Columbia Economics Programs Regulations

Columbia. Reform of the PhD dissertation printing requirement, 1936-1940


The following extracts from the minutes of Columbia’s Faculty of Political Science (an amalgam of the Departments of History, Economics, Public Law, and Social Science) provide milestones along the tortuous bureaucratic road taken to implement a fairly modest reform in the publication-of-the-dissertation requirement for the Ph.D. at Columbia University back in the 1930s. The reform initiated sometime in early 1936 only saw the light of day first with the printed Faculty announcement published at mid-year 1940.

See: Courses Offered by the Faculty of Political Science for the Winter and Spring Sessions 1940-1941 published in Columbia University Bulletin of Information, 40th Series, No. 29 (June 29, 1940), p. 14.


April 17, 1936

            Professor [James Waterhouse] Angell [Economics] presented for consideration a Memorandum on the Printing Requirement for Ph.D. Dissertations in the Faculty of Political Science, signed by Professors [Robert Morrison] MacIver [Political Philosophy and Sociology], [Robert Livingston] Schuyler [History], [Robert Emmet] Chaddock [Statistics], [Carter] Goodrich [Economics], and [James Waterhouse] Angell [Economics], a copy of which is attached to these minutes. He also presented, and moved the adoption of a resolution providing for a modification of the present printing requirement. After amendments, offered by Professors [Samuel McCune] Lindsay [Social Legislation] and [John Maurice] Clark [Economics], had been accepted, the resolution read as follows:

WHEREAS, the Faculty of Political Science believes that the University printing requirement for dissertations imposes a heavy financial burden on candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under this Faculty; that the printing requirement as it actually works does  not impose equivalent burdens on the candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in certain other parts of the University; that the printing requirement operates as a severe property qualification impeding the access of otherwise competent students to receipt of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under this Faculty, and that the printing requirement on occasion impels first-class graduate students, who apart from financial considerations would prefer to do their work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Columbia, to go elsewhere; and

WHEREAS, in 1932 the Committee on Publications of this Faculty made a Report to the Faculty, and recommended a reconsideration of the printing requirement with a view to its relaxation; and

WHEREAS, the Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction, after considering this Report, went on record as it that time favoring retention of the printing requirement, and in the absence of any definite proposal by the Faculty of Political Science did not recommend any change; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Faculty of Political Science now records itself as desiring a modification of the printing requirement with respect to dissertations offered under the Faculty of Political Science, so that the requirement may be met in any one of three ways, at the option of the candidate, subject to the approval of the committee examining the dissertation, as follows:

(1) By publication of the original approved dissertation in full through a recognized publisher, or otherwise in a form approved by the Dean of the Faculty; or,

(2) By publication of an article, presenting the essential content and results of the dissertation and accepted as satisfactory by the Committee which examined the original dissertation, in a professional journal, or otherwise acceptable to the examining Committee; or,

(3) By publication of an abstract of the dissertation, presenting the essential content and results of the dissertation and accepted as satisfactory by the Committee which examined the original dissertation, in a series of abstracts of dissertations to be published at intervals as volumes in the Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. The abstracts should ordinarily not exceed 15 pages in length. The candidate will defray his pro rata share of the cost of publication.

Under the second and third alternatives, the candidate shall submit five copies of the proposed article or abstract at least three weeks in advance of the final examination in defense of the dissertation itself. Under such alterative, the requirements for the deposit of copies of the approved printed document and for its distribution to the members of the Faculty are those stated in the Graduate Announcement. In addition, if the dissertation is printed in abridged or abstracted form provision shall be made for preserving at least two legible copies of the original dissertation.

RESOLVED, further, that the foregoing Resolution be transmitted to the University Council, with the request that the Council take action permitting the Faculty of Political Science to realize its desire as above stated.

RESOLVED, further, that the attention of the University Council be also invited to the appended Memorandum on the Printing Requirement, prepared informally by certain members of the Faculty.

After a general discussion, in which fourteen members of the Faculty participated, Professor [Lindsay] Rogers [Public Law] moved that the following resolution be substituted for the resolution under consideration:

RESOLVED, that the Faculty of Political Science transit the pending resolution and the accompanying Memorandum prepared by certain or its members, to the Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction and request that the Joint Committee inquire into the results of the publication requirement at Columbia University and the results of differing requirements at other universities and make the findings of such inquiry available to the Faculty of Political Science for the farther consideration of the publication requirement at the Faculty’s regular meeting in the autumn.

The Faculty being evenly divided, President [Nicholas Murray] Butler cast the deciding vote in favor of the resolution presented by Professor Rogers and it was adopted.


Appendix to Minutes

To the members of the faculty of Political Science:

We enclose herewith a memorandum on the printing requirement for Ph.D. dissertations in the Faculty of Political Science. It contains proposals which will be advanced formally at the meeting of the Faculty on April 17th next. By signing the memorandum we desire to indicate our belief that the questions raised and the proposals made deserve to be brought before the attention of the whole Faculty, but do not express our concurrence on all points.

R. M. MacIver
R. L. Schuyler
R. L. Chaddock
C. Goodrich
J. W. Angell

[April 17, 1936]

The question of prolonging or abolishing the present temporary arrangement, under which Ph.D. dissertations may be offered for examination in typescript, must be passed on by the Faculty of Political Science at its meeting on April 17th. This provides on appropriate occasion for examining the whole question of the printing requirement in the Faculty.

At the present time, the situation is broadly this. The Faculty will accept dissertations in typescript for the purposes of the defense examination, and if the defense is successful a certification is given the candidate, announcing that he has met all the requirements for the Ph.D. degree except that of actual publication of the dissertation.

The degree itself is not awarded, however, until the candidate has secured actual publication — “publication” having recently been defined to include in effect some, though not all, of the non-printing forms of reproduction, such as photostating, and provided that certain conditions are met.

Columbia University and the Catholic University of America are apparently the only two large institutions of higher learning which have retained in full the printing requirement, which was once wide-spread in this country. By enforcing the requirement, Columbia imposes on itself a prime facie impairment of its power to attract first-class graduate students who will become candidates for the Ph.D. degree, and who are free to choose between the several leading institutions. No University has so many first-class students that it can afford to turn any away needlessly. If retention of the printing requirement is to be justified, it must be shown to yield benefits which offset this disadvantage.

In addition, the requirement works unevenly as between different, sections of the University. In the Faculty of Political Science, as in that of Philosophy, the requirement is extremely burdensome in financial terms to the average Ph.D. candidate. For that large proportion of candidates whose means are limited, its fulfillment imposes genuine hardship. In the Faculty of Political Science the typical dissertation is essentially literary in character, runs to at least 250 to 300 printed pages in length, and even after allowance for royalties usually costs the candidate $600 to $800 to publish — often much more. The fact that perhaps a quarter of the dissertations are published in the Studies at a saving to the candidate of 20% of the price charged by the University Press, does not greatly alter the situation, nor does it operate to lighten the average financial burden very much. For many students, the sum involved is equivalent to their total living expenses for 6 to 8 months or more: the burden is real. In the Faculty of Pure Science and in the Medical School, on the other band, the typical dissertation is not more than 20 or 25 pages in length (often less than 10), and is published in one of the technical or professional journals at no cost at all to the candidate. Moreover, though this is not relevant for present purposes, the Pure Science dissertation is commonly a joint product of the candidate and the supervising Faculty member, and is published under both signatures.

In defense of the retention of the printing requirement by the faculty of Political Science, the most common contention is that its abolition would lead to a disastrous lowering of our standards for the Ph.D. degree. This contention, of course, cannot be tested directly except from future experience. It is significant, however, that apparently none of the other leading American universities which had abolished the printing requirement has restored it. Moreover, it seems highly improbable that the existence of the printing requirement and the maintenance of high standards are related to one another as cause is related to effect. It could not be contended seriously that merely enforcing a printing requirement would enable a faculty of inadequate scholarly competence to maintain high standards, nor that the existence of a printing requirement would ensure, in such circumstances, the production of distinguished dissertations. Equally it cannot be contended that the modification or withdrawal of the printing requirement will alone cause a faculty of high scholarly competence to deteriorate its standards, nor that modification or withdrawal will alone lead to the production of low-grade dissertations under such a faculty. Indeed, to assert that such results would ensue is to imply that the members of such a faulty maintain high standards only from fear of being “found out”, should they lower their standards, through the publication of discreditable Ph.D. dissertations.

            It is also contended that publication is an advantage to the candidate, in that it brings his name and work to the attention of other scholars and also helps him to get a better position. This is undoubtedly true to many cases. But the same or better general results can be obtained in a different way, to be suggested in a moment, which entails relatively little cost to the candidate. As things now stand, most candidates apparently feel that they would gladly forego the not always unequivocal advantages of this type of advertising, in order to void the expense and sacrifice now imposed upon them.

Finally, it is contended that the typescript dissertations found in the libraries of other Universities are in general less finished and sometimes less scholarly products then those which have undergone publication; and that they are less accessible to the generality of scholars. This last is of course true. The contention would have granter force as an argument in favor of retaining the publication requirement, however, if there were any way of shifting the bulk of the financial burden of publication to those other scholars who would allegedly be such large beneficiaries from the act of publication itself. It would also here greater force If any substantial number of other universities had indicated, by retaining the requirement, that they felt the cogency of these considerations. In actuality, and from their very nature, many and perhaps most Ph.D. dissertations in Political Science are not of sufficiently broad interest to merit publication as books. Some suggestions for publishing their essential contents, however, will be outlined presently. It is believed that adoption of these suggestions will give the authors and their work rather wider publicity than is now obtained, in the average case, and will do so without impairing the dissemination of scholarly knowledge.

The principal positive arguments against the retention of the printing requirement in the faculty of Political Science have already been indicated, directly or by implication. They are two in number. One turns on the financial costs and other burdens placed on the candidate. The great bulk of our students are not well-to-do. In the majority of cases, financing the publication of the dissertation exacts a genuine and often a disproportionately large sacrifice from the candidate or his family. It is not easy to see that the candidate of the University receives a return commensurate with this sacrifice. However, as the present system works out in practice it frequently means that the actual receipt of the Ph.D. degree itself is delayed by one or more years after the completion of the work, while the candidate is accumulating enough money to pay for publication. To the extent that this happens, as it seems to in what is not far from a majority of the cases, one of the alleged advantages of the publication requirement — that it helps the candidate secure a better position — may turn into a positive disadvantage, because of the delay involved. The present practice of examining on typescript has helped this situation somewhat, but apparently not as greatly as had been hoped; and of course, it still leaves the candidate with a serious financial burden to carry into future years, before he can obtain the actual Ph.D. degree. The fact that so large a proportion of our candidates now elect to be examined on typescript is surely not wholly unrelated to the matter of their financial ability or inability, at the time of the examination, to defray the cost of printing.

There is also some evidence that the existence of the printing requirement influences candidates to select topics for the Ph.D. dissertation with a view to the probable popularity of the topics, rather than with a view to their scholarly merit and interest alone, in order to lighten the burden of the printing costs.

The second argument against retention of the printing requirement in the faculty of Political Science turns on the best interests of the University itself. What we are really doing is to enforce a fairly severe property qualification for the Ph.D. degree, and one which is in effect inoperative in certain parts of the University. It is a property qualification imposed by only one other large University. There is much evidence to indicate that — as seems natural enough — this property qualification drives elsewhere many first-class students who would prefer, except for financial considerations, to come to Columbia for their Ph.D. work in the Political Science field. To repent what was said before, no University has so many first-class students that it can afford to turn any away needlessly. A property qualification is surely the wrong basis on which to select our Ph.D. candidates.

In connection with the earlier discussion of standards, it should also be pointed out that such a modification of the printing requirement as would eliminate its more serious disadvantages to the student would presumably contribute to the actual raising of the general standards of scholarship and performance prevailing, rather than to their deterioration. This would happen to the extent that the modification increased the number of high-calibre through impecunious students who come to us for their training.

Both the material evidence available and the logical argument against retention of the present form of publication requirement in the Faculty of Political Science are thus extremely strong. We therefore make two suggestions:

(1) At the meeting of the Faculty of Political Science on April 17th, action should be taken looking to the immediate modification of the printing requirement, in its present form, for Ph.D. dissertations under the Faculty. At the same time, however, in the interests of the Ph.D. candidates, of other scholars elsewhere, and of the University as a whole, it seems desirable to retain something of the advantages of the present requirement. Outright abolition of the requirement is therefore not proposed. It is suggested that it be modified as follows:

(2) Action should be taken by the Faculty to provide that, the printing requirement, subject to confirmation by the University Council, may be met in any one of three ways: namely either by,

(a) Publication of the complete dissertation under the present regulations; or, by,

(b) Publication of an article, presenting the essential features and results of the dissertation and to be approved by the examining committee, in one of the recognized professional journals; or by,

(c) Publication of an abstract of the dissertation, presenting briefly the essential features and results of the dissertation and to be approved by the examining committee, in a new annual or semi-annual volume of Abstracts to be published as a regular part of or supplement to the present Studies; the costs of publication and distribution of the volume to be paid by the candidates pro rata. The abstracts would not exceed perhaps 15 pages each, and the average cost to the individual candidate would probably be under $50. The numerical majority of the dissertations would presumably be handled through these new Abstracts.

In each of the three options, the present requirement for the deposit of 75 copies — whether of book, article or abstract — would be retained; and in the last two cases deposit of two copies of the original dissertation would also be required. Dissertations would be defended on typescript, unless the candidate himself preferred to defend on galleys.

These alternatives leave candidates who have the funds, or who can secure commercial publication without a subsidy, free to publish as heretofore. The alternatives take the present severe burden off those candidates who have not sufficient funds, however; and at the same time retain for them most of the advantages, from getting their names and work more widely known, which they obtain under the present arrangements. Indeed, it seems probable that the publicity they thus receive, and the accessibility of the main content of their work to other scholars, will be substantially greater under the proposed arrangements than under those now prevailing. The average sale of the present full-length dissertation hardly exceeds 250 to 300 copies; the circulation of the better-known professional journals runs to several thousand.

