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Chicago. Nutter ranks Soviet economy experts in reply to Friedman, 1962


From the January 1962 exchange of letters between Milton Friedman and G. Warren Nutter transcribed below, we learn that the University of Chicago was interested in potentially hiring some academic expert on the Soviet economy. Friedman asked Nutter to rank three possible candidates of interest. Nutter did just that and threw in a fourth name.

Long before turning to the history of economics as my major research interest, I entered academic economics in the field of comparative economic systems. One of the candidates mentioned in the correspondence, Francis Seton, wrote a signed [!] positive referee report for my 1986 article in the Journal of Comparative Economics, “On Marxian value, exploitation, and the transformation problem: A geometric approach“, that I honestly regard as one of my pedagogical high-water marks. Another one of the 1962 candidates, Gregory Grossman, was one of the distinguished outside referees to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for helping me clear the tenure hurdle at the University of Houston. It is a real pleasure to be able to add his Berkeley memorial and picture to this post.


Gregory Grossman (1921-2014)
IN MEMORIAM by Gerard Roland

Gregory Grossman, born in July 1921 in Kyiv, Ukraine, passed away on August 14, 2014. Grossman was one of the world’s most highly reputed scholars of the Soviet economic system. He was considered a towering figure in the study of the Soviet economy. His scholarly work shaped the thinking of generations of scholars in the US and throughout the world.

In early 1923 his family fled post-Russian Revolution chaos and famine and took a month-long journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway to Harbin, Manchuria. After completing high school in 1937 in Tientsin, China, he boarded a Japanese ocean liner en route to attend UC Berkeley where he completed his B.S. and M.A., respectively in 1941 and 1943. During World War II, Grossman served as artillery observer with the 731st Field Artillery Battalion during the Battle of the Bulge and completed his war duty in Czechoslovakia. He received a PhD in economics from Harvard University in 1953. He was a faculty member of the Department of Economics at Berkeley from 1953 until his retirement in 1992.

Grossman was the author of several books and many highly influential articles. He made key contributions to the understanding of the Soviet economic system. In a classic article, “Notes for a Theory of the Command Economy” (Soviet Studies, 1963), he coined the concept of the “command economy” to characterize the central planning system, where production and investment were guided by the commands of the communist party elite and where managers at all levels of the planning system strove to implement the commands embodied in the plan targets. In such a system, prices and money play no active role and serve only as accounting units. In such a system, autonomy of agents must be curbed to favor the implementation of plan commands. As his former student, Pennsylvania State University professor Barry Ickes, has noted: “His formulation of the command economy hypothesis provided the framework used by scholars of several generations.”

In an equally famous article “The ‘Second Economy of the USSR” (Problems of Communism, 1977), he also coined the complementary concept of the “second economy.” Because of the imbalances and shortages inherent in a necessarily imperfect planning system, decentralized forms of market exchange, though illegal, were necessary to correct the allocative mistakes of the command system. Grossman worked with professor Vladimir Treml of Duke University and others to conduct more than a decade of research on all aspects of this second economy, gathering massive amounts of evidence based on interviews with emigres from the Soviet Union. He had garnered detailed evidence on the extent of the second economy and on prices of goods and services in various locations of the USSR.

Grossman’s analysis of the Soviet economic system proved extraordinarily prescient. Over time, as the economic system became more complex, the second economy tended to expand and corrode the command system, which eventually collapsed while managers of state-owned enterprises appropriated the assets they controlled in a process of spontaneous privatization. This was the starting point of the transition to the market economy that was studied by the next generation of scholars.

Grossman was awarded in 1991 a lifetime achievement award from the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. Citing Grossman’s works on the “command economy” and the “second economy,” the award also noted his earlier, path-breaking book, Soviet Statistics of Physical Output of Industrial Commodities (1960), saying that the book “provided the profession with basic rules for working with distorted Soviet economic statistics and avoiding the many pitfalls of that enterprise.”

A colleague at Berkeley, Benjamin Ward, said there was a period in the Cold War of maybe 20 years in which Grossman “was the most knowledgeable person in the world about the Soviet economy.”

Grossman was an appreciated teacher. For decades, he taught the main undergraduate course on the Soviet economic system. He also supervised throughout his career a great number of graduate students who later became themselves well-known scholars of Eastern European economies.

