Columbia Economists

Columbia. Henry L. Moore’s Memorial Minute, 1959. Salary issue, 1924.



We begin with an example of the honored academic tradition of a faculty minute entered into the record following the death of a present or former colleague. In the year that the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded to Angus Deaton, in part, for his work in applied consumption analysis, I post the Columbia University Faculty of Political Science memorial minute for Henry L. Moore.

I follow the Memorial Minute with a letter written by Moore to his chairman Edwin R. A. Seligman appealing for a pay raise on the grounds that his research performance had been undervalued relative to administrative work and teaching of a colleague.


[Memorial Minute]


April 17, 1959

Henry L. Moore

Henry Ludwell Moore was born in southern Maryland in 1869, the seventh in direct male line of descent from a Henry Moore who settled in Virginia in 1635 and who later moved to Maryland. After obtaining a B.A. at Randolph Macon in 1892, he pursued his studies at the University of Vienna and later received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins in 1896. After one year as instructor of economics at Johns Hopkins and five years at Smith College, he came to Columbia in 1902 as adjunct professor, continuing as Professor of Political Economy from 1906 to his premature retirement from professional activity for reasons of health in April, 1929. He died at the age of 88 on April 28, 1958.

Professor Moore was a pioneer in the application of statistical theory, founded on the calculus of probabilities, to the evaluation of economic relationships in a context of a mathematically developed economic theory. Under the influence of his colleague John Bates Clark, 22 years his senior, and of Karl Pearson, Moore developed a statistical verification and extension of Clark’s theory of distribution in his “Laws of Wages,” published in 1911. In his “Forecasting the Yield and the Price of Cotton,” published in 1917, the inherent brilliance of his use of multiple correlation techniques by which he was able to outpredict, in retrospect at least, the elaborate crop forecasting machinery set up by the Department of Agriculture is in no way diminished, though somewhat disguised by the fact that the advent of the boll weevil completely upset the older relationships and made his formulas useless for subsequent forecasting, though the techniques remained valid.

In addition to his interest in economics, Moore had a deep attachment to classical philosophy and an interest ranging over many other fields; one of his courses was entitled “Interrelations of Political Economy and Sociology.” His interest in astronomy is perhaps responsible for his ill-fated attempt to relate the eight year business cycle, which he considered to be well established, to a corresponding weather cycle, and thereby to the corresponding periodicity of the transits and near-transits of Venus. In this he demonstrated a willingness to look for hypotheses to test wherever the data seemed to lead him, regardless of how remote the connection may initially seem, a procedure which, however dangerous it may be for the individual, is salutary for the progress of a science that finds it easier to weed out error than to develop new truth.

Moore’s pioneering steps have been to a considerable extent eclipsed in the minds of the current generation of economists by the tracks of those who have used the methods he pioneered. Henry Schultz’ all too brief but important career was given its initial impetus under Moore’s tutelage. Among the many others whose work was strongly influenced by Moore are Holbrook Working, Hugh Killough, Bradford Smith, Edmund Daggit, Fred Waugh, Louis Bean, and Mordecai Ezekiel. Moore’s final work, “Synthetic Economics” provided a significant bridge between the now classic work of Walras and Pareto in the field of mathematical economics and the more recent formulations of Hotelling and Samuelson.

In the nearly 30 years that have elapsed since his retirement, most of those who knew him intimately have left the science; yet it is appropriate to recall once more the significant role he had in the advancement of quantitative economics before the onrush of his successors hides his work completely from view.


Source: Department of Economics Collection, Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Box 8, Faculty of Political Science Minutes 1913-1959; Folder, “Faculty of Political Science Minutes”.


The following letter of Henry L. Moore reflects a severe salary structure problem within the Columbia economics department going into 1924-25. Professors Wesley C. Mitchell, Henry L. Moore and Vladimir G. Simkhovitch were all receiving $6,000 annual salaries whereas the second-highest paid professor, Henry R. Seager, was getting paid $7,500. Highest paid was the chairman, Edwin R. A. Seligman at $10,000. In his departmental budget request to Columbia President Nicholas Murray Butler (November 23, 1923), Seligman reminded Butler of an “understanding that the salaries of a number of professors now receiving $6,000 will be advanced next year to $7,500, the minimum, as everyone must agree, compatible with the maintenance of the standing of living desirable for Columbia professors” and made the case for pay raises for Mitchell, Moore and Simkhovitch. The pay raises were ultimately granted, not for 1924-25, but for the following year.

Henry L. Moore’s lament should probably be read as expressing as his disappointed hope and/or that he might have been unaware of Seligman’s efforts in 1923 to get him the parity with Henry R. Seager that he was petitioning for.


Columbia University
in the City of New York

Faculty of Political Science

September 20, 1924

My dear Professor Seligman:

We are about to begin the work of another year and I am anxious to do all in my power to contribute toward the solution, within the Department, of the personal problem before us. I ask leave, therefore, to present to you and, if you think it advisable, to other members of the Department, a statement of the relative amounts received in salary by Professor Seager and myself from the University:


Year Prof. Seager Prof. Moore
1902-3 3000 3000 I have had to rely on my memory for the changes in Prof. Seager’s salary. The figures relating to my own income are taken from my records.
1903-4 3500 3500
1904-5 3500 3500
1905-6 3500 3500
1906-7 3500 3500
1907-8 3500 3500
1908-9 4000 4000
1909-10 4500 2800 Here Professor Seager’s salary went up $500 and mine down $1200
1910-11 4500 2800
1911-12 6000 2800
1912-13 6000 2800
1913-14 6000 2800
1914-15 6000 2800
1915-16 6000 2800
1916-17 6000 2800
1917-18 6000 2800
1918-19 6000 4500
1919-20 6000 4000
1920-21 7500 6000
1921-22 7500 6000
1923-24 7500 6000
$117500 $82200

Several facts in this table need comment:

(1) Our salaries and rank were the same until the year 1909-10 when, at my request, in order that I might devote more time to research, I was relieved of much teaching and administrative work. I gladly paid for the increased leisure by suffering a reduction of my salary from $4000 to $2800. The same year Professor Seager’s salary was increased from $4000 to $4500. This annual difference of $1700 continued until 1911-12.

(2) In 1911-12 Professor Seager’s salary was increased to $6000; mine remained at $2800. The annual difference of $3200 continued until 1918-19 when, during the War, I was transferred to Barnard College at a salary of $4500. Professor Seager’s salary was $6000.

(3) The next year, 1919-20, I was transferred to Columbia, with a salary of $4000. Professor Seager’s remained at $6000.

(4) In 1920-21 Professor Seager’s salary was increased to $7500 and mine to $6000. The annual difference of $1500 has continued to the present time.

It would appear from these figures that if no account be taken of the reduction in our pay when we have been on leave of absence, Professor Seager’s aggregate salary has exceeded mine by more than thirty five thousand dollars.

*   *

A few years ago there was a Convocation of the Faculties of the University to consider methods of promoting research. You made a memorable speech in which you went directly to the heart of the matter in saying: “The only way to promote research is to find a man who can do it and then let him alone”. You were absolutely right. But how does it work in the particular case of our own Department? For twenty odd years Professor Seager and myself, who entered Columbia together with the same rank and same salary, have pursued different ends. he has preferred administration and teaching and has justly prospered in honors and income. I have accepted the necessary isolation and incurred the risks of the investigator who attacks new problems and devises new methods, but after nearly a quarter of a century of unremitting labor I have received from the University some thirty thousand dollars less than my honored colleague.

*   *

I am grateful to the University for giving me the opportunity for creative thought, and you will bear witness that I have never evinced any other sentiment than pleasure in the progress of a colleague. But isn’t there a principle at stake? Is it just to permit the financial discrimination between us to continue?

Yours sincerely,

Henry L. Moore

Source: Columbia University. Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Seligman Collection Box 37 (aggregation of original Seligman boxes 100-102). Folder: “Box 100, Seligman, Columbia 1924-30”.


For more about Henry Moore, see George J. Stigler, Henry L. Moore and Statistical Economics. Econometrica, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Jan., 1962), pp. 1-21.

Image Source: Precedes the Stigler article.

Columbia Courses Economists Syllabus

Columbia. Introductory Economics. First-term, 1912-13.

According to the Columbia University Catalogue for 1912-13, Economics 1-2, Introduction to economics–Practical economic problems was a 3 hour course taught by Professors Seager, Mussey, Agger, and Dr. Anderson. According to this outline it would appear that these instructors taught the material in the assigned textbook readings listed and once a week, a professor from the graduate faculty of Political Science would hold a lecture. The printed copy of the lectures and assignments transcribed here was found in the Papers of John Bates Clark.


Columbia College

Lectures and Assignments, Economics I.


27 Introductory Lecture. Professor H. R. Seager
30 ELY, Chapter I.—Nature and Scope of Economics.
2 SELIGMAN, Chapter V.—The Economic Stages.
4 Lecture. The Accumulation of Economic Facts. Prof. R. E. Chaddock.
7 SELIGMAN, CHAPTER IV.—The Historical Forms of Business Enterprise
9 SELIGMAN, CHAPTER IX.—Private Property
11 Lecture. Conservation as an Economic Movement. Prof. R. E. Chaddock.
14 SELIGMAN, CHAPTER X.—Competition
18 Lecture. A Method of Approaching and Testing Economic Reforms. Prof. R. E. Chaddock.
21 ELY, Chapter VII.—Elementary Concepts. To page 101.  
23 ELY, Chapter VIII.—Consumption. Pages 106 to 113 to “Luxury”
25 Lecture. Value and Price. Dr. B. M. Anderson, Jr.
28 ELY, Chapter IX.—Production. Pages 121-131 incl. (omitting 132-145).
30 Written Quiz covering all the above.
1 Lecture. Normal Price. Dr. B. M. Anderson, Jr.
4 ELY, Chapter XI.—Value and Price. Pages 156-163 to “Elasticity”. [corrected by hand from “Electricity”]
6 ELY, Chapter XI.— Value and Price. Pages 163-168 incl.
8 Lecture. Capitalization of Value. Dr. B. M. Anderson, Jr.
11 ELY, Chapter XII.—Value and Price. Pages 170-177 to “The Surplus of Bargaining”.
13 ELY, Chapter XII.— Value and Price. Pages 177-186.
15 Lecture. The Size of the Population. Prof. H. L. Moore.
18 ELY, Chapter XIII.—Monopoly. Pages 187-192 to “Classification” and page 197 “Monopoly Price” to page 201.
20 ELY, Chapter XIII.—Monopoly. Pages 201-208 to “Monopolies and the Distribution of Wealth”.
22 Lecture. The Quality of the Population. Prof. H. L. Moore.
25 Review.
27 Written quiz.
29 Thanksgiving Holidays.
2 ELY, Chapter XIX.—Distribution as an Economic Problem, Pages 315-325.
4 ELY, Chapter XIX.— Distribution as an Economic Problem, Pages 326-333.
6 Lecture. Efficiency and Income. Prof. H. L. Moore.
9 SELIGMAN, Chapter XXIII.—Profits. Sections 152-154 incl.
11 SELIGMAN, Chapter XXIII.—Profits. Sections 155-157 incl.
13 Lecture. Profits. Prof. J. B. Clark.
16 ELY, Chapter XXI.—Rent of Land. Pages 348-357 to “The Different Uses of Land”.
18 ELY, Chapter XXI.—Rent of Land. Pages 357-366.
20 Lecture. The Rent of Land and the Single Tax. Prof. J. B. Clark.
Christmas Holidays
6 ELY, Chapter XXII.—The Wages of Labor. Pages 367-376 to “Subsistence Theory.”
8 ELY, Chapter XXII.—The Wages of Labor. Pages 376-385.
10 Lecture. Wages of Labor. Prof. J. B. Clark.
13 ELY, Chapter XXIV.—Interest. Pages 416-425 to “The Shifting of Investment”.
15 ELY, Chapter XXIV.—Interest. Pages 425 to 438 omitting fine print.
17 Lecture. Capital and Interest. Prof. J. B. Clark.
20 Review

The text assignments are to the 1910 editions of Prof. E. R. A. Seligman’s Principles of Economics and to Prof. R. T. Ely’s Outlines of Economics.