In order to make it easier to secure publication in full of most of the best dissertations, without placing an undue burden on the candidates, we also suggest that the present Studies be made substantially more selective in character than they now are, with a diminution in the number of volumes issued per year and with a higher average standard of quality required for acceptance. To illustrate, we suggest that not more than one or two full-length dissertations a year should be published in the Studies from each Department, apart from the proposed new volumes of Abstracts. We believe that the resulting increase in the average quality of the Studies, by increasing the average sales per volume would enable the Studies to carry a much larger proportion of the costs of publication then at present, perhaps 50% or more. We also believe that the improvement in quality and the decrease in number of issues per year would raise the general standing of the Studies to a basis of comparability with the similar series published by various other leading Universities. Probably the most nearly ideal arrangement would be one under which the publication of a dissertation in the studies would be in the nature of a prize award, entailing no cost at all to the successful candidate. Since financial limitations make this impossible at present, we suggest the arrangement just outlined.

R. M. MacIver
R. L. Schuyler
R. E. Chaddock
C. Goodrich
J. W. Angell

Source: Columbia University Archives. Minutes of the Faculty of Political Science 1920-1939 (April 17, 1936) pp. 759-775.

December 11, 1936

For the information of the Faculty the following memorandum was presented, concerning the action of the Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction on the subject of the printing requirement for doctoral dissertations. At its April, 1936, meeting the Faculty of Political Science adopted a resolution transmitting to the Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction a memorandum by certain members of the Faculty urging modification of the printing requirement for doctoral dissertations. On May 19, following, the Joint Committee appointed a sub-committee to study and report on the subject.

The sub-committee submitted its report, accompanied by a digest of information, to the Joint Committee at its meeting on November 9, and on November 16, 1936, the Joint Committee adopted the sub-committee report and its opinions as follows:

“For the Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction:

Your sub-committee empowered to consider the question of the printing of doctoral dissertations, composed of the undersigned as chairman and of Professors Angell, Gray, Patterson, Pegram, and Rogers, has duly elicited the information as to the practice in this matter in the leading American universities as well as the pertinent sentiment of three hundred and twenty-one of our own recipients of the doctoral degree in the decade from 1924 to 1933 inclusive. A digest of the information as elicited is now available for the members of the Joint Committee.

After full consideration of this digest and of all other aspects of the question, your sub-committee would submit the following opinions:

  1. That the present requirement of printing should be maintained. Our vote on this recommendation stands four to two, Professors Angell and Patterson dissenting.
  2. That we regret the hardship which the printing of the dissertation now entails on certain of the recipients of the degree.
  3. That it is advisable to make due effort to relieve this hardship as much as possible by any reduction that may be feasible in the cost of printing, and in particular by the establishment, if possible, of a subsidy from University funds to aid in the cost of printing; and that the Joint Committee, or its chairman, should make due inquiry into this possibility.

The second and third opinions were unanimous.”

While opinion in the Joint Committee was not unanimous on point (1) of the adopted report, discussion on certain amendments that were offered and not carried led the Committee to agree as to the substance of two points of the rejected amendment. A sub-committee consisting of Professors Pegram, MacIver, Rogers, and Wright was appointed to rephrase these two points for communication to the Faculties, which they have done as follows:

“(a) It was the sense of the Joint Committee that there may be cases in which the Ph.D. Examining Committee may consider it unnecessary to require the printing of all the supporting date which the Examining Committee may have before it in the five typed copies required by the rules. In such a case the Examining Committee may, with the approval of the Dean, accept as the dissertation a shorter form of the manuscript, or an article or series of articles, provided five copies of the same in form for publication have been circulated to the Examining Committee with the additional materials, and are before the Committee at the time of the final examination.

(b) It was the sense of the Joint Committee that the Dean has authority under the present regulations to accept dissertations printed in part or in whole by photo offset process or other manifolding process when there are special reasons, arising out of the nature of the dissertation (tabular and statistical matter, reproductions of texts, etc.), making such offset process appropriate.”

For the information of members of the Faculty of Political Science, it is to be noted that the problem of printing dissertations under the Faculty of Pure Science is rarely a serious one to students. Dissertations are short as compared to those in the other Faculties and are usually published in the professional Journals. In the Faculty of Philosophy the cost of printing dissertations is serious. That Faculty, at its November meeting, unanimously voted to place on record its opinion in favor of the three numbered paragraphs of the sub-committee report adopted by the Joint Committee.

The Joint Committee will proceed further with inquiry into means of reducing the cost of printing dissertations and into the possibility of securing funds for aiding publication.

Respectfully submitted,
George B. Pegram,
Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction

In connection with the proposal of the Joint Committee that an effort be made to establish a subsidy from University funds to aid graduate students in the printing of doctoral dissertations, the President pointed out some of the administrative problems involved in providing for the judicious and far allotment of such aid. He stated, however, that if a satisfactory administrative method could be devised, a revolving fund of $25,000 or $30,000 would go far toward lightening the financial burden which the present printing requirement imposes on certain candidates for the doctoral degree.

The Chairman of the Committee on Instruction presented a memorandum (a copy of which is appended to these Minutes) reminding the Faculty that at its meeting in April, 1986, it had neglected to provide for the dissertation examination on typescript beyond June 30, 1936, but that the privilege had been extended to candidates under the Faculty with the consent of the Dean’s office. After discussion of the memorandum Professor [Vladimir Gregorievitch] Simkhovitch [Economic History] moved that the motion concerning examination on typescript, which lapsed on June 30, 1938, be re-enacted and remain in effect for a term of one year. The motion was adopted, after Professor [Philip Caryl] Jessup’s [International Law] amendment substituting “until revoked by the Faculty” for the words “for a term of one year”, had been accepted. As re-enacted, the resolution then read:

“RESOLVED; that candidates for the doctorate under the Faculty of Political Science, upon recommendation of the Department concerned, may be granted the privilege of examination on dissertations presented in typescript — five or more legible copies to be deposited in the Dean’s office for the inspection of the examiners at least three weeks prior to the examination, it being understood that the dissertations which in the judgment of the examining committee require extensive revision shall be rejected, without prejudice to subsequent examination after such revision.”

Discussion of the resolution emphasized the fact that permission to be examined on typescript is granted only on recommendation by the department. It would appear, therefore, that a department may refuse to make any recommendation, require its candidates to stand examinations on galley proofs, or it may recommend in some cases and refuse to recommend in other cases.


Memorandum Concerning Dissertation Examination on Type-script

At the meeting of the faculty of Political Science on December 9, 1932, Professor Schuyler, as chairman of the Committee on Publications, raised the question of substituting for the then requirement that the examination must be on galley proof, a requirement that dissertations must be presented in typescript. After discussion the Faculty amended Professor Schuyler’s proposal. The resolution as passed provided that for the remainder of the academic year, 1932-33, candidates for the doctorate under the Faculty of Political Science could be granted, upon the recommendation of the department concerned, the privilege of examination upon typescript four or more legible copies to be deposited in the Dean’s office for the inspection of the examiners at least three weeks prior to the examination, it being understood that dissertations which in the judgment of the examining committee required extensive revision should not be accepted subject to such revision, but should be rejected, without prejudice to subsequent examination after such revision. (Minutes, p. 699)

At its April meetings in 1933, 1934, and 1935 the Faculty continued the provisions of this resolution in affect for the ensuing academic years.

At the November 1935 meeting of the Faculty the Dean called attention to the fact that the Joint Committee on Graduate Instruction had discussed the desirability or requiring five typescript copies of dissertations. the Faculty thereupon amended its regulations to require five instead of four copies.

At the April 1936 meeting the Faculty discussed the modification of printing requirement for dissertations. By inadvertence the Faculty neglected to provide for the examination on typescript alternative. with the consent of the Dean’s office, however, candidates under the Faculty of Political Science have been permitted to present their dissertations in typescript even though technically this privilege lapsed as of June 30, 1936.

Earlier this month a question rose in respect of the period which shall elapse between the presentation of the typescript copies and the date of the final examination. Under the terms of the resolution adopted by the Faculty of Political Science the period was three weeks. Under the printed terms of the regulations of the Faculties of Philosophy and of Pure Science the period is three weeks. As a matter of fact, this regulation is not enforced. Two weeks is deemed a sufficient period.

Source: Columbia University Archives. Minutes of the Faculty of Political Science 1920-1939 (April 17, 1936) pp. 783-790.

April 21, 1939

            The Chairman of the Committee on Publications further reported that, on the initiative of the Managing Editor of the Studies, the Committee had given consideration to the problem of reducing the financial burden upon doctoral candidates who publish their dissertations in the Studies. In consequence of this discussion, upon the recommendation of the Managing Editor, and in accordance with a unanimous resolution of his Committee, he offered the following resolution which was unanimously passed;

  1. Be it RESOLVED; That in order to afford to doctoral candidates an alternative method of publishing dissertations in the Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law at a lower cost than is possible under the existing requirements, these requirements be so modified as to permit, after October 1, 1939, at the option of the candidate,
    1. the use of paper binding
    2. the use of a double-column format, and of type smaller than that now employed, and
    3. the relegation of footnotes to the end of each chapter.
  2. Be it RESOLVED: That the Faculty of Political Science request the Trustees of the University to advance the sum of fifty dollars to each student publishing his dissertation in the Studies, said sum to be a first claim against the author’s royalties. In the event that said author’s royalties do not total fifty dollars within three years after the publication of the dissertation, the full receipts thereafter accruing to such volume shall be paid over to the University until such a time as the University is fully reimbursed for its advance.
  3. Be it RESOLVED: That the Faculty of Political Science request the Trustees of the University to authorize the Library to pay to each doctoral candidate who had published his dissertation in the Studies, the sum of fifty dollars, upon his depositing with the Library one hundred copies of the said dissertation.


            The Chairman of the Committee on Instruction reported that since receipt of the report of the Committee on the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (of which Professor Woodbridge was Chairman) the Committee on Instruction had given further consideration to the printing requirements. He submitted the following motions which were passed:

  1. BE IT RESOLVED, that this Faculty favored such modification of the present requirement for the printing of the doctoral dissertation as would allow candidates certain options, as follows:
    1. The dissertation may be printed from type and published in book form.
    2. The dissertation may be published as an article or series of articles in a scholarly journal.
    3. The dissertation may be reproduced by an offset process approved by the Dean of the Graduate Faculties.
  2. BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the sense of the Faculty that there may be cases in which the Ph.D. Examining Committee may consider it unnecessary to require the printing of all the supporting data which the Examining Committee may have before it in the five typed copies required by the rules. In such a case the Examining Committee may, with the approval of the Dean, accept as the dissertation a shorter form of the manuscript, or an article or series of articles, provided five copies of the same in form for publication have been circulated to the Examining Committee with the additional materials, and are before the Committee at the time of the final examination.
  3. BE IT RESOLVED, that this Faculty, realizing that in the past insufficient attention has sometimes been paid to a student’s choice of subject, resulting in the necessity of the preparation of a manuscript of unreasonable length, calls attention to the need for considering the scope of the task when a topic for a dissertation receives its preliminary approval.
  4. BE IT RESOLVED, that the next available edition of the Bulletin of the Faculty include the first resolution on this subject stated abo e, setting forth the three options, and that in the Bulletin this be followed by a paragraph substantially as follows:

The departmental approval mentioned above relates to both the content of the dissertation and to the form in which it is printed. Students are therefore advised to consult their departmental representatives before exercising the option.

  1. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faculty authorize its Committee on Instruction to prepare a special leaflet for the benefit of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy under this Faculty, the leaflet to contain a full explanation of all the regulations on this subject.

Source: Columbia University Archives. Minutes of the Faculty of Political Science 1920-1939 (April 21, 1939) pp. 842-3, 845-846.

Image Source: Low Memorial Library, Columbia University from the Tichnor Brothers Collection, New York Postcards, at the Boston Public Library, Print Department.

Columbia Economics Programs Regulations

Columbia. Language Requirements for PhD Report, 1951

In 1950 the economics department of the Faculty of Political Science at Columbia University was able to amend the foreign language requirement for a Ph.D. in economics to allow mathematics to substitute for one of the two required non-English languages. In 1951 the sociology department wanted to follow suit but this led to a faculty meeting discussion “so lively and so subtle that the Secretary was unable to keep up with it” ending in a special committee being formed to consider the matter further. The eleven page report of that committee has been transcribed for this post. It follows the excerpt from the minutes of the faculty meeting that would lead to the appointment of the special committee.

The portions of the report that explicity address the issue of the substitution of mathematics literacy for additional foreign language literacy have been highlighted for convenience. Connoisseurs of the discourse of academic rule-making will find much to savour in the minutes and report below. I find it hilarious that a three person committee speaks of  “majority” and “minority” recommendations when the humble fact was that “two of the committee members” disagreed with “the other one”.

It is unfortunate that I happened to have stopped my collection of faculty minutes with the year 1951, so that at the present moment I don’t know the ultimate fate met by the report’s recommendations at a later general meeting of the Faculty of Political Science, presumably sometime in early 1952.


Excerpt from the Minutes of the annual meeting of the Faculty of Political Science, April 27, 1951.

…Professor Lazarsfeld [Paul Felix Lazarsfeld, Professor of Sociology] offered a resolution to permit students in Sociology and Economics to substitute Mathematics for one of the two foreign languages normally required for the Ph.D. degree. In the discussion Professor Wuorinen [John H. Wuorinen, Professor of History] asked to be enlightened on the tendency of the motion. The answer was that Mathematics is a language and one far more necessary to the statistical student of society than any of the languages that consist of words.

Professor Evans [Austin Patterson Evans, Professor of History] opposed the motion on two grounds: first, the principle that all Doctors of Philosophy in Columbia University are rightly deemed able to use the literature of their fields in two foreign languages besides their own; second, the technicality that any change in the requirement must be approved by all three faculties.

From this point forward the discussion became at once so lively and so subtle that the Secretary was unable to keep up with it, and can provide only a feeble rendering of its reality. Professor Angell [James W. Angell, Professor of Economics] urged the far greater range of ideas available in his field through mathematical formulations; Professor Bonbright [James Cummings Bonbright, Professor of Finance] uttered the suspicion that our language requirement was not really effective, and implied that a mathematics requirement would be. Dean Krout rose to reinforce Professor Evans’ point that we could not take separate action as a Faculty.