Grossman was a polymath who had a deep understanding of the political, ideological, social and cultural underpinnings of economic life in the Soviet Union. As a result, he was widely sought out by his peers for comments on their scholarship. He was also known to be a consummate gentleman. He remained calm and composed in all circumstances and was known for his great sense of humor and generosity.

Family members said that, while he traveled widely, he had a particular love for Berkeley and the Bay Area’s lifestyle, culture, beautiful vistas and good weather.

In 1952 he married Cynthia Green and they had two children, Joel Grossman of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Amy Di Costanzo of Berkeley, California. In 1972, he married Joan Delaney, a UC Berkeley professor of Slavic Studies who stayed by his side until his death. He is survived by her; by his two children, six grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

Source: Senate of the University of California, Berkeley.


Francis Seton (Guardian obituary)

Francis Seton
An economist of ideal prices
By Maurice Scott

He was born Franz Szedo in Vienna, in the wake of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian empire after the first world war. He was an only child; his parents had been born in Hungary, and were then citizens of Austria and had converted from Judaism to Christianity. His father ran a paper processing business in central Vienna, and Francis was educated there until 1938, when the Nazis were moving to annex Austria.

His interests lay in music and foreign languages, the latter taking him on visits to France and Britain. His parents, concerned at the Nazi threat, thought he should complete his studies abroad, and Francis contacted Balliol College, Oxford, when visiting England in 1937.

In March 1938, Germany invaded Austria. His father managed to arrange for Francis to go at once to London. Soon after, his parents also left Austria and Francis lost touch with them, fearing that they could be dead. But this story has a happy ending. In 1946 he learned that they had survived in Hungary.

From 1938 Francis read politics, philosophy and economics at Balliol, but by summer 1940 paranoia was widespread and he was classified as an enemy alien, albeit in category C, for those considered to pose the least danger. He was shipped to Canada in dreadful conditions.

By 1941 he was given the choice of freedom in Canada or return to Britain. As he wanted to fight the Nazis, he volunteered for His Majesty’s forces. Being still classed an enemy alien, he was allowed to join only the dogsbody Pioneer Corps. He met other aliens, including Arthur Koestler, Robert Maxwell and, most notably, a Russian soldier, who fired his interest in the language and the country.

By 1942, Francis was able to transfer to the Somerset Light Infantry, on detachment to Bicester. There, in spare moments he studied for an Oxford degree in Russian language and literature, helped by a refugee from the Bolshevik revolution who was at St Hugh’s, and this led, in 1946, to first class honours. In 1942, having been rejected on medical grounds as a glider pilot, his flair for languages led to a transfer to the Intelligence Corps.

In 1948, back at Balliol, Francis finally graduated with a first in PPE and became a British subject, having changed his name earlier. He was awarded a state studentship, to study the Soviet economy, the subject of his doctoral thesis. In 1950, he was elected to a Nuffield College research fellowship, followed by an official fellowship in 1953. He moved on from his interest in the Soviet Union to other countries in the developing world, and travelled widely. Eventually he became senior fellow, and took the lead in the election of two of Nuffield’s wardens.

Francis was immensely talented. His English literary style was a delight. He was multilingual, poetic, musical, and could play the piano with brilliance. For all this, and above all for his humour and friendship, he will be remembered.

He is survived by his wife, three children and nine grandchildren.

Francis Seton (Franz Szedo), economist, born January 29 1920; died January 7 2002.

Source:  The Guardian, March 21, 2002.



Alexander Erlich was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1912. In 1918, shortly after the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution, his family immigrated to Poland where his father, Henryk, became a leader of the Jewish Labor Fund. After the execution of his father in 1941, Erlich and his family fled to the United States. Influenced by his father’s work and the political atmosphere of his youth, Erlich began his study of economics at Friedrich-Wilhelm University in Berlin and the Free Polish University in Warsaw. He completed these studies after moving to the US, earning his PhD from the New School for Social Research in New York City in 1953. His doctoral dissertation, The Soviet Industrialization Controversy, was the basis for his best known work, The Soviet Industrial Debate, 1924-1928, published in 1960. His lifelong devotion to the study of Soviet economic conditions and policies found Erlich a home at Columbia University. Beginning as a visiting lecturer in 1955, he received a tenured position as professor in 1959. He retired in 1981 only to return as a part-time lecturer and professor at Columbia University and Barnard College in 1982. Erlich died of a heart attack in January 1985 at the age of 72.