            COLLATERAL READING: (Pages to be assigned)

Bücher Industrial Evolution

Bullock Readings in Economics.

George Progress and Poverty. [Memorial Edition(1898): Vol. I, Vol. II.]


Source: John Bates Clark Papers, Series II.4. Box 9. Folder “Administrative Records and Course Material Undated”; Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University Library.


Columbia Economists

Columbia. Lecture Series. Seager on Economics. 1907-08.


Lectures on Science, Philosophy and Art, 1907-1908 at Columbia University.

A SERIES of twenty-two lectures descriptive in untechnical language of the achievements in Science, Philosophy and Art, and indicating the present status of these subjects as concepts of human knowledge, were delivered at Columbia University, during the academic year 1907-1908, by various professors chosen to represent the several departments of instruction.

The entire lecture series was published by Columbia University Press in book form. These lectures were also published by Columbia University Press separately in pamphlet form, at a price of twenty-five cents each, “carriage extra”. I was able to find most of the individual lectures. In boldface are people who were either members of or regularly taught courses in Columbia’s Faculty of Political Science, which was disproportionately represented in the lecture series.

  1. MATHEMATICS, by Cassius Jackson Keyser, Adrain Professor of Mathematics.
  2. PHYSICS, by Ernest Fox Nichols, Professor of Experimental Physics.
  3. CHEMISTRY, by Charles F. Chandler, Professor of Chemistry.
  4. ASTRONOMY, by Harold Jacoby, Rutherfurd Professor of Astronomy.
  5. GEOLOGY, by James Furman Kemp, Professor of Geology.
  6. BIOLOGY, by Edmund B. Wilson, Professor of Zoology.
  7. PHYSIOLOGY, by Frederic S. Lee, Professor of Physiology.
  8. BOTANY, by Herbert Maule Richards, Professor of Botany.
  9. ZOOLOGY, by Henry E. Crampton, Professor of Zoology.
  10. ANTHROPOLOGY, by Franz Boas, Professor of Anthropology.
  11. ARCHAEOLOGY, by James Rignall Wheeler, Professor of Greek Archaeology and Art.
  12. HISTORY, by James Harvey Robinson, Professor of History.
  13. ECONOMICS, by Henry Rogers Seager, Professor of Political Economy.
  14. POLITICS, by Charles A. Beard, Adjunct Professor of Politics.
  15. JURISPRUDENCE, by Munroe Smith, Professor of Roman Law and Comparative Jurisprudence.
  16. SOCIOLOGY, by Franklin Henry Giddings, Professor of Sociology.
  17. PHILOSOPHY, by Nicholas Murray Butler, President of the University.
  18. PSYCHOLOGY, by Robert S. Woodworth, Adjunct Professor of Psychology.
  19. METAPHYSICS, by Frederick J. E. Woodbridge, Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy.
  20. ETHICS, by John Dewey, Professor of Philosophy.
  21. PHILOLOGY, by A. V. W. Jackson, Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages
  22. LITERATURE, by Harry Thurston Peck, Anthon Professor of the Latin Language and Literature.

Image Source: Roberto Ferrari, Unveiling Alma Mater [Sept 23, 1903]. Columbia University Libraries. July 15, 2104.

Columbia Courses Economists Syllabus

Columbia. Syllabus for Trust Problem. Seager, 1907

The second in a two-semester “problem sequence” taught by Professor Henry Rogers Seager at Columbia. Found in the papers of John Maurice Clark. The first semester was a course on the labor problem. The field of pre-game-theory industrial organization can trace its roots to the trust problem.


ECONOMICS 106—Trust Problem.        Professor Seager.

Tu. And Th. At 11.30, second half-year. 415 L.

In this course special attention is given to the trust problem as it presents itself in the United States. Among the topics considered are the rise and progress of industrial combinations, the forms of organization and policies of typical combinations, the common law and the trusts, anti-trust acts and their results, and other proposed solutions of the problem.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.

Source: Columbia University. Bulletin of Information. Fifth Series, No. 10 (March 25, 1905). History, Economics, and Public Law. Courses Offered by the Faculty of Political Science. Announcement 1905-07, p. 25.


Columbia University
in the City of New York



Professor of Political Economy


(The references are to the numbers attached to the titles in the bibliography. Those printed in heavy-faced type constitute the required reading for the course. Those marked with asterisks are especially recommended.)


  1. Nature and scope of the trust problem. Survey of literature. (43, chap. XVIII, pp. 428-441.)
  2. Progress of the corporation movement in the United States. (*8, chap. I; *36, June, 1890, pp. 50 et seq.; 47, 1900, vol. VII, chap. II, sec. XI, and 1905, Bulletin 57, pp. 13-18.)
  3. Progress of the trust movement in the United States. (5, chap. I; 9, chap. I; *14, chap. V; *30, chap. I; 31; 41, vol. XIX, pp. 595-608; 47, 1900, vol. VII, chap. II, sec. XVII.)
  4. Conflicting theories in regard to the economic advantages of the trusts. (22, chaps. I and II; 43, chap. XVIII, pp. 442-461; *6, pp. 35-42; *14, chap. IV; *30, chap. II; 27, Part I.)
  5. Typical American trusts; the Addyston Pipe Company. (22, chap. VII ; 43, chap. V.)
  6. Typical American trusts : the Standard Oil Company. (22, chap. VIII, pp. 151-157; 29; 39; 40; 41, vol. I, pp. 93-173; *44; 46.)
  7. Typical American trusts: the Standard Oil Company today. (*37.)
  8. Typical American trusts: the United States Steel Corporation. (22, Appendix F ; *28, chap. XVII ; 41, vol. I, pp. 173-205; 42; *48.)
  9. The United States Steel Corporation’s bond conversion (43, chap. VIII.)
  10. Typical American trusts: the International Mercantile Marine Company. (43, Chap. VI.)
  11. Typical American trusts: the United States Shipbuilding Company (43, chap. IX.)
  12. The success of American trusts as business enterprises. (*15, 1907; 31.)
  13. Conflicting legal theories in regard to corporations and the attitude of American courts. (16; *17, pp. XVIII-XLIII ; *21, pp. 7-16 ; *45, chaps. III and VIII.)
  14. The development of corporation laws in the American states and the present law of New Jersey. (4; *6, pp. 383-394, 409-422 ; *21; 23.)
  15. The Massachusetts Business Corporation Law. (43, chap. XV; *38.)
  16. State anti-trust legislation and the reasons for its failure. (*1, 1904, pp. 37-41; *13, vol. II, part VIII; 30, chap. V ; 41, vol. I, pp. 225-232, vol. II.)
  17. The federal anti-trust act of 1890 and what has been accomplished under it. (43, chap. XII ; 13, vol. II, part VII.)
  18. Latest phases of the attempt to enforce the anti-trust act. (43, chap. XIV.)
  19. The trust problem in the United Kingdom and the British Companies Act of 1900. (43, chap. XVII; 20, part II, chap. III ; 27, chaps. VIII and IX ; 41, vol. XVIII, part I, chap. II.)
  20. The trust problem in Germany. (22, chap. XII; 24 ; 35, third series, vol. V, no. 3; *41, vol. XVIII, part I, chap. V.)
  21. Germany’s corporation law and the attitude of the German government towards trusts. (43, chap. XVI; 24 ; *41, vol. XVIII, part II, chap. IV.)
  22. Present problem in the United States: the trusts and investors. (22, chaps. V and VI; 28, chaps. VII, VIII, XV, and XIX ; 41, vol. I, Digest, pp. 242-253.)
  23. Present problem in the United States: the trusts and wage-earners. (22, chap. IX; 6, pp. 349-354 ; 9, chaps. VII and VIII.)
  24. Present problem in the United States: the trusts and consumers. (22, chap. VIII; 41, vol. I, part I, pp. 39-57.)
  25. Present problem in the United States: the trusts and the tariff. (22, chap. III; 5, chaps. VI and XV; *6, pp. 171-177 ; *8, chap. III; 25; 41, vol. XIX pp. 627-631.)
  26. Proposed solutions of the trust problem. (22, chap. XI; *1, 1904, pp. 44-63; 30, chap. VI; 41, vol. XIX, pp. 649-652.)
  27. Objects to be accomplished through federal control over the trusts. (22, chap. XIII; *7, chaps. IV and V; 21, pp. 168-173; 28, chap. XX.)
  28. The future of trusts in the United States. (*26, part III, chap. II; *27, chap. XII.


  1. Annual Reports of the United States Commissioner of Corporations. 1904—
  2. Baker, Monopolies and the People. Third edition. 1899.
  3. Beach, A Treatise on the Law of Monopolies and Industrial Trusts. 1898.
  4. Black, Corporation Laws of New York and New Jersey. Second edition, 1904.
  5. Bolen, Plain Facts as to the Trusts and the Tariff. 1902.
  6. Chicago Conference on Trusts, September, 1899. 1900.
  7. Clark, The Control of Trusts. 1901.
  8. Clark, The Problem of Monopoly. 1904.
  9. Collier, The Trusts. 1900.
  10. Cook, “Trusts.” Second edition. 1888.
  11. Davis, Corporations: Their Origin and Development, 2 vols. 1905.
  12. Dos Passos, Commercial Trusts. 1901.
  13. Eddy, The Law of Combinations, 2 vols. 1901.
  14. Ely, Monopolies and Trusts. 1900.
  15. Financial Review (Annual) of the Commercial and Financial Chronicle.
  16. Freund, The Legal Nature of Corporations. 1896.
  17. Gierke, Political Theories of the Middle Ages. 1900.
  18. Gunton, Trusts and the Public. 1899.
  19. von Halle, Trusts or Industrial Combinations in the United States. 1895.
  20. Hirst, Monopolies, Trusts and Kartells. 1905.
  21. Horack, the Organization and Control of Industrial Corporations. 1903.
  22. Jenks, The Trust Problem. Revised edition. 1903.
  23. Laws of the State of New Jersey Relating to Business Companies. 1905.
  24. Liefmann, Die Unternehmerverbände. 1897.
  25. Liefmann, Schutzzoll und Kartelle. 1903.
  26. Macgregor, Industrial Combination. 1906.
  27. Macrosty, Trusts and the State. 1901.
  28. Meade, Trust Finance. 1903.
  29. Montague, The Standard Oil Company. 1904.
  30. Montague, Trusts of Today. 1904.
  31. Moody, Truth about the Trusts. 1904.
  32. Mussey, Combination in the Mining Industry. 1905.
  33. Nettleton, Trusts or Competition. 1900.
  34. Political Science Quarterly. 1886—
  35. Publications of the American Economic Association. 1886—
  36. Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association. 1888—
  37. Report of the Commissioner of Corporations on the Transportation of Petroleum. 1906.
  38. Report of the Committee (Massachusetts) on Corporation Laws. 1903.
  39. Report of the Committee (New York) on General Laws on the Investigation Relative to Trusts. New York Senate Document No. 50, Vol. V. 1888.
  40. Report of the Committee (United States) on Manufactures on the Investigation of Trusts. House of Representatives Report, No. 3112. 1888.
  41. Report of the United States Industrial Commission, 19 vols. 1900—1902.
  42. Reports of the United States Steel Corporation. 1902—
  43. Ripley, Trusts, Pools, and Corporations. 1903.
  44. Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company, 2 vols. 1904.
  45. Taylor, A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations. Fifth edition. 1905.
  46. Trust Investigation of the Ohio Senate. 1898.
  47. United States Census Reports and Bulletins.
  48. Wilgus, The United States Steel Corporation. 1901.

Source: Columbia Archives. John M. Clark Collection. Box 23, Lecture Notebooks.

Monopoly Image: From The Up-to-date Primer: A First Book of Lessons for Little Political Economists.