Professor Evans introduced an amendment of which the effect was to reduce the requirement to one language for all fields. The amendment was not accepted by the first mover and Professor Angell called for a test vote on the original motion. It was carried 25-10; but given the Faculty lack of power to act independently on this matter, Professor Angell moved the appointment of a committee to reconsider the language requirement for the Ph.D. degree. This suggestion was powerless to stem the debate. Professor Stigler [George Joseph Stigler, Professor of Economics]urged that all departments be treated equally. Professor Wuorinen questioned the relevance of mathematics to the purpose served by the linguistic equipment. Professor Davis [Kingsley Davis, Asssociate Professor of Sociology] wondered how much mathematics would equal one language. Dean Krout likewise wished to know what would be meant by “mathematics”. Professor Lazarsfeld replied that a committee exists and has expressed itself on the nature of the mathematical equipment required by social scientists. Professor Angell revealed that the Department of Economics has the specifications all worked out. Professors Macmahon [Arthur W. Macmahon, Eaton Professor of Public Administration] and Shoup [Carl Sumner Shoup, Professor of Economics] both agreed in considering mathematics a language and raised the spectre of a three-language requirement.

Finally the question was called for, and Professor Angell’s motion to appoint a committee was passed 26-9.


Source: Columbia University Archives. Minutes of the Faculty of Political Science, 1950-1962, pp. 1039-40.



[Nov. 5, 1951]


Findings of Fact:

  1. The University Council delegated to the Faculties of the University in a resolution of the year 1916 its power to specify language requirements of faculties and departments.
  2. Under the Statutes of the University the University Council and the Trustees retain residual powers which they may exercise when they wish.
  3. Since 1916 the Faculty of Political Science has concerned itself with language requirements and has not raised with the University Council in any formal manner changes in the requirements.
  4. The Faculty of Political Science left the departments free until the year 1941 to prescribe their own language requirements, and they differed widely.
  5. In 1941 a re-editing of the Announcement of the Faculty of Political Science took account of the fact that no department required at the time less than two languages. The re-edited Announcement was adopted by the Faculty without specific reference to the re-editing of the language requirement. Thus was established without specific discussion a Faculty rule requiring two languages.


  1. The Faculty of Political Science is free to establish and change language requirements without reference of its proposals on each occasion to the University Council for approval.
  2. The Faculty of Political Science established a rule of two foreign languages in 1941 by its action on the re-edited Announcement


  1. That the Faculty of Political Science continue to maintain a rule establishing minimum language requirements for the Ph.D. degree, to which all departments of the Faculty must adhere.
  2. That the minimum language requirements of the Faculty of Political Science be two languages other than English, it being understood that mathematics may be substituted for one of the two languages if a department so desires.
  3. That the Faculty of Political Science continue to act in accordance with the delegation of authority by the University Council in 1916, since there appears to be no necessity for parallel action in matters of language requirements by the three graduate faculties.

A minority of the Special Committee recommends:

  1. That the Faculty of Political Science reaffirm the rule established before 1941 under which the departments were permitted to establish such language requirements as they felt met the purposes of the educational program of the department.
  2. That the Faculty of Political Science retain its power to veto departmental action, if the action seems to a majority of those present at a Faculty meeting to have been taken without reasonable consideration of the factors involved.




By letter, dated October 1, 1951, Dean John A. Krout constituted the undersigned as a Special Committee of the Faculty of Political Science to reconsider the language requirement for the Ph.D. degree.

The Special Committee was asked to treat the subject generally in its report and to give special attention to the following questions: (1) Is it wise for the Faculty to permit its Departments to modify the existing language requirement; and (2) If the Faculty determines that it is wise to permit Departmental modification, should the Faculty recommend to the University Council such a change in the language requirement rules without the concurrence of the Faculties of Philosophy and Pure Science?

A third question emerges from a reading of the minutes of the meeting of the Faculty of Political Science, held on April 27, 1951. Some of the members expressed the question in terms of debate over the authority of the Faculty of Political Science under the currently existing “constitutional law” of the University to take action on the language requirement without reference to the University Council for approval.

In an effort to answer the three questions raised, the Special Committee has divided its study into its component parts, namely (1) Have the Departments and the Faculty of Political Science present authority under the Statutes of the University, the resolutions of the Trustees and of the University Council and accepted. practice to change the language requirements for the Ph.D. degree; (2) From a policy point of view, should a change be made; and (3) From a policy point of view, should such a change be made without concurrence of the Faculties of Pure Science and Philosophy?

The Findings of Fact

(a) Under the Statutes of the University the University Council and the Trustees here residual powers which they may exercise as they wish.

This finding is supported by the following evidence:

The Trustees of the University have supreme authority over the “educational policy” of the University. No proposal involving a change in this policy may take effect until after approval of the Trustees, or until after the termination of the second meeting following the introduction of the proposal, in the event that the Trustees remain silent on the subject.

This is so by virtue of the terms of Article 24 of the Statutes of the University, which reads as follows:

Chap. II. The University Council

Art. 24. LIMITATION OF POWERS. No exercise of the powers conferred upon the Council which involves a change in the educational policy of the University in respect to the requirements of admission or the conditions of graduation, shall take effect until the same shall have been submitted to the Trustees at one meeting, and another meeting of the Trustees shall have been held subsequent to that at which it was submitted.

The University Council has the right under the Statutes of the University to consider every proposal, submitted by the Faculties which involves a change in the educational policy of the University.

This is so by virtue of Articles 33 and 142 of the Statutes of the University, which read as follows:

Chap. III. Faculties and Administrative Boards

Art. 33. LIMITATION OF POWERS. Every proposed exercise of the power conferred on any of the Faculties, which involves a change in the educational policy of the university in respect to the requirements of admission, the program of studies or the condition of graduation shall be submitted to the University Council before being recommended to the Trustees, and such recommendation shall not be laid before the Trustees until the Council has acted thereon, or until another meeting of the Council has been held, subsequent to that at which the recommendation was submitted. No exercise of such power by any Faculty shall take effect until the same shall have been submitted to the Trustees at one meeting, and another meeting shall have been held subsequent to that at which it was submitted.

Chap. XIV. Faculty of Political Science

Art. 142. DEGREES. (b) Ph.D. Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy shall be qualified to receive that degree upon compliance with the conditions prescribed by the University Council by concurrent action with the Faculty of Political Science.

While the authority of the Trustees and the University Council is clearly superior to that of the Faculties in matters concerning the “educational policy” of the University (which would seem to include the language requirement for the Ph.D. degree), the record seems to indicate that this authority has been delegated to the Faculties. The second finding of fact, is therefore:

(b) The University Council delegated to the Faculties of the University in a resolution of the year 1916 its power to specify language requirements for faculties and departments.

The finding is supported by the following evidence:

The Minute book of the University Council contains the following resolution, dated April 18, 1916, which reads as follows in its pertinent provisions:

“A student admitted to the University under the jurisdiction of the Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy or Pure Science, who wishes to become a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be matriculated by the Dean upon the recommendation of the department in which his research work lies. Departments will recommend students for matriculation upon the following conditions:

    1. The student must have satisfied the department that he is proficient in such languages as it may under the rules of the faculty prescribe.

Such an interpretation of, the meaning of the resolution of the University Council, dated April 18, 1916, is supported by the action of the Faculty of Political Science in years subsequent to the adoption of the University Council’s resolution. The record is sufficiently clear on this score to permit the Special Committee to make the third finding of fact:

(c) Since 1916 the Faculty of Political Science has concerned itself with language requirements and has not raised with the University Council in any formal manner changes in the language requirements.

This finding is supported by the following evidence:

On various occasions the Faculty has altered the language requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, as will be indicated later in this report, but after April 18, 1916, the Minutes of the Faculty of Political Science and of the University Council are silent as to any reference of changes in the language requirement to the University Council. References to the University Council appear in the minutes before April 18, 1916.

Compare the minutes of the meeting of the Faculty of Political Science, held on February 25, 1916 (Minute Book, page 404), with the minutes of the meetings of the Faculty of Political Science, held on March 28, 1919 (Minute Book, page 468) and on February 13, 1920 (Minute Book, page 488).

While the Faculty has established a practice of acting on language requirements without reference to the University Council, a minority of the Special Committee feels it desirable to raise with the Faculty the question of whether it might not be courteous to inform the University Council of changes in the future, with an indication that the change has been made under the provisions of the delegation of authority under the resolution of April 18, 1916. There would then be no possibility of a misunderstanding. The majority of the Special Committee believe such informative procedure unnecessary.

The record of the action of the Faculty of Political Science on the language requirements is sufficiently clear to permit the special Committee to make the following fourth finding of fact.

(d) The Faculty of Political Science left the departments free up until the year 1941 to prescribe their own language requirement, and they differed widely.

This finding is supported by the following evidence:

The Minute Book of the Faculty of Political Science records the following action of the Faculty on language requirements for the Ph.D. degree.

(1) December 12, 1913: (Minute Book, page 371)

“The Dean then presented to the Faculty for its consideration certain resolutions of the Joint Committee on Instruction of the several graduate faculties, as follows:

…After the completion of at least one year of residence…..students may present themselves for examination in any two of the subjects, of graduate instruction. The satisfaction of this examination together with a demonstration of ability to read French and German or such other languages as may be accepted will entitle them to become candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ……”

The matter was referred to the Committee on Instruction for consideration and report.

The Committee on Instruction reported at, the meeting of January 23, 1914, and the following was ordered entered upon the Minutes of the Faculty: (Minute Book page 375).

“…. (2) Each department shall prescribe, by regulations approved by the faculty and by the dean, the subjects and languages in which the student must show himself proficient and the manner in which his proficiency shall be determined.”

(2) February 25, 1916: (Minute Book, page 404)

“The Dean then recommended to the Faculty the adoption of the following revised regulations for the control of the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy:

Students who wish to become candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be matriculated by the Dean upon the recommendation of the department in which their research work lies. Departments will recommend students for matriculation upon the following conditions:

….2. The candidate must satisfy the department that he is proficient in such languages as it may under the rules of the Faculty prescribe.”

The recommendation was adopted by the Faculty and referred to the University Council. It was this resolution which evoked from the University Council the resolution quoted above in connection with the discussion of the powers of the Faculty.

(3) March 28, 1919 (Minute Book, page 468)

“The following were moved as a substitute for the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy approved by the faculty at its meeting of May 25, 1916.

    1. Admission to Candidacy.

“2. Languages. The applicant shall demonstrate his ability to read at least one modern European language other than English and such additional languages as may, within the discretion of the professor in charge of the subject of his primary interest or of his researches, be deemed essential for the prosecution of his studies. Normally the requirements in the several fields are as indicated in the list of subjects below. The language requirement must be satisfied at least one academic year prior to the admission of the applicant to candidacy for the degree.”

(4) February 13, 1920 (Minute Book, page 488)

A substitution in the requirements approved on March 28, 1919 was moved and accepted:

“4. Languages. The candidate must have demonstrated his ability to express himself in correct English and to read at least one European language other than English and such additional languages as may, within the discretion of the Executive Officer of the appropriate Department, be deemed essential for each subject as indicated in the following paragraphs:”

There were then listed a considerable number of subjects with varying language requirements for each. There were as much as four languages required of those obtaining their degree in Ancient History, and in American Government, always in addition to English.

(5) April 19, 1940 (Minute Book, page 865)

The Faculty voted to rephrase the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to read as follows, In the pertinent section:

“6. Matriculation as a Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. After not less than one year of graduate residence, after satisfying the department that he is proficient in such languages as it prescribes for a candidate and after satisfying the department that he is prepared to undertake research under its direction, the prospective candidate will be recommended by the department to the Dean for matriculation as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.”

The Announcement of the Faculty for the year 1940-1941 continued to carry without change the paragraph adopted by the Faculty on February 13, 1920, and quoted under (4) above. See Announcement for 1940-1941 at pp. 12-13. An examination on the list of subjects with the language requirements for each indicates that there was no longer a single subject which required but one language other than English. All required two languages or more.

The crucial change in Faculty practice on the language requirement occurred in 1941. The Special Committee finds it possible to make the following fifth finding of fact.

(e) In 1941 a re-editing of the Announcement of the Faculty of Political Science took count of the fact that no department required at the time less than two languages.

The re-edited Announcement was adopted by the Faculty without specific reference to the re-edited language requirement. In effect there was established in this manner a Faculty rule requiring two languages when no general Faculty rule requiring a specific number of language had existed previously.

This finding is supported by the following evidence:

The Announcement of the Faculty for the year 1941-1942 changed one word in the paragraph which had been adopted by the Faculty on February 13, 1920, namely the word “one”. This word was changed to “two”, making the statement on languages read as follows: “The candidate must have demonstrated his ability to read at least two languages other than English…” The list of subjects, which had been printed in the Announcement in previous years, continued to appear, there being varying requirements for each subject, but none less than two languages.

No Minute of Faculty action concern specifically the question of the language requirement.  Professor Austin P. Evans, who was Chairman of the Faculty’s Committee on Instruction at the time, has informed the Special Committee that he recalls making the change in editing the Announcement. He noted that all of the subjects listed required two languages, and to avoid any confusion on the part of students in reading a general rule requiring only one language and a list of subjects in which all required at least two languages; he made the change. The Announcement was then submitted, for adoption by the Faculty, so that the change in the general statement of the language requirement was adopted as a new Faculty rule.

In the Announcement for the following year, 1942-1943, the list of subjects with the specific foreign languages required of candidates for the Ph.D. degree in each field was dropped. The list has never reappeared, leaving the sole statement of the language requirement the paragraph which has been altered for the Announcement of 1941-1942.

No Faculty action has been found authorizing requirement by subject. It is possible that the deletion occurred as a part of the campaign of the Secretary of the University for shortened Announcements to save money. Whatever the reason, the change strengthened the rule, as amended in the previous year, and removed any indication that the rule had originally been a summarizing of the requirements as established by each department for the subjects under its control.


Having made the above five findings of fact, the Special Committee believes it possible to conclude at this point the following:

  1. The Faculty of Political Science is free to establish and change language requirements without reference of its proposals on each occasion to the University Council for approval.
  2. The Faculty of Political Science established a rule of two foreign languages in 1941 by its action on the re-edited Announcement

Considerations Underlying Recommendations

In seeking to find the basis for appropriate recommendations to the Faculty, the Special Committee has examined the report of the special committee for the review of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree, appointed by the President of the University in the autumn of 1937, under the Chairmanship of Professor Woodbridge. The “Woodbridge Committee” report is the most recent of the exhaustive studies of the subject of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Reference was made to the language requirement, and this reference seems pertinent to the matter under discussion in this report.

In a preliminary report, dated May 12, 1937 (see Minute Book of the University Council, page 349) the Woodbridge Committee proposed that no one should be admitted to candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy until he had passed an examination. In stating the ground to be covered by such an examination, the Woodbridge Committee included “command of English usage, and ability to read such foreign languages as the department may require”. The Committee suggested further that “The examination including that in foreign languages shall be written, and the quality of the writing be used as a test of the student’s command of English.”