Source: Columbia University Archival Collections. Alexander Erlich papers, 1953-1985.


Obituary of Eugène Zaleski (1918-2001)

Slavic Review 61, no. 3 (Fall 2002), 681-682.


Arcadius Kahan (1920-1982)

After his arrival in the United States he earned a Masters in 1954 and Ph.D. in 1958 in Economics from Rutgers University.

He joined the Economics faculty at the University of Chicago in 1955. As a member of the Economics Department at the University of Chicago, Kahan straddled a fine line between the principles which he brought from his socialist youth and the neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the Department. He won the confidence of Milton Friedman with his work on the economic effects of the persecution of Jews in 19th century Russia. Kahan concluded that this had a significant impact on Russia’s economic backwardness, particularly as compared with western Europe. He argued that this was an example of dysfunctional governmental interference in the economy, which drew on the methodology of the neoliberals in the Chicago school.

Source: Arcadius Kahan, Wikipedia.


Carbon Copy of Letter
from Friedman to Nutter

January 16, 1962

Professor G. Warren Nutter
Department of Economics
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia

Dear Warren:

There is again some talk around here of getting a Russian expert and various names have come up in the discussion. Three names that seem to stand out are Seton, Grossman, and Alex Ehrlich [sic]. I wonder if I could impose on you to send me a brief and frank note on these three people in terms of their scientific capacities in general as well as their special competence in the Russian field.

As you may know, what is involved here is part of a broader program than one that the Department alone is involved in. I have no special responsibility for this and am just writing as a member of the Department.

I do not know what has happened with respect to Kahan. I know that the College here has proposed making him a permanent tenure offer. The Department while expressing concurrence in this has not been willing to make this a joint appointment. I know neither whether the appointment has been approved by central administration nor whether Kahan has accepted it. Needless to say, this is all highly confidential.

Trust things are looking up for the Center. Best regard and wishes.

Sincerely yours,

Milton Friedman


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Nutter’s Reply to Friedman

University of Virginia
James Wilson Department of Economics
University Station
Charlottesville, Virginia

January 24, 1962

Professor Milton Friedman
Department of Economics
University of Chicago
Chicago 37, Illinois

Dear Milton:

I am glad to give my opinion on Seton, Grossman, and Erlich if it can be of help in the current deliberations of your department. I can indicate at the start that I consider Grossman to be the best of the three alternatives for reasons that will emerge from my comments.

I know Seton from his work, from listening to papers he read in England, and from various personal contacts with him. Seton writes with a lucid and interesting style as so many scholars trained in England do, but as is so often also the case the content does not measure up to the form. Most of his work, both analytical and empirical, seems to me to be quite superficial. As far as I know, he has not yet done a single piece of really serious research on an important problem. His one effort in the field of measuring industrial production has, in my opinion, received far mor attention than it deserves, aside from being wrong and misleading. In brief, I believe Seton still has to prove himself an original scholar of depth.

This cannot be said of Alex Erlich, whose work I know firsthand from his participation in the early stages in the N.B.E.R. project. Erlich has done some very creditable research, resulting in one book (his doctoral dissertation) and joint authorship of several other research papers of varying length. His major weakness on the empirical side is that he is somewhat slow and lazy, requiring continuous prodding to get work done. It is for this reason that most of his work has been done under somebody’s supervision. He has considerable difficulty in expressing himself orally, speaking very slowly and haltingly, but this does not carry over at all into his written work, which is generally clear and precise. Finally, he is weak and poorly trained on the theoretical side.

Grossman is clearly the most able economist in this group, and in addition he expresses himself extremely well. If anything, like Seton, he writes too well, being tempted to substitute pen and paper for thorough research. The only solid piece of research that he has done so far is the book that he wrote for us in the N.B.E.R. project. At the same time, he must be recognized as an able technician, thoroughly versed in economic theory and capable of making important contributions in the field of Soviet studies. The only problem to date is that he has not fully lived up to promise.