Chicago Columbia Cornell Courses Economists Harvard Johns Hopkins Michigan Pennsylvania Yale

Graduate Economics Courses. 23 US Universities. 1898-99

In this posting we have a compilation of virtually all the graduate courses in economics (and sociology) offered at the major graduate schools in the U.S. at the end of the 19th century. Source 




“ To state the numbers of Graduate Students who have taken courses in each department during 1897-8, thus giving an indication of the amount of graduate work actually going on. A Graduate Student often takes courses in two or more departments; such student counts once in each of those departments….

…The number of hours per week is put in small Roman, the number of weeks in Arabic numerals. A dash, followed by a mark of interrogation, calls attention to the absence of specific information. Unless months are given, a course usually extends from September or October to May or June (inclusive). The abbreviations for the names of the months are as follows: Ja., F., Mar., Ap., My., Jun., Jul., Au., S., O., N., D.

…[Enclosed] in brackets all courses not to be given in 1898-9. Bracketed courses usually may be expected in 1899-1900.

…[Marked] with the asterisk all courses “not designed primarily for Graduate Students.” It should be borne in mind that “Graduate work” in each institution is conditioned by local plans of administration, as well as by the previous preparation of Graduate Students. The marking of a course with an asterisk simply means that (under the conditions prevailing in his institution) the instructor does not offer the course with a primary purpose of meeting the needs of Graduate Students. But the inclusion of the course in these lists indicates that it is often useful to such students.” [p. liii]





(Including Finance and Statistics. See also 9 and 11.)


16 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

[All Graduate Courses in Columbia under 10 open to Barnard Graduate Students.]


8 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Henry B. Gardner, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Brown, ’84, and A.M., ’87; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’90;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., Brown, ’88-’90.

Hist. of Economic Thought.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Economic Policy. iii, 12, S.-D.
Money and Banking.* iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.
Public Finance.* iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.
Practical Economic Questions.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Economic Theory (adv.) iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.


George G. Wilson, Prof. of Social and Pol. Science.
A.B., Brown, ’86, A.M., and Ph.D., ’89;
Assoc. Prof. of Social and Pol. Science, ’91-5.

Princ. of Sociol.* iii, 12, S.-D.
Social Conditions and Probs.* iii, 21, Ja.-Jun.
Current Social Theory and Practice. i, 33.
Sociology. Seminary. Fort.


James Q. Dealey, Asst. Prof. of Social and Pol. Science.
A.B. Brown, ’90, A.M., ’92, and Ph.D., ’95.

Devel. of Social Theory. iii, 12, S.-D.
Social Philos. iii, 11, Ja.-Mar.
[Segregation of Population. iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.]


Alpheus S. Packard, Prof. of Zool. and Geol.
Ph.D., Bowdoin;
Libr. and Custodian, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ’65; Lect., Mass. Agricult. Col. ’69-’77; Maine Agricult. Col., ’71; Bowdoin, ‘73-6.

Anthropology.* iii, 10, Ap.-Jun.




3 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
1 Fel. $525 in Hist. of Political Science.


Lindley M. Keasbey, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Sci.
A.B., Harv., ’88; Ph.D., Columbia, ’90;
Asst. in Econ., Columbia, and Lect. on Pol. Sci., Barnard, ’92; R.P.D., Strassburg, ’92; Prof. of Hist., Econ., and Pol. Sci., State Univ. of Col., ’92-4.

Economic Institutions. i, 30.
Am. Primitive Society. i, 30.
Am. Commerce. i, 30.
Descriptive Sociology.* iii, 30.
Theoretical Sociology.* ii, 30.




1 Graduate Student, 1897-8.


Bernard Moses, Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Heidelberg.

Economic Theory.* iv, 16, Ja.-My.
[Econ. Condition of Laborers in Eng. ii, 16, Au.-D.]


Carl C. Plehn, Assoc. Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Science.
A.B., Brown; Ph.D., Gottingen.

[Federal Expenditures, Revenues and Debts. ii, 32.]
Industrial and Commercial Hist. of U. S. ii, 32.
[Currency and Banking. ii, 32.]
Finance and Taxation.* iv. 16, Ja.-My.
Statistics. Hist., Theory, and Method, as applied to Econ. Investigation.* ii, 16, Au.-D
Local Govt. and Admin. —?



 40 Graduate Students, 1897-8; and 40 in Summer Quarter, ‘97, in Political Economy;55 Graduate Students, 1897-8; and 95 in Summer Quarter, ’97, in Sociology. Pol. Econ., Club and Social Science Club fortnightly. Dept. libs. of Pol. Econ., Sociol. and Anthropol. have leading magazines and 6,000 vols. In Anthropol. Dept. of Walker Museum, coll. of 3,000 pieces on Archaeol. of Mexico,valuable colls. on Cliff and Cave Dwellings, and Japan and Aleutian Islands; also complete anthropometrical apparatus. Access to the Fieid Columbian Museum. 6 Fels. in Pol. Econ. 4 in Sociol. 1 Fel. in Anthropol.


J. Laurence Laughlin, Head Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’73; A.M., and Ph.D., ’76;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., same, ’83-8; Prof. Pol. Econ. and Finance, Cornell, ’90-2.

Money and Banking. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
Seminar. ii, 12, O.-D.
Money. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Seminar. ii, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Unsettled Problems. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Seminar. ii, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Bernard Moses, Prof. of History and Political Economy, Univ. of Cal.
Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., ’70; Ph.D., Heidelberg, ‘73;
Prof. of History and Engl. Lit., Albion Col. ’75; Prof. of Hist. Univ. Cal. ’75-6; Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ. Univ. Cal. ’76.

Practical Economics.* iv, 12, Jul.-S., and O.-D.
Advanced Course on Theory. iv, 12, Jul.-S., and O.-D.


Adolph C. Miller, Prof. of Finance.
A.B., California, ‘87 A.M., Harv., ‘88;
Instr., in Pol. Econ., Harv., ’89-’00; Lect. on Pol. Econ., California, ’90-1, and Asst. Prof.-elect of Hist. and Pol. Sci., same, ’91; Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ. and Finance, Cornell, ’91-2; Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ., Chicago, ’92-3.

[Public Finance. iv, 12, O.-D.]
[Economic and Social Hist. iv, 24, Ja.-Jun.]
Public Finance.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Financial Hist.* U. S. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
[Pol. Econ (adv).* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.]
[Taxation. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
Seminar in Finance. ii, 12, Ja.-Mar.


William Hill, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Kansas, ’90; A.B., Harv., ’91, and A.M., ’92;
Fellow, Harv., ‘91-3; Instr. Pol. Econ., same, ’93; Tutor Pol. Econ., Chicago, ’93-4; Instr., same, ’94-7.

Tariff Hist.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Railway Transportation.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Oral Debates.* ii, 24, O.-Mar. (With Messrs. Damon and Lovett.)
Comparative Railway Legislation.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Banking.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Money and Banking. iv, 12, O.-D.


Thorstein B. Veblen, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Carleton, ‘80; Ph.D., Yale, ‘84;
Fellow in Economics and Finance, Cornell, ’91-2; Fellow, Chicago, ’92-3; Reader in Pol. Econ., same, ’93-4; Tutor, same, ’94-6.

Hist. of Pol. Econ.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Scope and Method of Pol. Econ.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Socialism. iv, 24, Ja.-Jun.
American Agriculture. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Economic Factors of Civilization. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Henry Rand Hatfield, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Northwestern, ’92; Ph.D., Chicago, ’97;
Prof. of Pol. Econ. Washington Univ., ’95-7.

Railway Accounts, Exchanges, etc.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Processes of Leading Industries. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Coöperation.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


A.W. Small, Head Prof. of Sociol.
A.B., Colby, ’76, and A.M.’79; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’89;
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Colby, ’81-8; Reader in Hist., Johns Hopkins, ’88-9; Pres., Colby, ’89-’92.

Social Teleology. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Sociol. Methodology. viii, 6, Jul.-Au., and iv, 12, O.-D.
[Philos. of Soc. iv. 12, O.-D. State and Govt., Ja.-Mar. Socialism, Ap.-Jun. Social Functions U.S. Govt. iv, 6, Jul.-Au. Contemp. Soc, Jul.-Au.]
[Sem. Probs. in Social Teleology. ii, 36, O.-Jun.]
Social Dynamics. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
[Historical Sociology. iv, 12, Ja.- Mar.]
[Outlines of Constructive Social Philos. Philos. of Society. iv, 12, O.-D. The Social Problem. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. Philos. of State and Govt. iv, 12, Ap.-S.]
[Seminar. Problems of Social Dynamics. ii, 36, O.-Jun.]
Seminar. Problems in Methodology and Classification. ii, 36, O.-Jun.
[Am. Experience with State Control of Social Action. iv, Ja.-Mar.]
Controlling Ideas of Modern Society. iv, 12. Ap.-Jun., and iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
[Some Pending Problems in Sociology. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.]
[The Sociological Method of Stating the Social Problem and of Arranging Evidence, Applied to a Selected Hist. Period. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.]
[Comparative Study of Social Forces in Am. and French Democracy. iv, 6, O.-D.]


C. R. Henderson, Assoc. Prof. of Sociol.
A.B., Old Univ. of Chicago, ’70, and A.M., ‘73; D.B. Baptist Union Theol. Sem., ’73; D.D., same, ’83;
Assist. Prof. Sociol., Chicago, ’92-4.

Methods of Social Amelioration. Sem. ii, 36, O.-Jun.
[The Domestic Inst. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Associations for Sociability and Culture. iv, 12, O.-D.
[Social Reform. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
[Beneficent Forces of Cities. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
Social Inst. of Organized Christianity. iv, 12, O.-D.
Social Treatment of Crime. iv, 6, Au.-S.
[Bibl. and Eccles. Social Theories. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
[Field Work in Local Institutions of Charity and Correction. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.]
The Family.* iv, 12, O.-D.
The Labor Movement.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Amelioration of Rural Life. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
Modern Cities. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Contemporary Charities. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Philanthropy. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


Marion Talbot, Assoc. Prof. of Sanitary Science.
A.B., Boston Univ.’80, and A.M., ’82; B.S., Mass. Inst. of Technology, ’88;
Instr. Domestic Science, Wellesley, ’90-2.

General Hygiene.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Seminar. Sanitary Science.* iv, 36, O.-Jun.
House Sanitation.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Economy of Living. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Sanitary Aspects of Water, Food, and Clothing. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.


Charles Zueblin, Assoc. Prof. of Sociol.
Ph.B., Northwestern, ’87; D.B., Yale, ’89.

Social Philos. of Eng. People in the Victorian Era. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun. and Jul.-S.
Structure of Eng. Society.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun. and Jul.-S.


G. E. Vincent, Asst. Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Yale, ’85; Ph.D., Chicago, ’96;
Vice-Principal, Chautauqua System, ‘88-pr; Fellow in Sociology, Chicago, ’92-4.

Course in Statistics.
[Province of Sociol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
[Social Structure. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.]
The Social Mind and Education. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Contemporary Society in the U. S.* iv, 12, O.-D.
Am. City Life.* iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Introd. to Study of Society.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Introd. to Sociology,* iv, 12, O.-D.
The Theory of the Social Mind. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.


W. I. Thomas, Asst. Prof. of Sociol.

A.B., Univ. of Tenn., ’84; A.M., ’85; Ph.D., Chicago, ’96;
Prof. of English, Oberlin, ’89—’93; Fellow in Sociol., Chicago, ’93-4; Instr. in Folk-psychology, Chicago, ’95-6.

Folk-psychol. iv, 12, O.-D., and Ap.-Jun.
[Primitive Social Control. iv, 12, O.-D. Seminar.]
[Art and Amusement in Folk-psychol. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. Sex. Ap.-Jun.]
[Analogy and Suggestion in Folk-psychol. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar. The Child. Ap.-Jun.]
[Intro. to Study of Soc.* iv, 12, Jul.-S.]
Ethnological Æsthetic. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
The Primitive Social Mind. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
Sex in Folk-psychology. iv, 12, Ja.-Mar.
[Hungarian and South Slavonian Ethnology and Folk-psychol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Primitive Social Control. iv, 12, O.-D.