In its final report, dated April 21, 1939 (see Minute Book of the University Council, page 361) the Woodbridge Committee reaffirmed the recommendation of its preliminary report that there be an examination of prospective candidates, but said that it had changed its mind as to the manner of administration and was now of the opinion that the type of examination to be given should be determined by the department concerned and not by any central authority.

Parts of the Woodbridge Committee report were adopted by the Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy and Pure Science in March, 1939. The resolution of the Faculties, as set forth in the record of the University Council (see Minute Book of the University Council, page 373) reads, as follows, in its pertinent provisions:

“1. An applicant may be admitted as a regular graduate student only after he has satisfied, in addition to the general University requirements for admission, any further requirements which may be specified by the Department of his major interest, and which may relate especially to the content and the quality of his prior studies and to his ability in the use of foreign languages.”

The practice of other Universities also seems appropriate to consideration of recommendations. The Special Committee has been informed of the results of a surrey of 18 Universities conducted by the Department of Economics of the University Oregon communicated to Dean John A. Krout by letter dated July 26, 1951. It reads as follows:

“About half of the Universities allow no substitutions or restrict substitutions, such as by prohibiting use of two romance languages. Five Universities have provided for substitution of subjects for a language. These are Harvard, Chicago, Columbia, Minnesota and Stanford, the substitutions being allowed mainly on economics in the first three institutions. Mathematics and statistics are the usual substitutes, though the practices vary. Ohio State requires only one language of candidates with a high competence in one language. The faculty of the University of Oregon was not disposed to allow any modification of language requirements, although the Economics Department and some other departments were seeking modification.”

The Special Committee has considered whether it is desirable that the Faculty of Political Science prescribe minimum language requirements for all departments, and the majority has decided in favor of such a minimum. Such a provision minimizes the probability of subsequent intervention by the Faculty in the affairs of the departments. It is believed also that a large number of the members of the Faculty share the majority’s view that, in so far as it is feasible, there should common minimum standards for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy throughout the Faculty. Prior to 1941 when departments were autonomous in the matter of language requirement they had in fact arrived at a common minimum which became a matter of Faculty decision thereafter.

The establishment of a minimum requirement involves the level of the minimum. The minimum resulting from the decisions of the separate departments prior to 1941 and thereafter endorsed by the Faculty was two foreign languages. For the majority of the students in the Faculty this still seems to be the minimum number of languages required for competence in their fields, especially to give them access to the work of eminent scholars of the past and present. In some fields of study there is a growing body of ideas in mathematical form. It seems desirable therefore, to acknowledge the increasing importance of this means of communication by permitting students to present mathematics in place of one language. We do not suggest that this substitution be permitted by all students but that it be allowed by the departments only where it appears to be especially appropriate to the individual student’s program of study. In fields where statistical analysis is important or desirable this option will assist the student who desires to acquire the mathematical basis for graduate work in statistical methods. It will also facilitate the use of analysis in mathematical form.

There may remain students who appear to need neither mathematics nor foreign languages as suggested above. The Special Committee is somewhat doubtful whether there are such  students because in most fields there are works in the basic theory or philosophy in foreign languages or mathematics to which the student should have access. Furthermore, the Doctor of Philosophy degree should certify more than competence in a selected and possibly narrow field of study. It should indicate also a measure in a cultural maturity. Finally students trained by the Faculty are likely to participate in increasing numbers in international associations, private and public, and the University should do nothing, especially at the present time, to discourage the acquisition of a knowledge of languages, except where it is necessary to permit some students to participate competently in the use of mathematical forms for the communication of ideas. These considerations all suggest the maintenance of the present requirement of a minimum of two languages apart from the exception above mentioned in favor of mathematics.

A minority of the Special Committee, while accepting in full the majority’s argument as to the importance of language for any scholar, dissents on the method proposed for enforcing the requirement. The minority finds that language requirements were dictated successfully by the departments without Faculty intervention prior to 1941. The development of the Faculty rule in 1941 seems not to have been caused by any abuse of autonomy by the departments. On the contrary it followed departmental action, which in several cases went beyond it. Its origin as the result of re-editing of the Announcement seems to the minority to have presented no occasion for thoughtful consideration of the change in principle involved. The minority would prefer to return to the procedure existing prior to 1941 when the departments set their own requirements, subject always to the authority of the Faculty to veto the proposal of a department if it seems to have been made without adequate consideration of the issues.

Such a return to departmental autonomy, subject to a reserved right of faculty veto seems to conform to the spirit of the Woodbridge Report. It also seems to have merit in that it would render unnecessary the present attempt of some departments to reduce the language requirements for their students by attempting to fit some other requirement for scholarship in the discipline under the rubric of “language”. Although the minority appreciates that there is reason to argue that some of these substitutions may aid communication between scholars, the minority would prefer calling the subjects what they are, and leaving the departments free to adopt them, whether they be mathematics, statistics, political theory or historiography, without attempting to call them a “language.”

To the minority the mixing of mathematics with the language requirement seems only to becloud the issue, which can be kept clear if no rigid Faculty rule of two foreign languages is set. The departments in the past indicated that they could be trusted. The Faculty has ample power through the veto to restrain any department in the future which exceeds the bounds of the “reasonable”. In consequence the minority prefers the return to the pre-1941 situation, with reservation in the Faculty of the veto with which it can maintain the uniformity as seems to be required.


In the light of the foregoing, the majority of the Special Committee makes the following recommendations:

  1. That the Faculty of Political Science continue to maintain a rule establishing minimum language requirements for the Ph.D. degree, to which all departments of the Faculty must adhere.
  2. That the minimum language requirements of the Faulty of Political Science be two languages other than English, it being understood that mathematics may be substituted for one of the two languages if a department so desires.
  3. That the Faculty of Political Science continue to act in accordance with the delegation of authority by the University Council in 1916, since there appears to be no necessity for parallel action in matters of language requirements by the three graduate faculties.

The minority of the Special Committee recommends:

  1. That the Faculty of Political Science reaffirm the rule established before 1941 under which the departments were permitted to establish such language requirements as they felt met the purposes of the educational program of the department.
  2. That the Faculty of Political Science retain its power to veto departmental action, if the action seems to a majority of those present at a Faculty meeting to have been taken without reasonable consideration of the factors involved.

Action by the Faculty Alone

One question asked of the Special Committee remains unanswered, namely, Should the Faculty recommend to the University Council a change in the language requirements without the concurrence of the Faculties of Philosophy and Pure Science?

Since the Faculty’s Special Committee is recommending no change in the existing the Special Committee, the question is academic, but if the Faculty should vote with the minority, the question would be pertinent.

Even if the Faculty should vote to change the rule, there appears to be necessity for parallel action by the three graduate faculties, in view of the delegation of power by University Council in 1916 to the faculties. As the requirements for competent training in the three faculties differ markedly, it is desirable to permit each to deal independently with this problem.

Respectfully submitted

Arthur R. Burns
John N. Hazard
Richard B. Morris

November 5, 1951

Source: Columbia University Archives. Minutes of the Faculty of Political Science, 1950-1962.

Image Source: From Roberto Ferrari, “August Rodin and The Thinker“, Columbia University Library Blog. June 8, 2014.


Columbia. Personal Narrative of the Columbia Crisis. A.G. Hart, May 1968


This contemporary eye-witness report of the events of April/May 1968 by Columbia University economics Professor Albert G. Hart can be found in the economics department records in the Columbia University archives. Added to this transcription of a rather faint mimeographed copy is a link to a convenient overview of those events assembled by the Columbia University Libraries.

Hart was clearly writing for his colleagues but also for us historians (he closes with the German text from Buxtehude’s “Du Frieden-Fürst, Herr Jesu Christ”, and not just a phrase but three full stanzas without translation. Learned showboat?). He also didn’t want his report to leak to academic adversaries, but I think with over a half-century between us and this document, we can now legitimately “declassify” Hart’s 26-page typed “Annotated Narrative of the Columbia University Crisis”.


Who’s Who and What’s When
Columbia University, Apr/May 1968

Columbia University Libraries. Web exhibit: 1968 — Columbia in Crisis.



From: A.G. HART
4 May 1968


J.W. [James W.] ANGELL
H. [Harold] BARGER
A.R. BURNS [sic, A.R.B. was 73 at the time, A.F.B. was 64]
C. [Carter] GOODRICH
C.S. [Carl S.] SHOUP
W.S. [William S.] VICKREY

You will all obviously find yourselves in a position where you must explain to outsiders what has been happening to us at the University; and I hope you will feel impelled to offer us some counsel. Hence, you ought to be getting some word from us as to how things feel, with enough detail on the happenings to show where we get these feelings. It’s quite plain I won’t get around to writing all the indicated personal letters; hence this circular. Please don’t take it as a complete briefing (even in my intention, let alone in fact): I was well-placed to observe and saw a lot; but I was watching at any time only one segment of one ring of the 12-ring circus and was rarely calm.

The format of this paper is an annotated narrative rather than an analysis. Diagnosis[,] prognosis and prescription have to go on while we’re sick and I am much involved. But it would be pretentious to claim full understanding; and a sketch of a chronology is necessary in any case. Hence I use a chronological skeleton. While I think one can produce a much more coherent report by addressing it to somebody in particular I want to be in a position to show this to a moderate number of people outside its address list. Largely for this reason, I avoid name-dropping except where I am clear that the act or utterance in question was designedly public and that to put a name to it is illuminating about the general process at work.

Before I dive in, let me say that so far as my observation an intake of reliable gossip reach, none of the economists (senior faculty, junior faculty and students) seem to have done or said things that will prevent us from working together in harmony and mutual respect. Things that may yet take a serious turn for the worse; but I think the Department of Economics is coming through in good shape.

Opening episodes

Tuesday, 23 April. While most of us knew there was ferment among the students (and my wife was hearing almost daily from Negro co-workers in West Side Relocation that the Morningside Park gym was going to be a focus for riots), it was a surprise to most of [us] that the troubles erupted so suddenly and strongly. I arrived on the 5th floor of Kent for a 12-o’clock class just as the announced protest and counter-protest got under way in front of Low Library. Having put together my normal prefabricated notes I was moderately coherent about regional problems within Latin American countries. When I told a student who insisted on gawking out the window that I’d “lower the guillotine” to reduce the noise; he walked out; wasn’t ours after all; but just a fellow with a camera? We heard some cries of “Let’s go” and a lot of rushing about. (The surge was first toward Low then towards Hamilton. Eyewitnesses tell me, what I could have seen from our window but missed that when the demonstrators crossed flower beds, they managed to avoid trampling the tulips, which were best-ever).

By early afternoon, we all knew that Hamilton was occupied. But while it was a curious sensation to walk past Hamilton — especially after rumors spread that Harlem had been invited in — the rest of the campus was more or less normal. The monetary seminar met in Haskell with only moderate signs of distraction; office hours were normal. Tuesday evening I read dissertations.

Wednesday, 24 April. Wednesday also had an air of quasi-normality; though one learned that the blacks in Hamilton had evicted the other occupants who in turn had “liberated” much of Low Library.* From the faculty standpoint, it was refreshing that the College Faculty met and passed some resolutions.1 Above all it called for cessation of work at the site of the Morningside Park gym project and for an announcement that work would not be resumed unless building there was accepted on behalf of the community by some group of community leaders.2


*Spectator, which seems suddenly to have jumped from adolescent to adult approaches, reported this most interestingly—though with some confusion between hours AM and PM. The rumor that blacks imported by the “Afro-American students” from Harlem[?] as “representatives” of various organizations were taking charge with guns, was apparently traceable to what the ineffable Mr. [Mark] Rudd told his constituents inside Hamilton.

1 The Faculty of Political Science had met on Friday the 19th, with the weakest attendance I have ever witnessed—about 20, which I am told was a shade higher than the 1967 meeting when I was in Frankfurt. Robert Merton remarked near the end of this meeting that we had managed to sit an hour and a half without discussing anything that wasn’t merely procedural, and told us we’d simply have to find ways to revivify faculty meetings by having an agenda with real substantive content that would command participation.

2 I find I am unclear as to what stand was taken on “University participation in IDA [Institute for Defense Analyses]”: of course, I have no seat in the College Faculty, and I find I haven’t either brought the relevant papers to Connecticut for this breather Nor stored my mind with any clear memory of what I may have been told by the brethren who were at the meeting.
The IDA issue is of course typical on the interplay between the SDS [Students for a Democratic Society] agitation and Kirk’s reactions. They chose to ignore (though never quite denying) the fact that the Trustees had voted withdrawal, and to concentrate on the fact that Kirk and one trustee remained as directors.
As one of the economics graduate students closest to the strike leadership said at the department gathering last night (May 3), the strike couldn’t lose while it had Kirk to oppose it! Why didn’t he have the wit to withdraw as director so as to make the University’s withdrawal unambiguous?


Closing of Fayerweather

Thursday, 25 April. On Thursday morning I arrived at Fayerweather to find that there was a picket line circulating in front of the south door, and a solid mass of cheerful-looking youngsters sitting on the steps inside.Various classes (including Wellisz’s Development) had been held normally at 9 o’clock, but Wellisz, having left, was locked out.


3 Yes, the grey-haired and unidentified professor the back of whose head (stuck into Fayerweather door at an interrogative angle) got into the Daily News, Times, and other spots was AGH. I was looking to see whether anybody on the steps looked to me like a student I’d ever seen before; none did. Paul Lazarsfeld, who came up with me (wanting to go to his office) also looked and recognized nobody; though other sociologists told me some of their students were on those steps.


            While Lazersfeld and I were at the door, people inside closed and locked it. Then there was thinning out of students inside. Presently there was a lot of talking and moving around, and inside the door appeared Eileen Christianson (at top of the steps also Eva Kiessling); Eileen was fumbling with a key in the lock. My impression was that she wanted out and was being kept in; so when in the confusion the door opened, I stuck my foot in it. None of us from outside tried to push in. It turned out that what was up was a protest-within-the-protest. Eileen objected to having her work (on behalf of students) interfered with; and if the lads said “strike”, she’d have them know that she’d worked six years for a trade union, knew what a proper strike was, and saw this “strike” was out of order! Things were getting hotter; messenger from Hamilton wanted to know if Fayerweather wanted some of them to come over: TV men on the steps were trying to tape the excitement, and I was afraid (though I didn’t actually touch anybody) that there might be pictures that looked as if faculty were hitting students. So I urged Eileen to adjourn upstairs; she and Eva later left by a 300-floor window (room 302 if that’s the seminar-room under the examination room) that later became the portal for an enormous traffic.

