian theory of rent.
  1. What is meant by the Bernstein-Kautsky controversy? State three of the principal points involved, with the arguments advanced on both sides.
  1. What, according to Skelton, are the distinctive features of Utopianism? How does Shelton classify the Utopian doctrines?
    What, according to Skelton, are the two “quite distinct interpretations” of which the Marxian materialist conception of history is susceptible?
  1. “In spite of himself, Marx was the last of the classical economists.” How does Shelton justify this assertion?
  1. “Had the third volume of ‘Capital’ appeared at the same time as the first, little would have been heard about ‘exploitation’ from socialist platforms.” Why not, according to Skelton?




Economics 23. Economic History of Europe to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century.
Dr. Gray.
4 Graduates, 1 Radcliffe. Total 5.


[p. 55]


  1. Discuss the origin and early expansion of capital in Italy, the Low Countries, Germany and England. (One hour.)
  1. Compare the development of copyhold in England with that of Meierrecht in Germany. In what way were agrarian conditions in southwestern Germany different from conditions in the north-west at the beginning of the sixteenth century.
  1. Trace the growth of the mercantile system in England. Has Cunningham’s treatment any bias? Explain.
  1. Describe fully four of the following documents: —

Notularium Johannis Scribae.
An English Pipe Roll.
Royal licenses to export English wool in 1273.
De institutis Lundonie.
Chrysobullium Alexii I.




Economics 31. Public Finance.
Professor Bullock.
6 Graduates, 1 Junior. Total 7.


[p. 55-6]


  1. How far does the present British system of taxation conform to the maxims of Adam Smith?
  1. How far does the present French system of taxation conform to Smith’s maxims?
  1. How far does the present Prussian system of taxation conform to Smith’s maxims?
  1. How far would the single tax on land values conform to Smith’s maxims?
  1. Compare the general property tax in Switzerland with the same tax in the United States.
  1. What changes in the general property tax have occurred in the United States in recent years?
  1. Discuss fully the opinions of Leroy-Beaulieu or Eheberg concerning the income tax.
  1. Discuss fully the opinions of Leroy-Beaulieu or Eheberg concerning the inheritance tax.



Economics 32 2hf. Economics of Agriculture, with special reference to American conditions.
Professor Carver.
8 Graduates, 2 Seniors, 1 Junior. Total 11.


[p. 56]


  1. What are some of the larger characteristics which distinguish rural from urban life?
  1. Where would you draw the line between large scale and medium scale, and between medium scale and small scale farming, and what are the principal advantages and disadvantages of each?
  1. Exactly what is the distinction between intensive and extensive farming, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  1. To what system of culture does the horse as a draft animal belong, and what are some of the characteristics of that system?
  1. Where do we find the larger percentage of tenancy in this country, where land is highly productive or where its productivity is low? How would you explain the situation?
  1. Give your ideas as to the function of the middle-man, and to what extent and how that function may be performed by the farmers themselves.
  1. What are the advantages of diversified farming as compared with specialized farming?
  1. Give your ideas as to how country life may be made more attractive to men and women of education and culture.



Harvard University Examinations. Papers set for final examinations in history, history of science, government, economics, philosophy, social ethics, education, fine arts, music in Harvard College. June, 1913. Cambridge, MA.

Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1912-13, pp. 57-58.



Economists Harvard

Harvard. Economics General Examination. Lauchlin Currie and Harry D. White, 1927

Few characters in the history of economics are quite as titillating as those who serious historians have concluded indeed passed confidential materials to the Soviet Union, namely, Lauchlin Currie and Harry Dexter White. Before they grew up to be card-carrying members of the economics profession, they too were once graduate students. Here from the Harvard General Examination for the Degree of Ph.D. we have their respective examination committees, academic histories, subject fields, and thesis subjects/advisers.  

Lauchlin Currie received his Harvard Ph.D. in 1931 with the dissertation “Bank Assets and Banking Theory.”

Harry Dexter White was awarded his Harvard Ph.D. in 1930 with the dissertation “The International Balance of Payments for France, 1880-1913.”



Division of History, Government and Economics, Examinations for the Degree of Ph.D., 1926-27, pp. 10-11.


21. Lauchlin Bernard Currie.

General Examination in Economics, Monday, April 11, 1927.

Committee: Professors Young (chairman), Burbank, A. H. Cole, Usher, and Wright.

Academic History: St. Francis Xavier College, 1921-22; London School of Economics, 1922-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-. B.Sc., London, 1925

General Subjects.

1. Economic Theory.
2. Economic History since 1750.
3. Public Finance.
4. International Trade and Tariff Policy.
5. History of Political Theory.
6. Money, Banking, and Crises.

Special Subject: Money, Banking, and Crises.

Thesis Subject: Monetary History of Canada, 1914-26. (With Professor Young.)


23. Harry Dexter White.

General Examination in Economics, Thursday, April 14, 1927.

Committee: Professors Taussig (chairman), Dewing, Elliott, Monroe, and Usher.

Academic History: Columbia University, 1921-23; Stanford University, 1924-25; Harvard Graduate School, 1925-.   A.B., Stanford; A.M., ibid., 1925. Instructor in Economics, Harvard, 1926- .

General Subjects.

1. Economic Theory and its History.
2. Money, Banking, and Crises.
3. Economic History since 1750.
4. Economics of Corporations.
5. History of Political Theory.
6. International Trade.

Special Subject: International Trade.

Thesis Subject: Foreign Trade of France. (With Professor Taussig.)



Source: Harvard University Archives. HUC7000.70. Harvard University, Examinations for the Ph.D. Folder “1926-27”.

Image Source: Laughlin Currie and Harry D. White from Harvard Class Album 1934.

Courses Harvard Syllabus

Harvard. Undergraduate Public Finance Reading List. H. H. Burbank, 1936

Harold Hitchings Burbank (1887-1951) has gone down in the history of economics as being the chairman of the Harvard economics department who let the up-and-coming Paul Samuelson get away to M.I.T. A more positive legacy perhaps was the role he played in his younger years as one of the founders of Harvard’s tutorial system and its administrator within the department of economics. In any event Burbank’s footprints in the sands of the history of economics have only survived as Jurassic fossils of that pre-Samuelson era of economics and he is mostly remembered as the incarnation of the Dark Side in the familiar legend of the rise of M.I.T. economics. 

Burbank was a specialist in Public Finance and this posting features the syllabus for his Public Finance course for undergraduates and graduate students requiring remedial work in the field.

New addition: from the fantastic Harvard archives collection of old final examinations, I am able to provide a transcription of the final examination in public finance for this course.


[Course Announcement]

Economics 4 2hf. Public Finance

Half-course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 9. Professor Burbank.


Source: Harvard University. Announcement of the Course of Instruction offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the Academic Year 1935-36 (second edition), p. 137.



[Course Enrollment]

[Economics] 5 2hf. Professor Burbank.—Public Finance

35 Seniors, 27 Juniors, 3 Sophomores, 1 Other:   Total 66.

Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College and reports of departments for 1935-36, p. 82.



Economics 52
Public Finance
1935 — 1936


The required reading assignments and the suggested readings are given on the following pages.

A report on some special subject in the general field of Public Finance is required of all students registered in the course. Seniors, candidates for honors in the Division of History, Government, and Economics, are expected to undertake the report. The reports may be either written or oral. If written they will be graded and included in the course grade; if oral, they will not be graded, but they must be completed satisfactorily to secure final credit for the course.

Reports are due:

For seniors: On or before April 6
For others: On or before May 1

For selection of subjects and bibliography suggestions, all students should consult Dr. Eugene E. Oakes during the first three weeks of the course. He will be available by appointment in Kirkland H-15 at the following hours:

Monday 10-11 A.M.
Tuesday 3-5 P.M.
Thursday 3-5 P.M.

Appointments may be made before or after the lectures. Office hours for the oral reports will be announced later.

An attempt is made in all cases to arrange topics which are of particular individual interest, or are suitable as correlative work in fields of concentration in preparation for the divisional examinations. No report is acceptable unless the subject has been approved.

Possible subjects, among others, are as follows:

(1) Special problems on the relation of public and private finance.
(2) The present taxation problem in a particular state or county.
(3) A critical study of some particular kind of tax—income taxes, inheritance taxes, business taxes, etc.
(4) Theories of the incidence of taxes.
(5) Various administrative problems, such as budget or assessment procedure.
(6) The financial history of the United States.

Assignments and Readings in Public Finance


Attention is directed particularly to the following books:

Bastable, C.F. Public Finance
*Bullock, C.J. Selected Readings in Public Finance (3d. ed.)
Dewey, D.R. Financial History of the United States (11th ed.)
Fagan, E.D., and Macy, C.W. Public Finance
Hibbard, B.H. A History of the Public Land Policies
Lutz, H.L. The State Tax Commission
Mills, M.C. and Starr, G.W. Readings in Public Finance and Taxation
Seligman, E.R.A. Essays in Taxation (10th ed.)
Seligman, E.R.A. The Income Tax
Seligman, E.R.A. Studies in Public Finance
Great Britain Report of the Committee on National Debt and Taxation (The Colwyn Report, 1927)
Great Britain Report of the Committee on National Expenditure (The May Report, 1931)
National Tax Association Proceedings
National Tax Association Bulletin
*Lutz, H.L. Public Finance (2d ed.)


February 3 – 14 Public Expenditures, Public Works, and the Budget.

Required Lutz, Public Finance, Ch. 1-7.
Bullock, Selected Readings, Ch. 2, 3 (Sect. 9, 13)
Suggested Bastable, Public Finance, Bk. I, ch. 1-8.
Fagan and Macy Public Finance, Ch. 1-4.
Great Britain, Report of the Committee on National Expenditure (1931)
Haig, R.M., Public Finances of Post War France, Ch. 20.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 1-5.
National Industrial Conference Board, Cost of Government in the United States, 1925-26, 1926-27, 1929-30.
National Industrial Conference Board, Federal Finances, 1923-32.
National Industrial Conference Board, Report on Recent Social Trends, Vol. II, Ch. 25-26.
Willoughby, W.F., Financial Condition and Operations of the National Government, 1921-30.
Clark, J.M., Economics of Planning Public Works
Gayer, A.D., Public Works in Prosperity and Depression
Buck, A.E., The Budget in Governments of Today.
Mallet,British Budgets, 1887-1913
Mallet & George, British Budgets (Second Series) 1913-1921, and 1921-1933.