Lester F. Ward, Professorial Lecturer in Sociol., Smithsonian Institution.
A.B., Columbia, ‘69; LL.B., same, ‘71; A.M., ’73; LL.D., ’97.

Dynamic Sociology. iv, 4, Au.-S.
Social Mechanics. vi, 4, Au.-S.


Henry W. Thurston, Instr. in Econ. and Civics, Hyde Park High School.
A.B., Dartmouth, ’86.

A Method of Applying Sociological Pedagogy to the Teaching of Economics in Secondary Schools. iv, 6, Jul.-Au.


Frederick Starr, Assoc. Prof. of Anthropology.
S.B., Lafayette, ‘82; S.M. and Ph.D., ’85;
Prof. Biological Sciences, Coe Col., ‘84-8; in charge Dept. Ethnology, Am. Mus. of Natural Hist., ‘89-’91.

Lab. Work in Anthropology. iv, 36, O.-Jun.
Physical Anthropol. Lab. iv, 36, O.-Jun.
[Physical Anthropol. iv, 12, O.-D.]
Mexico Archaeology, Ethnology. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
General Anthropol.* iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.
Ethnology American Race. iv, 12, Jul.-S.
Prehistoric Archaeology. American. iv, 12, O.-D.
[Field Work in Anthropol. Mexico. Jul.-S.]
Prehistoric Archaeol. European. iv, 12, O.-D.
General Ethnology.* v, 12, Jul.-S.
General Anthropology.* iv, 6, Jul.-Au.
Ethnology American Race. iv, 6, O.-N.
Mexico. Archaeology, Ethnology. iv, 6, Au.-S.
[Comparative Technology. iv, 36, O.-Jun.]


Merton Leland Miller, Lecturer in Anthropology.

A.B., Colby Univ., ’90; Ph.D., Chicago. ’97.
Instr. Eureka Acad., ’92; Grad. Stud. at Chicago, ’92-7; Asst. In Anthropol. Mus., ‘94-7;

The Peoples of Europe. iv, 6. O.-N.
Physical Anthropology. Laboratory Work. iv, 36, O.-Jun.


J. H. Breasted, Asst. Prof. of Egyptology and Semitic Langs.; Asst. Dir. of Haskell Museum.
A.B., Northwestern, ’88;A.M., Yale, ‘92; A.M. and Ph.D., Berlin, ’94;
non-res. Fellow, Chicago, ’92-4; Asst. in Egyptology.

Chicago-Egyptian Life and Antiquities. iv, 12, Ap.-Jun.


C. H. Hastings.
A.B., Bowdoin, ’91.

Bibliography of Sociology. iv, 6, Au.-S.




63 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
[All graduate courses under 10 open to Barnard Graduate Students.]


Richmond Mayo-Smith, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Social Science.
Ph.D. (hon.), Amherst.

Pol. Econ. (el).* iii, 14, F.-Jun. (With Mr. Day.)
Pract. Pol. Econ:
(a) Problems of Mod. Industry. iii, 16, O.-F.
(b) Problems of Exchange. iii, 14, F.-Jun.
(c) Problems of Distribution. iii, 14, F.-Jun
(d) Readings in Marshall’s “Prin. of Econ.” i, 30.
Statistics and Sociology. ii, 16, O.-F.
Statistics and Economics. ii, 14, F.- Jun.
Theory, Technique, and Hist. of Statis. Sci. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Seminar. Statistics. i, 30.
Seminar. Pract. Econ. i, 30.


Edwin R. A. Seligman, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
LL.B., Ph.D., Columbia, ’84.

Econ. Hist. of Europe and America. ii, 16, O.-F. (With Mr. Day.)
Sci. of Finance. ii, 30.
Fiscal and Indus. Hist. of U. S. ii, 16, O.-F.
Hist. of Economics. ii, 30.
Railroad Problems. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
[Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 30.]
Seminar. Pol. Econ. and Finance. i, 30.


John B. Clark, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Amherst, ’75;
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Carleton, ’77-’82; Prof. of same, Smith, ’82-’93; Lect. Johns Hopkins, ‘92-5; Prof. Pol. Econ., Amherst, ’92-5.

Econ. Theory. Statics. ii, 16, O.-F.
Dynamics. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Communistic and Socialistic Theories. ii, 16, O.-F.
Theories of Social Reform. ii, 14. F.-Jun.
Seminar. Pol. Econ. i, 30.


Franklin H. Giddings, Prof. of Sociology.
A.M., Union.

General Sociology. ii, 16, O.-F.
Progress and Democracy. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Pauperism, Poor Laws, and Charities. ii, 16, O.-F.
Crime and Penology ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Seminar. Sociology. i, 30.


William Z. Ripley, Lect. on Anthropology.
B.S., Mass. Inst. of Tech , ’90; A.M., Columbia, ’92; Ph.D., Columbia, ’93;
Assoc. Prof. Pol. Econ. and Sociol., Mass. Inst. of Tech., 94-7; Lect., Hartford School of Sociology, ’95-6.

Physical Geog. Anthropol. and Ethnology. ii, 16, O.-F.


Livingston Farrand, Instr. in Physiolog. Psychol.
A.M., Princeton, ’91; M.D., Columbia, ’91.

General Anthropology. ii, 14, F.-Jun.
Anthropology. Primitive Culture. ii, 30.


Franz Boaz, Inst. in Anthropol.
Ph.D., Kiehl, ’81.

Phys. Anthropol. ii, 30.
Applica. of Statistical Methods to Biolog. Problems (adv). iii, 30.
North Am. Langs. Seminar. ii, 30.


George J. Bayles.
Ph.D., Columbia, ’95.

Civil Aspects of Ecclesiastical Organizations. i, 30.



14 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


J. W. Jenks, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Civil and Social Instit.
A.B., Michigan, ’78, and A.M., ’79; Ph.D., Halle, ’85;
Prof. Pol. Econ., Knox, and Indiana State Univ.; Prof. of Polit., Municipal, and Social Institutions, ’91-2.

Economic Legislation.* ii, 32.
Economics and Politics.*


Charles H. Hull, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.B.. Cornell, ’86; Ph.B., Halle, ’92;
Instr. in Pol. and Sociol. Institutions, Cornell. ’92-3.

Money, Credit, and Banking*. iii, 32.
Railroad Transportation.* iii, 9, Ap.- Jun.
Finance, Taxation, Admin.* Public Debts. ii, 32.
Recent Econ. Theory. Am., Eng., Continental.* ii, 32.
Earlier Econ. Theory (Prior to J. S. Mill).* ii, 32.
Economic and Commercial Geography. ii, 23, O.-Mar.
Seminary. ii. 32.


Chas. J. Bullock, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Boston, ’89; Ph.D., Wisconsin, ’95.

Industrial Hist., Eng. and Am.* ii, 32.
Internat. Trade and Tariff Hist. U. S.* ii, 32.
Labor Question.* ii, 12, S.-D.
Hist. Trades Unions.* ii, ll, Ja.-Mar.
Socialism.* ii, 9, Ap.-Jun.


Walter F. Willcox, Prof. of Social Science and Statistics.
A.B., Amherst; Ph.D., Columbia;
Instr. in Philos., Cornell, ’91-2; Asst. Prof. Social Science and Pol. Econ., ’92-4.

Social Science (el).* ii, 32.
Social Statistics.* ii, 32.
[Theoretical Social Science (adv).* ii, 32.]
Practical Social Science (adv).* ii, 32.
[Anthropology.* ii, 32.]
Philos. and Pol. Econ.* ii, 32.
Seminary. ii, 32.


Wm. E. Baldwin, Pres. Long Island R. R.
A.B., Harvard, ’85.

Pract. Railroad Management. Lects. i-ii, Ja.-Mar.


Charlton T. Lewis, Counsel Mutual Life Ins. Co.

Principles of Insurance. Lects. i, 15,

B. F. Fernow, Director of Col. of Forestry.
Grad. State Col. of Forestry, Münden, Prussia;
Chief of Dir. of Forestry, U. S. Dept. of Agric, ’86-’92, LL.D., Wisconsin.

Forestry: Econ and Pol. Aspects. ii, 21, Ja.-Jun.



21 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
(Courses marked [R] are open to Radcliffe Graduate Students.)

Fel. in Pol. Econ., $450; in Soc. Sci., $500; in Archaeol. and Ethnol., $500 and $1,050, and Schol. of $200. Prize of $150 for Essay in Pol. Sci., two of $100 each for essays on social questions. Peabody Mus., Am. Archaeol., and Ethnol., with Lib., is intended for research.


Charles F. Dunbar, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’51; LL.D., same, ’91.

Financial Legislation of U. S.* ii, 15, F.-Jun.
[Financial Admin. and Pub. Debts. iii, 15, F.-Jun.]
Money and Banking. v, 15, O.-Ja.
Seminary. Economics. i, 30. (With Prof. Taussig and Asst. Prof. Cummings.)


Frank W. Taussig, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., ’79; Ph.D., ’83, and LL.B., ’86.

Econ. Theory in the 19th Cent.* iii, 30. (With Prof. MacVane.)
[Theory and Methods of Taxation. Special ref. to U. S. Local Taxation.* ii-iii, 15, O.-Ja.]
Scope and Method of Economic Theory and Investigation.* ii-iii, 30.


William J. Ashley, Prof. of Econ. Hist.
A.B., Oxford, ’81, and A.M., ’85; Fel., Lincoln Col., and Lect. on Hist., Lincoln and Corpus Christi Col., Oxford, ’85-8; Prof. Pol. Econ. and Const. Hist., Toronto, ’88-, ‘92.

[Mediaeval Economic Hist. of Europe.* ii-iii, 30.]
[Hist. and Lit. of Economics to close of 18th Cent.* ii-iii, 30.]


Edward Cummings, Asst. Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Harv., ’83; A.M., same, ’85.

Princ. of Sociology. Devel. of Modern State.* ii-iii, 30.
Socialism and Communism.* ii-iii, 30.
Labor Question in Europe and U. S.* iii, 30. (With Dr. John Cummings.)


John Cummings, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv., 91; Ph.D., Chicago, ’94.

Theory and Methods of Statistics*. iii, 30.


H. R. Meyer, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Harv. ’92; A.M., ’94.

Public Works, Railways, etc., under Corporate and Pub. Management.* iii, 15, F.-Jun.


G. S. Callender, Instr. in Pol. Econ.
A.B., Oberlin Col., ’91; A.B., Harv., ’93; A.M., ’94; Ph.D., ’97.

Economic Hist. of the U. S.*
Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th Cents.* ii-iii, 15, F.-Jun.
Western Civilization in its Economic Aspects.* ii-iii, 15, F.-Jun.


Francis G. Peabody, Prof. of Christian Morals.
A.B., Harv., ’69; A.M. and S.T.B., ’72; S.T.D., Yale, ‘87.

[Ethics of Social Questions.* iii, 30. (With Dr. Rand.)]
[Sociolog. Sem. Christian Doct. of the Social Order. ii, 30.]


Frederick W. Putnam, Prof, of Archaeology and Ethnology, and Curator of Peabody Museum.
A.M. (hon,), Williams, ’68; S.D.(hon.), Univ. of Pa., ’94;
Curator Dept. Anthropol., Am. Mus., Central Park, N. Y.

Primitive Religion. iii, 30. (With Mr. Dixon.)

[R] Am. Archaeol. and Ethnol. Research.


F. Russell, Asst. in Anthropology.
S.B., Univ., of Iowa, ’92, and S.M., ’95; Asst., same, ’94-5.

Gen. Anthropology, Archaeology, Ethnology.* iii, 30. (With an Asst.)
[R] Somatology. iii, 15, F.-Jun.
[R] Somatology (adv). Research—?



9 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Sidney Sherwood, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’91.

Legal Aspects of Economics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Corporations and Economics. ii, 15, F.-My.
Econ. Conference. ii, 30.
Economic Theory. ii. 30.
Economics (adv).* ii, 15, O.-F.