I met my 12:00 class in Kent, and we talked largely about affinities between this trouble and those in Latin American universities. One of the Argentinos had remarked to me outside Fayerweather that while they had strikes, LA students couldn’t have tolerated a strike that hadn’t been voted by a proper student-body meeting. I asked the students in Kent (about 2/3 of normal attendance) whether they’d had any notice of a meeting at which they could consider a strike, and not one had had such notice or heard of a meeting he could go to.

So far as I can remember it, Thursday afternoon was when arm-bands began to blossom, and there began to be people at the gates (only those at the ends of College Walk were left open) calling for a look at University identification.

Thursday afternoon and evening I still felt able to get ahead a bit with my current research project and with dissertations. It didn’t seem unplausible that one would wake up Friday and find everything had blown over. There was still blasting to be heard from the gym site, but one expected to hear that the University was backing off.

Faculty mobilization

Friday morning, 26 April. So far as I was concerned, my last more-or-less-normal act before plunging into the crisis as full-time occupation was to pick up some computer printout early Friday morning. By this time, one was getting reports of very awkward “confrontations” involving faculty. There had been some sort of hassle in front of Fayerweather and another around Low. I had the impulse (which evidently was rather common among the brethren) that we should be trying to get the faculties convoked. My notion was to get the 20 signatures on a paper addressed to Sigmund Diamond as chairman of the Committee on Instruction which (according to a conversation between Low and Fayerweather with Diamond and Dean Frankel on Thursday sometime) would be necessary to convoke Political Science according to the members’-demand procedure. My first thought was to circulate on campus with a clip-board; but my wife persuaded me that might help stir things up. Wellisz and I concocted a paper calling for a meeting with primary emphasis on trying to define in advance a distinction between modes of police action we must reject and modes we might accept in case of a decision to clear the by-now-five occupied buildings. Wellisz (though late for a meeting in Harlem) let me into the International Affairs building, which was the likeliest place to find any number of members of our Faculty that could be spoken to quietly. I came out a couple of hours later with several signatures (nearer 10 than 20) and with advice not to push a call till we’d heard from the Advisory Committee of the Faculties. (In the end the Advisory Committee never met, or at least did nothing I’ve heard of).

Friday early afternoon, 26 April. During Friday afternoon, the word was passed that an informal meeting was to be held late in the afternoon at the Faculty Club, consisting of available members of the three Committees on Instruction of the Graduate Faculties, augmented by such ex-department-chairmen types as me. Meanwhile, I dropped into Philosophy Hall, which bore a sign (one of the few conspicuous touches of humor in this dead-pan affair) “liberated by the faculty”, and where somebody-or-other at the door insisted on seeing faculty identification. I had been warned that a group of light-weights had been holding a marathon meeting in 301 Philosophy, urging all sorts of foolishness, and needed to be squelched by some senior faculty. So pending the beginning of the Faculty Club meeting, I thought I’d better visit 301 Philosophy just long enough to find a chink in their discussion into which I could insert a dignified protest. Where did these characters get the idea they could claim to speak for the faculty at large, or even could assert they were sensible enough to deserve a hearing? I sat about two minutes before I noticed that maybe I didn’t want to protest; within an hour I found that I very much respected the way they were working and might want to wear the white arm-band, which turned out to denote ad-hoc-faculty-group-as-peace-force.4


4 As to becoming a member, I found I had already become one by showing faculty identification to enter Philosophy Hall and then entering room 301; if I chose, I could become a non-member by walking out at any moment without fuss, and could become a member again by walking in again. Once in a while I heard it said that to be a real member you had to put your name to a paper that committed you not to meet classes till certain “student” demands were met. But nobody either presented me with such a paper, claimed that non-signers were non-voters, or called upon me to take or authorize any action that conflicted with my quite-different principles.
By the time I came in, it was plain that the role of the ad hoc group was above all mediation. They had quite a team of mediators (among them Peter Kenen), who were rarely visible except in rapid passage — and who had to take horrible abuse from the SDS people and carry messages which they knew were not being properly transmitted to rank-and-file in the buildings.
It turned out that the group of faculty had also intervened to block an attempt of the “majority coalition” (jacket-and-tie types students, with a considerable admixture of athletes) to enter Fayerweather and dislodge the occupants, of whom (though I didn’t believe it when first told so by faculty who had been in and out the window, there were some 400. Furthermore, the group had resisted an attempt to move into Low a number of plain-clothes policemen. I think both of these were Thursday-night events, though my timing could be off here.
The white-arm-banded faculty by the time I came in were (1) manning the gates and checking University credentials for entrance; (2) circulating on campus to “cool” disturbances; and (I think so soon) manning the “ledge” around the foot of Low Library, to prevent entry through windows of people aiming to join the SDS occupants. (Exit—sorry, “egress” — was ok, with rainchecks for ingress to designated couriers escorted by mediators or members of the ad hoc group’s steering committee. Result: rapid accretion of improvised law, leading into the “Hedge-Ledge Treaty”.)


Friday late afternoon, 26 April. The Friday afternoon meeting of the augmented Committees on Instruction was a heartening expression of sweet reason—but a little hard to remember in detail. For once, nobody said anything silly or inflammatory; but we did rather wonder whether we were saying anything applicable. The main outcome was a decision that the Committees should convene a joint session of the three graduate faculties.

Friday evening, so far as I can remember, went into a plenary session of the ad hoc group. Every now and then ther’d be an interruption because more people were needed at the gate, or there was need of white armbands to tone down some incipient mob scene. Early (that is, 1 AM) to bed for me.

Saturday, 27 April. Saturday was a day of prolonged meetings of the ad hoc group, with walks to talk to students. My memory is rather vague on details. Late in the day, Alan Westin (admirable chairman of the group) put it that the resources of mediation were about played out and we should move toward having a settlement-proposal. I went to dinner at the Clifford’s (Jimmy didn’t make it, being absorbed in the meeting); conversations with Kenneth Boulding, who stressed among other things seasonal aspects of disturbances.

Beginnings of formalization

Sunday morning, 28 April. Sunday opened with an 8 AM meeting of the ad hoc group, which voted some very good resolutions cooked up by the steering committee. The gymnasium-clause, especially, was a masterpiece—holding open the idea of building in the park only if agreed to by civic and community leaders picked by Mayor Lindsay. The Group held out against a commitment to amnesty for those occupying the buildings, and called for activation of a proposed tri-partite body (faculty 5, students 5, administration 2) with a named roster of members that had been negotiated (I gather largely by Peter Kenen, whose name is on it) with the strikers and Low Library.5


5 Before I came in, a three-man committee with Lionel Trilling as draftsman had been proposed by the ad hoc group and empowered to draft a scheme for such a body by the administration — the first step toward a process of negotiation via agreement on a slate of people to take something in hand.


            The proposal to convoke the three Graduate Faculties had expanded during Saturday into one to call the “General Faculty”—an amalgam of all faculties within the Corporation (no Barnard, and no TC [Teachers’ College]) on the Heights (no medical, no Social Work). Western Union for once got some business: invitations by telegram. This met in Law School A-B. Trilling read the almost-final report on the judicial tripartite body; Westin got to explain the ad hocgroup’s resolutions, which he did not call on the General Faculty to adopt. We voted I can’t quite remember what (including some corrective to the Trustees’ goof in characterizing the Friday suspension of blasting at the gym site as a matter of “courtesy” toward the Mayor, nothing more), and avoiding any commitment to general amnesty.

Sunday afternoon, 28 April. The afternoon so far as I can remember it, was spent outdoors. The “majority coalition” decided to move in around the occupied side of Low Library (west) and set up a food-and-ingress blockade by occupying en masse the ground between the faculty’s ledge and the surrounding hedge. (Walks outside remained as a no-man’s land). SDS tried various run-the gauntlet tricks, and we had a thick white-arm-band line on the ledge, with confused mimeographed instructions (hedge-ledge treaty) which set up something like a game of capture-the flag. Incredibly picturesque colored children swarmed, with handfuls of our tulips.

Sunday night, 28 April. In the evening, there were the usual meetings. A bad night was forecast. At midnight we diverted a small fraction of the meeting to guard duty. Having donned a white armband for the first time in the afternoon, I had a spell of gate duty and then about two went on the ledge. Very quiet. There was a pleasant encampment of “coalition” people inside the hedge, and the College Walk a camp of SDS people, with candles, guitars, etc.—very serene and rather a beautiful sight. About four a bagpiper started to skirl between the two; but somebody whispered to him and he collapsed. Fuss over flag-raising at dawn, with the “coalition” very firm on singing Star Spangled Banner. The 4AM relief of faculty didn’t turn up, which made the night rather wearing as our numbers thinned out to an extent which we were told had proved dangerous the previous night; but no adverse consequences. About 7, new white armbands began to build up, and the night-guard went off to sleep.

Monday morning, 29 April. Monday the ad hoc group convened about 10AM, and Westin announced the day would be devoted to trying to get a real rallying of sentiment to our terms of settlement. Kirk had put out a statement (printed by the Times in a box with the ad hoc group statement[)] that represented substantial concessions. We voted for a terms of-settlement package with a useful sequence: If Kirk would make recommendation to the Trustees to meet the gymnasium proposition and activate the judicial body, we would then demand that the building-occupiers come out and submit to academic due process (no amnesty, but indications of “uniform punishment”). If the strikers refused this, we would cease to “interpose” and let the Administration have a free hand to clear the buildings. Kirk came through rather promptly with a response which many of us saw as “yes but”—with a readily-negotiable but. The SDS strikers, on their side, sent us at 6 PM a complete refusal to accept these terms.

Monday evening, 29 April. When the ad hoc group reconvened in the evening, it was plain that the steering committee was rattled. Westin was able to read a long list of telegrams (Javits, the AAUP, etc.) commending our terms. But there was a whole series of disastrously bad proposals. Before Westin and the Steering Committee were on deck, there was a proposal to evacuate our ledge because of physical danger to our people there. We took a recess, looked, and came back convinced this was nonsense—though a few eggs had hit our brethren, and one large-size fruit-juice can had scored a near miss. Next the Steering Committee moved a statement that treated as substantially identical the Administration’s yes-but answer and the SDS’s resounding no. (Westin’s slogan had been “bitter pills for everybody”; as I see it, the bitter bill [sic] for us in the ad hoc group was that we had to take yes-but as yes, or else negotiate the but). This not meeting acceptance, they moved t[o] invoke arbitration to be set up by Governor Rockefeller. But it proved that they’d no evidence that arbitration would be accepted, any more than mediation, by SDS.

Monday midnight, 29 April. Adjournment rather after midnight, with no program formulated, put a lot of our people on the ledge. For my part, I had shifted myself to the 4 AM list, reckoning that with so many of our people ready to drop from exhaustion, actual arrivals of 4 AM relief men were essential so that we’d at least have a presence as observers (lacking any basis for real effectiveness) in case the “blowup” came at the most probable hour of the night.

First steps toward unwinding

Tuesday morning, 30 April. My alarm didn’t sound at 4 AM: I hadn’t pulled out the can-ring peg. (Is this what happened to the 4 AM reliefs the previous nights?) But my wife, who never wakes at such hours, had set her internal timer and poked me when the alarm-clock said 4:05. (It was 10 minutes slow). So I got to the Amsterdam gate about 4:25. The police, who had been around in force almost all the time since Thursday mid-day6, were thinned out and more in motion; nobody checking credentials at the gate. The noisy Harlem demonstration that had been at the corner at 1 AM had vanished.


6The Amsterdam-Morningside block of 116th was throughout a mass of parked police cars (including horse-vans, paddy-wagons sometimes, and on the last days ordinary city buses that had brought in large batches of police). There were always a good many police on foot on the block, who would talk pretty freely. Even the mounted police weren’t totally frozen: I regretted lacking a camera when I saw a small colored boy in a red sweater petting a very placid horse with a rider up.
The police apparently held all the “100-level” tunnel network from Thursday onward, but eventually entered almost all occupied buildings by campus-level doors. When I began to circulate on the 100-level of Low, I found a small reserve on the benches near the “Security entrance”. While on the gate, I passed lots of plain-clothes police that flashed badges. One of the objectionable features of the “blowup” was that plain-clothes men took a hand without putting on visible badges.


            Yes, the “blowup” had happened while I slept. The word was that mounted police had swept away the outdoor demonstrators. The Administration had given 30 minutes notice that the buildings would be cleared on bull-horns. At Hamilton (which had been the point we were afraid might lead to major trouble), there was token resistance; police went in without clubs, and occupiers came out in some order. In front of Fayerweather, a number of white-armband-types linked arms and got clubbed; police at the 54th St. station told a companion of mine that “if they link arms you have to use clubs”.There was a considerable fracas at each of the buildings with fairly solid masses of “radical” occupants (Low, Mathematics) and also at Fayerweather (into which most of the “moderates” had been displaced).


7The TPF (“tactical police force”) had been around all week, and felt frustrated. A partly-rational explanation could be that they were aware that they were being kept away from other danger-points in the city and were losing sleep—hence were losing effectiveness in alternative uses. It occurs to me, too, that it may have been painful to be kept away from their taxi-driving and other “moonlighting” jobs, even though getting overtime pay.
The police group that took Hamilton must have been specially selected and indoctrinated. Most of the faculty feel that if an acceptable mode of police action was feasible there, it would have been so in the other buildings. There is no doubt, however, that the other groups were less disciplined than Hamilton. (Damage in Hamilton was limited to furniture used to barricade the doors. This may also have been true in Fayerweather before the police started smashing glass panes in doors to see who was inside. But in Mathematics and above all in the presidential suite in Low, there was damage on a large scale of strictly malicious character). The police also did not and perhaps could not have a huge superiority of numbers at points of contact: Fayerweather contained at the blowup some 300+/- 50 strikers, mostly on the 200 and 300 floors. I still regret that I wasn’t able to persuade faculty groups to consider in advance the difference between weaponless police action which would pull-and-carry and armed action which would club-and-push. We have no reports of guns being used; handcuffs were used as brass knuckles—an angle I hadn’t thought of at all.