February 17 – 28 Public Revenues Other than Taxes; the Public Domain; Public Ownership; Administrative Revenues.

Required Lutz, Public Finance, Ch. 8-12.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 7, 9.
Suggested Bastable, Public Finance, Bk. II, Ch. 1-5.
Fagan and Macy Public Finance, Ch. 5-7.
Hibbard, A History of the Public Land Policies.
Knoop, D., Principles and Methods of Municipal Trading.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 7-8.
                           Report of the National Resources Board, Part II.
                           Report of the United States Post Office.
Seligman, Essays in Taxation, Ch. 14-15.
Splawn, Government Ownership and Operation of Railroads.
Taussig, Principles of Economics (3rd. ed.), Vol. II, Ch. 62.


March 2 – 13 Taxation: Principles and Incidence.

Required Lutz, Public Finance, Ch. 13-14.
Bullock, Selected Readings, Chs. 8-9.
Taussig, Principles of Economics, Ch. 68, 70, 71.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 11 (sect. 24).
Suggested Bastable, Public Finance, Bk. III, Chs. 3, 5.
Brown, H.G., Economics of Taxation.
Carver, T.N., Essays in Social Justice, Ch. 17.
Dalton, H., Principles of Public Finance, (8th ed.), Ch. 6-12.
Fagan and Macy Public Finance, Ch. 8-9.
Seligman, Progressive Taxation in Theory and Practice.
Seligman, Shifting and Incidence of Taxation, (3rd ed.), Part I.
Silverman, H.A., Taxation, Its Incidence and Effects.
Stamp, J.C., The Fundamental Principles of Taxation.
Taussig, Some Aspects of the Tariff Question (3rd ed.), Ch. 1.


March 16 – 27 Taxation of Land; Single Tax; General Property Tax; Taxation of Business.

Required Lutz, Public Finance, Ch. 17-18.
National Tax Association, Second Report of a Model System of State and Local Taxation.
Tax Policy League, The Place of State Income Taxation in the Revenue Systems of the State.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 17 (sect. 42, 43).
Suggested Blakey, Taxation in Minnesota, Ch. 5, 6.
Fagan and Macy Public Finance, Ch. 10-14.
Fairchild and Associates, Forest Taxation in the United States.
Jensen, J. P., Property Taxation in the United States.
Leland, S., Classified Property Tax.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 12-13.
National Industrial Conference Board, State and Local Taxation of Business Corporations.
Watson, J.P., The City Real Estate Tax in Pittsburgh.
Welch, R.B., State and Local Taxation of Banks in the U.S.


March 29 – April 4   Vacation


April 6 – 17 Income Tax; Inheritance Tax; Sales Tax.

Required Lutz, Public Finance, Ch. 19-23.
Bullock, Selected Readings, Ch. 11 (sect. 46)
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 14 (sect. 36), 16 (sect. 40).

Blakey, Taxation in Minnesota, Ch. 15.

The State Income Tax.

Buehler, General Sales Taxation.
Haig, R.M., Taxation of Excess Profits in Great Britain.
Haig & Shoup, The Sales Tax in American States, pp. 1-108.
Fagan and Macy Public Finance, Ch. 15-21.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 14-20, 25, 26.
National Industrial Conference Board, General Sales or Turnover Taxation.
National Industrial Conference Board, State Income Taxes.
National Industrial Conference Board, Sales Taxes: General, Selective, and Retail.
Rignano, E., The Social Significance of the Inheritance Tax.
Seligman, Essays in Taxation, Ch. 22-24 (War Finance).
Shultz, The Inheritance Tax.


April 20 – May 1. Public Credit.

Report on Special Subject: Final Date for Students other than Seniors — May 1.

Required Lutz, Public Finance, Ch. 24-29.
Mills & Starr, Readings, Ch. 24 (sect. 58).
Suggested Bastable, Public Finance, Bk. V.
Brown, H.G., Economics of Taxation, Ch. 1-2.
Bullock, Selected Readings, Ch. 22-24.
Burgess, W.R., Reserve Banks and the Money Market, Ch. 6.
Fagan and Macy Public Finance, Ch. 22-27.
Hargreaves, The National Debt.
Hendricks, The Federal Debt, 1919-30.
Love, R.A., Federal Financing, esp. Ch. 8-14.
Pigou, Public Finance, Part III.
Seligman, Essays in Taxation, Ch. 23-24.
Studensky, P., Public Borrowing.
Beckhart, B., New York Money Market, Vol. IV, Part II.


Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003 (HUC 8522.2.1), Box 2, Folder “1935-1936”.

Image Source: Harvard Class Album 1934.

Economists Harvard Transcript

Harvard Economics. Richard M. Goodwin, 1949

The economics department of Columbia University set up a search committee  to identify “the names of the most promising young economists, wherever trained and wherever located” from which a short list of three names for the replacement of Louis M. Hacker in Columbia College was selected. The Chairman of the Harvard Economics Department, Harold H. Burbank, suggested a few names to the committee. In this posting I have assembled Burbank’s letter, another by Schumpeter and a data-sheet apparently provided by the Harvard economics department (including a list of graduate courses taken at Harvard) plus a list of Goodwin’s publications as of the end of 1949.


Office of the Chairman
M-8 Littauer Center
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts

November 28, 1949

Dear Jimmy

I had thought that I might be able to make one or two definite recommendations by this time, but I find that I cannot be at all definite.

The young man whom I had expected to recommend most strongly is Richard M. Goodwin. Goodwin was graduated from Harvard College in 1934, summa cum laude. After three years at Oxford I had him return to the Department and he has been with us since that time. During the war years he worked with the group in mathematics and physics, improving and consolidating his knowledge of mathematics to a point where it is highly useful in his econonmics. Goodwin is now in the fourth year of his appointment as an assistant professor. Undoubtedly he will be considered for a permanent place here which is probably the best recommendation I can give you. With us he has worked mainly in theory and money and banking and in cycles. I am enclosing a copy of his publications It is true enough that his main interest for the moment is in monetary economics but his interests are so definitely broad that I feel that it would be no great difficulty for him to meet your needs.


Very sincerely


H. H. Burbank

Professor James W. Angell
Department of Economics
Columbia University
New York 27, New York

Source: Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Department of Economics Collection, Box 6, Folder “Columbia College”



Richard Murphey Goodwin

Address:                  7 Revere Street, Cambridge; E1 4-2981

Born:                        1913 in U.S.

Married:                  Yes


A. B. Harvard, 1934
B.A. Oxford, 1936
B. Litt. Oxford, 1937
A.M., Harvard, 1939
Ph.D. Harvard, 1941

Experience:         Annual Instructor, Harvard, 1939-46

Assistant Professor, Harvard, 1946-

Courses:               1937-38

Ec. 116 (Price Theory)           B+
Ec. 103a (Adv. Theory)         A
Ec. 121 (Statistics)                 A+, Exc.
Ec. 145 (Cycles)                      A, A
Ec. 4a (Math. Ec.)                  B+


Ec.171 (Com. Dist)                 A


Fields of Study:   Theory, Ec. History, Statistics, Cycles; write-off, Commodity Distribution and Prices

Special Field:           Money and Banking

Thesis Topic:           Studies in Money; England and Wales, 1919 to 1938

Generals:                 Passed May 24, 1938 with grade of Good Plus

Specials:                  Passed May 22, 1941 with grade of Excellent Minus

Source: Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Department of Economics Collection, Box 6, Folder “Columbia College”


Richard M. Goodwin – Bibliography

“The Supply of Bank Money in England and Wales, 1920-38”, Oxford Economic Papers, no. 5, 1941.

“Keynesian and Other Interest Theories,” Review of [Economic] Statistics, Vol. XXV, No. 1, February, 1943.

“Keynesian Economics,” a review of a book of Mabel Timlin, Review of Economic Statistics, Aug. 1944. Vol. XXVI.

“Innovations and the Irregularity of Economic Cycles,” Review of Economic Statistics, May 1946.

“Dynamical Coupling with Special Reference to Markets Having Production Lags,” Econometrica, July 1947.

“The Multiplier”, an article in the New Economics, edited by S. E. Harris, 1947.

“Secular and Cyclical Aspects of the Multiplier and the Accelerator,” a chapter in Income, Employment and Public Policy – Essays in Honor of Alvin Hansen, 1948.

“The Business Cycle as a Self Sustaining Mechanism,” a paper delivered befoe the Econmetric Society, December, 1948. Abstract published in Econometrica for April 1949.

“Liquidity and Uncertainty”, a discussion paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association in Cleveland, December 1948. Published in the Proceedings of the convention.

“The Multiplier as Matrix” accepted for publication but not yet published by the Economic Journal of the Royal Economic Society.

A book, “Dynamic Economics”, now in preparation.

Source: Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Department of Economics Collection, Box 6, Folder “Columbia College”


7 Acacia Street
Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
December 3, 1949

Professor James W. Angell
Executive Officer
Department of Economics
Columbia University
New York 27, N.Y.

Private and confidential:

Dear Angell:

I greatly regret my inability to thank you, before leaving New York, for your hospitality and to have a chat with you. Now there is nothing confidential in this. What is strictly confidential however is a topic which I wished to bring up in that chat. The next year will terminate the five-year appointment of one of our best young men, Assistant Professor Richard Goodwin. According to our practice, the question of his promotion to permanent office is going to be discussed presently and I have no hope of securing a majority for him that the administration will consider adequate. This is not because any one has any fault to find with him personally but simply because other people have other candidates. You know how that is. Myself, I believe that Goodwin’s work in the field of dynamic models (and in particular four of his ten published articles) is of striking force and originality and also promises well for the future. In addition, I know that he is an excellent teacher. On the undergraduate level he runs personally and independently our biggest course, namely, the course on Money and Banking (But I do not count the general introductory course because it is run by sections). On the graduate level I have much admired his ability to express convey difficult material to an audience not really in command of the requisite technique. Therefore I am, myself, strongly in favor of promoting him but since I do not anticipate success I am anxious to sound you confidentially as regards possibilities at Columbia. An appointment might be combined with work at the National Bureau and would not therefore burden your budget very much immediately. Of course you will realize that the matter is strictly confidential but I would very much like to have your opinion.