Jacob H. Hollander, Assoc. in Economics.
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’94.

Development of Economic Theories. ii, 15, O.-F.
Financial Hist. of U. S. ii, 15, F.-My.
Economics (adv)*. ii, 15, F.-My.
Current Congressional Happenings.* i, 30.



2 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Hopkins Railway Library, about 10,000 vols.; Transportation, Railway History, Economics, and Law.


Amos G. Warner, Prof, of Applied Economics.
B.L., Nebraska, ’85; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’88;
Prof,of Pol. Econ., Nebraska, ’87-’91.

[Corporate Industry.* iii, 15, S.-D.]
[Personal Economics.* ii, 15, S.-D.]
Seminary. (With Ross and Durand.) ii, 32.


Edward A. Ross, Prof. of Sociology.
A.B., Coe Col., ’86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’91;
Prof. of Econ. and Social Science, Indiana, ’91-2; Assoc. Prof. of Pol. Econ, and Finance, Cornell, ’92-3.

[Economic Theory (adv). ii, 15, S.- D.]
[Sociology.* iii, 32.]


Mary R. Smith, Asst. Prof. of Social Sci.
Ph.B., Cornell, ’80, and M.S., ’82; Ph.D., Stanford, ‘96;
Instr. in Hist. and Econ., Wellesley, ’86- ’90.

[Statistics and Sociology.* iii, 17, Ja.-My.]


Edward D. Durand, Asst. Prof. of Finance and Administration.
A.B., Oberlin, ’93; Ph.D., Cornell, ’96;
Legislative Librarian, N. Y. State Library, ’96-7; Student, Berlin, ’97.

Practical Economic Questions.* iii, 17, Ja.-My.



10 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Henry C. Adams, Prof, of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
A.B., Iowa Col., ’74; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’78;
Lect., Johns Hopkins, and Cornell; Statistician to Interstate Commerce Commission: Special Expert Agent on Transportation, 11th Cens.; Director of Economics, School of Applied Ethics.

[Devel. and Significance of Eng. Pol. Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.]
Devel. and Significance of Hist. School of Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.
[Devel. and Significance of Austrian School of Econ. iii, 6, O.-N.]
Relations of the State to Industrial Action. iii, 6, F.-Mar.
[Labor Organizations and Corporations as Factors in Industrial Organization. iii, 6, F.-Mar.]
History of Industrial Society.* ii, 17, O.-F.
Transportation Problems. iii, 17, F.- Jun.
Sem. Economics. ii, 17, O.-F.


F. M. Taylor, Junior Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Finance.
A.B., Northwestern, ’76, and A.M., ‘79; Ph.D., Mich., ’88;
Prof. of Hist. and Politics, Albion, ’79-’92.

Hist. and Theory of Money and Banking.* ii, 17. O.-F.
Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Principles of Finance.* ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Sem. Economics. ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Socialism.* ii, 17; F.-Jun.
[The Value of Money, Theory, and Statistics. iii, 6, O.-N.]
[The Standard of Value. iii, 6, N.-D.]
Paper Money. iii, 6, O.-N.
[Social Philos., with spec. ref. to Econ. Probs. iii, 6, F.-Mar.]
[Credit as a factor in Production. iii, 6, Mar.-Ap.]
The Agricult. Problem. iii, 6, Mar.-Ap.


C. H. Cooley, Instr. in Sociology.
A.B., Mich., ’87; Ph.D., same, ’94.

Principles of Sociology.* iii, 17, O.-F. Problems, F.-Jun.
Sociology (adv).* ii, 17, F.-Jun.
Histor. Devel. of Sociolog. Thought. iii, 6, Ja.-F.
Nature and Process of Social Change. iii, 6, My.-Jun.
[Aims and Methods in Study of Society. iii, 6, Ja.-F.]
Social Psychology. iii, 6, My.-Jun.
[Current Changes in Social Organization of U. S. iii, 6, My.-Jun.]
[Theory of Population. iii, 6, Ja.-F.]
Theory of Statistics.* i, 34.
Special Studies in Statistics.* ii, 17, F.-Jun.



26 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


William W. Folwell, Prof. of Pol. Science.
A.B.,Hobart, ’57; A.M., ’60; LL.D., ’80;
Prof. Math., Hobart, ’59-’61; Prof. Math. and Engineering, Kenyon Col., ‘69; Pres., Univ. of Minn., ’69-’84.

Pol. Sci. Sem. i, 36.
Individual Research. ii, 36.


Frank L. McVey, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Ohio Wesleyan, ‘93; Ph.D., Yale, ‘95;
Instr. in Hist. Teachers’ College, N. Y., ’96.

Comparative Econ. Doctrine. ii, 36.
Economics.* iv, 13, S.-N.
Modern Industrialism.* iv, 12, Mar.-Jun.


Samuel G. Smith, Lecturer on Sociology.
A.B., Cornell Col., ’72; A.M.. and Ph.D., Syracuse, ’84; D.D., Upper Iowa Univ., ’86.

Social Sci.* iii, 12, Mar.-Jun.
Indiv. Research. i, 36.



3 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


F. C. Hicks, Prof, of Hist. and of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Univ. of Mich., ’86; Ph.D., same, ’90.

Economic History.* iii, 36.
Problems in Economics.* iii, 36.
Modern Financial Systems.* ii, 36.
Seminar. ii, 36



21 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Frank M. Colby, Prof. of Economics.
A.B., Columbia, ’88, and A.M., ’89.

Practical Economics. ii, 24.
Economic Theory. ii, 24.
Hist. of Indust. Devel. ii, 30.


I. F. Russell, Prof. of Sociology, and of Law in N. Y. U. Law School.

A.M., N. Y. U., ‘78; LL.M., Yale, ‘79; D.C.L., Yale, ‘80; LL.D., Dickinson, ‘93;
Prof. Econ., and Const. Law, N. Y. U., ’80-’93.

[Intro. to Sociology. ii, 30.]
Principles of Sociology. ii, 30.



6 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


John H. Gray, Prof. of Political and Social Science.
A.B., Harv., ‘87; Ph.D., Halle, ‘92;
Instr. in Econ., Harv., ’87-9.

Administration. ii, 36.
[Finance.* ii, 36.]
Seminary.* ii, 36.


William Caldwell, Prof. of Moral and Social Philosophy.
A.M., Pass Degree, Edinburgh, ’84; A.M., and Honors of First Class, same, ’86;
Asst. Prof. of Philos., same, ’88-’90; Instr., Cornell, ’90-1; Instr., Chicago, ’92-4; Fellow, Edinburgh, ’86-’93, and Sc.D., ’93.

Seminary. Ethical Philos.* ii, 36.
Seminary. Sociology.* iii, 36.



12 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Colwell Lib. of Pol. Econ., 7,000 vols. Carey Lib., valuable for economic history, including 3,000 Eng. pams. 1 Fel. $500 + tui; 1 Schol. in Hist. and Economics, $100 + tui.


Simon N. Patten, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.D., Halle.

Hist. of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, O.-F.
Recent Devel. of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, F.-My.
Relat. of Eng. Philos. to Econ. in 18th Cent. ii, 15, O.-F.
[Scope and Method of Pol. Econ. ii, 15, F.-My.]
[Pract. Applications of Econ. Theory. ii, 12, O.-F.]
Problems of Sociol. ii, 15, F.-My.
Special Topics. ii, 30.


Henry R. Seager, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
Ph.B., Mich., ‘90; Ph.D.. Univ. of Pa., ’94;
Instr. in Pol. Econ., same, ’94-6.

Econ. Conference. ii, 30.
Adv. Reading in Ger. and Fr. Economics. ii, 30.
Eng. Indust. Hist. and Devel. of Econ. Theory, 1750-1870. ii, 15, F.-My.


Emory R. Johnson, Asst. Prof. of Transportation and Commerce.
B.L., Univ. of Wis., ‘88; M.L., same, ’91; Fel. in Econ., Univ. of Pa., ’92-3; Ph.D., same, ‘93;
Lect. on Transporta., same, ’93-4; Instr., same, ’94-6; Instr. in Econ., Haverford, ’93-6.

Theory of Transportation. i, 30.
[Am. Railway Transportation. ii, 30. ]
Transportation Systems of the United Kingdom and Germany. i, 30.
Hist. of Commerce since 1500. 1, 30.


Roland P. Falkner, Assoc. Prof. of Statistics.
Ph.B., Univ. of Pa.. ’85; Ph.D., Halle, ‘88;
Instr. in Statistics, ’88-’91.

Intro. to Statistics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Statistics of Econ. Problems. ii, 15, F.-My.
Hist. and Theory of Statistics. ii, 15, O.-F.
Statistical Organization. ii, 15, F.-My.


Samuel McC. Lindsay, Asst. Prof. of Sociol.
Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., ’89; Ph.D., Halle, ’92.

Theory of Sociol. (2 yr. course). ii, 30.
Social-Debtor Classes. ii, 30.
Sociol. Field Work. ii, 30.
Seminary. ii, 30.



5 Graduate Students, 1887-8.
1 Fellowship, $500.


Winthrop M. Daniels, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Princeton, ’88, and A.M., ’90;
Instr. Wesleyan, ’91-2.

Public Finance.* ii, 18, S.-Ja.
Hist. of Pol. Econ.* ii, 18, F.-My.


W. A. Wyckoff, Lect. on Sociology.
A.B., Princeton, ’88, and A.M., ’91.

Sociology.* ii, 18, F.-My.



4 Graduate Students, 1897-8.
[See Harvard Courses marked “[R]”.]

Seminary in Econ. (With Prof. Taussig and Asst. Prof. Cummings.)


W. J. Ashley.

[Med. Econ. Hist. of Europe.* iii,30.]


Dr. Cunningham, Trinity Col., Cam. Eng.

Industrial Revolution in Eng. in 18th and 19th Cents.* iii, 15, F.-Jun.


G. S. Callender.

Econ. Hist. of U. S.*


Edward Cummings.

Princ. of Sociol.* iii, 30.


Edward Cummings and John Cummings.

Soc. and Econ. Conditions of Workingmen.* iii, 30.


John Cummings.

Statistics, Theory, Methods, Practice.*

(Of last three courses, two only will be given in 1898-9.)


F. Russell.

Gen. Anthropol.* —?



2 Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Frederick W. Moore, Adj. Prof. of Hist. and Econ.
A.B., Yale, ’86, and Ph.D., ’90


Chas. F. Emerick, Asst. in Economics.
A.B., Wittenberg, ’89; Ph.M., Mich., ’95; Ph.D., Columbia, ’97.

Theory of Pol. Econ. Growth of Corporate Industry. iii, 32.
A Study of Socialism.* iii, 16.



o Graduate Students, 1897-8.


Katharine Coman, Prof. of Hist. and Pol. Econ.
Ph.B., Mich., ’80.

Indust. Hist. of U. S.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
[Indust. Hist. of Eng.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.]
Statistical Study of Problems in the U.S. iii, 17, S.-Ja.


Emily Greene Balch, Instr. in Economics.
A.B., Bryn Mawr.

Socialism.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Evolution and Present Conditions of Wage Labor.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.
Social Economics.* iii, 17, S.-Ja.; also F.-Jun.



4 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

S. F. Weston, Assoc. Prof. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
A.B., Antioch, ’79, and A.M., ’85; Asst. in Economics, Columbia, ’92-4.

Social Theories.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Pauperism and Charities.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Money and Banking.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
U.S. Tariff and Revenue System. iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Economic History of England.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Economic History of United States.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
The State.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Civil Government.* iii, 16, S.-Ja.
Social Problems.* iii, 17, F.-Jun.
Economic Theories. iii, 36.



24 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Location at State capital gives special facilities for studying the State’s activities and methods of administration. Field work in charitable and correctional institutions in Madison and Chicago. Opportunity for continuous practical work during summer months.


Richard T. Ely, Prof. of Pol. Econ. and Director of the Sch. of Econ., Pol. Science and Hist.
A.B., Columbia, ’76; Ph.D., Heidelberg, ‘79; LL.D., Hobart, ’92;
Chair of Pol. Econ., Johns Hopkins, ’81-’92.