            At the corner of 116 and Amsterdam, I found a few white arm-band people who like me were just turning out, and a couple who had been on campus. The word was that we’d go to somebody’s apartment on 116th and see what we could find out by phone. I dashed home to use my own phone, alerted my wife, and called up her brother (Bethuel Webster), who coached me a bit as to how arrestees could be advised. (Only family and attorneys have a recognized right to see them; family can designate attorneys.) As I turned the corner back onto 116th, I met a young-faculty type I didn’t know, in shock with a broken head, and with a middle-aged woman; they said they wanted a phone, and I referred them to my wife, who tells me she took them in. The previous knot of faculty being invisible and not in the designated apartment, I went through an unguarded gate to Philosophy for instructions, and found 301 was a dressing-station, with no ad hoc leadership in evidence. So I took it upon myself to visit police stations. Some students at 114th and Amsterdam, who had a car, ferried me around. We found at West 100 St. that all arrestees were blacks from Hamilton, and that somebody had taken our role. At West 54th Street we found also only Hamiltonians, and the police gave us a list. At West 68th Street things were more confused: they had about 25 arrestees in stock, and refused a list. I asked if any were faculty, and the produced “one somewhat older”, who turned out to be Dankwart Rustow. The police refused to give me a list, and refused to let me hand a clip-board around; but they conveniently failed to notice when Rustow opened the door of the room they were using and handed me a slip the arrestees had all signed. This was at 6:30; Rustow said not to call his wife till 8 o’clock, as she expected to hear nothing from him sooner. Following advice from a student reporter from WKCR (which throughout has done a first-rate job of reporting) I got WKCR to come and fetch the list from 7th-floor Philosophy.

Tuesday mid-day, 30 April. It developed that the General Faculties had been called for 4 PM, and the ad hoc group had called itself for 10, 10:30 maybe? This ad hoc group gathering shifted to Earl Hall because 301 Philosophy was disrupted, then to MacMillan because Earl Hall was too small. It was finally called to order at noon. Westin proceeded to lay out a resolution the Steering Committee had framed, in a state of shock, before 10 o’clock; it opened with a resounding vote of lack of confidence in Kirk and Truman and ended with a call to “respect” the new student strike that was already visibly shaping up. A “medical report” was called for, and proved to be such an incendiary utterance that Westin had to insist the doctor give us a few facts and sit down.8 The tone of most utterances was rather frantic; a move to adopt the revolution “by acclamation”, rejected by Westin, proved hard to head off. After about an hour, Westin (after whispered consultations) announced that the Steering Committee was amending its resolution to say that so far as the strike was concerned, the ad hoc group would reconsider its position after 48 hours. From my standpoint, this was crucial: I’d still have had to vote “no”, but if the amended resolution had carried, I would not have felt I had to drop out of an organization which, taking a wrong stand, guaranteed to reconsider. After a further hour, Westin announced that in the light of the discussion the Steering Committee was convinced that it could quickly frame a much better resolution; he withdrew the resolution and called for a recess. A motion to recess proved to draw shouts pro and con. Westin was about to call a vote when somebody (I can’t remember who) objected that what with the attendance being double that of any previous meeting and with the lack of screening of identification as we shifted from Earl Hall, we could be sure that many present were not faculty and that many were so unfamiliar with our operations that they couldn’t fully gauge the situation. He suggested that those who had attended no previous meeting of the ad hoc group should abstain from voting on the recess. Angry shouts opposed him. So Westin said that with or without a recess, he withdrew the resolution and called on the Steering Committee to move with him to a place where they could work. The moment he left, one of the more responsible survivors proclaimed that the meeting had adjourned, and the great bulk of those present left.


8One clearcut scandal was that although the Administration saw violence happening and knew a “blowup” was imminent, it took no steps to set up emergency medical facilities on campus. The natural consequence was that there was a volunteer group linked to the strikers. One of the Communist stereotypes of the 1930’s (cf. various works of Howard Fast) was the noble doctor who worked inside rebel lines till the damned reactionaries played on his nobility to get him in their hands. Was it really necessary for the Administration to let this hackneyed scenario be reused on our campus?


            As I was leaving too, the preceptor on my left urged me to stay a minute. One of the more obstreperous members of the ad hoc group was saying very proper things—that “those who remained in the room”, as a non-meeting, might want to hear a statement on the new student strike by the Executive Vice-President of the Student Council. This lad then popped up, and with great propriety made a strictly explanatory statement (laced with hopes of faculty support), making it clear that this was a new strike to express revulsion against violence, not a continuation of the old strike, with a strike committee for the present composed of elected leaders from student organizations that had not participated in nor approved occupation of buildings, and with its statement of objectives yet to be formulated. Then the Student Council lad introduced a young African (seems to straddle faculty and student status, like many of the juniors), who had made a disturbance in the previous meeting. He started by an apology for the disturbance, went on to other remarks which I disliked but which in substance seemed admirable in spirit—and then rashly pronounced the word “motion”. Then he swallowed his tongue, evidently sensing that one can’t put motions to a non-meeting. But at least twenty voices cried “Yes: motion”. He started to unreel a form of words about “the faculty members present at this meeting”, and almost instantaneously a large proportion of us were on foot headed for the exit. (I had the sensation of leading a walkout from my well-chosen heckler’s position, second row on the aisle; but if I was leading it, come to think of it, why were there a hundred people ahead of me on the way to the exit?) According to one of the few New York Times stories that seems to check in detail—another evidence that the room contained unqualified people—about 125 people remained, claimed that the meeting had not adjourned and they were the ad hoc group, and passed “unanimously” the original Westin resolution. Since the story said also that there had been 600 present when Westin took the Steering Committee, [but] my feeling is that it isn’t necessary to repudiate this rump, but the figures will speak.

Second meeting of the General Faculty

The General Faculty meeting was transferred to the Chapel. It convened almost on schedule, with an almost full house. I missed the opening because I was in the porch taking a hand in leading to vacant places in the balcony 20 junior faculty who had somehow sifted themselves out to act as observers on behalf of the juniors in the ad hocgroup.9 The moment Ralph Halford came out to tell us the meeting had accepted the 20 observers, I helped pilot them to the north balcony.


9Kirk had transformed a suggestion from the junior group that they participated in the first General Faculty meeting into a proposal in invite twenty by telegrams like those sent to senior faculty. But an accident (call to people framing the list of 20 to help “cool” a fracas outside Low) prevented completing the list, and the telegrams never went.
Kirk opened the first meeting with a request for unanimous consent to admit one junior representative as observer, which was done. It seemed to me that if tokenism was the order of the day, one wasn’t the optimum permanent level for it; so I got the question taken to Truman and he suggested 20, to be picked by some procedure the juniors were to find themselves.____________


Tuesday afternoon, 30 April. After a brief statement of his own and somewhat more from Truman, chiefly about the police action, Kirk introduced Hofstatter [sic, Richard Hofstadter], who presented a list of resolutions (half a dozen well-worded points, on one sheet of paper that had been handed to everybody) concocted by a stable of most estimable middle-of-the-road types including Hofstatter[sic], himself, Daniel Bell, and I think Trilling. The main content was a move toward constitutional reform (constitutional convention for the University; preparatory commission to organize the convention; demands upon the Trustees that they take a constructive part in reorganization). The first line of the resolutions referred to the “necessity” of the policy action and the last point to continued leadership by Kirk and Truman, so that this motion was vote-of-confidence sandwich, with lots of rather appetizing stuffings.

A number of prestigious professors were primed (as at the first General Faculty meeting) to support these resolutions, stressing the “no-recriminations” aspect of the first point, and the go-ahead character of the rest. But presently up rose Marvin Harris and moved as an additional resolution the original Westin proposal to the morning session, pointing out that its author would probably oppose it. This resolution too had a lot of sound where-do-we-go-from-here stuff in the middle; but since it opened by repudiating Kirk and Truman and ended by endorsing a strike, it was a vote-of-no-confidence sandwich. Kirk ruled from the chair that there was no use treating this as an additional resolution, but it had to be seen as a substitute. Since its main content seemed to be lack of confidence in him, he felt he should not continue to preside, and called upon Dean Warren to take over as presiding officer. By some miracle, previously non-existent chairs appeared just below the steps, and he and Truman stepped down into them.

Westin did get up to say that he opposed the motion of his drafting as an utterance from the General Faculty. From that point, discussion ran downhill as to content and got more and more shrill. Every speaker was being oh-so-parliamentary and trying to speak to the substitute proposal without reference to the original. Some sort of confused vote was taken on something which required a show of hands and a very slow count, and indicated that on any more substantive vote we were likely to split with at least a third dissenting. At this point up stepped Maurice Rosenberg and introduced a most valuable element of confusion by putting up a third set of resolutions as an amendment to displace the second (substitute). This was much less a statement of principle and more an action; its key clause was to set up the executive committee of the Faculty, to be composed of professors “such as” a specified list of ten (partly ad hoc group types like Westin and Bell, partly strong figures not identified with the group), to coopt two junior faculty; and another clause called upon the Trustees to cooperate with our Executive Committee in restructuring the University.

While Rosenberg’s proposal was received with a sense of relief, discussion again ran downhill. At this point, I somehow got it through my head how Rosenberg had laid the threads out so that one could give a tug at the right place and they would unsnarl. I came downstairs and planted myself by a pillar just behind the properly-seated people, whence it wasn’t too hard to watch Warren’s eye; he recognized me as a long shot, not knowing at all who it was. (Kirk, who must regard me as a bungler, winced when he saw me appear—as if it wasn’t bad enough to hear all the previous nonsense). I began by introducing myself as an economist, and pointed out that economists felt that in logic you could talk sense about a substitute only in explicit comparison with what it was supposed to be a substitute for. Hence it would not be out of order to deal not with one of the proposals before us, but with all three. To start with the second, its chief effect would clearly be to paralyze us; whether or not we fully approved of the leadership we had, we would be in a disastrous situation if the first order of business for the Trustees was to replace it. This was “proposal to use all available steam to blow the whistle”. The third proposal had the supreme merit that it would actually put well-chosen people to work on reconstruction. The very substantial merits of the first set of resolutions10 could best be realized by putting an Executive Committee to work.


10 I hope I referred also to the constructive middle parts of the second resolution, but can’t remember how I said it if I did.


            At this point (though I hadn’t intended it when I rose), I realized that for the moment people were breathing more calmly, and that I should try to wind up the debate. So I said that in a moment I was going to move the question, but first wanted to say a word about our attitude toward the strike, I referred to the “very commendable weasel-word ‘respect’” used in the resolution. No doubt this word could be used in a technical sense; but we should take it in a much deeper sense. Whatever else the strike was, we must see it as an outburst of grief over what had happened to the University. Even though we might regard the form of outburst as uncouth, if we couldn’t show “respect” for the grief it expressed, who were we? Once we started putting more meaning into “respect”, must we not also say that we respected the view of some of our colleagues that if there was a students’ strike of this type, they must take some steps of participation? Reciprocally, must we not respect the view of some of our colleagues who hold that in the academic world there must always be some better vehicle for a protest, and that even in these conditions, they must refuse anything that might seem like participation? Mustn’t we also respect the need of many students to complete their work this semester, and to get completion properly attested on a University transcript? In sum, mustn’t we as a University find a way to move ahead in a climate of mutual respect? With that, I moved the question.

Dean Warren, in view of the previous fuss, called for a show of hands. “Voice!” called a number of people. All right, no harm in trying a voice vote first. In favor of the motion to call the question and terminate debate? Lots of aye. Opposed? Silence! Before he could call for the substantive vote, up rose some youngish man I didn’t know, with a question to the proposer of the motion. Would Professor Rosenberg agree that the motion would be clearer if he expunged the words “such as” in front of the roster of names for the Executive Committee. And yes, he would. (The fox! It looks as if he put those words in just to have something to concede. The effect was that instead of voting a rather ambiguous request to somebody—Kirk?—to name us a committee of a certain type, suddenly we were engaged in electing a committee on our own initiative, with no middlemen!) On the substantive question of Rosenberg’s amendment, Warren again called for hands. Again shouts of “voice”; again he tried it. Lots of aye; distinct but faint, a definite minority of no. No challenge when Warren said the ayes had it.

Then came a motion to adjourn. A count of hands did prove necessary this time. (I sprinted upstairs, to be able to certify that our junior-staff observers didn’t vote.) The count was 250[?] to adjourn versus 250 not to. Just what the vote meant, Lord knows. Some hoped still to roll up a substantial vote against Kirk and Truman on some motion or other. The Architecture folks had some proposition that never reached the floor. Maybe a good many were worried because of something I quite failed to register: that Warren had goofed; and after getting proposition three voted to displace proposition two as a substitute for proposition one, had failed to get a vote on proposition three against proposition one. A technically-fatal-but-practically-trifling error in procedure. Everybody knew that in fact we’d elected a new executive; and as people went out, a few of the Executive Committee were sorting the rest out of the crowd for an instant beginning on the new phase of activity.

Over the hump—perhaps

Tuesday evening, 30 April. Once again, prompt steps were taken to legitimatize what might have been challenged. The Trustees held a dinner meeting and afterwards sat till 2 AM with the Executive Committee. The statement from the Trustees that resulted was to my taste most satisfactory. As a position, it serves only ad interim; but it shows that the Trustees have engaged themselves in a process that if well guided can put us a sound footing. To begin with, the Trustees recognized the Executive Committee as a responsible body acting on behalf of the faculty. They recognized the tripartite judicial body, which under Rosenberg’s resolution was at last put to work. They appointed their own committee to look into reform of the “basic structure” of the University, and instructed that committee both to consult with our Executive Committee and more broadly to consult with faculty and students. On the gym, they proposed to “consult and negotiate” with a body of community leaders. Maybe they thought this was only a token concession; but of course they’ll find that to “negotiate” you have to be on terms with an opposite number that isn’t just your stooge; doubtless the Mayor will find himself on the spot with a need to select the “community” people.

A useful point of the Rosenberg resolution was to call for a “day of reflection” on the Wednesday. So far as I was concerned, the most urgent business was a dissertation-defense, for a candidate who is very ill and had been patched together by the doctors for this week only, between two spells of hospitalization. We had taken the precaution of arranging for him to come by taxi to my flat at 54 Morningside. One of the scheduled examiners was Terence Hopkins of Sociology, who was visibly so exhausted that it was doubtful he knew the day of the week; so I had hedged by inviting a historian ([Bailey W.] Diffie) who lives at 54 Morningside. We opened the defense (following the precedent set by Peter Kenen when we held an examination in subjects at my flat on—I think—Friday the 26th) by asking the candidate to waive objections to irregularities of procedure. Fortunately we were able to pass the dissertation in the first column—as was true also of the Kim dissertation on Thursday the 2nd and Sobestyen dissertation on Friday the 3rd.11


11 We held three defenses and two examinations in subjects—Aspra and Deestlov[?]—at the flat between 25thApril and 3rd May. Newsprint-pad-and-wax-pencil proves in many ways much better than a blackboard! Several other flats in the neighbourhood have been in use, and on the whole examinations for the doctorate have gone as scheduled—though I hear rumors of one case where a colleague refused to examine because of the strike.