I should say that all three men are highly knowledgeable as far as detailed workings of the Soviet system are concerned, Erlich and Grossman probably more so than Seton. They are all three very agreeable and cooperative persons and would fit in well with any group of first-rate economists.

There is one person, less well known that the three you are considering but in my opinion very able, whom you should consider for this position. He is Eugene Zaleski, a Pole by birth but now a French citizen. While not an outstanding theoretical economist, he is the soundest person I know among Soviet specialists in interpretations of the working of the Soviet system. He is currently working on a long-range project on the Soviet planning mechanism and the relation between plan and outcome, the first volume of his work being scheduled to appear shortly. Unfortunately, he has been caught up in the French research apparatus with all the inevitable handicaps on successful individual research. Given the right opportunity, I feel that Zaleski could develop into an outstanding scholar in the field of Soviet studies. Among other things, he has a very quick and receptive mind, and he is a pleasure to work with.

I hope these brief comments will be of some use to you. To repeat, I think Grossman would be the best bet of the three persons you mentioned.

As to the Center, things are definitely looking up. We have already received since the conference $25,000 in essentially unrestricted grants, and the Lilly Endowment was most cordial and receptive to my pleadings and probably will contribute something.

[signed] Warren
G. Warren Nutter



Source: The Hoover Institution Archives. Papers of Milton Friedman, Box 31, Folder 16 “Nutter, G. Warren.”

Image Source:  Gregory Grossman, Authority on Soviet Economy, Gregory Grossman, Passes Away, UC Berkeley News. August 25, 2014.

Economists Harvard Suggested Reading Swarthmore UCLA Wisconsin

Harvard. Syllabus for Economic Development taught by Robert Baldwin (Econ PhD 1950), 1956


The sequence I followed for preparing this post was that I first decided to transcribe the outline and readings for a course dealing with economic development (Economics 108) taught at Harvard in the spring term, 1956. To figure out who the instructor was, I then turned to the annual report of the president of Harvard College that provides enrollment figures as well as names of course instructors. Once I found the last name of the instructor “Baldwin”, I looked to see if perhaps there was a recent Harvard economics Ph.D. with that name since the course had been taught by an assistant professor. Bingo, Robert Edward Baldwin, a rising star in international economics at the time appeared indeed to be our man. I confirmed that he was on the faculty of Harvard at the time from his ca. 1997 c.v. at the NBER. Finally my search of the internet pulled up the Robert E. Baldwin’s obituary that I have copied and pasted as the last item below.

The post would not be complete without links to his offspring who have gone off on their own economics careers (Jean Grossman in Princeton and Richard Baldwin in Geneva). 


Course Enrollment

[Economics] 108. Theories and Problems of Economic Development. Assistant Professor Baldwin. Half course. [Spring]

Total 42: 13 Graduates, 13 Seniors, 6 Juniors, 2 Sophomores, 4 Radcliffe, 1 Special

Source:  Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College 1955-1956, p. 76.


Course Outline and Readings

Department of Economics
Spring Term, 1955-1956

Economics 108

  1. Theories of Economic Development
    1. Smith and Ricardo

Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Book I, chs. 1-9; Book II, ch. 3.
David Ricardo, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, chs. 2-6, 21.

    1. Marx

Karl Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Preface.
M. M. Bober, Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History, chs. 1-3
H. B. MAYO, Democracy and Marxism, chs. 2,3.
M. M. Bober, op. cit., chs. 9-13
Joan Robinson, An Essay on Marxian Economics.

    1. The Neo-Classical System

Alfred Marshall, Principles of Economics, chs. 11-13.
Knut Wicksell, Lectures on Political Economy, Vol. 1, Part III.
Gustav Cassel, The Theory of Social Economy, ch. 1, Sections 4-6.

    1. Schumpeter

J. A. Schumpeter, Business Cycles, Vol. 1, chs. 3, 4.
J. A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Part II, chs. 11-14.

    1. The Stagnationists and the Post-Keynesian Growth Theorists

Alvin Hansen, “Economic Progress and Declining Population Growth,” American Economic Review, March 1939.
J. A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, ch. 10.
Evsey Domar, “Expansion and Employment,” American Economic Review, March 1947.
W. J. Baumol, Economic Dynamics, ch. 4.