Cordially yours,

Joseph A. Schumpeter


[handwritten note by Schumpeter at bottom of page] I have talked to Burns

Source: Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Department of Economics Collection, Box 6, Folder “Columbia College”


Image Source: Harvard Class of 1951 Yearbook.

Columbia Courses Economists Harvard Transcript

Columbia. Search Committee Report. 1950

This report is fascinating for a couple of reasons. The search committee understood its task to identify “the names of the most promising young economists, wherever trained and wherever located” from which a short list of three names for the replacement of Louis M. Hacker in Columbia College was selected. Organizationally, Columbia College is where undergraduate economics has been taught so that teaching excellence, including participation in Columbia College’s legendary Contemporary Civilization course sequence, was being sought as well as was potential for significant scholarship. Appendix C provides important information on James Tobin’s graduate economics education. In a later posting, I’ll provide information on others in the long-list of seventeen economists identified by the search committee.


January 9, 1950


Professor James W. Angell, Chairman
Department of Economics
Columbia University

Dear Mr. Chairman:

The Committee appointed by you to canvass possible candidates for the post in Columbia College that is made available by the designation of Professor Louis M. Hacker as Director of the School of General Studies submits herewith its report.

As originally constituted, this committee was made up of Professors Taylor, Barger, Hart and Haig (chairman). At an early stage the membership was expanded to include Professor Stigler and from the beginning the committee had the advantage of the constant assistance of the chairman of the department.

In accordance with the suggestions made at the budget meeting in November, the committee has conducted a broad inquiry, designed to raise for consideration the names of the most promising young economists, wherever trained and wherever located. In addition to the men known personally to the members of the committee, suggestions were solicited from the authorities at other institutions, including Harvard, Chicago, California and Leland Stanford. By mid December, scrutiny of the records and publications by the committee to the following seventeen:


Name Suggested by
Alchian, Armen A. Haley
Bronfenbrenner, Martin Friedman
Brownlee, O. H. Friedman
Christ, Carl L. Angell
Dewey, D. J. Friedman
Du[e]senberry, [James] Stigler
Goodwin, Richard M. Burbank
Harberger, J. H. Friedman
Ho[s]elitz, Bert Friedman
Lewis, H. Gregg Hart
Machlup, Fritz Stigler
Nicholls, William H. Stigler
Nutter, J. W. Friedman
Pancoast, Omar Taylor
Schelling, Thomas Burbank
Tobin, James Burbank
Vandermeulen, D. C. Ellis

[p. 2]

The meeting of the American Economic Association in New York during the Christmas holidays offered an opportunity to meet many of the men on the above list and to make inquiries regarding them. As a consequence, it has been possible for your committee to make rapid progress with its appraisals. Although the committee is continuing to gather information and data, it is prepared at this time to make a series of definite recommendations, with a high degree of confidence that these recommendations are not likely to be greatly disturbed by its further inquiries.

It is the unanimous opinion of the members of your committee that the most eligible and promising candidate on our list is Martin Bronfenbrenner, associate professor of economics at the University of Wisconsin, at present on leave for special service in Tokyo.

Should Bronfenbrenner prove to be unavailable the committee urges consideration of D. J. Dewey, at present holding a special fellowship at the University of Chicago, on leave from his teaching post at Iowa. As a third name, the committee suggests James Tobin, at present studying at Cambridge, England, on a special fellowship from Harvard.

Detailed information regarding the records of these three men will be found in appendices to this report.

Bronfenbrenner, the first choice of the committee, is 35 years old. He received his undergraduate degree from Washington University at the age of 20 and his Ph.D. from Chicago at 25. During his war service, he acquired a good command of the Japanese language. He taught at Roosevelt College, Chicago, before going to Wisconsin and undergraduate reports of his teaching are as enthusiastic as those of the authorities at Chicago. He happens to be personally well known to two of the members of your committee (Hart and Stigler) and to at last two other member of the department (Shoup and Vickrey), all four of whom commend him in high terms.

The following statement from Hart, dated December 6, 1929, was prepared after a conference with Friedman of Chicago:

“Bronfenbrenner is undoubtedly one of the really powerful original thinkers in the age group between thirty and thirty-five. He has always very much enjoyed teaching; my impression is that his effectiveness has been with the upper half of the student body at Roosevelt College and at Wisconsin. He is primarily a theorist but has a wide range of interest and a great deal of adaptability so it would not be much of a problem to fit him in somewhere [p. 3] in terms of specialization. He would do a good deal to keep professional discussion stirring in the University. My impression is that he tends to be underrated by the market, and that a chance at Columbia College might well be his best opportunity for some time ahead. The difficulty is, of course, that there is no chance of arranging an interview; though Shoup and Vickrey, of course, both saw him last summer.”

In a letter dated December 15, Shoup wrote as follows:

“I have a high regard for Martin Bronfenbrenner’s intellectual capacities, and I think he would fit in well in the Columbia scene. He has an excellent mind and a great intellectual independence. In his writings he sometimes tends to sharp, almost extreme statements, but in my opinion, they almost always have a solid foundation, and in conversation he is always ready to explore all sides of the question. When we had to select someone to take over the tax program in Japan, after the report had been formulated, and oversee the implementation of the program by the Japanese government, it was upon my recommendation that Bronfenbrenner was selected. He arrived in Japan in the middle of August and his work there since that time has confirmed me in my expectations that he would be an excellent selection for the job, even though he did not have very much technical background in taxation. I rank him as one of the most promising economists in his age group in this country, and I should not be surprised if he made one or more major contributions of permanent value in the coming years.

“He has gone to Japan on a two year appointment, after having obtained a two year leave of absence from the University of Wisconsin. My understanding is that on such an appointment he could come back to the United States at the end of one year, provided he paid his own passage back. It might be possible that even this requirement would be waived, but I have no specific grounds for thinking so. I believe the major part of his work with respect to implementing the tax program will have been completed by next September. If the committee finds itself definitely interested in the possibility of Bronfenbrenner’s coming to Columbia, I should not let the two year appointment stand in the way of making inquiries.”

The breadth and rang of his interests recommend Bronfenbrenner as a person who would probably be highly [p.4] valuable in the general course in contemporary civilization and the quality of his written work suggests high promise as a productive scholar in one or more specialized fields.

Your committee considers that the appropriate rank would be that of associate professor.

Respectfully submitted,


Robert M. Haig



Appendix A – Martin Bronfenbrenner

The following data regarding Bronfenbrenner are taken chiefly from the 1948 Directory of the American Economic Assoication:

Born: 1914

Education and Degrees:

A.B. Washington University, 1934
Ph.D. University of Chicago 1939
1940-42, George Washington School of Law

Fields: Theory, mathematical economics, statistical methods, econometrics

Doctoral dissertation: Monetary theory and general equilibrium


“Consumption function controversy”, Southern Economic Journal, January, 1948
“Price control under imperfect competition”, American Economic Review, March, 1947
“Dilemma of Liberal Economics,” Journal of Political Economy, August, 1946

Additional publications:

“Post-War Political Economy: The President’s Reports”, Journal of Political Economy, October, 1948
Various book reviews including one on W. I. King’s The Keys to Prosperity, Journal of Political Economy, December, 1948, and A. H. Hansen’s Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy, Annals

Additions to list of publications circulated, January 9, 1950

“The Economics of Collective Bargaining”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, August, 1939.
(with Paul Douglas) “Cross-Section Studies in the Cobb-Douglas Function”, Journal of Political Economy, 1939.
“Applications of the Discontinuous Oligopoly Demand Curve”, Journal of Political Economy, 1940.
“Diminishing Returns in Federal Taxation” Journal of Political Economy, 1942.
“The Role of Money in Equilibrium Capital Theory”, Econometrica (1943).


Appendix B – D. J. Dewey

On leave from Iowa.

In 1948 studied at Cambridge, England.
1949-50, at Chicago on special fellowship.


Notes on the Analysis of Socialism as a Vocational Problem, Manchester School, September, 1948.
Occupational Choice in a Collectivist Economy, Journal of Political Economy, December, 1948.

Friedman and Schultz are highly enthusiastic.

Statement by Hart, dated December 6, 1949:

“Friedman regards Dewey as first rate and points to an article on ‘Proposal for Allocating the Labor Force in a Planned Economy’ (Journal of Political Economy, as far as I remember in July 1949) for which the J.P.E. gave a prize as the best article of the year. I read the article, rather too quickly, a few weeks ago and it is definitely an imaginative and powerful piece of work. How the conclusions would look after a thorough-going seminar discussion, I am not clear; but the layout of questions is fascinating.”


Appendix [C] – James Tobin

Statement by Burbank of Harvard, dated December 14, 1949:

“We have known Tobin a good many years. He came to us as a National Scholar, completed his work for the A.B. before the war and had advanced his graduate work very well before he went into the service. He received his Ph.D. in 1947. Since 1947 he has been a Junior Fellow. He was a teaching fellow from 1945 to 1947. He is now in Cambridge, England, and will, I believe, begin his professional work by next fall. Since Tobin has been exposed to Harvard for a very long time I believe that he feels that for his own intellectual good he should go elsewhere. I doubt if we could make a stronger recommendation than Tobin nor one in which there will be greater unanimity of opinion. Certainly he is one of the top men we have had here in the last dozen years. He is now intellectually mature. He should become one of the handful of really outstanding scholars of his generation. His interests are mainly in the area of money but he is also interested in theory and is competent to teach at any level.”

Data supplied by Harvard:

Address:    Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University, England

Married:   Yes, one child

Born:          1918, U.S.