Wednesday afternoon, 1 May. After lunch, the thing to do was join the conversation-bees on the campus. Most of us were looking for students we knew; once we started talking to them, others latched on.12 I found myself telling them that if they thought about the “Kirk must go” slogan, then so nearly the sole focus of the strike agitation, they would find that what their position really called for was “Kirk must go—but not yet!” My basic argument was that we couldn’t afford to let the Trustees get bogged down in the problem of a replacement, and that within a few months we’d have a much better Board to make selections.13


12 But I didn’t succeed in spotting the SDS type who on Sunday had told me intensely that “to block food going into Low is murder, of course!” To choose the right moment to laugh has been tricky. One is reminded of what a Canadian colleague said about “Social Credit”: “You have to remember, it’s only a stop from the sublime to the ridiculous, and sometimes the line gets shifted a little.”

13 Advice by telephone from my sagacious son: a further argument for delay, still stronger, is that any immediate replacement must be made by the Trustees; while very likely the University-reform program should include selection of a President by the faculty, subject to Trustee ratification. This will obviously take time to organize.
SDS seems to be trying to avoid getting Kirk’s resignation on the list of the strike objectives. One can easily think up possible motives that don’t include getting sound leadership by sound procedures.


Several students thought this idea (together with some comments on “respect” along the lines I’d presented before) should get circulation; and an undergraduate I’ve known for some 15 years showed me the way to the WKCR studios. They gave me a 5-minute interview, and later read off a page of typescript I left with them; besides, I got a chance to tell a couple of their staff how much my acquaintances were praising their handling of the crisis.

Wednesday evening, 1 May. In the evening, we held the usual musical open house (with Dean Morse [Columbia economics PhD 1965] as pianist) at my flat. Much of our time was spent on a Buxtehude motet. Bitte um Frieden. It’s musically first-rate, happens to fit the odd combination of people who came, and certainly has a most suitable subject.14


14 While it’s most genuinely religious music, it’s an odd twist that the text tells the second person of the Trinity his business (“Remember your office!….Expedite the business.”) for all the world in the tone the Faculty tends to use in the new turn of events toward the Trustees.


Thursday, 2 May. The situation on Thursday was much like that on Wednesday, except that there was a certain devolution of authority. The University Council, which on the whole has stayed tactfully out of sight, had to be consulted on the obvious necessity of doing something about the University Calendar and could think of nothing better than to toss it to departments and schools. A gathering of department chairmen (to which Peter Kenen sent Donald Dewey as his deputy) could offer no guidance either on the calendar or on how to handle classes in face of the amorphous strike movement.

Thursday evening (or was it afternoon), 2 May. Peter Kenen called a meeting of economics faculty and graduate students on Thursday, which was very heavily attended. I can’t remember that we did much but clear the air; but a number of suggestions were canvassed that crystallized next day.

Friday evening, 3 May. A more decisive meeting of the same composition was held on Friday evening. The students (apparent ringleaders Reischauer and Roosevelt) proposed a resolution in favor of getting on with our education, and then came up with a suggestion that if the strike was on, we should set up classes (“all classes” was amended by deleting “all”) in places off campus. Several of the faculty indicated it might be a matter of principle for them to appear, at stated hours and stated rooms, if the University was officially open. I drew attention to the fact that faculty as well as students had taken the line that we objected to having our education interrupted. For my part, I’d suffered rather heavily in some dimensions by the interruption; but in other dimensions, my education had been greatly accelerated. In particular, I’d come to agree with one of the young faculty who told me, “On the ledge, we learn to bend.” I felt we’d do well to bend by taking a stand that wouldn’t create avoidable points of conflict—without putting in the wrong any colleagues who felt bound to hold “regular” classes. We must remember that any signals we might send out by stating high principles were quite likely to be incompatible with the receiving apparatus of the people we thought we were signalling to. For my part, I proposed to hold classes at 54 Morningside drive if campus space was picketed—hoping that any classes held on campus would not meet with disturbances. If disturbances did happen, I’d be strongly inclined to move back to campus classrooms rather than leave colleagues isolated. Alexander Erlich said he felt bound provisionally to hold no classes—but must refuse to endorse beyond (say) Monday morning a strike that was so amorphous, and would have to reevaluate it as it developed.15


15 If we were so hard up for information about the strike, it was partly because our graduate students largely stood outside it. Reischauer had been conspicuous among the green-armband-wearers, who registered disapproval both of forcible seizure of buildings and of violence to clear them; and one gathers this was rather typical of our students. The strike committee had invited any student organization with more than seventy students willing to sign a strike paper to send in one representative per 70 students signing; but our students did not include enough strikers to be represented. I learned however on the Monday (past the closing date of this narrative) that signatures by economics students had mounted enough to send a member.


            There appeared to be an almost-universal sense that we needed a student-faculty committee on departmental problems. Peter Kenen suggested that he would name a faculty group of 5, and urged the students to elect 5. For those who straddled faculty and student status, he suggested that they sit with the students or faculty in the committee-selection process as they thought they could be most useful. The committee roster turned out as follows:



D. [Donald J.] Dewey

A. Gandolfi

A. [Alexander] Erlich C. Gersti [Gerstl?]
A. [Albert G.] Hart (to preside) D. [David] Gold
C. Jordan R. Reischauer
P. [Peter B.] Kennen (ex officio)

A. [Anwar] Shaikh

R. [Robert B.] Zevin

The spread of opinions, ages, and backgrounds is very interesting.

This committee must face a number of sticky questions. I don’t want to particularize till things have shaken down somewhat. Problems will be accentuated by the fact that one platoon of senior staff ([Donald J.] Dewey, [Kevin J.] Lancaster, [Stanislaw] Wellisz) will be going on leave just as another ([Harold] Barger, [Arthur F. (more likely) or Arthur R.] Burns, [Carl S.] Shoup, [William S.] Vickrey) comes back from leave. But we will get benefits of continuity from the work on junior-staff selection that brought us as the assistant professors giving main-stream[?] graduate courses the team of [Roger E.] Alcaly, [Roger C.] Lawrence, [Raymond] Lubitz and [Robert B.] Zevin. We seem to have about the sanest set of graduate students in the University, and by good luck those with political flair also seem to have a more-than-superficial view of what’s happening. We are still very much at the mercy of events; but I remain optimistic.


Text (from Jacob Ebert’s hymn, Du Friede-Fürst) of Buxtehude’s cantata Bitte um Frieden:

[Correct text from the Internationale Dieterich Buxtehude Gesellschaft website:]

  1. Du Frieden-Fürst, Herr Jesu Christ,
    wahr Mensch und wahrer Gott,
    Ein starker Nothelffer du bist,
    Im Leben und im Tod,
    Drum wir allein im Namen dein
    Zu deinem Vater schreien.
  2. Recht große Noth uns stößet an
    Von Krieg und Ungemach,
    Daraus uns niemand helfen kan,
    Denn du, drum führ die Sach,
    Dein Vater bit, daß er ja nicht
    Im Zorn mit uns wol fahren.
  3. Gedenk, Herr, jetzt und an dein Ampt
    Daß du ein Fried-Fürst bist,
    Und hilff uns gnädig allesamt
    Jetzt und zu dieser Frist,
    Laß uns hin-fort, Laß uns hin-fort,
    Dein göttlich Wort
    Im Fried, im Fried, im Fried
    Noch Länger schallen. Amen.


Source: Columbia University Libraries, Manuscript Collections. Columbia University Department of Economics Collection. Box 10, Carl Shoup Materials. Folder,” Columbia University—General”.

Image Source:  Columbia University Record, vol. 23, no. 5 (Oct. 3, 1997).

Bryn Mawr Columbia Economists Gender

Columbia. Economics Ph.D. alumna. Mildred B. Northrop, 1938


For this post I have put together a timeline for the life and career of the Columbia University economics Ph.D (1938), Mildred Benedict Northrop. Other than her dissertation (cited below), I could find little of substantive research by her. Nonetheless she did attract an obituary notice by the New York Times (see below) and I was able to find an instance of Congressional testimony given by her in 1948:

United States Senate. Eightieth Congress, Second Session. Extending Authority to Negotiate Trade Agreements. Hearings before the Committee on Finance on H. R. 6566. Washington, D.C.: June 1-5, 1948. [Incidentally Alger Hiss testified at those hearings.]

During the twenty-five years that she was on the faculty at Bryn Mawr College, Northrop taught a broad portfolio of courses that included industrial organization, Keynesian macroeconomics, international economics, comparative economic organization, history of economic thought, and development of underdeveloped areas.

For a backgrounder on women researchers at Bryn Mawr before Mildred Northrop, see:

Mary Ann Dzuback. Women and Social Research at Bryn Mawr College, 1915-40. History of Education Quarterly,  Vol. 33, No. 4, Special Issue on the History of Women and Education (Winter, 1993), pp. 579-608.


Mildred Benedict Northrop, life and career

1899. July 12. Born in Kansas City, Missouri.

1922. A.B. University of Missouri

From University of Missouri yearbook: 1922 Savitar, p. 55.

1923. A.M. University of Missouri

1923-26. Executive Secretary of the Social Service League, Easton, Pennsylvania

1926-31. Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Economics and Sociology, Hood College

1931-34. Instructor in Economics, Hunter College

1934-35. Fellow of The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.

1935-38. Division of Research and Statistics, United States Treasury Department

1938. Ph.D., Columbia University. Thesis adviser: James W. Angell

Published Ph.D. dissertation Control Policies of the Reichsbank, 1924-1933 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1938).

1938-39. Lecturer in Economics, Bryn Mawr College

1939-41. Assistant Professor in Economics, Bryn Mawr College

1941. Associate Professor (elect), Bryn Mawr College

War service: chief of export-import branch of the War Production Board; Foreign Economic Administration

1945-46. Adviser to State Department’s Office of Finance and Development Policy

1946-47. Acting Director of the Carola Woerishoffer Graduate Department of Social Economy and Social Research, Bryn Mawr College

1948-49. Professor (elect), Bryn Mawr College

1949-. Professor, Bryn Mawr College

1949-50. Leave of absence.

1963. November 19. Died in Bryn Mawr. According to the coroner’s report (November 20, 1963), the immediate cause of death was pneumonia that was due to burns to over 30% of her body resulting from a fire from smoking in bed.


Mildred Benedict Northrop, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Associate Professor-elect of Economics.

A.B. University of Missouri 1922 and M.A. 1923; Ph.D. Columbia University 1938. Executive Secretary of the Social Service League, Easton, Pennsylvania, 1923-26; Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Economics and Sociology, Hood College, 1926-31; Instructor in Economics, Hunter College, 1931-34; Fellow of The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1934-35; Division of Research and Statistics, United States Treasury Department, 1935-38. Lecturer in Economics, Bryn Mawr College, 1938-39, Assistant Professor, 1939-41 and Associate Professor-elect 1941.

Source: Bryn Mawr College Catalogue and Calendar, 1941-1943, p. 20.


Northrop’s entry in the AEA Handbook, 1956

NORTHROP, Mildred Benedict, Bryn Mawr Col., Bryn Mawr, Pa. (1942) Bryn Mawr Col. Prof., teach., dept. head, res.; b. 1899; A.B., 1922, M.A., 1923, Missouri; Ph.D., 1938, Columbia. Fields 9ab, 3b, 2c. Doc. Dis. Control policies of the Reichsbank, 1924-33 (Columbia Univ. Press, 1938). Dir. Amer. Men of Sci., III, Dir. Of Amer. Schol.

Source: Handbook of the American Economic Association in American Economic Review, Vol. 47, No. 4 (July, 1956), p. 220.


Obituary. New York Times.

Dr. Mildred B. Northrop, Economist at Bryn Mawr.

Bryn Mawr, Pa., Nov. 19—Dr. Mildred B. Northrop, chairman of the department of economics at Bryn Mawr College, died today in Bryn Mawr Hospital after a brief illness.

Dr. Northrop joined the Bryn Mawr faculty in 1938. She taught previously at Hood and Hunter Colleges.

She was born in Kansas City, Mo., and was graduated from the University of Missouri in 1922. The following year she earned a master’s degree there. She received her doctorate from Columbia University in 1938.

During World War II, Dr. Northrop was chief of the export-import branch of the War Production Board and an adviser to the Foreign Economic Administration. In 1945 and 1946 she was adviser to the State Department’s Office of Finance and Development Policy.

Dr. Northrop is survived by a brother Eugene S. Northrop, of Darien, Conn., and a sister, Mrs. Robert D. Ayars of Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Source: New York Times (November 20, 1963), p. 43.

Image Source: Bryn Mawr Yearbook 1942.

Columbia Economists

Columbia. Economics department in WWII. Excerpt from letter to President Butler, Nov. 1942


There is a lot of information packed into the annual budget requests submitted by an economics department. Below I have limited the excerpt from the November 30, 1942 budget submission by the head of the economics department to Columbia President Nicholas Murray Butler to a brief introduction that provides an executive summary of the state of staffing and enrollment one year into the Second World War for the U.S. 


Excerpt from R. M. Haig’s Budgetary Requests for 1943-44


File: R. M. Haig
November 30, 1942

President Nicholas Murray Butler
Columbia University

My dear Mr. President:



Before turning to the detailed proposals, it may be helpful to outline certain facts regarding the general situation we face.