    1. A Survey of other Socio-Economic Theories

J. J. Spengler, “Theories of Socio-Economic Growth,” Problems in the Study of Economic Growth, National Bureau of Economic Research.

    1. A Comparison of Development Theories
  1. Accelerating Development in Poor Countries
    1. Basic Characteristics of Poor Countries
    2. Obstacles to Development
    3. General Requirements of Development
    4. Domestic and International Policy Issues

Required Reading

Buchanan and Ellis, Approaches to Economic Development, Part I and Part III.
W. Arthur Lewis, The Theory of Economic Growth, chs. 3-7

Suggested Reading

Baran, P., “On the Political Economy of Backwardness,” The Manchester School, January 1952.
Duesenberry, J., “Some Aspects of the Theory of Economic Development,” Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, December 1950.
M. Fleming, “External Economics and Doctrine of Balanced Growth,” Economic Journal, June 1955.
Frankel, S. H., The Economic Impact on Underdeveloped Societies, ch. 2.
Hoselitz, B. F., “Social Structure and Economic Growth,” Economia Internazionale, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1953.
Lewis, W. A., “Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour,” The Manchester School, May 1954.
E. S. Mason, Promoting Economic Development, chs. 2, 3.
Meier, G. M., “The Problem of Limited Economic Development,” Economia Internazionale, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1953.
Mikesell, R.F., “Economic Doctrines Reflected in U.N. Reports,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, May 1954.
Myint, H., “An Interpretation of Economic Backwardness,” Oxford Economic Papers, June 1954.
Nurkse, R., Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries
Singer, H., “The Distribution of Gains Between Investing and Borrowing Countries,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, May 1950.
Spengler, J. J., “Population Obstacles to Economic Betterment,” American Economic Review, Proceedings, May 1951.
Sweezy, P., “Duesenberry on Economic Development.” Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, Volume 3, February 1951.
United Nations Department of Economic Affairs, Measures for the Economic Development of Under-Developed Countries
Viner, J., International Trade and Economic Development, Ch. 3

  1. Maintaining Development in Rich Countries—the U.S. as an Illustration
    1. Continued Economic Growth as a Goal of U.S. Economic Policy
    2. The Changing Structure of the American Economy
    3. The Institutionalization of Economic Growth
    4. Possible Barriers to Continued Growth

Economic Report of the President, January 1956.
Galbraith, J. K., American Capitalism, ch. 1, 4-10
Hansen, A., “Growth or Stagnation in the American Economy,” Review of Economics and Statistics, November 1954.
Kaysen, C., “Looking Around—Book About Competition,” Harvard Business Review, May-June 1954.
Kuznets, S., Economic Change, chs. 9, 10.
Schumpeter, J. A., Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Part II, chs. 28.
Slichter, S., The American Economy
Wright, D. M., Democracy and Progress, chs. 5-7, 12.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003, Box 6, Folder “Economics, 1955-1956 (1 of 2)”.


Mid-year and Course Final examinations

Posted here.


Harvard Economics Ph.D. 1950

Robert Edward Baldwin, A.B. (Univ. of Buffalo) 1945, A.M. (Harvard Univ.) 1949.

Subject, Economics. Special Field, International Trade.
Thesis, “The Economics of Internal Migration in the United States, 1870-1940.”


Source:Harvard University. Report of the President of Harvard College, 1949-50, p. 195.


Robert E. Baldwin
Education and Positions

1945: A.B., University of Buffalo
1945-46: Instructor, University of Buffalo
1950: Ph.D., Harvard University
1950-52: Instructor, Harvard University
1952-57: Assistant Professor, Harvard University
1957-62: Associate Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
1962-64: Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
1964-present: Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1975-78: Chairman, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin
1974-: F.W. Taussig Research Professor, University of Wisconsin
1960-61: Ford Foundation Foreign Area Training Fellowship, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
1963-64: Chief Economist, Office of Special Trade Representative, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C.
1967-68: Research Professor, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
1969-70: Ford Faculty Research Fellowship
1974-75: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of International Labor, Washington, D.C., Research Contract
1975 (Summer): United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva, Switzerland, Consultant
1978-79: Consultant, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
1982-: Hilldale Professorship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1982-: Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
1986-1989: Chair, Social Systems Research Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1988 (Summer): Shelby Cullom and Katheryn Davis Visiting Professor, The Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva
1994-: Research Associate, Centre for Economic Policy Research
1995-: Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Science

Source:  Robert Baldwin’s NBER c.v. that also included a list of publications to date (ca. 1997).