A. B. Harvard, 1939 (Summa cum laude)
A.M. Harvard, 1940
Ph.D. Harvard, 1947

Fields of Study: Theory, Ec. History, Money and Banking, Political Theory: write-off, Statistics

Special Field: Business Cycles

Thesis Topic: A Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of Consumer Saving


1942-45 U.S. Navy
1945-47 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University
1947- Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows

[p. 2 of Appendix C]

Courses:           1939-40

Ec. 21a (Stat.)                  A
Ec. 121b (Adv. St.)          A
Ec. 133 (Ec. Hist)            A
Ec. 147a (M&B Sem)      A
Ec. 145b (Cycles)             A
Ec. 113b (Hist. Ec.)       Exc.
Gov. 121a (Pol.Th.)         A


Ec. 121a (Stat.)                A
Ec. 164 (Ind. Org.)          A
Ec. 20 (Thesis)                A
Ec. 118b (App. St.)          A
Math 21                             A
Ec. 104b (Math Ec.)       A

1946-47 Library and Guidance

Generals:       Passed May 22, 1940 with grade of Good Plus
Specials:         Passed May 9, 1947 with grade of Excellent.


Data from 1948 Directory of American Economic Association:

Harvard University, Junior Fellow

Born:                1918

Degrees:           A. B., Harvard, 1939; Ph.D., Harvard, 1947j

Fields: Business fluctuations, econometrics, economic theory, and mathematical economics

Dissertation: A theoretical and statistical analysis of consumer saving.


“Note on Money Wage Problem”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1941.
“Money Wage Rates and Employment”, in New Economics (Knopf, 1947).
“Liquidity Preference and monetary Policy”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 1947.
[pencil addition] Article in Harris (ed.), The New Economics, 1947.


Source: Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Department of Economics Collection, Box 6, Folder “Columbia College”

Image Source: The beyondbrics blog of the Financial Times.

Courses Curriculum Harvard Regulations

Harvard Economics. Courses, Degree Requirements. 1911-12.



VOLUME VIII             JUNE 15, 1911          NUMBER 23
Published by Harvard University





The Division of History, Government, and Economics is one of the eighteen Divisions of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. It comprises the Departments of History, Government, and Economics. The administrative officers of the Division and its Departments are: —

Professor Charles Homer Haskins, Chairman of the Division of History, Government, and Economics.         23 University Hall.

Asst. Professor William Scott Ferguson, Acting Chairman of the Department of History.         17 Chauncy St.

Professor Albert Rushnell Hart, Chairman of the Department of Government.         5 Quincy Chambers.

Professor Frank William Taussig, Chairman of the Department of Economics.         2 Scott St.

Correspondence concerning the degrees of A.M. and of Ph.D. and the degree of A.B. with Distinction should be addressed to the Chairman of the Division; other correspondence should be addressed to the Chairman of the Department concerned.



(Arranged in each Department on the basis of collegiate seniority)



Ephraim Emerton, Ph.D., Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 19 Chauncy St.

George Foot Moore, A.M., D.D., LL.D., Frothingham Professor of the History of Religion. 3 Divinity Ave.

Edward Caldwell Moore, Ph.D., D.D., Parkman Professor of Theology. 21 Kirkland St.

Edward Channing, Ph.D., Professor of History. [Absent (hiring the first half of the year 1911-12.] 74 Sparks St.

Albert Bushnell Hart, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Eaton Professor of the Science of Government. [See below.]

Worthington Chauncey Ford, A.M., Lecturer on Historical Manuscripts. 1154 Boylston St., Boston.

Frederick Jackson Turner, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Professor of History. 153 Brattle St.

John Winthrop Platner, A.M., D.D., Andover Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 119 Walker St.

Archibald Cary Coolidge, Ph.D., Professor of History, and Director of the University Library. 4 Randolph Hall.

Charles Homer Haskins, Ph.D., Litt.D., Professor of History, Chairman of the Division of History, Government, and Economics, and Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 15 Prescott Hall.

Robert Matteson Johnston, A.M., Assistant Professor of Modern History. [Absent during the first half of the year 1911-12.] 14 Appian Way.

Edwin Francis Gay, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. [See below.]

Charles Howard McIlwain, A.M., Assistant Professor of History.

William Scott Ferguson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History, and Acting Chairman of the Department of History. 17 Chauncy St.

Roger Bigelow Merriman, Litt.B., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History. 175 Brattle St.


Harold William Vazeille Temperley, A.M. (Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge), Lecturer on History.

Howard Levi Gray, Ph.D., Instructor in History. 17 Conant Hall.

Robert Howard Lord, Ph.D., Instructor in History. 27 Perkins Hall.



Frederic Jesup Stimson, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Comparative
. [Absent during the year 1911-12.] 709 Exchange Bldg., Boston.

Albert Bushnell Hart, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, and Chairman of the Department of Government. [Absent during the second half of the year 1911-12.] 5 Quincy Chambers.

George Grafton Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of International Law. 38 Quincy St.

Charles Howard McIlwain, A.M., Assistant Professor of History. [See above.]

William Bennett Munro, LL.B., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
21 Dana Chambers.

Joseph Warren, A.B., LL.B., Lecturer on Persons. 26 Quincy St.

Henry Aaron Yeomans, A.M., LL.B., Instructor in Government. 74 Trapelo Road, Belmont.

Arthur Norman Holcombe, Ph.D., Instructor in Government. 7 Exeter Park.



Francis Greenwood Peabody, A.M., D.D., LL.D., Plummer Professor of Christian Morals. 13 Kirkland St.

Frank William Taussig, LL.B., Ph.D., Henry Lee Professor of Economics, and Chairman of the Department of Economics. 2 Scott St.

Jeffrey Richardson Brackett, Ph.D., Instructor in Charity, Public Aid and Correction. 41 Marlborough St., Boston.

Charles Jesse Bullock, Ph.D., Professor of Economics. 1 Grays Hall.William Morse Cole, A.M., Assistant Professor of Accounting. 35 Langdon St.


Edwin Francis Gay, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, and Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration. 58 Highland St.

William Zebina Ripley, Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy. Newton Centre.

Thomas Nixon Carver, Ph.D., LL.D., David A. Wells Professor of Political Economy. 16 Kirkland Road.

Oliver Mitchell Wentworth Sprague, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance. 18 Sumner Road.

Bruce Wyman, A.M., LL.B., Professor of Law. 16 Quincy St.

Ray Madding McConnell, S.T.B., Ph.D., Instructor in Social Ethics. 5 Fuller Place.

William Emmanuel Rappard, Lic.-en-droit, J.D., Instructor in Commercial Organization.

Arthur Stone Dewing, Ph.D., Instructor in Economics. 469 Broadway.

Edmund Ezra Day, Ph.D., Instructor in Economics. 15 Perkins Hall.

James Ford, Ph.D., Instructor in Social Ethics. 35 Walker St.

Robert Franz Foerster, Ph.D., Instructor in Social Ethics. 71 Perkins Hall.



Harry Maxwell Varrell, A.M., in History 1.

Carl Stephenson, A.M., in History 1.

James Grover McDonald, A.M., in History 1.

Frank Erskine Crawford in History 1.

Robert Joseph Kerner, A.M., in History 2.

Samuel Eliot Morison, A.M., in History 13.

Oswald Ryan, in History 13.

Lloyd William Brooke, A.B., in History 17.

Henry Warren Cleary, A.B., in Government 1.

Charles Claflin Davis, S.B., LL.B., in Government 1.

Stuart Cameron McLeod, A.M., in Government 1.

Daniel Badger Priest, A.B., in Government 4.

Eliot Jones, A.M., in Economics 1.

Alfred Burpee Balcom, A.M., in Economics 1.

Joseph Stancliffe Davis, A.B., in Economics 1.

Harold Hitchings Burbank, A.M., in Economics 1.

Julius Klein, Litt.M., in Economics 6a and 6b.





Introductory Courses.

I. Ancient and Oriental History.

II. Mediaeval History.

III. Modern European History.

IV. American History.

V. Economic History.

VI. Church History.

VII. History of Religions.



I. Introductory Course.

II. Modern Government.

III. Law and Political Theory.

IV. International Law and Diplomacy.



Introductory Course.

I. Economic Theory and Method.

II. Economic History.

III. Applied Economics.

IV. Courses Preparing for a Business Career.

V. Sociology.

VI. Courses of Research.



Introductory Courses.

Intermediate Courses.

Courses of Research.







Course 1 is introductory to the other courses. It is intended to give a general survey of the subject for those who take but one course in Economics, and also to prepare for the further study of the subject in advanced courses. It is usually taken with most profit by undergraduates in the second year of their college career. It may not be taken by Freshmen without the consent of the instructor. History 1 or Government 1, or both of these courses, will usually be taken to advantage before Economics 1.

Before taking any of the advanced courses, students are strongly advised to consult the instructors. Courses 2, 4, 9b, 14b, 16, 18, 21, 23, 30 may not be taken without the previous consent of the instructors. It is advised that Course 1 be taken in all cases as a preparation for the advanced courses; but some of them may be taken without this preparation. The conditions of admission to the several courses are stated below in the detailed descriptions.

The courses of research are intended primarily for Graduate Students: but Seniors in Harvard College who have had adequate training in the subject may be admitted.

The attention of students who look forward to a business career, and who have already taken Course 1, is called to Courses 4, 5, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8, 9a, 9b, 11, 16, and 30. In addition, Courses 18 and 21 are offered with a special view to their usefulness in preparing for a business career. Of these courses more is said below, on page 67.

The courses preparatory to business, which are described in the pamphlet of the Graduate School of Business Administration, are open to Graduate Students in Economics.



Primarily for Undergraduates

  1. Principles of Economies. Tu., Th., Sat., at 11. Professor Taussig, assisted by Dr. Day, and Messrs. Jones, Balcom, Davis, and Burbank. (XII)

Course 1 gives a general introduction to economic study, and a general view of Economics for those who have not further time to give to the subject. It undertakes a consideration of the principles of production, distribution, exchange, money, banking, international trade, and taxation. The relations of labor and capital, the present organization of industry, and the recent currency legislation of the United States will be treated in outline.