  1. The war has made heavy inroads on both our staff and our students. Two ([James W.] Angell and [Arthur R.] Burns) of our ten regular professor offering graduate instruction are in Washington on war service and most of those who remain are devoting a substantial portion of their time to the war effort. The staff of Columbia College has been even more heavily hit. Of the men giving instruction in the college in 1940-1941, [Carl Theodore] Schmidt and [Charles Ashley] Wright are now army officers, [Hubert Frank] Havlik, [Clement Lowell] Harriss, [Walt Whitman] Rostow and [Donald William] O’Connell are in war work in Washington, and [Robert] Valeur is devoting most of his time to aiding the Free French. However, we have been exceedingly fortunate in the substitutes we have been able to secure and (especially as compared with other institutions) we present a strong front in spite of our losses.
  2. It was apparent a year ago that the demand from Washington for persons with graduate training would sweep large numbers of our students from their classrooms before the completion of their courses. Requisitions for economists continue to arrive in almost every mail although we have long since placed in positions everyone on our eligible lists. Yet, as we anticipated last year, our body of graduate students still remains at a figure that makes it desirable and necessary to offer substantially all of our fundamental courses. The decline in the number of our students since our peak year (1938-1939, when 340 were registered) has been very great. However, we still are the largest graduate department of economics in the country by a wide margin. I am told that at Harvard, where there were 115 students last year, only 33 are in attendance this semester, and that at Chicago a similar loss has been suffered. In my letter dated December 30, 1941, it was suggested that we might have as many as 150 graduate students registered in our department this year. The latest count shows 130, with a fair prospect that the figure of 150 will be reached in the Spring session. A poll of the staff shows that, in the opinion of some, the number will be fully as large next year and the consensus is that the number will not be less than 100. Moreover all agree that with the coming of peace we shall be faced with an influx of students which may easily swamp the facilities of our graduate staff. For Columbia College, where this year the enrollment has been large, the outlook for economics in 1942-1943 is very obscure. At this time, it appears probable that the regular offering of courses, at least in skeleton form, will be required to serve a small number of regular students. Fortunately the commitments of the University to individuals on the College staff are such that the situation is highly flexible and can be accommodated with relative ease to whatever special program may be adopted for the undergraduates. In this budget, request is made for appropriations in blank for several instructorships, to be utilized only in case the need for them develops as plans for the college become more definite.
  3. Because of retirements, actual or more or less immediately impending, the department is faced with a serious problem of wise replacement of staff in its graduate division, if we are to maintain in the future the position of eminence we have held in the past. In view of this problem, it has seemed wise to make a virtue of our necessities and to utilize the need for temporary replacements for professors absent on leave during the emergency as an opportunity to invite as visiting professors certain men whom we rate high in the list of possible future staff members. This year we have three such men on the campus ([Oskar] Lange, Arthur F. Burns and [Clarence Arthur] Kulp). We believe that it will be wise to continue this policy of exploration and experimentation next year with funds released from the appropriations for the salaries of [James W.] Angell and Arthur R. Burns, in case the war continues and they do not return to their regular posts.
  4. As an incident to the policy referred to in the preceding paragraph, we have been able this year to offer a remarkably strong series of courses in the field of economic theory. However, we are this year relatively weak in economic history, socialism and industrial organization, offering no courses at all in the last-named subject. The chief embarrassment experienced this year by the unsettled staff situation has been in connection with the supervision of student research. Some of our students who have dissertations in progress have been seriously inconvenienced by the absence of the professors under whom they initiated their studies.


Source: Columbia University Archives. Central Files 1890-. Box 386, Folder “Haig, Robert Murray 7/1942—1/1943”.

Columbia Curriculum Regulations

Columbia. Economics graduate students’ memo of suggestions, 1939


The following memo with its cover letter was later attached as “Exhibit B” to a general statement submitted October 25, 1939 to Professor Austin P. Evans, Chairman, Committee on Instruction, Faculty of Political Science, Columbia University.

“There is appended a confidential memorandum submitted to the executive officer of the Department by a graduate student committee which contains interesting comment and suggestions. (Exhibit B).”


Cover letter for the graduate students’ memo

Columbia University
May 9, 1939

Dean R. C. McCrea,
Columbia University,
New York City.

Dear Dean McCrea:
As we agreed at luncheon with you and Professor Mills the other day, we are sending you the typed notes of student suggestions to the Department of Economics. We believe that these represent the concurrence of general student opinion, plus the thought we have given these matters.
Hoping that the notes will prove useful to you,

Sincerely yours,


* * *  *

Notes on some student suggestions for the operation of the Department of Economics, Columbia Graduate Faculty. 5/7/39.

The suggestions concern chiefly gaps that are felt to exist in the offering of the department. There are also a few notes on the method of conducting various types of course, and on the requirements placed on students, and on the allotment of credits.

1) History of Economic Thought. Intrinsic interest in this subject is amplified by a) Oral requirement, and b) the fact that many students feel that they will some day be called upon to teach it. Some feel that the subject is already overemphasized. In any case, there is the feeling that students should not be held responsible for so large a topic unless it is offered.
Various treatments are possible. a) A mere recital of doctrines. b) A tracing of current ideas. c) A combination with Economic History, concerned with the influence of the times on the theories, and vice versa. Treatment (c) is that followed by Professor Mitchell in his former course, and in the extremely useful Lecture Notes made from it.
Student feeling is against being held for “all the doctrines, man by man, and all the men, doctrine by doctrine”. A combination of (b) and (c) above would probably be well received.

2) Economic theory. Statements in the first paragraph under (1) above hold here. This topic is understood to include (a) Systematic presentation of current schools of thought, and (b) in particular, the structure of Neo-Classical (and derivative) Theory. The material under (b) is very well handled by Milton Friedman’s Extension course. Convenience would be served by bringing this into the Graduate Catalogue, so that it would count, without special action, for the 15 central points for Master’s candidates.
Further particular large branches include c) Socialist Theory and d) Institutionalism. Student objection to the existing offering of Socialist Theory falls under two heads. First, it is claimed that the subject matter is not covered adequately in class, that the treatment is diffuse, incomplete and wandering. Second, it is protested that the treatment is not either so fair or so sympathetic as that given, say, Neo-Classical Doctrine.
Institutionalism is handsomely handled by Dr. Dorfman. There is some feeling that the material might be expanded to cover modern Institutionalists and their work and problems more intensively.

3) Economic History. Dr. Hacker’s treatment of American Economic History is very popular, as is Professor Burn’s course in modern capitalism. A course in Modern European Economic History, from the breakdown of Feudalism, would be very well received in addition, although the Burns course could be expanded to fill this need.
There is dissatisfaction with the existing Seminar. Auspices that would concentrate more closely on the material are rather widely held to be desirable. Professor Stockder’s seminar might fill this gap were it admitted to graduate economics standing. A suggestion for procedure should this prove impossible is included under “Catalog” below.

4) Labor. This may be discussed under two heads, a) Offering for the student specializing elsewhere, and b) Specialization in Labor Economics.

a) A General Survey Course in Labor Economics under capable, sympathetic auspices will be subject to very wide demand. Students whose major interest is elsewhere seem to feel quite generally that so important a branch of economics should not be left blank in their education. A large demand will also be forthcoming from first-year students who have not previously studied labor, either at all or adequately, whether or not they intend to specialize here. Such a course is of necessity a large lecture type, and requires in its instructor the specific technique relevant.
A counter-suggestion by the Faculty is that Professor Wolman expand the subject-matter of his course. A very wide and almost unopposed sector of student feeling would prefer bringing in an outsider more cordial to the material and more tolerant of the viewpoints and questions of the members of the class.
b) A Seminar in Labor Relations for the specialist would find many applicants. Student desires as to the auspices are in agreement with the above comments. No university adequately specializes in training labor economists, and it is suggested that Columbia might consider filling this more than local gap.

5) Public Economic Policy. It is safe to say that no subject arouses wider interest among students. At present, public policy is dealt with piecemeal among the several courses, with by no means all the most important aspects being covered at all. (The most thoroughly considered section is monetary policy, both existing and proposed.) It is submitted that this is an important need which Columbia is well fitted to meet without much extra trouble.
Suggestions on this score represent the fusion of two streams of thought; a) The proposal of a joint seminar to explore specific areas of planning and policy, and to be conducted by academic experts in the various fields (Angell, Bonbright, Gayer, Orchard, Macmahon, Lynd, etc.); b) The feeling that contact with people actually engaged in forming and executing public policy would provide a realistic knowledge of problems actually faced (economically, politically, administratively, etc.), as well as valuable personal relations. The suggestion under (b) would involve the invitation to Columbia for one, several, or all meetings of the seminar such men as Berle, Ezekiel, Currie, Tugwell, Mumford, Wallace, etc. etc.
Experience with the mere importation of outside lecturers, as in an instance in the Public Law Department, seems to show that a course so built lacks continuity and depth in grappling with such problems as would be considered under (a) above.
Yet to define the benefits of (b) to the membership of a seminar of manageable size would be wasteful and otherwise undesirable. Two solutions have been advanced, which are not mutually exclusive. The first involves the holding of “public” and “private” meetings in the manner of the Banking Seminar. This could be assisted by co-operation with the Economics Club, that is, the visitors could partially be drained off into luncheon meetings. This solution suffers from several difficulties including the discontinuity of having each outsider only once. The second solution is embodied in the suggestion for Panel Seminars below.
Students would greatly like to co-operate in the organization of this seminar.

6) Agricultural Economics. While this is already a subject of inter-university specialization, a survey course is part of a rounded general offering.

7) Population. Students do not feel that this is ably handled. The suggestion has been made that Professor Goodrich’s course in Internal Migration could be expanded to cover this, and also Regionalism (see under (8) below).

8) Economic Geography. The offering in the School of Business is excellent, and needs only to be given graduate economics status. See also under (7) above and “Catalogue” below.

9) Method and Technique of Research. This includes a thousand little troublesome matters that each professor assumes that the student learns elsewhere. What are the Journals in economics and related fields? How do we keep up with current developments in economics? What are the basic sources in various branches? Where are all these things scattered in the library? How do we begin the investigation of a new topic? How doe we prepare a bibliography? And many others.
The suggestions here fall under three heads. First, it is felt that a booklet answering the above and related questions would prove extremely helpful. Second, instructors should keep this need in mind, and clarify the portions of techniques and bibliography that fall in their sphere. Third, careful bibliographies already existing for various courses, and others that may arise, could be assembled and sold at cost.

10) Panel Seminar. This refers to a method of conducting seminars that shows promise of solving the dilemma of the unwieldiness of large numbers on the one hand, and the wastes of exclusiveness on the other. The discussion is conducted by a panel, consisting of one or more instructors and visitors and a carefully selected small group of students. Where student reports are to be presented, the selection is keyed to guaranteeing excellence and pointedness. An “audience” of students interested in the topic may ask occasional questions from the floor, but does not act to lower the tone of the discussion nor to encumber its progress. The “audience” may be regularly enrolled, receiving attendance credit, or may vary with the particular meeting’s content. Large and varying “audiences” are probably too much for this structure to carry.
It is felt that this method would meet the need in several situations. It should operate to raise the quality of the reports, doing away with the boredom and consequent loss of enthusiasm and tempo that so often assails large seminars now. But at the same time, it would avoid the narrow exclusiveness that operates to keep interested students from an organized study of subjects offered only in seminars.
The seating arrangements suggested by the above description seem rather stiff and stilted and disruptive. In point of fact, they are not a necessary corollary of this division of labor. Ordinary seminar seating can be used, the only requirement being that there is a staff of students who are considered capable, intelligible and interesting, and who do the reporting.
The panel seminar method is especially suggested for the discussion of public economic policy advocated in (5) above, where it is felt that wide student interest would be aroused and should be encouraged.

11) Doctor’s Oral Examinations. Under existing conditions, orals engender a period of rather heavy strain in most students. This period is of the order of two weeks or so, and is not related to the quantity of work being done, but rather to the crisis quality of the examinations. No useful purpose is served by this strain, in fact it is generally considered a hindrance to efficiency.
The remedy seems to be a removal of some of the critical focus upon orals. This may be accomplished, with no loss of academic standards or relevant rigor, by the process of having the true examination take place informally with each of the professors involved before the formal oral is taken. The formal assembled examination then assumes the character of a more official formality, in which passing is nearly certain barring a strong reason to the contrary. This division between the investigation of proficiency and ability on the one hand, and the ceremonial opportunity to forbid the banns on the other, should not only relieve most of the strain on the candidate, but also afford the faculty a more intensive chance to satisfy itself as to the student’s competence.
There are some indications that the present situation approximates this suggestion more closely than appears on the surface. Insofar as this is true, all that is necessary is to let this true state of affairs become clear to the candidates. In any event, more could be done along these lines with benefit and relief to all concerned.

12) Training for Careers. It is important periodically to review the types of career for which students in economics at Columbia are acquiring training, and at the same time to survey the curriculum with respect to the kind of training it chiefly affords. The student body is divided in proportions unknown at present* mainly among those preparing for teaching, for research, and for government service. The curriculum is skewed in the direction of training research workers. This fundamental educational divergence is worth noting, and worth investigating in its effects upon the value of the Economics offering to the students.

*One of the questions on this year’s questionnaire will be directed to this problem.

Many of the curricular suggestions above are directed as much to the problem “what kind of work” as to the problem “research in what field”, and are worthy of reconsideration in this light.

13) Catalog. The arrangement of the catalog, and the standing given by it to various courses, can prove a powerful aid in broadening the area of endeavor for which preparation may be secured here, as well as filling many of the lesser holes mentioned above.
In regard to the standing given courses in other departments, particularly in the School of Business, the effort has been made above to mention fields in which benefit would accrue to Master’s candidates if Graduate Economics Standing were given to certain courses. Particularly does this apply to the offerings of Brissenden, Stockder, perhaps Morgan, and to the advanced courses in Economic Geography. Where this is not feasible, something can be done by way of the advisory committee, see below.
Positive encouragement rather than permission can be given to students to broaden the scope of their studies if the catalog, or if necessary a separate printed or mimeographed announcement, would list as fully as possible all courses in related fields, or isolated courses of interest, that would be profitable to economists. In this way many gaps that the Economics Department cannot hope to fill itself would be plugged, and the benefits of intra-University division of labor would be received.

14) Advisory Committee. This has proved itself useful this year, and should certainly be continued. Its mention here is in connection with the potentialities of cooperation between it and the administration and faculty.
Many of the suggestions in these notes that may prove impossible of fulfillment, particularly those which come together under “Catalog”, may be aided by the unofficial action of the advisory Committee. If the committee is in possession of information concerning related courses, for instance, then even in the absence of official action the broadening of courses of study can be advanced. In this and many similar cases, the worthwhileness of the Department to new students can be increased.


Source:  Columbia University Archives. Columbiana. Department of Economics Collection. Box 1 “General departmental notices, memoranda, etc. Curriculum material”, Folder “Committee on Instruction”.

Image Source:  Butler Library, 1939. Columbia’s Rare Book & Manuscript Library blog. April 19, 2018.