Robert Edward Baldwin (1924-2011)

Robert Edward Baldwin, born in Buffalo New York on July 17, 1924, died in Madison on April 7, 2011. He was Hilldale Professor of Economics, Emeritus, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A lifelong academic, Baldwin was one of the world’s most influential thinkers on international trade, an adviser to governments and international organizations, and an inspiring teacher much beloved by generations of students who carry forward his light as renowned scholars in their own right.

Graduating from the University of Buffalo, he enrolled in the Harvard and received his doctorate in 1950. In Cambridge, he married his lifelong soul mate, Janice Murphy, mother of his four children, two of whom were born while he was an Assistant Professor at Harvard. During this time, he published his best-known theoretical contribution – the “Baldwin Envelope” [“Equilibrium in International Trade: A Diagrammatic Analysis,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 62(5), (November, 1948), pp. 748-762.] – which has been taught widely for six decades and remains part of trade economists’ training even today. After Harvard, he moved to UCLA as an Associate Professor where his third and fourth children were born.

In 1960, he took the whole family for a year to Salisbury Rhodesia (now Harare Zimbabwe) while he worked on his theory of trade and development (published as the book “Economic Development and Export Growth: A Study of Northern Rhodesia, 1920-1960”). Soon after returning to UCLA, President Kennedy appointed him as Chief Economist of the newly formed Office of the Special Trade Representative. The family moved to Washington while he worked in the White House helping the US prepare for the GATT trade negotiations known as the Kennedy Round.

After his White House stint, he was appointed professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a position that he held till his death (Emeritus since 1997). He was appointed Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1995, the same year he was elected President of the Midwest Economics Association.

Baldwin was author or editor of 22 books (last one in December 2008) and over a hundred academic articles (the last one in December 2010). [list through ca 1997] His early contributions were mostly to mathematical trade theory, but he also made important contributions to the profession’s empirical understanding of global trade patterns. After his time in the Kennedy White House, he wrote several books and many articles on trade policy and trade politics. Throughout his professional life, his interest in trade was interwoven with an interest in and research on developing nations, with a special emphasis on the development-inhibiting effects of tropical diseases.

In addition to his academic positions, Baldwin engaged actively in the policy world. He was on the External Advisory Panel to the General-Secretary of the WTO (2001-03), and in that capacity attended the Ministerial Meeting in Doha Qatar that launched the WTO’s ongoing trade negotiations. He often testified before US Senate and House Committees on trade matters, and spent time at the US Department of Labour, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Geneva), and the World Bank (Washington). In an effort to improve US trade statistics, he chaired the National Academy of Science’s Panel on Foreign Trade Statistics (1991-92). In his role as policy advisor, he was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (1968-2011), the US Chamber of Commerce’s Committee for Economic Development and the Atlantic Council (1960s and 1970s), and more recently, the International Advisory Board for Ukraine’s Economics Education and Research Consortium (1999-2009).

He is survived by his wife Janice, his daughters Jean and Nancy, and his son Richard as well as grandchildren Shari, Dina, Leila, Elise, Robert, Ellen, Julia, and Nicky. He was predeceased by his oldest son, Robert, in 2007.

Baldwin was also an “academic father” to scores of students, inspiring them with his quiet but deeply held passion for combining academic rigor with real-world applicability. Many of his students have become professors in Universities across the world. His vocation is also carried on by his son Richard, and son-in-law Gene Grossman, both of whom are professors of economics specialising in international trade.


Source: Obituary for Robert E. Baldwin posted by the Cress Funeral Home, Madison, Wisconsin.

Image Source: Selection from photograph (ca. 1975) of Robert E. Baldwin from the University of Wisconsin Archives/The University of Wisconsin Collection/The UW-Madison Collection/UW-Madison Archives Images.