Distribution of Wealth. iii, 72, S.-Jun. (This course is to run through ’98- ’99, and ’99-1900.)
Public Finance. iii, 18, S.-F.
Taxation and Am. Public Finance. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
[Social Ethics. ii, 18, S.-F.]
[Socialism. ii, 18, S.-F.
Economic Seminary. Recent Devel. of Econ. Theory. ii, 36. (With Prof. Scott and Dr. Jones.)


William A. Scott, Prof. of Econ. Hist. and Theory.
A.B., Rochester, ‘86; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, ’92.
Prof. Hist. and Pol. Econ., Univ. So. Dak., ’87-’90; Instr. in Hist., Johns Hopkins, ’91-2;

[Theories of Value. ii, 18, S.-F.]
Theories of Rent, Wages, Profits, and Interest. ii, 36, S.-F.
[Theories of Production and Consumption. ii, 18, F.-Jun.]
Classical Economists. iii, 18, F.-Jun.


Edward D. Jones, Instr. in Econ. and Statistics.
B.S., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., ’92; Halle and Berlin, ’93-4; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, ’95.

Economic Geography. ii, 18, S.-F.
Statistics. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
Charity and Crime. iii, 18, S.-F.


Balthasar H. Meyer, Instr. in Sociol. and Transportation.
B.L., Univ. of Wis., ’94; Berlin, ’94-5; Fel. Univ. of Wis., ’95-7; Ph.D., Univ. of Wis., ’97.

Elements of Sociology.* iii, 18, S.-F.
Psychological Sociologists.* ii, 18, S.-F.
Modern Sociological Thought. iii, 18, F.-Jun.
Transportation. ii, 18, F.-Jun.


Frank C. Sharp, Asst. Prof. of Philos.
A.B., Amherst, ’87; Ph.D., Berlin, ’92.

Social Ethics. ii, 18, F.-Jun.
Readings in Ger. Social Philos. ii, 18, S.-F.



43 Graduate Students, 1897-8.

Pol. Science Club meets fortnightly. Club Room with Library for Graduate Students.


W. G. Sumner, Prof. of Pol. and Soc. Sci.
A.B., Yale, ’63; LL.D., Tenn., ’84.

Anthropology. ii, 32.
Systematic Societology. ii, 32.
[Indust. Rev. Renaissance Period. ii,32.]
[Begin. of Indust. Organization. ii,32.]
Science of Society.* (German.) ii, 32.


H. W. Farnam, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Yale, ’74; R.P.D., Strassburg, ’78.

[Pauperism. ii, O.-D.]
Modern Organiza. of Labor. ii, 20, Ja.-Jun.]
Princs. Pub. Finance. ii, 32.


A. T. Hadley, Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B., Yale, 76, and A.M., ’87.

Econ. Problems of Corporations. i, 32.
Relat. between Econ. and Ethics. ii, 32.
Railroad Transportation.* ii, 32.


A. T. Hadley and Irving Fisher.

Economics (gen. course).* iii, 32.


W. F. Blackman, Prof. of Christian Ethics.
A.B., Oberlin, ’77; D.B., Yale, ’80; Ph.D., Cornell, ’93.

Social Science. ii, 32.
Lit. of Social. ii, 12, O.-D.
Soc. Study of Family. i, 12, O.-D.
Soc. Teach. and Influence of Christianity. i, 32.


J. C. Schwab, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Science.
A.B., Yale, ’86, and A.M., ’88; Ph. D., Göttingen, ’89.

Finance. ii, 32.
U.S. Indust. Hist. ii, 32.
U.S. Financial Hist. i, 32.
Finances of Confed. States, 1861-65. i, 32.


Irving Fisher, Asst. Prof. of Pol. Econ.
A.B. Yale, ’88, and Ph.D., ’91.

Principles of Economics (adv). ii, 32.
Statistics. ii, 20, Ja.-Jun.
Vital Statistics and Life Insurance. ii, 12, O.-D.


Source:  Graduate Courses 1898-99: A Handbook for Graduate Students. (6th edition). (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1899), pp. 80-90.

Columbia Courses Curriculum

Columbia Economics. Course Offerings. 1905-07



An improved version of the following artfact has been posted here.


Courses Offered by the
and the several undergraduate faculties


Fifth Series, No. 10               March 25, 1905

Columbia University
Bulletin of Information

History, Economics and Public Law

Hathitrust copy




JOHN W. BURGESS, Ph.D., LL.D., Ruggles Professor of Political Science and Constitutional Law, and Dean

MUNROE SMITH, J.U.D., LL.D., Professor of Roman Law and Comparative Jurisprudence

FRANK J. GOODNOW, LL.D., Eaton Professor of Administrative Law and Municipal Science

EDWIN R. A. SELIGMAN [Absent on leave in 1905-06], Ph.D., LL.D., McVickar Professor of Political Economy

HERBERT L. OSGOOD, Ph.D., Professor of History

WILLIAM A. DUNNING, Ph.D., LL.D., Lieber Professor of History and Political Philosophy

JOHN BASSETT MOORE, LL.D., Hamilton Fish Professor of International Law and Diplomacy

FRANKLIN H. GIDDINGS, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Sociology

JOHN B. CLARK, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Political Economy

JAMES HARVEY ROBINSON, Ph.D., Professor of History

WILLIAM M. SLOANE, Ph.D., L. H.D., LL.D., Seth Low Professor of History

HENRY R. SEAGER, Ph.D., Professor of Political Economy, and Secretary

HENRY L. MOORE, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Political Economy

WILLIAM R. SHEPHERD, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of History

JAMES T. SHOTWELL [Absent on leave in 1905-06.], Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of History

GEORGE W. BOTSFORD, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of History

VLADIMIR G. SIMKHOVITCH, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Economic History

EDWARD THOMAS DEVINE, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Social Economy



RICHARD J. H. GOTTHEIL, Ph.D., Professor of the Semitic Languages

A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON, L.H.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages

EDWARD H. CASTLE, A.M., Professor of History in Teachers College

JOHN D. PRINCE, Ph.D., Professor of the Semitic Languages

FRIEDRICH HIRTH, Ph.D., Dean Lung Professor of Chinese

ARTHUR C. MCGIPFERT, Ph.D., D.D., Washburn Professor of Church History in Union Theological Seminary

FREDERICK JOSEPH KINSMAN, Professor of History in the General Theological Seminary

ALVIN S. JOHNSON, Ph.D., Instructor in Economics

GEORGE J. BAYLES, Ph.D., Lecturer in Ecclesiology

ELSIE CLEWS PARSONS, Ph.D., Lecturer in Sociology in Barnard College

LOUISE R. LOOMIS, A.M., Lecturer in History in Barnard College

CHARLES A. BEARD, Ph.D., Lecturer in History

PAUL L. HAWORTH, Ph.D., Tutor in History in Teachers College



Students are received as candidates for the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy under the Faculty of Political Science; for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science either in Columbia College or in Barnard College, and for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Teachers College. They are also permitted to pursue special or partial courses subject to the regulations of the Faculty in which they may register.

Certain courses which may be counted toward the several degrees are also offered in the Summer Session of the University.

Students enrolled in the General, the Union, the Drew, or the Jewish, Theological Seminary, or in the School of Philanthropy in the City of New York, who may have been designated for the privilege by the authorities of these institutions, and accepted by the President of Columbia University, are admitted to the courses offered by the Faculty of Political Science free of all charge for tuition. These institutions offer reciprocal privileges to the students of Columbia University.

Teachers College, founded in 1888, and Barnard College, founded in 1889, have now become parts of the educational system of Columbia University.


There are no examinations for admission to the graduate courses under the Faculty of Political Science. Students are admitted at any time during the year. They must, however, present themselves for registration at the opening of the first or second half-year in order to obtain full credit for residence. They may present themselves for examination for a degree whenever the requirements as to residence, and as to an essay or dissertation, have been complied with. For details see the announcement of the Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy, and Pure Science, which may be had on application to the Secretary of the University.

For conditions of admission to Columbia College, Barnard College, or Teachers College, see the circular upon entrance examinations, which may be had upon application to the Secretary of the University.

Those graduate courses which are open to undergraduates, are closed to women students unless given separately at Barnard College; but all purely graduate courses in History and Economics are open to women graduate students who have the first degree.

Students who register for graduate courses are supposed to be familiar with the outlines of European history, ancient and modern, as well as of American history. Students who are not thus prepared are strongly recommended to take the undergraduate courses.


Courses numbered from 1 to 99 are intended primarily for under- graduates and may not be counted towards the advanced degrees. Courses numbered from 100 to 199 are intended for both graduates and undergraduates. Courses numbered 200 and above are intended primarily for graduates. Odd numbers prefixed to courses indicate that they are given in the first half-year; even numbers that they are given in the second half-year. Courses which run through the year are given a double number.

For information with regard to degrees, fees, fellowships, scholarships, and expense of living, see the appropriate announcement either of the Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy and Pure Science, or of Columbia, Barnard, or Teachers College.


The Academic year begins thirty-seven weeks prior to Commencement, which occurs on the Wednesday nearest the 11th of June. For 1905-06 these dates will be, respectively, September 27, 1905, and June 13, 1906. It is divided into two half-years of fifteen weeks of instruction each. In 1905-06 the second half-year begins on February 5, 1906.

The exercises of the University are suspended on Election Day, Thanksgiving Day and the following two days, for two weeks at Christmas, from the Thursday before Good Friday through the following Monday, and on Memorial Day.

The complete Academic Calendar will be found in the University catalogue and so far as it refers to the students studying under any Faculty, in the announcement of that Faculty.


[p. 24]



It is presumed that students who take economics, sociology or social economy as their major subject are familiar with the general principles of economics and sociology as set forth in the ordinary manuals. Students who are not thus prepared are recommended to take the courses in Columbia College or Barnard College designated as Economics I and 2 (or A and 4) and Sociology 151-152.

The graduate courses fall under three subjects: A—Political Economy and Finance ; B—Sociology and Statistics; C—Social Economy.

Courses numbered 100 to 199 are open to Seniors in Columbia College.

Courses numbered 200 and above are open to graduate women students upon the same terms as to men.

All the courses are open to male auditors. Women holding the first degree may register as auditors in Courses numbered 200 and above.

Subject A—Political Economy and Finance

ECONOMICS 101-102—Taxation and Finance. Professor SELIGMAN.
M. and W. at 1.30. 422 L.

This course is historical, as well as comparative and critical. After giving a general introduction and tracing the history of the science of finance, it treats of the various rules of the public expenditures and the methods of meeting the same among civilized nations. It describes the different kinds of public revenues, including the public domain and public property, public works and industrial undertakings, special assessments, fees, and taxes. It is in great part a course on the history, theories, and methods of taxation in all civilized countries. It considers also public debt, methods of borrowing, redemption, refunding, repudiation, etc. Finally, it describes the fiscal organization of the state by which the revenue is collected and expended, and discusses the budget, national, state, and local. Although the course is comparative, the point of view is American. Students are furnished with the current public documents of the United States Treasury and the chief financial reports of the leading commonwealths, and are expected to understand all the facts in regard to public debt, revenue, and expenditure contained therein.

Given in 1906-07 and in each year thereafter.


ECONOMICS 103—Money and Banking. Professor H. L. MOORE.
Tu. and Th. at 10.30, first half-year. 415 L.

The aim of this course is (i) to describe the mechanism of exchange and to trace the history of the metallic money, the paper money, and

[p. 25]

the banking system of the United States; to discuss such questions as bi-metallism, foreign exchanges, credit cycles, elasticity of the currency, present currency problems, and corresponding schemes of reform; (2) to illustrate the quantitative treatment of such questions as variations in the value of the money unit, and the effects of appreciation and depreciation.


ECONOMICS 104—Commerce and Commercial Policy. Dr. JOHNSON.
Tu. and Th. at 10.30, second half-year. 415 L.