The course will be conducted partly by lectures, partly by oral discussion in sections. A course of reading will be laid down, and weekly written exercises will test the work of students in following systematically and continuously the lectures and the prescribed reading. Course 1 may not be taken by Freshmen without the consent of the instructor.



For Undergraduates and Graduates

*2. Economic Theory. Mon., Wed., Fri., at 2.30. Professor Taussig. (VII)

Course 2 is intended to acquaint the student with some of the later developments of economic thought, and at the same time to train him in the critical consideration of economic principles and the analysis of economic conditions. The exercises are accordingly conducted mainly by the discussion of selected passages from the leading writers; and in this discussion the students are expected to take an active part. The writings of F. A. Walker, Cairnes, Clark, Marshall, Bohm-Bawerk, and other recent authors, will be taken up. Attention will be given chiefly to the theory of exchange and distribution; but other subjects, such as international trade, and free trade and protection, will also be considered.


*4. Statistics. — Theory, Method, and Practice. Tu., Th., at 11. Professor Ripley. (XII)

This course is intended rather as an analysis of methods of research and sources of information than as embodying mere results. A brief


history of statistics will be followed by an account of census and other statistical methods in the United States and abroad, with the scientific use and interpretation of results. The main divisions of vital statistics, relating to birth, marriage, morbidity and mortality, life tables, etc.; the statistics of trade and commerce, such as price indexes, etc.; industrial statistics relating to labor, wages, and employment; statistics of agriculture, manufactures, and transportation, will be then considered in order. Laboratory work, amounting to not less than two hours per week, in the preparation of charts, maps, and diagrams from original material, will be required. Course 4 is open to students who have taken Economics 1.


14a1hf. The Distribution of Wealth. Half-course (first half-year). Tu., Th., at 1.30. Professor Carver. (XIV)

This course begins with an analysis of the theory of value. The attempt is then made to formulate a positive theory of distribution helpful in explaining the actual incomes of the various classes of producers. Finally the question of justice in distribution is considered. This course is open only to students who have passed in Economics 1.


*14b2hf. Methods of Social Reform. — Socialism, Communism, the Single Tax, etc. Half-course (second half-year). Tu., Th., at 1.30. Professor Carver. (XIV)

A study of those plans of social amelioration which involve either a reorganization of society, or a considerable extension of the functions of the state. The course begins with a critical examination of the theories of the leading socialistic writers, with a view to getting a clear understanding of the reasoning which lies back of socialistic movements, and of the economic conditions which tend to make this reasoning acceptable. A similar study will be made of the Single Tax Movement, of State Socialism and the public ownership of monopolistic enterprises, and of Christian Socialism, so called.

This course is open only to those who have passed satisfactorily in Course 14a.


291hf. Socialism and the Social Movement in Europe. Half-course (first half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 10. Dr. Rappard. (III)

A careful examination is made of the theories of the chief social reformers and of the leading socialists, both “Utopian ” and “scientific.” There follows a study of those revolutionary outbursts of the nineteenth century which were primarily economic in their origin and social in their aims. The course concludes with a summary of the positive political and institutional achievements of the social movement of the nineteenth century.


Primarily for Graduates

  1. Methods of Economic Investigation. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Professor Carver.

Course 13 will examine the methods by which the leading writers of modern times have approached economic questions, and the range which they have given their inquiries; and will consider the advantage of different methods, and the expediency of a wider or narrower field of investigation. Methods of reasoning, methods of investigation, and methods of exposition will be considered separately. Selected passages from the works of a considerable number of writers will be studied, with a view to analyzing the nature and scope of their reasoning.

Course 13 is designed mainly for students who take or have taken Course 2 or Course 15; but it is open to mature students having a general acquaintance with economic theory.


‡15. History and Literature of Economics to the year 1848. Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 11. Professor Bullock. (IV)

The purpose of this course is to trace the development of economic thought from classical antiquity to the middle of the nineteenth century. Emphasis is placed upon the relation of economics to philosophical and political theories, as well as to political and industrial conditions.

A considerable amount of reading of prominent writers will be assigned, and opportunity given for the preparation of theses. Much of the instruction is necessarily given by means of lectures.

No undergraduates will be admitted to the course who are not candidates for distinction in economics.


  1. German and French Economists of the Nineteenth Century. Two consecutive evening hours per week, to be arranged with the instructor. Professor Gay.

In this course selections from the works of a number of the more important German and French economists will be read and informally discussed. The influence of the English classical school will be traced, together with the criticism directed against this school by the socialists and the historical economists. Attention will also be given to the question of methods in economic investigation.

A moderate reading knowledge of German and French will of course be necessary.




For Undergraduates and Graduates

6a1hf. European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century. Half-course (first half-year). Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 9. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. Klein. (X)

Course 6a undertakes to present the general outlines of the economic history of western Europe since the Industrial Revolution. Such topics as the following will be discussed: the economic aspects of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic regime, the Stein-Hardenberg reforms, the Zoll-Verein, Cobden and free trade in England, labor legislation and social reform, nationalism and the recrudescence of protectionism, railways and waterways, the effects of transoceanic competition, the rise of industrial Germany.

Since attention will be directed in this course to those phases of the subject which are related to the economic history of the United States, it may be taken usefully before Economics 6b. It is open to students who have passed in Economics 1, and, with the consent of the instructor, to students who have taken or are taking Economics 1.


6b2hf. Economic and Financial History of the United States. Halfcourse (second half-year). Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 9. Professor Gay, assisted by Mr. Klein. (X)

The following are among the subjects considered: aspects of the Revolution and commercial relations during the Confederation and the European wars; the history of the protective tariff policy and the growth of manufacturing industries; the settlement of the West and the history of transportation, including the early canal and turnpike enterprises of the states, the various phases of railway building and the establishment of public regulation of railways; banking and currency experiences; various aspects of agrarian history, such as the public land policy, the growth of foreign demand for American produce and the subsequent competition of other sources of supply; certain social topics, such as slavery and its economic basis, and the effects of immigration.

It is open to students who have passed in Economics 1, and, with the consent of the instructor, to all students except Freshmen who are taking Economics 1.


  1. Modern Economic History of Europe. Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 10. Professor Gay and Dr. Gray. (XI)

At the outset a survey will be made of economic and social conditions in the chief European countries at the close of the Middle Ages. The history of agriculture, industry, and commerce in the succeeding periods down to the beginning of the nineteenth century will then be treated in some detail. England will receive the emphasis due to its increasing importance during this period.

Course 11 is open to students who have passed satisfactorily in Economics 1 or History 1.


Primarily for Graduates

[102hf. Mediaeval Economic History of Europe. Half-course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 2.30. Dr. Gray.] (VII)

Omitted in 1911-12.

After a preliminary examination of early economic and social institutions, this course aims to give a general view of the economic development of society during the Middle Ages. Among other topics, the following will be considered: mediaeval agriculture and serfdom; the manorial system and the economic aspects of feudalism; the beginnings of town life and the gild-system of industry; and the Italian and Hanseatic commercial supremacy.

It is essential that students should possess some reading knowledge of Latin.


[261hf. The Economic Development of Antiquity. Half-course (first half-year). Asst. Professor Ferguson.]

Omitted in 1911-12.

A series of lectures upon the agrarian, commercial, and industrial relations of the chief peoples of antiquity. Discussions of labor, money, banking, prices, transport, guilds, monopolies, and their economic, social, and political bearings.






For Undergraduates and Graduates

51hf. Economics of Transportation. Half-course (first half-year). Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 10. Professor Ripley, assisted by Dr. Dewing. (XI)

A brief outline of the historical development of rail and water transportation in the United States will be followed by a description of the condition of transportation systems at the present time. The four main subdivisions of rates and rate-making, finance, traffic operation, and legislation will be considered in turn. The first deals with the relation of the railroad to shippers, comprehending an analysis of the theory and practice of rate-making. An outline will be given of the nature of railroad securities, the principles of capitalization, and the interpretation of railroad accounts. Railroad operation will deal with the practical problems of the traffic department, such as the collection and interpretation of statistics of operation, pro-rating, the apportionment of cost, depreciation and maintenance, etc. Under legislation, the course of state regulation and control in the United States and Europe will be traced.

Course 5 is open only to students who have passed in Economics 1.


7a1hf. Introduction to Public Finance. Half-course (first half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 9. Professor Bullock. (II)

This course covers the general field of public finance exclusive of taxation. After a brief survey of the history of public finance, the following subjects are studied: public expenditures, public revenues other than taxes, public debts, financial administration, and financial legislation. Attention is given both to the theory and to the practice of various countries.

A systematic course of readings is prescribed, and most of the exercises are conducted by the method of informal discussion. Candidates for honors will be given an opportunity to write theses. The course is open only to students who have passed in Economics 1. Graduate students are advised to take Economics 16. Course 7a is not open to students who in the year 1910-11 elected Economics 7, but such students may be admitted to Economics 1b with the consent of the instructor.


7b2hf. The Theory and Methods of Taxation. Half-course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 9. Professor Bullock. (II)


In this course the theory of taxation is first examined; then the tax systems of the United States and leading countries of Europe are studied. Finally proposals for reforming the methods employed in the United States are considered historically and critically.

The course will be conducted in the same manner as Economics 7a, and admission is subject to the same conditions. Students who do not elect this course at the beginning of the year will be admitted in February only with the consent of the instructor.


  1. Money, Banking, and Crises. Mon., Wed., Fri., at 1.30. Dr. Day. (VI)

This course aims to analyze the principal problems of money and credit. An examination is first made of the more important existing monetary systems. This is followed by a careful review of the more instructive chapters in the monetary history of England, Germany, France, the United States, Austria, British India, Mexico, and the Philippines.

The nature, origin, and early growth of commercial banking are considered. A thorough investigation of present banking practice in England, France, Germany, and Canada is followed by a study of banking history and present banking problems in the United States. In this connection foreign exchange and the money markets of London, Paris, Berlin, and New York are examined.

Finally attention is turned to those problems of money and credit which appear most prominently in connection with economic crises. Though emphasis is thrown upon the financial aspects of the trade cycle, the investigation covers the more fundamental factors causing commercial and industrial fluctuations.

Short papers upon assigned topics will be required of all students. The course is open to those only who have passed in Economics 1.


9a1hf. Problems of Labor. Half-course (first half-year). Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 1.30. Professor Ripley, assisted by Mr. ——. (XIV)

This course will deal mainly with the economic and social relations of employer and employed, with especial reference to legislation. Among the topics included will be: collective bargaining; labor organizations; factory legislation in the United States and Europe; strikes, strike legislation and legal decisions; conciliation and arbitration; employers’ liability and compulsory compensation; compulsory insurance with particular reference to European experience; the problem of the unemployed; apprenticeship, and trade and technical education.

[p. 65]

Each student will make at least one report upon a labor union, from the original documents. Two lectures a week, with one recitation, will be the usual practice. This course is open to students who hare passed in Economics 1 and to Juniors and Seniors of good standing who are taking Economics 1 at the same time.


*9b2hf. Economics of Corporations. Half-course (second half-year). Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 10. Professor Ripley, assisted by Dr. Dewing. (XI)

This course will treat of the fiscal and industrial organization of capital, especially in the corporate form. The principal topic considered will be industrial combination and the so-called trust problem. This will be broadly discussed, with comparative study of conditions in the United States and Europe. The development of corporate enterprise, promotion, and financing, accounting, liability of directors and underwriters, will be described, not from their legal but from their purely economic aspects; and the effects of industrial combination upon efficiency, profits, wages, prices, the development of export trade, and international competition will be considered in turn.

The course is open to those students only who have passed in Economics 1. Systematic reading and report work will be assigned from time to time.


*232hf. Economics of Agriculture, with special reference to American conditions. Half-course (second half-year). Tu., Th., at 2.30. Professor Carver. (XV)

A study of the relation of agriculture to the whole industrial system, the relative importance of rural and urban economics, the conditions of rural life in different parts of the United States, the forms of land tenure and methods of rent payment, the comparative merits of large and small holdings, the status and wages of farm labor, the influence of farm machinery, farmers’ organizations, the marketing and distribution of farm products, agricultural credit, the policy of the government toward agriculture, and the probable future of American agriculture.

This course is open to students who have passed in Economics 1, and, with the consent of the instructor, to Juniors and Seniors of good standing who are taking Economics 1 at the same time.


*301hf. The Financial Aspects of Combinations. Half-course (first half-year). Tu., Th., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Sat., at 12. Dr. Dewing. (XIII)

The course considers the financial aspects of combinations in the United States, giving attention, however, to the economic rather than to the

[p. 66]

business or legal problems involved. Examples of financial history and policy will be considered in some detail. The psychological as well as the economic conditions that determine the market price of railroad and industrial securities will be described with the purpose of formulating general principles. Each student will select a typical episode in the history of some combination and some general subject, such as promotion, minority rights, effect on prices, and will present reports at conferences which will sometimes replace the lectures of the course. This course is open only to those who have passed in Economics 1.


Attention is also called to the following courses :—

Government 32a1hf. Public Ownership and Control. Dr. Holcombe.

Government 32b2hf. Selected Problems in Public Ownership and Control. Dr. Holcombe.


Primarily for Graduates

*16. Public Finance (advanced course). Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 10. Professor Bullock. (III)

The course is devoted to the examination of the financial institutions of the principal modern countries, in the light of both theory and history. One or more reports calling for independent investigation will ordinarily be required. Special emphasis will be placed upon questions of American finance. Ability to read French or German is presupposed. Undergraduates are admitted only by consent of the instructor.



Among the courses described above, those on the industrial and financial phenomena of modern times are useful for students who propose to enter on a business career. Such are the courses on Money, Banking, and Crises (8), Economics of Transportation (5), Problems of Labor (9a), the Economics of Corporations (9b), the Economic and Financial History of the United States (6b), and European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century (6a). In addition, the following courses are designed more particularly to aid in the understanding of the problems likely to be met in business

[p. 67]

life, and are arranged with special regard to the needs of those looking to such a career. They are primarily for students who have reached or approached the close of their general education.


*18. Principles of Accounting. Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 11. Asst. Professor Cole and assistants. (IV)

This course is designed to show the processes by which the earnings and values of business properties are computed. It is not intended primarily to afford practice in book-keeping; but since intelligent construction and interpretation of accounts is impossible without a knowledge of certain main types of book-keeping, practice sufficient to give the student familiarity with elementary technique will form an important part of the work of the course. The chief work, however, will be a study of the principles that underlie the determination of profit, cost, and valuation. These will be considered as they appear in several types of business enterprise. Published accounts of corporations will be examined, and practice in interpretation will be afforded. The instruction will be chiefly by assigned readings, discussions, and written work.

Course 18 is not open to students before their last year of undergraduate work. For men completing their work at the end of the first half-year, it will be counted as a half-course. It is regularly open only to Seniors and to Graduates who have passed in Economics 1. Students intending to enter the Graduate School of Business Administration are expected to take this course in preparation for the advanced courses in accounting.


*211hf. The Law of Competition and Combination. Half-course (first half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 12. Professor Wyman, assisted by Mr. —— . (V)

Course 21 is not open to students before their last year of undergraduate work, and is only open to those who have passed in Economics 1.

The course considers certain rules of the law governing the course of modern trade and the organization of modern industry. As the course deals with adjudication and legislation on questions of first importance in the economic development of modern times, it is of advantage to all those who wish to equip themselves for the intelligent discussion of issues having both legal and economic aspects. In 1911-12 four principal topics will be discussed: competition; combination; association; consolidation, — some very briefly, some with more detail. The conduct of the course will be by the reading and discussion of cases from the law reports, which are contained in an edited series of case books.

[p. 68]

Attention is also called to the following courses : —

Botany 5. Outlines of Economic Botany.

Engineering 4a. Surveying. Asst. Professor Hughes.

Engineering 4d. Railroad Engineering. Asst. Professor Hughes.

Engineering 11a2hf. Steam Machinery. Professor Hollis and Messrs. Markham and ——.

Geology 92hf. Geographic Influences in North America. Asst. Professor D. W. Johnson.

Geology 21hf. Geography of South America. Professor Ward.


See further the courses in Social Ethics.


For Undergraduates and Graduates

Economics 3. Principles of Sociology.—Theories of Social Progress. Mon., Wed., and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Fri., at 1.30. Professor Carver, assisted by ——. (VI)

An analytical study of social life and of the factors and forces which hold society together and give it an orderly development. The leading social institutions will also be studied with a view to finding out their relation to social well-being and progress.

Spencer’s Principles of Sociology and Carver’s Sociology and Social Progress will be read in full. Students are expected to take part in the discussion of the books read and of the lectures delivered.

Course 3 is open only to students who have passed in Economics 1.


Anthropology 122hf. Primitive Sociology. Half-course (second half-year). Mon., Wed., Fri., at 1.30. Dr. Tozzer. (VI)

This course deals with the early history of such institutions as marriage, the family, property, government, law, and ethical standards. The social organization of primitive peoples will be examined. Totemism in its various phases will also be considered.


Attention is also called to the following courses : —

Philosophy 4. Ethics. Professor Palmer.

Philosophy 6a1hf. Philosophy of Religion. Professor E. C. Moore.

[p. 69]

Philosophy 32hf. Philosophy of Nature, with especial reference to Man’s Place in Nature. Asst. Professor G. P. Adams (University of California).

Philosophy 20d. Seminary in Ethics. Professor Palmer.

History of Religions 2. History of Religions in Outline. Professor G. F. Moore.

Anthropology 1. General Anthropology. Dr Tozzer.

Anthropology 5. American Archaeology and Ethnography. Asst. Professor Dixon and Drs. Farabee and Tozzer.

Anthropology 71hf. Ethnography of Oceania. Asst. Professor Dixon.

Anthropology 112hf. Ethnography of Asia. Asst. Professor Dixon.



The following courses indicate those fields within which the members of the Department ordinarily undertake to guide students in research: —

Economics 20a. The Economic History of England. Professor Gay.

Economics 20b. Economic Theory. Professor Carver.

Economics 20c. Principles of Corporation Finance. Professor Ripley.

Economics 20d. The Economic History of the United States, with special reference to Tariff Legislation. Professor Taussig.

Economics 20e. American Taxation and Finance. Professor Bullock.

Economics 20f. Currency and Crises. Asst. Professor Sprague.

Economics 20g. Banking. Asst. Professor Sprague.

Economics 20h. Mediaeval Economic History. Dr. Gray.


The Seminary in Economics. Mon., at 4.30.

Meetings are held each week by instructors and advanced students for the presentation of the results of investigation. At intervals, other persons are invited to address the Seminary on subjects of theoretic or practical interest, giving opportunity for contact and discussion with the non-academic world. All graduate students of economics are expected to attend.


[p. 75]




The Division of History, Government, and Economics comprises three departments: History; Government; and Economics. The Division has charge of the administration of the degree of A.B. with Distinction in History, in Economics, and in Political Science, and of the degrees of Ph.D. in History, in Political Science, and in Economics. The recommendation of candidates for assistantships, fellowships, and scholarships is in the hands of the respective Departments; and each Department has charge of all matters relating specially to its own instruction.



The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred usually after four years of residence, although a student who enters college without serious deficiency may complete the requirements for the degree in three years or three years and a half. At least one year of residence is required. Graduates of other colleges and students of the higher classes of other colleges are admitted to advanced standing in Harvard College, without examination, on presenting testimonials of scholarship and character, and satisfactory evidence of work well performed in the institutions previously attended.



In the opinion of the Faculty every undergraduate of superior ability should look to a considerable amount of advanced work in some subject or related subjects as a natural part of his undergraduate career; but it is not to be imagined that the Faculty intends to call for anything like original research on the part of undergraduates, or for the passing of examinations similar to those required for the higher degrees. The Degree with Distinction, it is believed, is so planned as to be within the reach of every student of good ability.