In this course the economic bases of modern commerce, and the significance of commerce, domestic and foreign, in its relation to American industry, will be studied. An analysis will be made of the extent and character of the foreign trade of the United States, and the nature and effect of the commercial policies of the principal commercial nations will be examined.


ECONOMICS 105—The Labor Problem. Professor SEAGER.
Tu. and Th. at 11.30, first half-year. 415 L.

The topics considered in this course are: The rise of the factory system, factory legislation, the growth of trade unions and changes in the law in respect to them, the policies of trade unions, strikes, lockouts, arbitration and conciliation, proposed solutions of the labor problem, and the future of labor in the United States.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.


ECONOMICS 106—The Trust Problem. Professor SEAGER.
Tu. and Th. at 11.30, second half-year. 415 L.

In this course special attention is given to the trust problem as it presents itself in the United States. Among the topics considered are the rise and progress of industrial combinations, the forms of organization and policies of typical combinations, the common law and the trusts, anti-trust acts and their results, and other proposed solutions of the problem.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.


[ECONOMICS 107—Fiscal and Industrial History of the United States. Professor SELIGMAN
M. and W. at 3.30, first half-year. 415 L.

This course endeavors to present a survey of national legislation on currency, finance, and taxation, including the tariff, together with its relations to the state of industry and commerce. The chief topics discussed are: The fiscal and industrial conditions of the colonies; the financial methods of the Revolution and the Confederation; the genesis of the protective idea; the fiscal policies of the Federalists and of the Republicans; the financial management of the War of 1812; the industrial effects of the restrictive and war periods; the crises of 1819, 1825, and 1837; the tariffs of 1816, 1824, and 1828; the distribution of the surplus and the Bank war; the currency problems before 1863; the era of

[p. 26]

“free trade,” and the tariffs of 1846 and 1857; the fiscal problems of the Civil War; the methods of resumption, conversion and payment of the debt; the disappearance of the war taxes; the continuance of the war tariffs; the money question and the acts of 1878, 1890, and 1900; the loans of 1894-96; the tariffs of 1890, 1894, and 1897; the fiscal aspects of the Spanish War. The course closes with a discussion of the current problems of currency and trade, and with a general consideration of the arguments for and against protection as illustrated by the practical operations of the various tariffs. Not given in 1905-07.]


[ECONOMICS 108— Railroad Problems; Economic, Social, and Legal. Professor SELIGMAN.
M. and W. at 3.30, second half-year. 415 L.

These lectures treat of railroads in the fourfold aspect of their relation to the investors, the employees, the public, and the state respectively. A history of railways and railway policy in America and Europe forms the preliminary part of the course. The chief problems of railway management, so far as they are of economic importance, come up for discussion.

Among the subjects treated are: Financial methods, railway constructions, speculation, profits, failures, accounts and reports, expenses, tariffs, principles of rates, classification and discrimination, competition and pooling, accidents, and employers’ liability. Especial attention is paid to the methods of regulation and legislation in the United States as compared with European methods, and the course closes with a general discussion of state versus private management.

Not given in 1905-07.]


ECONOMICS 109 — Communistic and Socialistic Theories. Professor CLARK.
Tu. and Th. at 2.30, first half-year. 406 L.

This course studies the theories of St. Simon, Fourier, Proudhon, Rodbertus, Marx, Lassalle, and others. It aims to utilize recent discoveries in economic science in making a critical test of these theories themselves and of certain counter-arguments. It examines the socialistic ideals of distribution, and the effects that, by reason of natural laws, would follow an attempt to realize them through the action of the state.


ECONOMICS 110 — Theories of Social Reform. Professor CLARK.
Tu. and Th. at 2.30, second half-year. 406 L.

This course treats of certain plans for the partial reconstruction of industrial society that have been advocated in the United States, and endeavors to determine what reforms are in harmony with economic principles. It treats of the proposed single tax, of the measures advocated by the Farmers’ Alliance, and of those proposed by labor organizations, and the general relation of the state to industry.

[p. 27]

ECONOMICS 201—Economic Readings I: Classical English Economists. Professor SEAGER.
Tu. and Th. at 11.30, first half-year. 415 L.

In this course the principal theories of the English economists from Adam Smith to John Stuart Mill are studied by means of lectures, assigned readings and reports, and discussions. Special attention is given to the Wealth of Nations, Malthus’s Essay on Population, the bullion controversy of 1810, the corn law controversy of 1815, and the treatises on Political Economy of Ricardo, Senior, and John Stuart Mill.

Given in 1905-06 and in alternate years thereafter.


ECONOMICS 202—Economic Readings II: Contemporary Economists. Professor SEAGER.
Tu. and Th. at 11.30, second half-year. 415 L.

In this course the theories of contemporary economists are compared and studied by the same methods employed in Economics 201. Special attention is given to Böhm-Bawerk’s Positive Theory of Capital and Marshall’s Principles of Economics.

Given in 1905-06 and in alternate years thereafter.


ECONOMICS 203-204—History of Economics. Professor SELIGMAN.
M. and W. at 3.30. 415 L.

In this course the various systems of political economy are discussed in their historical development. The chief exponents of the different schools are taken up in their order, and especial attention is directed to the wider aspects of the connection between the theories and the organization of the existing industrial society. The chief writers discussed are:

I.     Antiquity: The Oriental Codes; Plato, Aristotle, Xenophon, Cato, Seneca, Cicero, the Agrarians, the Jurists.

II.   Middle Ages: The Church Fathers, Aquinas, the Glossators, the writers on money, trade, and usury.

III. Mercantilists: Hales, Mun, Petty, Barbon, North, Locke; Bodin, Vauban, Boisguillebert, Forbonnais; Serra, Galiani; Justi, Sonnenfels.

IV.  Physiocrats: Quesnay, Gournay, Turgot, Mirabeau.

V.   Adam Smith and precursors: Tucker, Hume, Cantillon, Stewart.

VI.  English school: Malthus, Ricardo, Senior, McCulloch, Chalmers, Jones, Mill.

VII. The Continent: Say, Sismondi, Cournot, Bastiat; Herrmann, List, von Thünen.

VIII. German historical school: Roscher, Knies, Hildebrandt.

IX.   Recent DevelopmentEngland: Rogers, Jevons, Cairnes, Bagehot, Leslie, Toynbee, Marshall; Germany: Wagner, Schmoller, Held, Brentano, Cohn, Schäffle; Austria: Menger, Sax, Böhm-Bawerk, Wieser; France: Leroy Beaulieu, Laveleye, Gide, Walras; Italy: Cossa, Loria, Pantaleoni; America: Carey, George, Walker, Clark, Patten, Adams.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.

[p. 28]

ECONOMICS 205—Economic Theory I. Professor CLARK.
M. and W. at 2.30, first half-year. 406 L.

This course discusses, first, the static laws of distribution. If the processes of industry were not changing, wages and industry would tend to adjust themselves according to certain standards. A study of the mechanism of production would then show that one part of the product is specifically attributable to labor, and that another part is imputable to capital. It is the object of the course to show that the tendency of free competition, under such conditions, is to give to labor, in the form of wages, the amount that it specifically creates, and also to give to capital, in the form of interest, what it specifically produces. The theory undertakes to prove that the earnings of labor and of capital are governed by a principle of final productivity, and that this principle must be studied on a social scale, rather than in any one department of production. The latter part of this course enters the field of Economic Dynamics, defines an economic society and describes the forces which so act upon it as to change its structure and its mode of producing and distributing wealth.


ECONOMICS 206—Economic Theory II. Professor CLARK.
M. and W. at 2.30, second half-year. 406 L.

This course continues the discussion of the dynamic laws of distribution. The processes of industry are actually progressing. Mechanical invention, emigration and other influences cause capital and labor to be applied in new ways and with enlarging results. These influences do not even repress the action of the static forces of distribution, but they bring a new set of forces into action. They create, first, employers’ profits, and, later, additions to wages and interest. It is the object of the course to show how industrial progress affects the several shares in distribution under a system of competition, and also to determine whether the consolidations of labor and capital, which are a distinctive feature of modern industry, have the effect of repressing competition.

It is a further purpose of the course to present the natural laws by which the increase of capital and that of labor are governed and to discuss the manner in which the earnings of these agents are affected by the action of the state, and to present at some length the character and the effects of those obstructions which pure economic law encounters in the practical world.


ECONOMICS 207—Theory of Statistics. Professor H. L. MOORE.
Tu. and Th. at 1.30, first half-year. 418 L.

The aim of this course is to present the elementary principles of statistics and to illustrate their application by concrete studies in the chief sources of statistical material. The theoretical part of the course

[p. 29]

includes the study of averages, index numbers, interpolation, principles of the graphic method, elements of demography, and statistical principles of insurance. The laboratory work consists of a graded series of problems designed to develop accuracy and facility in the application of principles. (Identical with Sociology 255.)


ECONOMICS 208—Quantitative Economics I: Advanced Statistics. Professor H. L. MOORE.
W. and F. at 11.30, second half-year. 418 L.

Quantitative Economics I and II (see Economics 210) investigate economics as an exact science. This course treats economics from the inductive, statistical side. It aims to show how the methods of quantitative biology and anthropology are utilized in economics and sociology. Special attention is given to recent contributions to statistical theory by Gallon, Edgeworth, and Pearson. Economics 207, or an equivalent, is a prerequisite.

Given in 1905-06 and in alternate years thereafter.


ECONOMICS 210—Quantitative Economics II: Mathematical Economics. Professor H. L. MOORE.
W. and F. at 11.30, second half-year. 418 L.

This course treats economics from the deductive side. It aims to show the utility of an analytical treatment of economic laws expressed in symbolic form. The work of Cournot is presented and used as a basis for the discussion of the contributions to the mathematical method by Walras, Marshall, and Pareto. Economics 207, or an equivalent, is a prerequisite.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.


ECONOMICS 241—The Economic and Social Evolution of Russia since 1800. Professor SIMKHOVITCH.
M. and F. at 9.30, first half-year. 418 L.

This course describes the economic development of the country, the growth of slavophil, liberal and revolutionary doctrines and parties, and the disintegration of the autocratic regime. (Identical with History 281.)


ECONOMICS 242—Radicalism and Social Reform as Reflected in the Literature of the Nineteenth Century. Professor SIMKHOVITCH.
M. at 9.30 and 10.30, second half-year. 418 L.

An interpretation of the various types of modern radicalism, such as socialism, nihilism, and anarchism, and of the social and economic conditions on which they are based.


ECONOMICS 291-292—Seminar in Political Economy and Finance. Professors SELIGMAN and CLARK.
For advanced students. Tu., 8.15-10.15 P.M. 301 L.

[p. 30]

Subject B—Sociology and Statistics

SOCIOLOGY 151-152—Principles of Sociology. Professor GIDDINGS.
Tu. and Th. at 3.30. 415 L.

This is a fundamental course, intended to lay a foundation for advanced work. In the first half-year, in connection with a text-book study of theory, lectures are given on the social traits, organization, and welfare of the American people at various stages of their history and students are required to analyze and classify sociological material of live interest, obtained from newspapers, reviews, and official reports. In the second half-year lectures are given on the sociological systems of important writers, including Montesquieu, Comte, Spencer, Schäffle, De Greef, Gumplowicz, Ward, and Tarde. This course is the proper preparation for statistical sociology (Sociology 255 and 256) or for historical sociology (Sociology 251 and 252).


SOCIOLOGY 251—Social Evolution—Ethnic and Civil Origins. Professor GIDDINGS
F. at 2.30 and 3.30, first half-year. 415 L.

This course on historical sociology deals with such topics as (i) the distribution and ethnic composition of primitive populations ; (2) the types of mind and of character, the capacity for cooperation, the cultural beliefs, and the economic, legal, and political habits of early peoples ; (3) early forms of the family, the origins, structure, and functions of the clan, the organization of the tribe, the rise of the tribal federations, tribal feudalism, and the conversion of a gentile into a civil plan of social organization. Early literature, legal codes, and chronicles, descriptive of the Celtic and Teutonic groups which combined to form the English people before the Norman Conquest, are the chief sources made use of in this course.