[p. 76]

General Regulations. — The candidate for the degree of A.B. with Distinction in History, Government, and Economics shall make application, not later than November 1 of the year in which he expects to receive the degree, to the Division of History, Government, and Economics; he shall, at the same time, record his name and purpose at the office of the Dean of Harvard College. Students intending to become candidates are urged to put themselves, as early as the beginning of their Sophomore year, under the guidance of the Division.

The requirements for the degree cum laude and magna cum laude are the same. The grade of distinction depends on the excellence of the student’s work, as determined by the Division. If his work be judged unworthy of distinction, but worthy of a degree, the Division may recommend him for a degree without distinction.

Special Regulations. — Not later than November 1 of his final year of preparation, the candidate must present, for approval by the Division, a plan of study, which shall comprise at least seven courses, selected from those offered by the Division, and not including more than two from the courses regularly open to Freshmen. This plan of study may, however, with the approval of the Division, include related courses offered by other Departments of the University, and also, by special vote of the Division, suitable work done outside of regular courses. If four or more of the seven courses are courses in History, the candidate, if successful, will be recommended for the Degree with Distinction in History; if four or more of them are courses in Economics, he will be recommended for the Degree with Distinction in Economics; if less than four of them are courses in History, and less than four are courses in Economics, he will be recommended for the Degree with Distinction in Political Science.

Besides this minimum requirement, the candidate may indicate in his plan of study any additional work done in History, Government, Economics, or in related subjects. The character and range of this work will be taken into account in determining the recommendation for the Degree with Distinction. The winning of a University prize in any of the subjects represented in the Division, such as a Bowdoin, Toppan, or Sumner prize, may, at the Division’s discretion, be accepted as evidence towards establishing a candidate’s qualification for the Degree with Distinction.

[p. 77]

Not later than May 1 of his Senior year, the candidate will present to the Chairman of the Division a thesis; and he will be required to pass an oral examination on the general field covered by the courses he offers, or on such portion of the field as the Division may determine. Successful candidates at the oral examination will be excused from the final examinations in their Senior year in the courses offered for the Degree with Distinction; and unsuccessful candidates at the oral examination may be recommended by the Division for the ordinary degree without taking the final examinations in such courses.

In the award of the Dillaway Fellowship preference will be given to the most successful candidate for the Degree with Distinction in History; and the Philip Washburn Prize is offered for the best thesis, of sufficient merit, on an historical subject presented by a successful candidate for the Degree with Distinction in History.


[p. 78]

Degree with Distinction in Philosophy and Economics

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences have established a degree with distinction in Philosophy and Economics, intended to represent special attainment in the study of social problems, theoretical and practical. This degree is to be administered by a standing committee of three under the following rules : —

As early as possible in his college career, and not later than November 1 of his final year, the candidate must present a plan of study to the Chairman of the Committee on Degrees with Distinction in Philosophy and Economics.

Such a plan must comprise at least eight courses, of which at least two must be in (1) Philosophy, (2) Social Ethics, and (3) Economics, respectively. Of these courses at least one in each of these

[p. 79]

groups and at least six in all must be of the grade not open to Freshmen. The courses in Economics and Philosophy which form a part of the plan must be approved by the Committee as suitable to the general purposes of the degree.

Not later than May 1 of his final year, the candidate must submit a thesis on some topic in social theory or practice. The subject must be approved by the Committee not later than the beginning of the second half of the candidate’s final year. This thesis may, with the instructors1 permission, replace the regular thesis work connected with the courses which the candidate is taking.

At some date after May 1 of the candidate’s final year, he will be examined on the field covered by the courses which he offers in his plan of study. With the consent of the instructors concerned he may be excused from the final examinations in those courses of his programme which fall in his final year.



The ordinary requirement for the degree of Master of Arts for a graduate of a college of good standing consists of at least one year of residence and study devoted to advanced work approved by the Administrative Board of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as affording suitable preparation for the degree and completed with distinction. Graduates of colleges whose requirements for admission and graduation are considerably below those of Harvard College, or of colleges whose standing is not well known to the Administrative Board, and graduates of any college who have not sufficient preparation for advanced work in their particular subject of study, are ordinarily required to devote at least two years to their study for this degree. In special cases this period may be shortened to one year or one year and a half for students whose work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences shows unusual excellence.

The programme of study for the degree of Master of Arts must form a consistent plan of work pursued with some definite aim, whether it lies wholly in a single department or field of study or in more than one; this work may be done either in, or in connection with, the regular courses of instruction, or independently of them. Programmes should he submitted early in the academic

[p. 80]

year, and no programme will ordinarily be approved that is received after January 15 of the academic year in which the degree is to be taken. All applications should be addressed to the Secretary of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

All candidates must possess an elementary knowledge of two modern foreign languages, ordinarily French and German.



For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy not less than two years devoted to advanced studies, approved as affording suitable preparation for the degree, are required of graduates of colleges of good standing. This degree is not usually taken in less than three years after the attainment of the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Harvard College, or an equivalent. A graduate of another college may ascertain by writing to the Secretary of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences whether any special conditions will be imposed upon him. In order to be admitted to the degree the candidate must show a general training in the whole field of study, firm grasp of his special subject within the field, and independent research in some portion of that subject. He must present a thesis, showing original treatment or investigation, and must pass such examination or examinations as may be required by the Division. The degree is given on the ground of thorough study and high attainments. Appropriate studies carried on in the graduate school of another university may be recognized as a part of the candidate’s preparation for the degree. The minimum period of residence at Harvard University is one year.

The University confers the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History; in Political Science; and in Economics. Candidates for the degree under any of these heads are subject to supervision and examination by the Division of History, Government, and Economics. In order to indicate the grounds on which it is prepared to recommend candidates for the degree, the Division has adopted the following statements and suggestions.


All communications relative to the doctorate should be sent to the Chairman of the Division of History, Government, and Economics.

[p. 81]

General Preparation

Every candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is required, at an early stage in his preparation, to submit to the Division, through its chairman, evidence of the extent and quality of his general studies. A command of good English, spoken and written, the ability to make free use of French and German books, and a fair acquaintance with general history are expected in all cases. On the evidence presented, the Division will decide, provisionally, as to the sufficiency of the candidate’s general training. No set examinations will be held at this stage, but before he is admitted to the general examination each candidate must present a certificate from some member of the Division stating that he is able to make free use of French and German books. Such a certificate may be given on the basis either of a special test or of the candidate’s use of these languages in connection with the regular courses of instruction. Candidates may be required to make up deficiencies by pursuing specified College courses, or in such other way as the Division may designate. The provisional acceptance of a candidate, as regards this portion of his preparation, does not preclude the Division from rejecting him later, if, in the examination on specific subjects, it shall appear that his general education is insufficient.

Candidates must ordinarily pass two examinations: the first general, the second (after the acceptance of the thesis) on a special field, defined in each case by vote of the Division.

I. General Examination

The first examination will be held not later than the beginning of the last year of study for the degree, and candidates are recommended to present themselves for this examination in the course of the preceding academic year. The object of this test is to ascertain the applicant’s attainments within a considerable range of subjects in the field of History, Political Science, or Economics. He will ordinarily be examined in six subjects in all, chosen from the groups defined below under the respective departments of study, but the ground of his special field will not be covered in the general examination. Candidates are not required, however, to follow the details of these plans. They may present, for the consideration of the

[p. 82]

Division, reasonable substitutes for any of the topics named, and may offer appropriate combinations of parts of the separate subjects. They are advised, in all cases, to submit their plans of study for approval at an early date. In judging of the candidate’s fitness for the degree, regard will be had to the general grasp and maturity shown, as well as to the range and accuracy of his attainments in the specific subjects of examination.

II. Thesis

The thesis must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Division on or before April 1 of the year in which the degree is sought. It must be accepted as satisfactory before the candidate can be admitted to the final examination. It must show an original treatment of the subject, or give evidence of independent research, and must also be in good literary form and suitable for publication.*


* A list of the theses which have been accepted for the Ph.D. in the Division of History, Government, and Economics will be found in the list of Doctors of Philosophy and Doctors of Science who have received their degree in course from Harvard University, 1873-1909, published by the University in 1910.


III. Special Examination

The second examination will be on a single limited subject agreed upon in advance. It is intended that each candidate should have, as far as possible, freedom of choice in selecting his subject, but it is expected that he will submit, for approval, an outline of work to be presented in satisfaction of this requirement. It is desirable that this outline should be submitted a year in advance of the examination. Ordinarily the ground covered by the special examination will not be greater in extent than one of the subjects offered by the candidate at his general examination, and may be identical with one of these subjects. Or the candidate may limit his more special preparation to an approved portion of this field, which will regularly include the period or topic within which the thesis lies. At the final examination, the candidate will be expected to show such a mastery of his special field, and such an acquaintance with the literature, general and special, bearing on it, as would qualify him to give instruction to mature students.


[p. 85]


General Preparation

Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics must meet the general requirements stated on page 81. They should also be well grounded in the main outlines of European and American history, and should have had a general view of the nature and growth of political institutions and constitutional law.

[p. 86]

General Examination

This examination (the general conditions of which are stated on p. 81) will include six subjects, chosen from the following list. Of the six subjects, at least one must be taken from each of the groups A, B, C, and D, the first three of these groups being purely economic, while the fourth, more general in character, is intended to secure a somewhat broader basis of preparation. In all cases at least one of the subjects chosen must be historical in character, either economic history under group B or one of the historical fields defined under Group D.


Group A

  1. Economic Theory and its History.


Group B

  1. Economic History to 1750.
  2. Economic History since 1750.
  3. Sociology and Social Reform.
  4. Statistics (Literature, Methods, and Results).


Group C

  1. Money, Banking, and Commercial Crises.
  2. Public Finance and Financial History.
  3. Transportation and Foreign Commerce.
  4. Labor Problems and Industrial Organization.


Group D

Selected topics from one or more of the following fields : —

  1. History of Political Institutions in Mediaeval Europe, including England.
  2. History of Political Institutions since 1500 in Europe, including England.
  3. History of American Institutions.
  4. Modern Government and Comparative Constitutional Law.
  5. Jurisprudence.
  6. Philosophy.
  7. Anthropology

In the case of a candidate whose special subject is in the Department of Social Ethics, the six subjects for examination will be chosen

[p. 87]

from the two following groups. The candidate will be examined in all four of the subjects in Group E, and is expected to be proficient in the history of one of them. He will select two subjects from Group F.