SOCIOLOGY 252—Social Evolution—Civilization, Progress, and Democracy. Professor GIDDINGS.
F. at 2.30 and 3.30, second half-year. 415 L.

This course, which is a continuation of Sociology 251, comprises three parts, namely: (i) The nature of those secondary civilizations which are created by conquest, and of the policies by which they seek to maintain and to extend themselves; (2) an examination of the nature of progress and of its causes, including the rise of discussion and the growth of public opinion ; also a consideration of the policies by which continuing progress is ensured,—including measures for the expansion of intellectual freedom, for the control of arbitrary authority by legality, for the repression of collective violence, and for the control of collective impulse by deliberation ; (3) a study of the nature, the genesis, and the social organization of modern democracies, including an examination of the extent to which non-political associations for culture and pleasure, churches, business corporations, and labor unions, are more or less democratic; and of the democratic ideals of equality and fraternity in their relations

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to social order and to liberty. The documents of English history since the Norman Conquest are the chief sources made use of in this course.


SOCIOLOGY 255—Theory of Statistics. Professor H. L. MOORE.
Tu. and Th. at 1.30, first half-year. 418 L.
This course is identical with Economics 207 (see pages 28-29).


SOCIOLOGY 256—Social Statistics. Professor GIDDINGS.
Tu. and Th. at 1.30, second half-year. 418 L.

Actual statistical materials, descriptive and explanatory of contemporaneous societies, are the subject-matter of this course, which presupposes a knowledge of statistical operations (Sociology 255) and applies it to the analysis of concrete problems. The lectures cover such topics as (i) the statistics of population, including densities and migrations, composition by age, sex, and nationality, amalgamation by intermarriage; (2) statistics of mental traits and products, including languages, religious preferences, economic preferences (occupations), and political preferences; (3) statistics of social organization, including families, households, municipalities, churches, business corporations, labor unions, courts of law, army, navy, and civil service; (4) statistics of social welfare, including peace and war, prosperity, education or illiteracy, vitality, and morality, including pauperism and crime.


SOCIOLOGY 259—Ecclesiology. Dr. BAYLES.
Tu. and F. at 4.30, first half-year. 405 L.

The purpose of this course is to define the present relations of the ecclesiastical institutions to the other institutions of American society: the state, the government, marriage, family, education, and public wealth. An analysis is made of the guarantees of religious liberty contained in the federal and commonwealth constitutions; of the civil status of churches in terms of constitutional and statute law; of the methods of incorporation, of the functions of trustees, of legislative and judicial control ; of denominational polity according to its type ; of the functional activity of churches in their departments of legislation, administration, adjudication, discipline, and mission ; of the influence of churches on ethical standards ; of the distribution of nationalities among the denominations, of the territorial distribution of denominational strength, of the relation of polity to density of population, and of the current movements in and between various organizations tending toward changes of functions and structure.


SOCIOLOGY 279-280—Seminar in Sociology. Professor GIDDINGS.
W. at 3.30 and 4.30, bi-weekly. 301 L.

The Statistical Laboratory, conducted by Professors GIDDINGS and H. L. MOORE, is equipped with the Hollerith tabulating machines, comptometers, and other modern facilities.

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Subject C—Social Economy

SOCIAL ECONOMY 281—Poverty and Dependence. Professor DEVINE.
Th. and F. at 4.30, first half-year. 418 L.

The purpose of this course and of Social Economy 282, which follows, is to study dependence and measures of relief, and to analyze the more important movements which aim to improve social conditions. An at- tempt is made to measure the extent of dependence, both in its definite forms, as in charitable and penal institutions, and in its less recognized and definite forms, as when it results in the lowering of the standard of living or the placing of unreasonably heavy burdens upon children or widows. Among the special classes of social debtors which are studied, besides the paupers, the vagrants, the dissipated, and the criminals, who require discipline or segregation as well as relief, are: Orphans and other dependent children; the sick and disabled; the aged and infirm; the widow and the deserted family; the immigrant and the displaced laborer; the underfed and consequently short-lived worker.

Given in 1905—06 and in alternate years thereafter.


SOCIAL ECONOMY 282—Principles of Relief. Professor DEVINE.
Th. and F. at 4.30, second half-year. 418 L.

In this course the normal standard of living is considered concretely to secure a basis from which deficiencies may be estimated. A large number of individual typical relief problems are presented, and from these, by a “case system,” analogous to that of the modern law school, the principles of relief are deduced. Among the larger movements to be considered are: Charity organization; social settlements; housing re- form; the elimination of disease; the restriction of child labor; and the prevention of overcrowding, and especially the congestion of population in the tenement-house districts of the great cities.

Given in 1903-06 and in alternate years thereafter.


SOCIAL ECONOMY 283—Pauperism and Poor Laws. Professor SEAGER.
M. at 3.30 and 4.30, first half-year. 418 L.

This is an historical and comparative course intended to supplement Social Economy 281 and 282. Lectures on the history of the English poor law are followed by discussions of farm colonies, the boarding-out system for children, old-age pensions, and other plans of relief currently advocated in England. On this basis the public relief problems of New York State and City and the institutions attempting their solution are studied by means of excursions, lectures, and discussions.


SOCIAL ECONOMY 285—The Standard of Living. Professor DEVINE.
Th. and F. at 4.30, first half-year. 418 L.

A concrete study of the standard of living in New York City in the classes which are above the line of actual dependence, but below or near the line of full nutrition and economic independence. While this course

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will not be given in the year 1905-06, assignments will be made in the School of Philanthropy for research in such portions of this field as suit- ably prepared students may elect to undertake.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.


SOCIAL ECONOMY 286—The Prevention and Diminution of Crime. Professor DEVINE.
Th. and F. at 4.30, second half-year. 418 L.

This course will deal with the social function of the penal and police systems. Special attention will be given to such subjects as juvenile courts; the probation system; indeterminate sentence; treatment of discharged prisoners; the system of local jails; segregation of incorrigibles, and prison labor.

Given in 1906-07 and in alternate years thereafter.


SOCIAL ECONOMY 290—Crime and Criminal Anthropology. Professor GlDDINGS.

Students desiring to make a special study of crime, criminal anthropology, and the theory of criminal responsibility may take the lectures of Sociology 256 or of Social Economy 286 and follow prescribed readings under the direction of Professor GIDDINGS.


SOCIAL ECONOMY 299-300—Seminar in Social Economy. Professor DEVINE.
Two hours a week. Hours to be arranged.

The work of the Seminar for 1905-07 will be a study of recent develop- ments in the social and philanthropic activities of New York City; e. g., the social settlements; parks and playgrounds ; outside activities of pub- lic schools; children’s institutions ; relief societies ; agencies for the aid of immigrants, and the preventive work of organized charities.



The School of Philanthropy, conducted by the Charity Organization Society, under the direction of Professor Devine, offers courses [These courses are given in the United Charities Building, corner Fourth Avenue and 22d Street] aggregating not less than ten hours a week throughout the academic year, and also a Summer School course of six weeks in June and July. These courses are open to regular students of Columbia University who satisfy the director that they are qualified to pursue them with profit, and are accepted as a minor for candidates for an advanced degree.

The program of studies for 1905-06 is as follows:

A—General survey (forty lectures) ; B—Dependent families (fifty lectures); C—Racial traits and social conditions (thirty-five lectures); D—Constructive social work (fifty lectures) ; £—Child-helping agencies (forty lectures); F—Treatment of the criminal (thirty lectures); G—Administration of charitable and educational institutions (thirty lectures); H—The State in its relation to charities and correction (forty lectures).

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ECONOMICS 1-2—Introduction to Economics—Practical Economic Problems. Professors SELIGMAN and SEAGER, and Dr. JOHNSON.
Section 1, M. and W. at 9.30, and F. at 11.30. Section 2, M., W., and F. at 11.30. M. and W. recitations in 415 L. F. lecture in 422 L.



ECONOMICS A—Outlines of Economics. Professor MOORE and Dr. JOHNSON.
Three hours, first half-year. Section 1, Tu., Th., and S. at 9.30. Section 2, Tu. and Th. at 11.30, and S. at 9.30.


ECONOMICS 4—Economic History of England and the United States. Professor MOORE and Dr. JOHNSON.
M., W., and F. at 10.30, second half-year.


ECONOMICS 105—The Labor Problem. Professor SEAGER.
Tu. and Th. at 1.30, first half-year. The topics treated in this course are the rise of the factory system, factory legislation, the growth of trade unions and changes in the law in respect to them, the policies of trade unions, strikes, lockouts, arbitration and conciliation, proposed solutions of the labor problem, and the future of labor in the United States.


ECONOMICS 120—Practical Economic Problems. Professor SEAGER.
Tu. and Th. at 1.30, second half-year.

The topics treated in this course are the defects in the monetary and banking systems of the United States, government expenditures and government revenues, protection vs. free trade, the relation of the government towards natural monopolies, and federal control of trusts.


ECONOMICS 121—English Social Reformers. Professor MOORE.
W. and F. at 1.30, first half-year.

A critical study of the social teachings of Carlyle, Ruskin, John Stuart Mill, Kingsley, and Thomas H. Green.
Open to students that have taken Course A or an equivalent.


ECONOMICS 122—Economic Theory. Professor MOORE.
W. and F. at 1.30, second half-year.

A critical study of Marshall’s Principles of Economics. The principal aim of this course is to present the methods and results of recent economic theory.
Open to students that have taken Course A or an equivalent.

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ECONOMICS 109—Communistic and Socialistic Theories. Professor CLARK.
Tu. and Th. at 11.30, first half-year.

In this course a brief study is made of the works of St. Simon, Fourier, Proudhon, Owen, and Lassalle, and a more extended study is made of Marx’s treatise on capital. Recent economic changes, such as the formation of trusts and strong trade unions, are examined with a view to ascertaining what effect they have had on the modern socialistic movement.


ECONOMICS 110—Theories of Social Reform. Professor CLARK.
Tu. and Th. at 11.30, second half-year.

In this course a study is made of modern semi-socialistic movements and of such reforms as have for their object the improvement of the condition of the working class. Municipal activities, factory legislation, the single tax, recent agrarian movements and measures for the regulation of monopolies are studied.


SOCIOLOGY 151-152—Principles of Sociology. Professor GIDDINGS.
Tu. and Th. at 2.30.

This is a fundamental course, intended to lay a foundation for advanced work. In the first half-year, in connection with a text-book study of theory, lectures are given on the social traits, organization, and welfare of the American people at various stages of their history, and students are required to analyze and classify sociological material of live interest, obtained from newspapers, reviews, and official reports. In the second half-year, lectures are given on the sociological systems of important writers, including Montesquieu, Comte, Spencer, Schäffle, De Greef, Gumplowicz, Ward, and Tarde.


SOCIOLOGY 153-154 —Family Organization. Dr. ELSIE CLEWS PARSONS.
Tu. at 3.30, bi-weekly.

Field work in the study of family groups. Consultations.
Open to Seniors.

In connection with the lectures and field work of this course opportunities are given to students to become acquainted with the more important private institutions for social betterment in New York City, and to study the organization and activity of the various public agencies charged with the welfare of the community.



sA—Economic History of England and America. Lectures, recitations, and essays. Dr. JOHNSON.
Five hours a week at 1.30. 501 F. Credit I
(Equivalent, when supplemented by prescribed reading, to Economics 4.)

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sB—Principles of Economics. Lectures and class discussions. Dr. JOHNSON.
Five hours a week at 2.30. 501 F. Credit I.
(Equivalent, when supplemented by prescribed reading, to Economics I.)


sA1—Principles of Sociology. Descriptive and theoretical. Professor GIDDINGS.
Five hours a week at 10.30. 415 L. Credit I, II.
(Equivalent to Sociology 151)


sA2—Principles of Sociology. History of sociological theory. Professor GIDDINGS.
Five hours a week at 9.30. 415 L. Credit I, II.
(Equivalent to Sociology 152.)