Group E

  1. Ethical Theory.
  2. Economic Theory.
  3. Poor Relief.
  4. Social Reforms.

Group F

  1. Sociology.
  2. Statistics.
  3. Economic History.
  4. The Labor Question.
  5. Criminology and Penology.
  6. Problems of Municipal Government.
  7. Anthropology.



About $50,000 is distributed annually among undergraduate students, in amounts ranging from $40 to $450. About thirty-five fellowships and ninety scholarships are also annually assigned to graduate students, the former varying in amount from $400 to $1150, the latter from $150 to $400. Many of these appointments are open to persons not already members of the University. Some of the fellowships permit the holders to study abroad as travelling fellows; others require residence in Cambridge. There is also a special endowment of $350,000, the Frederick Sheldon Fund, for Travelling Fellowships. Non-resident appointments are awarded only to persons who have been resident students in some department of the University.

Eleven of the fellowships and scholarships have special reference to historical, political, and economic studies, namely: the Bayard Cutting Fellowship (income $1150), for the study of History; the Woodhury Lowery Fund (income $900), for research in Historical Archives; the Robert Treat Paine Fellowship (income $600), for the study of Social Science; the South End House Fellowship ($600), for the study of Social Problems; the Henry Lee Memorial Fellowship (income $525), for the study of Political

[p. 88]

Economy; the Henry Bromfield Rogers Memorial Fellowship (income $525), for the study of Ethics in its relation to Jurisprudence or to Sociology; the Ozias Goodwin Memorial Fellowship (income $525), assigned to students of Constitutional or International Law; the Charles Wyman Scholarship in History (income $450); the Adams Woods Fellowship ($400), for the study of heredity in American History; the George W. Dillaway Fellowship (income $250), “in favor of the graduate from year to year who passes his examination with highest honor in Modern History”; and a special fellowship of $600 in Social Ethics.

Applications for graduate fellowships and scholarships should be made upon a special form which may be obtained from the Secretary of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 24 University Hall, Cambridge. Applications must be in the hands of the Committee on Fellowships by March 15. Full information concerning the various fellowships and scholarships will be found in the University Catalogue or in the announcement of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Through the liberality of the École Libre des Sciences Politiques of Paris, Harvard University has the privilege each year of nominating a scholar for membership in the school without payment of fees.



The following prizes are open to competition by students of History, Government, or Economics: three Bowdoin Prizes for Undergraduates ($250, $100, $100) for dissertations upon any subject approved by the Chairman of the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes; a Bowdoin Prize for Graduates ($200) for essays within certain special fields of learning, open for the year 1911-12 to students of History and Political Science; the Philip Washburn Prize ($75) for the best thesis on an historical subject presented by a successful candidate for the degree of A.B. with Distinction in History or in Political Science; the Toppan Prize ($150) for Graduates “for the best essay (of sufficient merit) on a subject in Political Science”; the Sumner Prize ($100) open to any student “for the best dissertation on a subject connected with the topic of universal peace and the methods by which war may be permanently superseded”; the Bennett Prize ($40) open to

[p. 89]

Seniors and third or fourth year Special Students “for the best essay on some subject pi American governmental domestic or foreign policy of contemporaneous interest”; the Ricardo Prize Scholarship ($350) open to those who are Seniors or members of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1911-12, and awarded after a special examination; the David A. Wells Prize in Economics ($500) open to Seniors in the College and Graduates of any department of the University of not more than three years’ standing “for the best thesis embodying the results of original investigation” upon a subject within the field of Economics. The successful thesis will be printed by the University from the income of a fund likewise provided by the will of the late David A. Wells.

Further details concerning these prizes may be found in the University Catalogue.


[p. 90]

The Department of Economics publishes the Quarterly Journal of Economics, now in its twenty-fifth volume. It also publishes the Harvard Economic Studies, of which the following volumes have appeared:—

  1. The English Patents of Monopoly. By William Hyde Price, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Economy in Yale University.
  2. The Lodging House Problem in Boston. By Albert Benedict Wolfe, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Sociology in Oberlin College.
  3. The Stannaries. A Study of the Early English Miner. By George Randall Lewis, Ph.D.
  4. Railroad Reorganizations. By Stuart Daggett, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics in the University of California.
  5. Wool-Growing and the Tariff. A Study in the Economic History of the United States. By Chester Whitney Wright, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Political Economy in the University of Chicago.
  6. Public Ownership of Telephones on the Continent of Europe. By Arthur Norman Holcombe, Ph.D., Instructor in Government in Harvard University.
  7. The British Post Office. By Joseph Clarence Hemmeon, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Economies in McGill University. (In press.)


Source: Division of History, Government, and Economics: 1911-12 (1st ed.). Official Register of Harvard University, Vol. VIII, No. 23 (June 15, 1911).

Harvard Regulations

Harvard, Economics. Information regarding degrees, 1935-36

Department of Economics
Information regarding Graduate Degrees

1935 – 1936

I. General information for candidates for the A.M. and Ph.D.

The program of study for the A.M. and Ph.D. degrees must form a consistent plan of work pursued with some definite aim. It should be submitted to Professor Burbank, Chairman of the Department of Economics (41 Holyoke House) for approval in the first year of study.

Candidates for degrees must apply to the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 24 University Hall, by December 1, for the degree at Midyears; and by January 15, for the degree at Commencement.


II. Special requirements for the A.M.

A. Residence.

The candidate must take one full year of advanced work at Harvard — four courses with a grade of B or higher in each. These courses may be taken in one year or over a period of years.

B. Languages.

An Elementary knowledge of French and German, and a Reading knowledge of the other language is required. This requirement may be met as follows:

1. Reading knowledge: a passing grade in the written examinations given by the Department early in November and March.

2. Elementary knowledge: (a) a passing grade in an elementary course at Harvard or some other institution; (b) a passing grade in the written examinations given by the Department early in November and March; or (c) a passing grade in an undergraduate examination at Harvard, which is given as follows:

French:   September 21; January 6; April 21.
German: September 21; January 7; April 22.

This requirement may be met at any time prior to application for the Master’s degree.

C. General Examination.

The candidate must pass an oral examination on FOUR fields of study, to be selected from those listed in the Division Pamphlet [NOTE: The fields are listed in the 1934-35 regulations], distributed as follows:

1. TWO selected from Group A, including Economic Theory.

2. TWO selected from Groups A, B, or C (not more than ONE from Group C).

The fields are covered only in part by formal course instruction. Supplementary reading must be undertaken to meet the requirements.

Preparation for the examination normally requires TWO full years of study. A student is advised not to stand for examination until he feels thoroughly prepared.

With Professor Burbank’s consent, a student may offer THREE fields of study for the Oral Examination, substituting a pro-seminar course for the fourth field [Economics 15b, 18, 22, 24,  or 33].

When the General Examination is passed in the Spring, the candidate is excused with credit from the final course examination in courses relating to fields offered for the General Examination.

In judging the candidate’s fitness for the degree, regard will be had for the general grasp and maturity shown, as well as for the range and accuracy of his knowledge of the special subjects examined.

To secure a date for the General Examination, candidates must make arrangements with the Secretary in the Division Office, 15 Little Hall, before April 1.


III. Special requirements for the Ph.D.

A. Residence.

The candidate must take two years of advanced work — eight courses  — with grades of B or higher in each. One year, or four courses, must be taken at Harvard. Credit for work done at another institution may be substituted for the other year’s work, with Professor Burbank’s approval.

Candidates for the Ph.D. entering the Graduate School after September 1, 1935 are required to show evidence, in some section of the graduate work, of high distinction [“A”] in formal course instruction, General or Special Examinations, or Dissertation.

B. Languages.

The candidate must present a Reading knowledge of both French and German. This requirement is satisfied ONLY by passing the Department written examination which is given early in November and March. It must be met SIX months before the Special Examination. Examinations in the two languages need not be taken at the same time.

At the time of the Special Examination, the candidate must show an acquaintance with the literature in his special field in two modern languages other than English, ordinarily French and German.

C. Fields of Study.

The candidate must present SIX fields of study to be selected from the groups listed in the Division Pamphlet [NOTE: The fields are listed in the 1934-35 regulations] according to the following distribution:

1. The THREE fields in Group A are required unless a candidate can show that he has done sufficient advance work in Economic History or in Statistics to warrant his substituting a field from Group B or Group C.

2. The remaining THREE fields may be selected from Group B and Group C — though not more than ONE field may be taken from Group C.

Evidence of a knowledge of the SIX fields is shown as follows:

1. General Examination. (See II, C.)

2. “Fifth Field”

The requirement regarding the “fifth field” may be met by presenting work of distinguished quality in an approved course at Harvard.

3. Special Field.

   The candidate meets the requirements of the sixth field by standing for oral examination and presenting a thesis which normally lies within the field examined. Ordinarily this field is chosen from Groups A or B. By special arrangements the same subject may be offered for the General and Special Examinations. However, this program is unusual, and arrangements must be made with the Chairman of the Department. In this case, the candidate must show evidence of a thorough knowledge of another field, which might have been offered for examination.

a. Candidates for the degree at Midyears would arrange for the Special Examination on or before December 1 in the Division Office, 15 Little Hall; for the degree at Commencement, on or before April 1.

b. Two copies of the thesis must be in the hands of the Chairman of the Division, 15 Little Hall, by January 3 for the degree at Midyears, and by April 1 for the degree at Commencement. [See Division Pamphlet for further information regarding the thesis].

D. General information.

At least SIX months must elapse between the General and Special Examinations.

Candidates for the Ph.D. must plan on no less than THREE full years of advanced study, and it is only a student with superior training and no outside demands on his time who can attain his degree in that time.

          Additional information may be found in the Division Pamphlet and from the Secretary in 41 Holyoke House.


HUC 8522.2.1 Box 2 of 10. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003.
Folder: Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1935-1936.